The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, July 25, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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r^v%' In order to make roc season in the history < stores in the Carolina! Now for thirty days friends call and secur CoJLm: PENCIL AND SCISSOES. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Always use T. X, L. for pains. Primary election is August 28, 1906. Call or send and settle for your paper. ' Big lot of harness and saddles just in, a? lpwest prices, at Roof's store, . Fruit ????&&]?? 3r? plentiful tm ?u? market, " The biggest 'cue of the season will be at Edmund on the 4th of August. r- , A. M. Boozer, Esq., was over from Columbia Thursday on legal business. Everybody will be at Sox's 'cue at Edmund on the 4th, pi-ox. Prof. F. W. Rauch and family have returned from their visit abroad. Nice line of hammocks to close out at cost, See them at Roof's store. i Mrs. "W. W. Barre has returned from the springs very much improved. The candidates who miss Sox's 'cue at Edmund will miss the crowd. Several important communications are unavoidably crowded out of this issue. Mr. C. F. Snyder, of Lakeland, Fla., are visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Harman. < , Rev. Joab Edwards is announced in this issue for the house, and his platform has no uncertain planks in it. Mr. J. S. Gunnell, intendent of New Brookland, is announced for the legislature in this issue. Miss Pearl Clark is visiting, her friend, Miss Nell Edwards, in Abbeville. . Besides Congressman Lever, other distinguished speakers will be at the cue at Edmund. Mr. Frank Kaminer, formerly of our town, but now of Spartanburg, is here visiting relatives. Miss Jennie Caughman is home for a few week's rest at Mr. G. M. Caughman's. Little Johnnie Shuler, of Batesburg, is visiting Mr. W. B. Taylor's son in Hollow Creek. - * When you need rocsers or umcc chairs, reed or any kind, call at Scott Hendrix'9 furniture store. Miss Sadie Mathis, of Augusta, is visiting Mr. Irby George's family and friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hubbard, cf Columbia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Harman, parents. Mrs. Lula Beeland and children, of Macon, Ga., are visiting Dr. J. E. Kaufmann's family. Mr. Simon Peter Snelgrove and Miss Daisy Rogers were married by Rev. W. D. Quick last Monday mqrning. A beautiful line of rugs and art squares. See my line before you buy. Scott Hendrix. E. R. Strother, Esq., of Batesburg, was in town Friday on legal business. Ed is a clever gentleman and a safe lawyer. horn ronr*. Caugnman <x n*i 1XXCL1X. llOV v AV&4V vated and painted the cottage next to their stable and Mr. Frank George will occupy it. Subscribers will please help on their subscriptions where they are behind. We need money at this season to run our business. - Miss Emma Hernandez, of Charleston, who was present at the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Harman, attended their 40th] wedding anniversary last night, and will be their guest for several days. ( We buy and YOU AB Your Dollar Hero J "Is a Mighty Thing SL E ft )m for fall stock we off* Df our business. The p -<?im ho a-f -nri Vmml 3 11V UUill. KJU/tJ iiv XAU.UXI . we will cut out the pr e some of these Bargai] ^ j. u. ; imbia's i ?, Our young friend, Julian Meetz, has returned from a pleasant visit up in I the mountains at Lake Toxaway, much improved in health and looks. Candidates will not forget to file the required pledges with either C. M. Efird, Lexington, or F. Hamp Hendrix, Leesville. Capt. Chas. B. Harman and W. E. flarman with their families, of Augpsta, Ga,? are visiting th? old folks j [ at horns. j I>rof. Arthur F. Harman, cf New