The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 21, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The Lexington Dispa ch. G. M. Harmax, Editor and Publisher. Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, S. C., as second class matter. The subscription price of the Dispatch is $1 a year; 50 cents fcr six months; 25 cents for three months?invariably cash - in advance. !> ? ? g|: Circulation, 2,278. Wednesday, November 21,1906. The Press of |the ? State seems to have gone into rapture about the coming of the immigrants in the Witfcekind last^week. We confess that our foggyism does notjpermit us to be thrown into ecstasy about the matter. We are willing to watch this experiment, and to hopejfchat it may result in all that is expected of it by its promoters, bntjwejare not going into fits about its success until we have some assurance that it is a real success. We have no objection to a reason. able flow of desirable immigrants into our midst, but we want theselpeople . to come here fully realizing the condition they are to contend with, and without having false hopes raised in ?2gp| their minds by over zealous immigrant agents. * The movement to succeed permanently, must be laid in a true - representation to these people of our conditions, our scale of wages and all that. May be, the coming of the Wittekind means the solution of our labor L v problem, each day becoming more and more vexed, and may be, itmeans the beginning of all [.kinds of socil Pp economic and political ills of which we are now comparatively^free. I We would like to call the attention H of the city government to the condition of the streets in the town of Lexington. On every side there is room for improvement. The sidewalks are |\ full of rocks, roots and other obstacles which the traveling- public comes in <j>ntaetwith after night fall. We notice, also, that every little rain finds a place topnddle?water remains in the streets and it is almost impossible to cross from one street to the othtfr without having to wade through mud and water. These f conditions should be remedied at once. The tame for sleet and snow is here, and unless the drains are opened and the streets and sidewalks elevated to a v c >rtain degree, mud and water will "be found on^every side, thus making it impossible to stand on dry ground anywhere. We mention this not because we are born kickers, but having the best interest of the town at heart, we feel that it is but just and right that the mayor and aldermen should take this matter in hand and have fJtMA nonditioTiB iwrifidiftd ggg The unveiling of thje Hampton monument in Columbia yesterday was attended by one of the largest crowds in the history of that city. The old soldiers, though few in number, were tiiere; the United Sons of Confederate Veterans were there in numbers as Wk well as the daughters?all to do honor to the unveiling of the monument to the great hero of Seventy-six. . = The Fairfax Enterprise, which wr s 8) ably edited by Mrs. Virginia D. Young until her death some weafcs ago, will be continued by her husband, Dr. Young. The editor will be Mrs. Sake D. Meehan, who is interested with her husband, Mr. John -T. Meehan, in the conduct of the Carolina Citizen at Jefferson. i. "Does South Carolina honor Tinman?" asks the Atlanta Georgian. "Well, he continues to get popular majorities in elections for United States senator in which he has a personal interest."?Columbia Record. We lift onr hat to the Aiken Recorder. On .Monday, the 19th, it made its appearance as a semi-weekly, and will hereafter be published on Monday and Friday. Wm. R. Hearst, of New York, in an interview declares that he will never jivuuivo ogatu< The Christmas Delineator. The December Delineator is a typif cal Christmas number. It is sufficiently premature to assist Christmas makers with its hints for Christmas gifts and holiday entertainments, besdes containing an abundance of seasonable literature calculated to fit in from now until New Year's Day. The usual amount of spice is devoted t) up-to-date fashions in garments and millinery, and practical papers i j ^ - ana departments lur uuuseaeepers. Obituary. Lydia, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abel Welle, was born October 31,1890, and departed this life November 15, 1906, making her stay on earth 16 years and 15 days. The funeral services were conducted by A. W. Rodgers. } Dear one, oh how we miss you; Your voice i9 heard no more on earth. Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep, From which none ever wake9 to weep. J. W. "SUB JUT LIFE" ?That's what a prominent druggist said of Scott's Emulsion a short time ago. As a rule we don't use or refer to testimonials in addressing the public, but the above remark and similar expressions are made so often in connection with Scott's Emulsion | that they are worthy of occasional note. From infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means of remedying improper and weak development, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing waste. The action of Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret than the composition of the Emuision itself. What it does ! i it does through nourishment?the kind of nourishment that cannot be obtained in ordinary food. No system is too weak or to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. tWe will