The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 10, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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be**: ' | The Lexington Dispatch. * gpi Wednesday, October 10,1906. Xadez to New Advertisements, Final Discharge?Estate Elizabeth Bi J. Roof. GeneraI~Mercbandise?W. P. Roof. njfofi/Mi?Pafoto PI Tf. Shealv. > C vivioiavu? utfvxw - , ^ Notice?J. Asby Amick. S| For Sale?Mahaffie & Summer. Vehicles?M. E. Rutland. Schnapps Tobacco, t Pianos?Thomas & Barton. Clothing?E. G. Dreher & Co. THE HOME BANK, LEXINGTON, S. C. Fairness, Honesty, Safety. F. W. OSWALD, Pres. I ALFRED J. FOX, Cashier. Lexiagton Tnrpeatiae Market. Virgin per barrel .$8.50 Yellow lMp per barrel 7.00 k Savannah Market. ^ASpirit-s per gallon 633^ ^^Hpsin per barrel $3 .65 to $5 .50 I Cotton Market. BBBlnmbia, good middling, - 10>? 1 RihgtcD, good middling, 10 Hp Divine Services W Will be held at Pi9gah next Sunday F at 11 a. m. Fencing and Monuments. I can fill your orders for iron fencIing and bronze monuments as cheaply as you can boy them anywhere. . Luther EJleckly, Route 2, Lexington, S. C. 2w-49pd. Wanted. Traveling salesman and resident Bp, brokers to sell rice on commission. Russ Rice Co., Ltd., New Orleans, La. Wanted to Buy. Peafowls, turkeys and purple or white guineas, at farmers' prices. Address. Montgomery Place, 51 Dawkins, S. C. ' STIEGLIX2 GUN STOBE, Columbia, S. C. This store was established in 1876 has alwfl.vs maintained a high standard for fair dealing and right prices. This season you will find a full line of the best makes of guns, f. rifles and ammunition at the lowest prices. Phonographs and records at factory prices. Hunting coats, caps,, leggings, shell bags and belts. Mail rders receive prompt attention. 52 Employment for Good White Ken. I wish to employ for the ensuing year, to begin at any time from (now till January, goad white men to work on farm in Fairfield county, near JDawkins, S. C. John J. McMahan, ; 51 Columbia, S. C. 5? ; - ^ . narA * xr - Dr. Dreher in BoanoJce. . Dr. Julius D. Dreher and bride, who have been visiting relatives and friends in Salem, left Saturday for Washington. They were entertained Thursday night at a brilliant recep Mon given by the faculty ana trustees of Roanoke collie, in their honor. Mrs. Dreirter was a Miss Richmond, of Scranton, Pa., a member of a very wealthy and prominent family. Dr. Dreher will leave shortly with his *? bride for Tahiti, Society Islands, where he will be the consul general of the United States.?Cor. Richmond && News-Leader. IS Villiaoxy Opeai&g! Mrs. Hutto, assisted by Miss Evans, from Armstrong, Cator & Co., Balti' more, Md., will have her regular fall :|e millinery opening on October 12th and 13th, 1906. She will display > Ready-to-Wear and Trimmed Hats of the latest creation, Children and Mis) ses Hats and Infant Caps. Ladies', Misses and Children's Cloaks. Silks, Dry Goods and Notions. Also Ribbons, Laces and Embroideries. Come and see whether yon buy or not. Mrs. Paul E. Hutto, Swansea, S. C. Jgj^*Second door from Post Office. Couaty Medical Association. The County Medical Association held their ar&iual meeting in town on Monday of last week after which they, with a few invited friends, enjoyed ?oi ^innpr for which the Ed bacix auiiucu ' itor especially wishes to extend his thanks for an invitation. This being their annual meeting officers for the ensuing year were elected: Dr. D. M. Crosson, Leesville, President; Dr. L. B. Etheredge, Leesville, Vice President; Dr. J. J. Wingard, Lexington, ? Secretary, and Dr. E. P. Derrick, Lexington, Treasurer. Mr. EliCorley served the dinner most admirably in the Masonic