The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, July 25, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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?CM WANTED?By Chicago wholesale v and inail order'house, assistant manager (man or woman) for this county J and adjoining territory. Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. No investment or experience required. Spare time valuable. Write at cnce for full particulars and enclose self addressed envelope, Address, General Manager, 134 E. Lake St., Chicago. 13w50 You can see the poison Pine-ules clears out of the kidneys and bladder. A single dose at bed time will show you more poison upon rising the next morning than can be expelled from the system in any other way. Pine-ules dissolve the impurities, lubricate the kidneys, cleanse bladder, relieve pain and do away with backache speedily,' pleasantly, permanently.?Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. Annie and Nettie Brooks, two negroes, are in jail at Columbia held for the murder of an infant child of one of the negroes in that city Saturday night. It is alleged that the child was scalded to death and then buried under the house, Nettie digging the grave with her fingers. When applied and covered with a hot ninth Pincsalve acts like aDOultice. Best for burns, bruises, boils, eczema, skin diseases, etc.?Sold by Kaufman Drug Co Mackey Tbomas, colored, was shot , through the heart and almost instant\ ly killed by Joe Brown, another negro, near Weston, Richland county, Monday afternoon. The killing seems to have "been without provocation. Brown has escaped. T. X. L. cures neuralgia. Joe Matthews, a young white man, was shot to death by Philip Washing~ ton, a negro, at Cariowsville, Ala., Tuesday afternon. The cause f the tragedy is not known. Many serious diseases arise/ from neglect of the bowels. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are a pleas^ ' ant and agreeable laxative. They invigorate the liver and regulate the "bowels. For sale bv the Kaufraami Drug r Co. J a 0. BROV | ,1730 MAIN STREE1 ;!j Is where you can find ( J ? DAII i 1 nBI jj. OFALI 1 DOORS, Si BLINDS r"! LIME ANI ; | CABINET i 1 Call or write for Prices. ^ BUY TH The Store Where Que jmrnmr TSr^BT ZB X7 o JK3B? JsLJbL^S Post Office Bloc M The new Laxative that does not .gripe or nauseate. | Pleasant to take. * ^ FOR SALE BY THE KAUFMANS DRUG O * k A HAPPY HOME Is one where health abounds. With impure blood there cannot i be good health. With a disordered LIVER there cannot be good blood. revivify the torpid LIVER and restore its natural action* A healthy LIVER means pure blood. ? Pure blood means heaitn. Health means happiness. '-ve no Substitute. All DruggistCotton Experts. Secretary Metcalf has appointed W. G. Clark, manager of the Eugenia Manufacturing Company, of Charlotte, editor of the American Cotton Manufacturer, as special agent to investigate the cotton markets of the world in order that a broader field may be found for our cotton products. These appointments are made under the Overman Bill. This is a good move. There is no over production of cot ton; the trouble is that there is an under consumption of it because the world is not informed as to its value as material for clothing. ~~ j A Certain Cure for Aching Feet. Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder; cures Tired, Aching, Sweating, Swollen feet. Sample sent free, also Sample of FootEase Sanitary Corn-Pad, a new invention. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Sheriff J. R. Turner was shot and perhaps fatally wounded by his deputy while they were raiding a blind figer den near Lake Helen,Fla., Wednesday. The deputy fired at one of the negroes who was trying to escape when the bullet struck the door . and glanced into the sheriff's breast. (N & BRO, ] COLUMBIA, S. C., | )ne of the best stocks of | A I N 15 I . KINDS. j: LSH, 5 & GLASS, ) CEMENT. | MANTLES. | OUR PIES Lave found favor with every body | -babes and men, the little girl in j unafores and her mother and her grandmother. They are of the tweet, delicious, wholesome, nelt-in-your-mouth kind, and ve're anxious to have you try hem if you don't know theproLucts of our ovens. If you do mow we won't have to ask you. lEIDLINGER'S STEAM BAKERY, COLUMBIA, S. C. F RFST! ility and Price Counts, | We now have a complete stock of all the Leathers and Toes. We can save you money on your Spring and Summer foot wear, as we bought this stock early last Fall before the rise in the leather market hence you can see that this means a saving to the purcllaser of about 2.5 per cent, on your shoes. Farmers medium and heavy weight l- - l _ 1 j worK snoes a specialty. lRMAH, sk, Columbia. S. C. s ?*rn^T7/\ auuiuyg HUH ^jiuj 0 LEXINGTON, S,C. I Mill The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, July 25. 