send you a 'sample free. Be sure that this picture in the form ot a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you j SCOTT & BOWKE Chemists 409 Pearl St., R. Y. 50c. and $1; all druggists. Character in the Tongue. Germany ha9 taken up the pastime of reading character and telling fortunes by the tongue. Somebody has been making study of the organ of speech has discovered that it i9 full of indications. A long tongue is said to denote openness of character. It suggests generosity and free handedness. Its possession makts friends and enemies easily, but doesn't save money. When the tongue is long and thick the openness degenerates into a tendency to gossip and scandal. The future of the owr - is beset with troubled of his own making. It also indicates flightiness and inconstancy. Short tongues indicate secretiveness and dissimulation. Their owners make good detectives and attorneys. Tlie owner may acquire some money by economy and guile, but has not largeness of spirit to make a great fortune. Very thin pointed tongues are found in diffident people who do not succeed in life. Short and broad ones accompany craft and falsehood; the person who has such a tongue is compelled by it to deceive and b 3 tray, whatever effort he may make to keep straight. The vibrant, quavering tongue denotes the artic temperament. Brilliant carmine hue is a sign of long life, pale pink tongue denotes both weakness of character and delicacy of constitution. "If it's all true," says a German newspaper, "it is lucky'that it is only at the doctor and not at our friend's that we stick out our tongues." Resohtims of Respect. Whereas, it has pleased God in his infinite wisdom, to take unto himself oir beloved brother and deacon, J. A. Derrick. Be it resolved, 1st. That in his death Lexington church has lost a devoted member and Sunday school worker. 5 2nd. That while we sorrow over this sad dispensation we recognize our heavenly Father's own hand, and submissively bow to his will, knowing "He doeth all things well." 3rd. That a page of our church book be dedicated to his memory. 4th. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family, expressing our deep sympathy in their sore affliction, and that a copy be sent for publication to the Lexington Dispatch. T. C. Sturkie, W. A. Harman, Miss Sue Corley, committee. Bring, send or phone your job orders to the Dispatch, All orders executed in the latest style. Ring No. 11, Citizens Phone. NOTICE! From now until Christmas I 1,200 WORTH OF RE At greatly reduced prices. Til to save all they can on their pi This stock of Clothing consis Boy's Suits from - - - Children's Suits, from - Now is the time to get a ba ments. Come before the Holid J. C. C BATESBUKG, I 1 1 MUftll rtliti t I ** * j ALFRED J. FOX, [ ! Life Insurance, J ! Health Insurance, ! ( > J Accident Insurance, ( ! Fire Insurance, I j REAL ESTATE AGENT, j I LEXINGTON, - S. C. I j FOR S.AX.E. | 1 One valuable lot and improve- > in tVia tnmi r?f T.ovintrrnri ? liiCJULlO Ail Ir'UV W * ? ** V* WMJ < s. c. > < One lot with good two story [ j dwelling on Main street, Lexing- | ( ton, S. C.x > < Dwelling house and lot on upper [ j Main Street, Lexington, S. C. \ i One resident lot on upper Main > ] street, Lexington, S. C, j J One valuble lot in the town of ( i Lexington, S. 0. i 1 One lot near Lexington Depot. ' ] 12 Acres j ust outside incorporate | i limits, Lexington, S. C. > < 6 Acres very near Lexington, 1 J S,C. | i 111 Acres good farm land 4 > j miles north Shumperts, 6 miles [ | north Gilbert. 40 acres open land > { ?dwelling and barn. > * Store building and lot on Main J | street, Lexington, S. C. j i House and lot in town Lexing- > j ton?? acre land; 6-room dwelling. j j BE1TT. | | Two store rooms, one warehouse [ < Lexington, S. C. > < One 2 story dwelling Lexington, > | S. C. | j Write or call to see me ; j at THE HOME BANK. ( Backache ruiy pciouu iwviug u n^, kidney pains or bladder trouble who will take two or three Pine-ules upon retiring at night shallbe relieved before morning. The medicinal virtues of the crude gums and resins ob*** w tained from the Native Pine iave been recognized by the medical profession for centuries. In Pine-ules we offer 111 of the virtues of the Native Pine that are of value in relieving all Kidney and Bladder Troubles Guaranteed to Girt Satisfaction or Money Refunded. Prepared by PINE-ULB MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO Sold by Eaufinann Drug Co. For" V INSURANCE, LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT. SEE E. G. Dreher, LEXINGTON, S. C. Strongest and Best Companies BACK AT MY POST. I DESIRE TO STATE TO MY friends that I am again in the clothing and Gents Furnishing department of the -well known and popular firm of J. L. Mimnaugh & Co.. Columbia, where I am prepared with an immense stock of goods to suit my friends and customers in selections and prices. Call to see me if you need anything in this department and I guarantee to please you. H. Newton Monts. Nov. 5?lrn4. Valuable Land for Sale. I will sell before the court house door on the first Monday in December, next, my old home place on Saluda river, 62 b acres; 25 acres, the Swygert land, river 1 a~i? ? nnor t.QTinor+ATl LKJUUULIS j Ulie U auc lun "cat "V"-txxg, wt^ | depot with good rock quarry on same; 90 acres 1 ? mile of Lexington of good fanning land, 40 