Decatur, Ala., is here spending part of his vacation with parents and , t menas. ' We have heard or seen nothing of the trolly line recently, although we were assured some time back that it wa9 a certainty. Mr. L. Hallman h;is in charge this season the well known Hall roller mills at Gilbert, and is ready to turn out the best quality of flour. FOR SALE?Shingle mill, neaily new, of the Gibbes & Co., make. Easy terms. Apply to George W. Price, R. F. D. 5, Lexington, S. C. Rev. G. W. Kelley has just returned from a visit up on Mr. Frank W. Shealy's plantation on the Saluda and reports good crops in that section. Mrs. Martha E. Derrick, who was kind enough to send us some fine cabbage, should have been at W. B. Lin- ' dleris instead of W. B. Fricks', mis- j take of ours last week. Messrs. J. J. and D. B. Rawl, with their wives, of Batesburg, attended 1 the 40th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Harman last night at their beautiful home. We call special attention to the advertisement of the Cokesbury Conference School in another column. Several of our young ladies and gentlemen have attended this school with pleasing results. FOR SALE?One acre lot, dwelling and shops, for cash to the highest bidder, at Ethan, S. C., on August 4, 1906, at 11 o'clock, a. m. Luther Long. 2w-39. The Sunday school convention will convene here Friday and continue until Sunday. Many divines and delegates from the various.Sunday schools will be in attendance and share the hospitality of our people. WANTED.?Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for firm of $250,000 capital. Salary $1,072 per year, payable weekly. Expenses advanced. Address Geo. G. Clows, Lexington, S. C. Misses Carrie Bauknight, Bessie Coogler and Martha Dailey and Messrs. John Busby and D. S. Bouknight, from the Shady Grove section, Broad river, were guests at Mr. C. V. Bouknight's Saturday and Sunday. We are requested by Prof. J. R. T. Major to state that Peterman's Civil Government will be used in the Summer school instead of Wallace's Civil Government. The teacher pupils will therefore note this fact and provide themselves with Peterman's. It will be seen from notice of Supt. Kyzer that there is no applicant for the vacant scholarship from this county to the Citadel Academy, Charleston. This is an excellent opportunity for some young man from our county. The continued rains are not helping the farmers of the count}' to look on the bright side. Some are in a quandary as how to manage. Grass has got 'em. Thev ought to remember that it rained on the first of the dog days, and accordingly there is more behind. I THE SI w * ^xwwwooi -o?^?? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? COLUMBIA'S 0,1 sell for Cash onl SXC^GrES' E CORDIALLY l ^ muuuiumtmmmumuuimu sr ail summer goods in c ublic has appreciated c Dug sale, no premiums, ofxt feature and conver as. 1VIIMNi Great i.I _?? ?? j in | Justin! The most delightfully cool Shoes for summer a man ever put his feet into. It's a Tan Oxford, of course. j Tan leather is the coolest leather because it is more porous, and lets in the air, and the color does not attract heat rays. Tan leather has very little dye in it and so will wear longer than black leather of the same kind. The prices are $2.50 and $3.50, don't fail to ask to see them. EHRLICH'S, 1643 Main St., ) Af|| IIIIDIA C P 1627 Main St., { uULUHIBIIli 0> (li WeiisT~wSsn BERLEY & KYZER, THE - WELL - MEN. If yon want to do well, be well and look well, get Berley & Kyzer, Lexington, S. C., to put you in a Terra Cotta "Well which will give you pure water. Our prices are right, our work is right. Give us a trial and be convinced. | EXPERIENCE. Years of Experience are at Your COMMAND. Successful experience has been