building. , . fl CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS M Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. H ft7j Use in time.. Sold by druggists. ! ^ jpEEEEEESiES# l&'s '' AMUSEMENTS FOB COUNTY FAIR. TheSistrunk Amusement Company will be on the Grounds the 16,17 and 18 of October. The fair committee has contracted with the Great Sistrunk Amusement Company to furnish the attractions, foremost among them being Capt. Hi Wallace, the champion of all high divers, diving from a ladder 100 feet high. Twice daily will he defy death, his dives being made at 10:30 a. m. and 4 p. m. His is the feature free acts. Out on the midway standing before the brilliantly bannered tent fronts the spiellers will vie with each other to impress on visitors the importance of their individual entertainment. Ponto, the horse with the tail and mane, the Plantation, Electric Theatre and Sanfrancisco disaster are but a few of the features that will be on exhibition. Of course the merrygo-round will be there too. Piney Woods Knots. To the Editor of the Dispatch: It seems that the rainy weather is over at last. We have had bad weather for gathering. Lots of peavines in the fields, some cut and were never gathered. Cotton is being picked and ginned rapidly as help will admit. Prices are fair, but if farmers will only hold their cotton they will get higher prices. Ernest Amick, son of Mr. Simon Amick, left home Sunday, Sept. 30, to attend eollege at Hickory, N. C. We wish him success. The R. F. D. routes from Chapia certainly are a great convenience to the community, and handle a lot of mail matter. A number of our people are looking forward to a good time at the County Fair. Patron. October 8. i They Will Be There. The big fat woman, the lean and lank mart the snake eater, the high diver an& rope walker, the funnyminstrels, electric shows, train robbers and the man that -serves circus lemonade and "hot-to-mollies" will be on the fair grounds next week, while the "flewing jenny" will please the children in their merry-go-round. Telephone Branching Out. The telephone system here is extending its lines. Linemen are now at work putting up poles and wires oh Wyse ferry road out to Mr. ThCs. L. Harman's residence, thence down to Senator D. F. Efird's residence. 1 Now we would like to see Irene, Edmund, Macedon, Pelion, Mr. Jos. Reeder's and Swansea reached by the same means. Nothing would add more benefit to the country than this .line. Interest your9dlves and see what you can do. TAX NOTICE. T WILL ATTEND THE FOLLOWING A mentioned places for the purpose of receiving taxes for the fiscal year, 1906. Lexington G. H., from the 15th of October toJhe 6th of November, 1906. Gaston, Wednesday morning jnov. i. Mack's, Wednesday evening, Nov. 7. Swansea, Thursday all day, Nov. 8: Red Store, Friday, Nov. 9, from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. , Brookiand, Saturday all day, 10. Edmond, Tuesday morning, Nov. 18. Pelion, Tuesday evening, Nov. 13. William's, Wednesday morning, Nov. 14. Steadman, Wednesday evening, Nov. 14. Batesburg, Thursday all day, Nov. 15. Leesville, Friday all day, Nov. 16. Summit, Saturday morning, Nov. 17. Gilbert, Saturday evening, Nov. 17. Josh Shealy's, Monday evening, Nov. 19. Chapin, Tuesday all day, Nov. 30. JLke Shealy's Mill, Wednesday morning, Nov. 21. Peak, Wednesday evening, Nov. 21. Spring Hill, Thursday morning, Nov. 22. Hilton, Thursday evening, Nov. 22. White Rock, Friday morning, Nov. 23. Ballentine, Friday evening, Nov. 23. Irmo, Saturday morning, Nov. 24. Croat's Store, Wednesday evening, Nov. 28. E. H. Addy's, Thursday morning, Nov. 29. Franklin Keisler's, Thursday evening, Nov. 29. Red Bank, Saturday