The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 03, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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^ wiiiiwiiiiaw !*!? | f\ ^|pi?Ks^% FALL 1906. I v 2 WE now have a complete stock of J :y/M |r " .' V"Fall and Winter Shoes in all leathers? | and roes suitable for every day HARD# 2 lP/SP?4i t'JSnif\ WEAR for men, women and children. 2 ?- li Also the neat and natty dress Shoes to? 2 Strong Points in Our Shoes. j wifeySOLID LEATHER inner soles, conn tersand uppers, perfect fitting and abso- o j kite comfort. Prices the lowest (for the J |9W-. e- q gy^Y pAIR WARRANTED. 3 ! L P. & F. A. DAVIS, j 2 1710 Main Street Columbia, S. C. J *| tltilllfltfOW?Ht? > : 1*1* I * l? ll I* I* I* I* I* I* ?J 1 L?J I- Ut^Lo oHJ Cuhhlv fft r < LOIIIUOTU iron nviiu uiiu auirinj w? r J AUGUSTA, GEORGIA j Ii Foundry* Machine and Boiler Works and Mill Supply Store. Engines, Boilers, : Bridges, Roofs, Tanks, Tower and Building Construction; Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil, Fertilizer, 'H ' Cane and Shingle Mill Machinery and Repairs; Building. Bridge, Factory, Furnace and Rail < road Castings; Railroad and Mill Supplies; Belting, Packing, Injectors, Fittings, Saws, Files, , V oilers, etc.; Shafting, Pulleys, and Hangers. . ;M| CAST EVERY DAY Capacity for 300 Hands Atla^s and Erie ENGINES, Korting and - Leader Injectors, Turbine Water Wheels, eto. High Grade Mill BOILERS Built to Hartford OraHHBOnHHB Specifications a Specialty Locomotive Tender Tanks ' Write U? Before You Bay . LIGHT SAW MILLS and GASOLINE ENGINES in Stock. Quick Shipment r* ;v J our prices, or write us: ^ r Bagging and Ties, Burlap Cotton Picking Sheets, & wffir Bubber Belting, Brush Wire, J X Iiea^er Belting, Saw Files, , ? J Canvass Belting, Fractionless]Babbit Metal. ^ J Lace Leather, Machine Oil, 4# # Gin Bristles, Cylinder Oil ^ Brush Twine, and Tallow. > f GROCERIES and HARDWARE. J ' i~i i~i i~i i'i r ~ ? i ? "*~ i -ii ~ ~ - ~ ~ ^ ? ? ? ? ~ ~ ~ ~ JK I LoricR & Lowrance, Inc., 1 5. J COLUMBIA, S. C. J Ifc-Q ^^Tack of All Trades \ . Jul--? QASOL^E ENGINE I It NEW HOLLAND FEED MILL HUMsWtaflfc- I ? "" /ncfv*? \U This is the only oatflfc that will B ^ffiH grind Ear Corn ^satisfactorily 2 "* >"? ing wood, shelling com, catting B ," AU WT VP BtABY TO AUK. fodder, running cream separator, FAIRBANKS, MORSE * CO, CU?g?, Hi & tioal, horizontal or portable. Please send aeHIfestrated Catalog No. L 853 . % M Nam ? mm.m.,1 want a H. P. Engine 'u" 1 Street No .Town... ...State it WE HAVE FOB SALE r One 25 horse power Talbott, second hand engine, in stock which has recently been overhauled. This engine is in first class condition and will be a great bargain for , anyone who is in the market for such a size engine. ^ We are headquarters for anything in the way of machinery supplies, and prompt attention will be given to all inquiries and orders entrusted to our care. Write us when you are in the market for anything, and be sure to get our prices before you order elsewhere. ' May 30. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., Columbia. S. C. ' !| II C|pj,7pr[ W. D. QUICK. - it; Jl 111 LluUtUl | Lexington, - S C., p ; j DISTILLER and DEALER . * Vv; Win Save yon Money in his , |n TURPENTINE. v j Haberdashery | ?;? * | department. j Will, at all times, pay high1 1 i est market prices for Crude, f \ and Furnishings J baged n Savannah quotaL < can always be found here mi,. x p i.,\ # > tions. j Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Gloves j ? I j underwear. j V K i L L THr'cOU C H j WHITE AMD FARCY VESTS. I !**> CURE the LUNCS ! g^Oax Spring Line ofWfl ! | WITH 0l* ICIllC'S I SOFT and STIFF HATS [ M V ?> ? " | are here, comprising Knox, Stet- | !l8W OlSCOVOI^f < son and other makes. Prices, | /VONSUMPTION Price < $1.00 to $5-00 ( FRR I 0UGHS and 50c & $1.00 I* < All the New Blocks in > ^^olds free trial. | STEAW HATS. \ Surest and (iuickesPcureTfor all I ? . * THROAT and LUNG TROUB- I i At all prices. [ LES, or MONEY BACK. f J suits made to order. fit | > j guaranteed. > Place an order with us for ! 