ours and we want everybody who has cause to feel that there is anything the mat ter with their eyes at all, to call and have us give them proper tests. THERE ARE NO CHARGES FOR EXAMINATIONS. CHARLES I.8BNTZ, OPTICIAN, JEWELER, [ | 1439 Main St., Columbia, S. C. j .Barbecue. We will furnish a first class barbecue and refreshments in the town of Gilbert on campaign day, August 10, 1900. Tiie ladies' string band will furnish music for the occasion. All the candidates will be present to discuss the issues of the day. Everybody is invited to come and enjoy the day. Special attention to ladies and children. 4w40 Hallman & Hammond. P0RF7 ftF L vr JLW J*-M vr JL JICK SALE AN y. Your dollar h r AMD JE INVITED TO : 3WMBP>MWBHPHBnMHWWMPIllWB0BBBflBM1BI8a )ur big establishment at >ur efforts in making thi simply straight, legitime t all summer goods into LIJGH ?S Depa.i^tii fwiio wa bop HE w>l "fit .My soi his ways nor tl of the McCorm < Use M good on thy fa Gpe RAKES, REAPERS. r~z ~^ _ THE OSBORNE* *SO>-KY HARROW. ' ": j% f > * Strong and Rigid. * \ yi Strong. 1 ^ Yicv^l Points Reversible. ' V i .71 ~%?M\ LEXINGTON, 1JSM0JTS Nerve and Bone Oil Cures | J\*^ Rheumatism, Cuts, Sores, Burns i ?>nr1 T?rnisps Lar^e bottle 25 cents. Sold by all Druggists. Bock House 'Cue. Everybody that wants to have a day j of pleasure and enjoy the best barbe- | cue dinner of the season will be sure j to attend the Rock House cue on next j Saturday, July 28th. The meats will j be prepared bv the best cooks of the j county. Everybody come. S. F. Roland. | BIG BA D SMALL PRO] ere always captur 5EST KEEP YOUR El np o a WWWBLWJL1 ULm.BIII ! IIW?WH lllllllllf .muuuuuuuv cut prices. We have hi is one of the most up tte business and honesl cash. Will be glad to a a, < YOUR GRANDf S A I USED A ^ i,hear the instructions of thy grandfather le ways of thine own father, for their wa ick. cCormiflr marhinM. for thev will he instl xm. gorv?Conder Mule ? AGENTS, 115 Plain Street, Columbia, S 771 ~ . ?o=S? Its knives start instantly when the team starts. _ . * ?- " "** It docs not clog. Its gears are enclosed like the works of a watch. This means long wear. v ~ ( .Its pitman is protected tompldeiy. 1 0 ~ _ Its bar follows the grouod, cutting all the hay. It draws easily, having roller bearings.. ' .It has a good foot lift. It draws easily and has f no neck weight A boy can handle a the Osborne." -v.*) * ^=xJ 9-^ S S^ i Each, tooth has the strength FOE SAL?; Bt s> JIE?^? WOFFQ&B COLLEGE FIT-j TING- SCHOOL. Three uew brick buildings. Steam j heat and electric lights. Head Master, three tc achers and Ma- ! tron live in the buildings. Individual attention to each student. ' Situated on the Wofford Campus. Students take a regular course in the i College Gymnasium, and have access to | the College Library. $125.0;) pays for board, tuition, and all ! fees. Next session begins September ! ivtii. jf or catalogue, etc., anaress, A. Mason DuPre. Head Master, July 23 4\v41 Spartanburg, S. C. Icains I FIT EMPORIUM es lRGAIIC fE ON OUR CC ad the most successful i-to-date department t values, have my Lexington J * ATHER ft I h r*. 7 ^1/ I kJl\ and forsake not y has been that ? uments of great Go. . c. V -j- wr " kl i Osborne 1 ELEMENTS IF ALL KIND. 'JF59 s. c. Barbecue at Steaaman. TJTE WILL FURNISH A FIRST \l\i flaci: C^iTt of QfnurLmon v C ? ' y | \ vuv. Ut ^iVyUWiUUU KJ V* j. campaign clay. August Sth. Everybody is invited. Come and hear the speechesand see the crowd. Special arrangements will be made for the young folks. Come one. come all. Frank Hall & Hallmax. July ll-3w-40 ^ Place an order with us for Job Printing. Ill IIMMI?I Mill I Hi Ml i?m ! I I.,,, ? 1? I ? sas IUNTERS ' iVIain and ? Blanding ? Y Streets. J Columbia, S. C, S MA T.; 1 9 V