1906. The Prospects. To the Editor of the Dispatch: A mother is sitting in her home. On her knee is her first born baby boy. Her heart in its encircling love is - 1 Jl _ P 1. J 1_ ! .3 weaving garianas ior ner aear cniiu. Every smile on his face, every movement of his tiny hands is watched with eager and interesting eyes. Every door against the approach of sickness is closed and closely guarded. A prayer goes up to God to keep her child from death and the ways of sin. Around her nature is full of beauty and melody. The flowers are blooming. The trees are clothed in living green. \ The many bitfds are singing their gladsome songs. The sun is bright; the moon is clear and the stars sparkle. All is lovely. As in this train of thought she contemplates the arrival of her son to the state of manhood. Joy fills her heart. But there is another side to this picture. The ways of men, oh, how they interfere with the mother's wish and destroy the mother's hope for her boy. Grins and snares are laid for him in the social, commercial and j rm r . r civii uuues. me iramers 01 uiese codes are perhaps too often seeking their own or their friend's elevation at the cost of the downfall of the many. Little thought or care with such is bestowed on the need of making all codes lead to the glory of God and the good of men. It is this fact that cuts like a dagger into the moth- j er's heart as she contemplates the possible destiny of her child. When she sees men espousing that which destroys honor, health and fortune, and leaves them calling the profane and the vicious great and good, fears fill her heart for the safety of her j boy. Just as long as evil is called ! good and good is called evil; just as j long as the framers of our social, commercial and civil codes are selected on account of their adherence to that which destroys the finer and better qualities of men and puts us in con- j tinual jeopardy of our lives and pro- j perty; just as long as men who defy ! law and violate it with impunity are leaders, the mother is moved to live under a cloud instead of in the sunshine of hope. Joab Edwards. I Modest Claims Often Carry the Most Conviction. When Maxim, the famous gun inventor, placed his gun before a committee of judges, he stated its carrying power to be much below what he felt sure the gun would accomplish. The result of the trial was therefore a great surprise, instead of disappointment. It is the same with the manufacture of Cham-, berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy They do not publicly boast of all this remedy will accomplish, but prefer to let the users make the statements. What they do claim, is that it will positively cure diarrhoea, dysentery, pains in the stomach and bowels and has never j been known to fail. For sale by Kauf- i mann Drug Co. Double Barrel Wedding. At the residence of U. W. Jefcoat, on Sunday July 15th and by U. W. Jefcoat, Magistrate, Mr. Talbert Barrs and Miss Minnie Hutto were happily married at 10 o'clock a. m. Mr. Billie A. Peele and Miss Annie Lou Starnes accompanied by a host of friends and relatives were made man and wife. Misses Marcella and Una Jefcoat, presided at the organ. After the ceremonies were over the happy party j returned to their homes rejoicing in the love of each other and in hope of a long and prosperous life. We hope their pathway may ever be strewn with pretty flowers. U. W. Only 82 Years Old. "1 am only 82 years old and don't expect even when I get to be real old to j feel that way as long as I can get Electric Bitters," says Mrs. E. H. BrunsonP of Dublin, Ga. Surely there's nothing else keeps the old as young and makes the weak as strong as this grand tonic medicine. Dyspepsia, torpid liver, inflamed kidneys or chronic constipation are unknown after taking Electric Bit- j ters a reasonable time. Guaraured by j Kaufmann Drug Co., druggist. Price I 50c. Resolutions of Respect. I Swansea Lodge Junior Order U. A. j M.r No. 29. Having sustained the death of Bro. j Henry F. Campbell, one of the most i respected members, it is deemed tit- ! I Cures Stomach and Liver trouble and j) Chronic Constipation. ring in an humble way to express our deep sense of loss and the high esteem we held him as a man and a member of our order. Resolved, 1st. That in the death of Bro. Campbell the county has lost a valuable and hierhlv resneeted citizen: ?0 -L -- , his wife, a devoted husband; his children, a loving father and our order one of its faithful members. Exemplary in his habits, moderate in his demeanor, conscientious in the discharge of his every duty, considerate of the feelings and ever mindful of the rights of others. Bro. Campbell lived the life of an upright man, and passed beyond the river with a smile on his face and left behind him an example of life worthy of emulation. 2nd. That a page of the minute book be devoted to his memory. 3rd. That a copy of these resolutions be sent his devoted widow and be published in the Lexington Dispatch. Paul E. Hutto, C. L. Rast, H. W. Shealy, Committee. Twenty Year Battle. "I was a loser in a twenty year battle with chronic piles and malignant sores, until I tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve; which turned the tide, by curing both, till not a trace remains." writes A. M. Bruce, of Farmvilie, Ya. Best for old Ulcers, Cuts, Burns and Wounds. c., at Kaufmanu Drug Co., druggist. _ New Way to Man's Heart. 