1514 Main St.,Columbia, S. C. J Job Printing. ifvvfvsvpfvvfvfsvvvvppvvvfv i; ' '' - - . ] The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, October 3,1906. Obituary of D. S. Wheeler. David Henry Wheeler was born June 20, 1830, and departed this mortal life Septemer 10, 1906, making his sojourn on earth 76 years, 2 months and 20 days. He was baptized in in^ ? ^ ^ 1 VVTAO iancy, aiiu ixi ean^ me naj into full communion with St. Peter's (Piney Woods) Evangelical Lutheran church upon his profession of personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He remained a faithful, consistent member of his church unto the end, ever j ready to spend and be spent for her good and prosperity. Nearly all his I life he was an officer of his church, serving as an elder for 20 years, to which office he was elected when he was at the age of 27 years, and holding the office of treasurer for 25 years. Thus he lived and died in the faith, and we confidently believe that his soul is now in the company of those who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb. In his death St. Peter's congregation has lost a true and tried i pillar and a wise counsellor whose j words and deeds will be missed in the ; councils and activities of our congregation. cherish his memory and profit by the example wThich he has set before us. March 16, 1868, he was married to Ellen Georgeann Lorick. This union was blessed by four children: Samuel F. Wheeler, proprietor of the Columbia Hotel, Columbia, S. C., and of the Wheeler Hotel, Hendersonville, N. C.; Jacob S. Wheeler, a doctor of medicine, of Prosperity, S. C,; Henry F. Wheeler, a merchant and farmer, 1 "** -1--? T TI7L.^vav1 A-w Ar? j ana martin ij. w iiccxci , <* imiuci uu the old homestead. Mrs. Wheeler preceded her husband to the spirit world more than 11 years ago, having departed this life February 14, 1S95. Her memory was deeply cherished by the deceased, he having lfved a widower in remembrance of her love all the remaining years of his life. He was at all times a kind and considerate father to his children, giving both his time and energy for their development and wellfare. As a man of affairs he was eminently successful. Being quick to see and quick to act when opportunity offered, he accumulated a large property, which he managed wisely and well. As a citizen and a neighbor he, was always ready to give his time and his means for what he believed to be for the public good and for the comfort of his fellow men. In the church, in the State and in the community, he filled an unique place; and his counsels, his energy and his presence will be missed in all these different paths of life. But he is no more. On the 1st day of May, 1905, he was stricken with paralysis. He rallied from this, but several other strokes followed until Monday evening, September 10, about 2 o'clock, his spirit left its tenement of clay and was wafted to the world beyond/ He suffered much, but he is now where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest. Peace to his ashes, and rest to his immortal soul. Besides his wife, five sisters and two brothers preceded him to the other land. He leaves to mourn his departure a sister, a brother, four sons and one grandchild, besides a large circle of other relatives and friends. On Tuesday evening, September 11, his body was laid to rest in the cemetery of St. Peter's (Piney Woods) Lutheran church, the funeral services beincr conducted by hia pastor, the Rev. E. J. Sox. The active pall bearers were, C. S. MatthewS^.L. B. Frick, Geo. Krell, D. C. Boland,- J. Adam Amick, D. W. Frick. The honorary: L. A. Frick, J. J. Cannon, Joshua Shealy, Luther Koon, A. G. Meyer, G. U. Meyer. E. J. S. Results of Neglect. In most cases consumption results from a neglected or improperly treated cold. Foley's Honey and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and prevents Serious results. It costs you no more than the unknown preparations and you should insist upon having the genuine in the yellow package. Kaufman Drug Co. The ITezt House. The