jl: Is running eve Dress G-oods anc ? ?^ JP and Drapery, m y IOnr Lexington friends sh< I ', Colt PSXTCXL AND SCISSORS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. . Services in Sfc. Stephen's church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. A number of our people went over - to Robinson's circus yeateraay. i For farm and grocery supplies, call K?r on T. B. Aughtry & Co., Columbia. Capt. James C. Fort, of Pelion, was in town Tuesday, and we were glad to g - see him.* Miss Eunice Wessinger left last ^ ; week to finish her studies at Winthrop college. Our young friend J. Olin Crout, of 4 Route 1, Gilbert, S. C., has gone to |||;> .the South Carolina university. I " Miss Beulah George has been elected to teach the Beulah school in Chenquepin. If- The Irene Brass Band serenaded in town Saturday night and favored our people with sweet music. There will be big crowds in Lexing% ton the 16, 17 and 18 inst., in attendS ance upon the County Fair* jj&v Rev. M. J. Kyzer has returned to the Seminary at Louisville, Ky., to f --.. -finish his ministerial studies. ip Miss Lula Kaminer who has been visiting in Columbia for the past few days, has returned. ; v Special attention is called to the 'i; > I sale of real and personal property offered by W. H. Donly at Gilbert r A good catch and fine time are re' -KT T Ayorvirrtr Ipor&ea &H W * J3. Jjucas yuuu uxnn^u^ Friday. Everybody enjoyed it. Blacksmiths and wheelwrights, deairing articles in their lines, can do no better than consult T. B. Aughtry & Co., Columbia. The Board of County Commissioners have decided to enclose the court house square witha neat iron pipe fence with granite post. One hundred barrels of flour just received at low prices. Now is the time -to buy flour. R. W. Frick & Son*> Chapin, S. C. Capt. Charlie Meetze was in town Monday. He has on the chaingang - thirteen convicts and they are at work near Irmo. The boys and girls, old men and young, pretty girls and sweet mothers, politicians and everybody will attend the County Fair. A new New Home Sewing Machine for sale cheap for cash, or on instalment plan. Apply at the Dispatch office. i Full stock of clothingand dry goods J just received. Call and examine our Kcfnro vnn hnv "R. "W. Frick JVW?o WV.V.V J J ? - & Son, Chapin, S. C. The County Board of Commissioners was in session Monday, and had nothing qnusnal before it. The passing upon and payment of claims were the main business. The County Fair will soon be upon us. Get your exhibits ready. Apply to J. B. Wingard, Lexington, S. C., 4ot entry blanks. SHINGLE MILL?For sale, nearly new, of the Gibbes make, with an 8-inch belt, 70 feet long, four-ply, and aaaw set. Apply to T. P. Meetze, Lexington, S. C. tf The Gregory Condor Mule Co., Columbia, S. C., carry a full line of buggies and wagons, horses and mules to please customers. See their ad. A first class Carnival will furnish amusement during the County Fair. The shows are all clean and Instructive, special care having been paid to this feature by the management. jWWM??W THE UNDERSELLII ? rt r\ tt t* m T7* r\TT a yuuAiuvuo TREAT f ' ' ' 5*1 >v Dry giii vn e villi BIGGEST AN] 11^ * sr with New Goods an I Silk. Laces and Ribbc em's Furnishings and C w = : = = = : r t: eg Duld see the goods. Tou must < Those who want any kind of vehicles, buggies, wagon9, harness or anything in this line, will do well to call at T. B. Aughtry & Co., Columbia. The Board of Registration was in session Monday and Tuesday, having considerable business in registering new voters as well as issuing renewals and transfers. This closes the work : prior to the November election. Busy as the farmers are with their harvesting, Mr. Geo. S. Drafts, Jr., of the Delingo section, is not to be j found in the fields, but in the house, humming soft lullabies to his big ; baby boy. g Messrs. L. W. and J. S. Fox stopped in town with relatives on Sunday. These young men were on their way to the marriage of their sister, Miss Mary Eliza Fox to Mr/ H. C. Tillman, son of Senator Tillman, at Concord, N. C., on October 4th. Mr. ?ioy wessmger ieii> wis wcca. for the Citadel Academy at Charleston, having received the scholarship from this county. His brother, C. E. Wessinger, also left to finish his studies at the South Carolina university. Your attention is called to the new line of buggies and wagons handled this season by Caughman Bros., Columbia, Go and see their stock if you want to buy. Dr. L. B. Etheredge and Mr. C. E. Chewing, of Leesville, dropped in to see us on Monday. Dr. Etheredge was in attendance upon the medical association, and Mr. Chewning was here in the interest of The Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Rome, Ga. Mr. R. C. Moore, of Ridge Spring, was in town Saturday. He reports rather poor crops in his section. He was accompanied by Mr. Enoch i Swygert, one of Hollow Creek's model farmers and substantial citizens. Misses May Boozer and Anna. Martha Meetze left last Thursday to attend the Presbyterian Female col lege in Columbia for the session. The former to take a special course in music while the latter will persue general studies. They are both popular young ladies here and will be greatly missed in societv. Miss Sue H. Corley has accepted the position as first assistant teacher in the Wagener High school, which opened last Monday with excellent prospects for a fine session. Prof. D. R. Blackman is principal. Miss Edna