acres open, with dwelling and tenant houses; Seven room house and lot and good barn in town of Lexington; Six mules, two wagons and 50 tons peavine hay. Reasons for selling, am going to another section of the State to engage in other business. Terms made known on day of sale or on application to Jeff B. AancK, 4w4 , Lexington, S. C. Notice Trespassers. THIS IS TO NOTIFY ALL PERSONS not to hunt, fish or trespass in any way upon lands of Mrs. M. A. Hook, in Duch Fork and near Irmo, S. C. The law will positively be enforced against all trespassers. J. S. Hook. NOTICE!! propose to Sell something over ADY MADE CLOTHING nes are hard and it pays people irchases. ts of Men's Suits from $5.00 up. $3.00 up. . - 75cts up. irgain in Ready to Wear Garays' begin and avoid the rush. LOVER, s. c. ? OVEMOAT^ ^ E!' OVERCOATS AND RAIN COATS Suits for Men, Youg Men and Boys. Tor the best and the Lowest Prices COME TO US. Men and Boys' Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Sweaters, Overalls, Shoes, Hats and for all Furnishings this is the store. E. G. DREHER COMPANY, Outfitters for Men and Boys, LEXINGTON, S. C. For the Next Thirty Days We Will Sell Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats,&c AT COST, To reduce our stock and to make room for other goods. There is no humbug in this, We mean to give our customers the benefit of this sale. Call and you will be convinced. H R, GOODWIN & CO, SWANSEA, S. C. NOTICE | HELP IS OFFERED IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL iO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE persons are forbidden to hunt or make We earnestly request all young persons, no matter roads or trespass upon the lands of the undersigned. The law will be enforced tion> to by ^ for our great halfSSte upon any person or persons violating offer. Success, independenceand probable fortune ! this notice. J. B. Hook, *** guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. B. J. Waits. Die Ga.-Ala, Business Collect* Macon* Ga. Estate Jeremiah Hook. j Nov. 1, 1906?4w3p. Send us your orders for job printing. I RThe Original Laxative Cough Syrup and the Ger Drovement over all Cough. Lung and Bronchial Rem HH5SF good' alike for young and old. Prepared by Pineuli FOR SALE BY THE KAUFMANN DRUG CO. I | wDon't fail to see our I | of Buggies and Wagons 5 h fhn Plfif Rnet nnnrie 3 IP UIC Llljf. ijgoi yuuuo u 1 prices. CAUGHMAN [ P COLUMBIA, S. C., 1311-1313 ASSEMBLY TAX NOTICE. T WILL ATTEND THE FOLLOWING _L mentioned places for the purpose of receiving taxes for the fiscal year, 1906. Lexington C. H., from the loth of October to the 6th of November, 1906. White Rock, Friday morning, Nov. 23. Ballentine, Friday evening. Nov. 23. Irrno, Saturday morning, Nov. 24. Croat's Store, Wednesday evening, Nov. 28. t E. H. Addy's, Thursday morning, Nov. 29. Franklin Keisler's, Thursday evening, Nov. 29. Red Bank, Saturday evening, Dec. 12. The balance of the time at Lexington Court House until December dlst, iyw>, after which time the following penalties will be added by the County Auditor and collected by the County Treasurer. On January 1, 1907, 1 per cent penalty will be added to those who have not paid. On February 1st. 1907, an additional 1 per cent, will be added to those who have not paid, making 2 per cent, lor February. Still an additional 5 per cent, penalty will be added on March 1st, making 7 per cent penalty to be paid by those who have not paid by March 1st, 1907. Tax books will close March 15, 1907. The hours for closing the tax books will positively be at 11 o'clock for the morning and 4 o'clock for the afternoon appointments. LEVY. For State Purposes 5 Mills. For Ordinary County Purposes. .3? Mills. For Constitutional School Tax 3 Mills. Total 11? Milis. Special School Levy District No. 18-3 Mills * Special School Levy District No. 37-2 Mills Special School Levy District No. 34-2 Mills Special School Levy District No. 25-2Mills Special School Levy District No. 19-4 Mills Special School T evy District No. 15-3 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 75-2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 27-2 Mills iroliTax $1.00. RAILROAD LEVY. Saluda Township 7i mills Broad River Township 7A mills. Fork Township 71 mills. Coin mutation Road Tax $3 00 payable from October 15th to March 1st, 1907. Parties owning property in more than one township must so state to the Treasurer When writing for information concerning taxes always give one full name not initials. FRANK W. SHEALY, Treasurer Lexington County. REAL ESTATE , AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENT I am prepared to collect your rents. I have two Brick Buildings and two dwellings which are a bargain. I also have small vacant lots for sale cheap. If you have anything to sell or want to buy farming lands or building lots any where. Write me. A. B. BACHMAN, Beal Estate, Fire Insurance, New Brookland, S. C. NOTICE TRESPASSERS. THIS IS TO NOTIFY ALL PERSONS not to liunt, fish or trespass in any manner whatever upon our lands. The law will positively be enforced against all trespassers. Jesse McCartha, A. D. Steele, C. P. McCartha, S. S. McCartha, G. B. Taylor. Nov. 1, 1908??w3p. hcvMtKd lb i """ i nil iuine Honey and Tar. An imedies. Pleasant to the taste and s Medicine Co., Chicago, U.S.A. newTnel I when in I I it Inwest I I IR03. i I STREET. ^ 8 I an j