evening, Dec. 12. The balance of the time at Lexington Court House until December 31st, 1906, after which time the following penalties will be added by the County Auditor and collected by the County Treasurer. On January 1, 1907, 1 par cent penalty will be added to those who have not paid. On February 1st, 1907, an additional 1 per cent will be added to those who have not paid, making 2 percent, tor February. Still an additional 5 per cent, penalty will be added on March 1st making 7 per cent penalty to be paid by those who have not paid by March 1st 190 7? Tax books will close March 15, 1907. The hours for closing the tax books will positively be at 11 o'clock for the morning and 4 o'clock for the afternoon appointments. LEVY. For State Purposes 5 Mills. For Ordinary County Purposes..3i Mil's. For Constitutional School Tax 3 Mills. Total 1H Mi lis. Special School Levy District No. 18-3 Mills Special School Levy District No. 37-2 Mills Special School Levy Distr?ct No. 34-2 Mills Special School Levy District No. 25-i Mills Special School Levy Dis'rictNo. 19-4 Mills Special School T evy District No. 15-3 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 75-2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 27-2 Mills Poll Tax. ! Sl.Ou RAILROAD LEVY. Saluda Township... 71 mills Broad River Townsliip 71 mills. Fork Township. 71 mills. Commutation Pioad Tax $3 00 payable from October loth to March 1st, 1907. Parties owning property in more than one township must so state to the Treasurer. When writing fGr information concerning taxes always give one full name not initials. FRANK W. SHEALY, Treasurer Lexington County. I bvGQ 1 I.- 1 Cor 1^ J 1 Ul 1 Heir Stock I s Patronage, ^Ha ' ?*AAJM***AA**AAAAAA?A*AA** | ALFRED J. FOX, | ] Lite insurance, , ! Health Insurance, ! 4 > J Accident Insurance, ! I Fire Insurance, > j REAL ESTATE AGENT, j ! LEXINGTON, - S. C. ! I (. I I > | FOB S-A.X.E. | | One valuable lot and improve- 1 j < ments in the town cf Lexington, > i S. C. > , One lot with good two story j , dwelling on Main street, Lexing- > < ton, S. 0. ; > Dwelling house and lot on upper j ( Main Street, Lexington, S. C. > < One resident lot on upper Main > ] street, Lexington, S. C, ^ \ i One vaiuble lot in the town of > i Lexington, S. C. > | One lot near Lexington Depot. | ( 12 Acres j ust outside incorporate > i limits, Lexington, S. C. > 6 Acres very near Lexington, [ ! s, o. - ? I 111 Acres good farm land 4 > | miles north Shumperts, 6 miles | ( north Gilbert. 40 acres open land > < ?dwelling and barn. > | Store building and lot on Main J ( street, Lexington, S. C. > < House and lot in town Lexing- > ] ton?\ acre land; 6-room dwelling. j j IFOiR, RE2TT. | j Two store rooms, one warehouse [ Lexington, S. C. > f One 2 story dwelling JLexmgton, ' j S. C. [ J Write or call to see me | j at THE HOME BANE. ; Notice, Debtors and Creditors. This is to notify all persons in any way indebted to the estate of Mrs. Eda Amick, deceased, to make payment on or by 1st day of November, 1006, and those having claims of any nature will present same properly attested for payment to the undersigned. J. Ivey Amick, Oct. 5. 3w51 - Execntor. Cotton Seed Wanted. > I will pay highest market price for cotton seed delivered at Meetze & Sons warehouse. P. H. Corley. I 11 AMERICA B 9 Some carriages lo< 1 g flakes off, wheels r; ( RIAGES DON'T. No use to describe I few prices that oug] 5 Extension Top ( m Eztension Top ( v Extension Top ( ^ Canopy Top Sur B Canopy Top Sur m Canopy Top Sui B CanQpy Top Sur B My entire line of a to go at greatly red B decreasing and you ?| vantage of my Cut 1 B Be Sure and Coi I JStiLm (SOffiGSsaiE# ? 