Democrats have been claiming | that they would have a working ma; jority'in the next house of congress. ! To one outside of the whirl and foam | and froth of politics that seems to be a very unreasonable expectation and that cur leaders know that they have Kon oo^iiTP ,i mninrih*. There j liu V-ixaiivv^ w uwv**\/ V*- ^ ! are 386 members in the house. A mai ; jority is 194. At present there are j 136 Democrats and 250 Republicans. To get a bare majority the Democrats will have to hold what they have and get 58 members besides. Under present conditions they can not do that. The people generally are satisfied j with business conditions. There are j I . i 'm'awwrww j no great complaints against the Re\ publican party made b}r the masses. | Then it is only five weeks to the election and little change in sentiment is expected in that short time. The Re- I publican majority of 114 cannot be I overcome this year. They have quiet| ly put in good work in doubtful dis- j j tricts. Of the 114 majority they have 30 to 40 belonging to the Democrats. | They were swept into the Pepublican line by the Roosevelt wave two years ago. They ought to come back this year. The Democrats are entitled to about 175 to 180 members this year. If they do not get them they will have only themselves to blame.?Ex. Convicted of Manslaughter. Ubi V. Millican, 18 years old, who j killed his stepfather, P. L. Cannon, was convicted of manslaughter in Spartanburg on Thursday and senI tenced to two years in the penitentiary. He was released on $1,000 bail pending motion for a new trial. The defense was that Millican acted in defense of his sister's honor, as Cannon had. threatened her repeatedly and abused his mother. The testimony was strongly favorable to the defendant, for whom there was a great degree of public sentiment. A petiI tion for his pardon has been prepared and the jury has signed it. Wounds, Bruises and Burns. By applying an antiseptic dressing to wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries before inflammation sets in, they may be healed without maturation and in about one-third the time required by the old treatment. This is the greatest discovery and triumph of modern surgery. Chamberlain's Pain Balm acts on this same principle. It is an antiseptic and when applied to such injuries, causes them to heal very quickly. It also allays the pain and soreness and prevents any danger of blood poisoning. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in your home and it will save you time and money, not to mention the inconvenience and suffering such injuries entail. For sale by The I Kaufmaim Drug Co. "Seop to tfca Big Jit." Everybody walking or driving should "keep to the right" and give their portion of space on the sidewalk or in road, and thus avoid any trouble in passing each other. This is a good text for the preachers, for it is necessary that we all keep to the right ? rci aitcIT luuxailj' <U_IU iCUJjiwuc ij . ^ A cold taken at this time of the year is generally hard to get rid of but it will not be able to withstand Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. That will cure all colds, coughs, croup, whooping cough, etc., by driving tliem out through the bowels. If you haYe a cold, try it and if not cured get your money back. No opiates. Sold by The Kaufmarm Drug Co. The second trial of G. Wash Hunter for the killing of Elbert Copeland in Laurens county resulted in a mistrial on Thursday. Hunter was released on ?4,000 bail. Harry Shokes, aged 20, committed suicide on Monday night in Charleston by shooting himself in the head 4-V* o wir-fnl T^iaor\rvr?mfTr*nnf in 1 Arm VViUi a J^/JLO UVl. iv? v was the cause. Foley's Honey and Tar cures the most obstinate cough's and expels the cold from the system as it is mildly laxative. It is guaranted. Do not risk taking "any but the genuine in the yellow package Kaufman Drug Co. At the sessions court for Aiken which opens the last of October there will be for trial six murder cases, one case of criminal assult and two for attempted assai l :. Philosophy is very satisfactory if you never try to use it on yourself. LitileDoctor CURES I Liver Complaints ; uses only Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets, and gives your money back if not satisfied. Your liver is the biggest trouble maker. If you would be well, try Ramon's Treatment. Only 25 cents. Sold by all Druggists. ~TFWTTlfTrr~1 WIIW WH ? I I III I'lM I IWHI IMi |?II'I I'f r'~Ti 11 in n 11 |i ?i mil I HIIIIIH nna Wood^ Seeds I . I FALL SOWING. 