Wright primary and music teacher. f m , * Sales. , i Clerk Samuel B. George sold the following property Monday: The estate lands of Peter Glass of 87 acres to Dayid Harsey for $315. The John B. Hiller place of 87 acres _ I 1- i- 1 O T> TTln J ? was DOUgiiu uy o. x>. muex' (tuu uuuu G. Hiller for $1,500. "* The Pinkney land, near Gaston, 87 acres, more or less, to Irene L. Spires for $865. The estate lands of J. E. P. Hendrix of tracts 1, 2 and 3, the home place, 65 acres, to S. E. Hendrix for $1,350. Tracts 4 and 5 of 47 acres bought by S. E. Hendrix for $500. Tract 6, of 78>? acres, bought by S. E. Hendrix for $225. A part of the home place of John Lowman, deceased, in Chinquepin township, 98 acres, more or less, sold for partition, was bought by Dr. E. J. Etberedge for $1,600. A large crowd attended the sales and bidders seemed anxious. The property brought good prices, though land seems to have no limits in price, and continues to grow in value in this county. 7G STORE. MENT. f D BEST BARGAINS. d Special Bargains. Hi >ns, Hosiery ana u-ioves, Clothing, Linens and Hosail and look through and you wi How about that pair of Dress Shoes. Going to buy the next time yen are in Columbia ? You'll get a splendid selection now, shoes that will make your feet look neat and stylish. No use to buy an unbecoming shoe if you come here. We fit you so your feet look stylish and feel comfortable at the same time. When you come ask to,see our $3.00 and $-1.00 Patent Leather dress shoes for men. Kid, Gun Metal and Box Calf, Bluchers and Lace Shoes, at $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $1.00. Its no secret, all our shoes have a look of style about them, its because we are specialists. We give all our time and thoughts to shoes, don't have to think about Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, etc. RW-RT.TnPPS { COLUMBIA,S.C. . ; Wells! Wells!! BERLEY & KYZER, THE - WELL - MEN. If you want to do well, be well and look well, get Berley & Kyzer, Lexington, S. C., to put you in a Terra Cotta Well which will give you pure water. Our prices are right, our work is right. Give us a trial and be convinced. I EXPERIENCE. Years of Experience are at Your COMMAND. Successful experience has been ours and we want everybody who has cause to feel LV - X. J-l * laai i nert' is txuy uumugt mc iuav ter with their eyes at all, to call and have us give them proper tests. THESE ABE NO CHARGES FOR EXAMINATIONS. r CHARLES F. SiNTZ, OPTICIAN, JEWELER, 1439 Main St., Columbia, S. C. * A REGULAR COMMUNICA^/X^tion of Lexington Lodge No. 152, pSr\ A. F. M., will be held Saturday, | 29th October, at 7.30 p. m. Brethren are earnestly requested to attend promptly. I By order of the W M. Godfrey M. Harm:ax, Sec. JRlways MAIN AND BLA] : DEPARl mdreds of cases are cod Shoes, Millinery, Cloak usefurnishings, Crockci 11 learn something of interest to LUGH 4 ueparir 11 | Babcock HacI > ( A J Are Fi ; SB * 1113 t < ? ??? II I i f 1892. I Lexing I Oldest Bank in DOES - A m Accounts Ir jj Bate of 5 Per Ge <9 Valuable Place for Sale. WE WILL OFFER FOR SALE BEfore the Court House door on the first Monday in November next, our place of 738 acres, more or less, about 100 acres j oDen. balance in wood and timber. j Well watered, good pasture, peacli and apple orchard, two dwellings and other out buildings. Near Clark's mills. Can be bought privately. Terms ? One-half cash balance on time. JOB SHUMPERT, Route 3, Lexington, S. C. cnvrnnT. "rootts is nositivelv sold for cash. Harman's Bazaar. | CO] 3 Visit RE'S NTDING STREETS. OAKS. SU (ling in bringing a grea 23, Suits, Carpets, Oil C y, G-lass and Chinawa: you. Make our store your hea k ^ ? ftent St Buggies, mey Buggies, Columbia Buggies, Hercules Bug* Hickory nd plenty of the: HICKORY W rst in the Hearts of Our Counti -COB MULE L 1115 Plain Street, COLUMBIA \ 1 % ;ton Sayings jEXINGTON, - - s. c. Lexington County. Capital and Sury GENERAL - BANKING Lvited on Favorable Terms. I >nt Allowed in the Savings De] w D ur Tf A Mf\ 0 Trespassers, Notice. THIS VIS TO NOTIFY ALL PERSONS not to lmnt or trespass in any manner whatever upon the lands of the undersigned. The law will positively be enforced against all violators of this notice. H. STEELE, cct. 1, 1906-4w-51p. J* UL1UC. ALL OVERSEERS OF THE PUBLIC roads -will, at once, repair their sections. Remove the logs, limbs and trees from the same. Put the roads in good condition. L. J. LANGFORD, Supervisor, Lexington Co. Oct. 2, 1900. LiUMBIA'S SMALL F PROM3 s THE STORE OF LE : STORE: t assortment of r> loths, Curtains, re. : : : : : dquarters while in the city. ^ * % r MM?????????????? || 4 I ?ies, Buggies, m. A60NS ymen. ^ ss L, S. C. ============ .J \ 4 r-T I 1906. 1 Bank. ( H I H ilus $20,000. 1 - BUSINESS. B mrtment I / Election of Dispensers. Applicants for the position of dispenser at Lexington, Lewiedale and Peak will please file their applications with <1 J. Weir Addy, Clerk of the Board of Control, before October 4, 1906. No applications will be considered from persons who are related to either member of the Board within the sixth degree. * Application blanks can be had by calling on Samnol B. George, Lexing- , ton, S. C. t Names of bondsmen must accompany applications. The Board reserves the * right to reject any and all applications. i J. Weir Addy, m Clerk of the Co. Board of Control. ' J ROFIT EMPORIUM. ^ J PT a mmnxrTiTAAT il 1 I mix xxv/xi. t CTLE PRICES.