'M 1 lMl THE LEXINGTON OEPARTMEK everything and anything you i$ complete in all Lines. This establishment: ? and Guarantees Fair Treatment to all Patrons. I M *~~ I to " L # t C I F4 I ! | 3 -WILL BE HELD- I j OCTOBER 16, 17, 18. | j = | S This is a home institution and every f; * j < jj body ought to make it a, . \ ? SUCCESS. 1 ! _________________________ $ M * k: * i 3 Tell your neighbors and friends about the Dates. n a _ l_i__ xi-.;? ? jg Dj Tell inem xo xajse men lammcD. ? K I i 3; Do not forget to take yours. f< N jj Boys bring your sweethearts. p; Let everybody have a few days of fun. *1 I We will all live longer. jj ' There will be exhibits of: FIELD CROPS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, HORSES, MULES, CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, HOGS, POUL- [ B TEY and PETS, NEEDLE and FANCY "WORK, E ; FINE ARTS, MACHINES and MANU3 . FACTORED GOODS, FLOWERS, E 5 SHOWS and AMUSEMENTS. ? n n ii. i i i i ?? N i ??? U n i h jj Write to Assistant Secretary Hon. J. B. Wingard, ; jj jj | Lexington, S. C., for Premium List and Entry Blanks. : jj 1 You can find something on the place you can exhibit jj i and help out the show. jj 31 !! , D. M. Crosson, Pres. C. M. Efird, Sec. i 3 Leesville, S. C. Lexington, S. C. ! ? I 4 , gsSBgaSSSBBSSSS&^ESaiSB&BSS&BBSBSSSSBSSBBSttSSBBSBBSSBBBBS&BBxi N CARRIAGES DON'T! j | ok old after a weeks use. TJpholstry fades, paint a 9 attle, go to the bad all over, AMERICAN CAR 0 9 > them. You know their reputation. Here are a a 9 at to bring you in to look them over: 9 9 Carriages Worth $135, Now - - - - $125 a 9 Carriages Worth $125, Now - - - - $115 0 ^ Carriages Worth $100, Now - - - - $ 90 9 || ries Worth $100, Now $ 90 9 Ties Worth $90, Now $85 1 9 ries Worth $85, Now $ 80 0 9 ries Worth $80, Now - $ 75 0 9 Buggies, Wagons, Saddlery and Harness Goods all a M uced prices. My stock of Woven Wire Fence is B ?| had better come at once if you want to take ad- ^ M Price Sale. |gj lie to See Me While You Are in Town. l| || > I I | BATESBURG, S. C. | I . i?^ ^^WWS^W<?^??M"M^ib '.i^ n^ I ^ r>a m I ?M 1 j 5TURE I want. A Ijfl Solicits pur |:| J Ouj: l j. n . oitrmiig silver, uui glass, noe china, clocks. A fine stock always 011 hand for you to select from. Keep us in mind when wanting anything in Jewelry or Silverware. Good watch work and best | eye glasses. If vou can't come, send ?for %/ / our catalogue or telephone your order to us. P. II. LACHICOTTE & CO, JEWELERS, 1424 Main St., Columbia, S. C. 'Phone 934 AN ORGAN i That will last a life time is what you want. Our Organs v have a pure tone and have lovely cases. We can supply you with an Organ that will please in every particular for only $65.00 and $70.00 , delivered. Write us for our special terms of* payment, and for illustrations of the beautiful Organs referred to. If you prefer a PIANO We have beautiful and good new Uprights from $185.00 up, on easy terms. Address, MALONE'S MUSIC HOUSE, COLUMBIA, s. c. will HUM -MM, LEXINGTON, S. C. Literary, Scientific and Classical Courses. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. 10, 1906. Vocal and Instrumental Music, Drawing and Elocution. College Trained Teachers. Expenses for Session . $60 to $80. Send for catalogue. Address F. W. RAUCH, Principal. ' M. D. HARMAN, Secretary. CHEAP HORSE o While lie had colic, bur finding Dr. Boyd's Sure Pop Colic Cure at Derrick's Drug Store, gave ir to him, and soon he was worth $250, as usual. Dr. Boyd's Colic Cure, Fever Cure, Gall Cure. Liniment for man or beast. Horse, Cattle and Poultry Powders. I All of Boyd's remedies are for sale at DERRICK'S DRUG STORE, Lexington, S. C. July 25-ly : s^unispaq p?Q noa oq$ sdo)0 , Hvx^iMOHsaaidi . . v . - . ._ *.