1$ ii Every farmer should I & JSLft3 :.-r Jl I. Us have a copy of our i . . . ? . i New Fall Catalogue Ba has a very bad effect on your sys- ?& |a tern. It disorders your stomach Eli It gives tbesrt methods of sfedea . .. .. . . . . ineriandifull information about and digestive apparatus, taints your 5 h I blood and causes constipation, with h| I Crimson Clover j B an its fearful iiis^ Vetches, Alfalfa I Seed Oats, Rye Is Barley, Seed Wheat 1 Thprlfnrri^ I Grassesaovers |f llflUUfiUltaU W Descriptive Fail Catalogue ?j 9 mailed free, and prices 5j r% |f% iil quoted on request. (Black-Dram JgMs a bland tonic, liver regulator, and 9 Onr Trade Mark Brand 8eeds"are the H blood purifier. ? ^bes^i^^leaiM^^ualttie^^rtainAbte. g| It gets rid of the poisons caused g 9 by over-supply of bile, and quickly B n ~ iiAfimr |g cures bilious headaches, dizziness, || ^ filVl lljlJ af loss of appetite, nausea, indiges- |g ' m tion, constipation, malaria, chills g jt c. KINARD, Proprietor, |3f and fever, jaundice, nervousness, j| 9 irritability, melancholia, and all ? Leesville, - - - S. C ; 1 sickness due to disordered liver. S The ^ attention given ^est Mod. |gj It is not a cathartic, but a gentle, jg| ern conveniences. Table supplied with jjjj nerDai, aver meaicine, wnicn eases h | oest tne market anoras. &| h| Are you troubled with piles? One ||| Price 25c at all Druggists. hf application of ManZan will give yon 1. JBL immediate relief. Sold by The KaufIT's time" FOR YOU TO FURNISH YOUR Kitchen with a fine Steel 13 A You pay a little more to start with than for an ordinary Range, but remember a Steel Range lasts a life time. Our line gives you widest price range to select from. Our guarantee protects you in purchasing. If you contemplate buying a Steel Range of any size, our stock cannot fail to interest you with prices from $20 to $65 for the Best i t~* 1 j_ j J3 ^ Steel itanges maae. oeieci iu-uay. LEE A. LORICK BRO., 1519 Main Street, Columbia. S. S. THE PRICES TELL. . 7 THE QUALITY SELL?. J. B. FRIDAY & CO., "Wholesale and Eetail GROCERS, FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN, SEED RUST PROOF OATS. We Want the Merchants, Planters and Farmers of Lexington County to Call and See Us Before They Make Their Purchases. We Can Fill Your Wants and Save You Money. 1823 and 1825 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. * JWVWVWWWVWVWVWWVJ f mnrr viritarp irnil liTUTT* \ im\ whai run wmi | NEW GOODS. Just received a Ml line of new # Fall and Winter Dry Goods | Marked Very Close. A full line of everything \ that is new. J Millinew S ^ Just received a full line of Children's, Misses and Ladies' hats and f ^ caps for fall wear. A fine line of everything in these goods. We have ^ marked these very close for the trade. ^ ^ We also have a full line of Men's Shoes, Shirts, Pants, in fact every- ^ thing to wear. ^ 5 TABLE OIL CLOTH A SPECIALTY. ^ ^ Ir will pay any of our Lexington friends to visit us before purchasing ^ \ elsewhere. \ I WI. PIATT & SON, I | ^ Main St. Near Post Office, S 5 COLUMBIA, - - - - - S. C ^ IV/fop Prfl.*,i ^bjgftVB Climate unsurpassed. Beautiful location Well trained and fex a?T -T7 'pcnenoed teachers. Full literary courses 'Special advantages in I flRpt^c - Music. Schools of Art. Expression and Business. Military tran 1 ing. Moral and religious influence* strong. Graduates greatly in Ji demand for teachers. ^ Same management 18 years. Equipment constantly improved. Scholarships, Industrial Department,and Helping Home, to put advantages in reach of moderate means, a L. B. Haynes, President, ' <* Leesville, S. C/ . * s.:- : r*r . > ' .. . . . : . .