4'I have found a new way to a man's heart," said the girl who has had three r\r-Ar\noQla fVtic Parlv in t.hp "It is through his socks. The stomach, as a short cut to a man's affections, is a regular continental railway route compared with the hosiery line of travel. The modern young man is excessively fond of his socks. He exercises his best taste in buying them, and he likes to have that taste appreciated. He gives you every chance in the world to show your appreciation. Invariably he manages to leave a hiatus between his shoe tops and his trousers, and then, if you have design on this young man, all you have to do is to cast sidelong, but admiring glances, at the revealed expanses of hosiery and murmur: 'What a pretty pattern,' and the trick is accomplished. You don't need to go into particulars. He understands. Those socks are the pride of his heart, on/1 minnfo Vie vnil nHmifP 0>I1VI ti.1V UllllllbV HV AAJLAV%W J V* ..... V. them, too, he is yotars?for the summer season, at least." Obituary. Newton H. Craps, son of Mr. Geo. P. Craps and wife, departed this life July 8th, 1906, at the age of 17 years, 4 months and 6 days. He died very suddenly from heart failuie, having been in his usual health up to the time of his death. Funeral services were held in Cedar Grove E. L. church of which he was a member, and his body laid to rest in the cemetery near by. In the absence of the pastor the services were conducted by the writer. He was a quiet young man, obedient to his parents and kind to all. We commend the sorrowing to the word of the Lord, 4'Let not your heart be troubled." B. D. W. For bloating, belching, sour stomach, bad breath, malassimilation of food, and all symptoms of indigestion, Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets are a prompt and efficient corrective.?Sold by Kaufman Drug Co. Adam Scheuig, a butcher shop hand, shot and fatally wounded his employer's daughter, Louise Karcher, seriously injured the girl's mother and then committed suicide by cutting his throat with a butcher knife Monday. The rejection of Scheuig's attentions by the girl and her mother is supposed to have been the cause of the tragedy. Isaac Knight, the negro who assaulted Mrs. L. S. Chapin, at her home six miles from Aiken, Sunday night, has been captured and is now in jail at Aiken. He does not deny the crime. T. X. L. cures rheumatism. It is stated that an investigation of the accounts of the late George A. Bartletr, disbursing officer of the treasury department, shows a shortage amounting to about ?30,000. T-'i a "n m a c ^ hiciwaru r. iyiuss aim unc wnc found dead in their store room in Chicago Monday with their throats cut and bullet holes in their heads. It is believed that Kloss committed the crimes. During a quarrel between Conrad Shirmer and his 19-year-old son in New York Wednesday, the youth stabbed his father with a broken piece of glass, inflicting a mortal wound. In the epxlosion of the powder mill of the Atlantic Dynamite company Monday, J. L. Pierce, general superin lenaeiu ana iwo wonting men wit* killed, while 20 were more or less seriously injured. ' In Memorinm. Mrs. Susie Maybin, wife of R. S. Maybin, and eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Swetcnberg. Aged 37 years. The hand of death is never idle, and many a happy home is tilled, with mourning by his cruel touch. The brightest and fairest are made to succumb to his relentless power as is evinced in the death of this estimable ! one, who was taken from us in the ! prime of womanhood. She was a consistent member of Holy Trinity E. L. church, Little j Mountain, in which faith she lived ; and died. Beloved by all who knew j her; she possessed those Christian virtues, which beautify the life here and prepares us for that beyond. The j home circle is again broken, the vacant chair is here, but never more will our beloved sister be seen. We j look beyond the grave to that "bright ; forever," where the souls who depart in Christ are at rest. T,r>v~incr hnnds will nlaoe the flowers she loved so well on her grave and water them with their tears, while memory pictures the passage through the dark valley so calm. We look up and say: "It is hard to give her up, but oh, God, Thy will be done." Go to thy rest, my daughter, Go to thy dreamless bed, Gentle and undefiled With blessings on thy head. With roses in thy hand, Buds on thy pillow laid; Haste from this fearful land, Where flowers so quickly fade." Every form of distressing ailment | known as piles originates internally. The real cause of the trouble is inside. ! ManZan is put up in collapsible tubes : with nozzle, so the medicine can be applied where it will do the most good, j and do it quickly. If you are suffering I with piles you owe yourself the duty of trying ManZan.?Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. W. T. May field, a prominent pcli- j J tician, was shot and killed by J. C. j i Goode, an attornev and banker, at I ~ * * r .1 ! I Kansas uity, Texas, :uonaay. - " l IT'S ^ TIME FOR YOU T< FURNISH Y Kitchen witl RANGE. You pay a little more an ordinary Range, b Range lasts a life time. Our line gives you u select from. Our guar; nurchasins:. ir ~ ~ <?' If you contemplate I of any size, our stock < you with prices from $ Steel Ranges made. S LEE A. LOR 1519 Main Streei THE PRICES TELL. J. B. FRID TIT U.I . TY JUUlCSttlCi GROCERS, FLOUR, I SEED RUST F We Want the Merchants, Pla inyton County to Call and Set Purchases. We Can Fill Yt Money. 1823 and 1825 Miin Str KINARD'S HOTEL] J. C. KINARD, Proprietor. Lfipsville. - - S, C. 1 The best attention given gitesr. Moriem conveniences. Table supplied with best the market affords. I _____ j SrellSlilB HA^RRbalsam Clear"ci and beaut'.fiee the nail. SB Promotes a luxuriant growth. yWlMeTer Fails to Bestore Gray ?W^y^-?"=^-*tSc8 Hair to its Mouthful Color. j i Cure "calp^diMaees & hair j Dft flTZKZ Live'-Tilis and Tonic Pellets, j !* a perfect Treatment for constipation i and i'ilieusness. f&f One pill a dose. 1 Sold by all Druggists. I i v-n--'/pit???<itvnr.-o.iiimii ?WB> BOXING GLOVES FIEEE OR A FINE PUNCHING BAG TAKE YOUR CHOICE. ON RECEIPT OF $5.00 I will send you the Police Gazette for one year and a complete Set of Hand-made Boxing Gloves which will last for years, or a fine Punching Bag. o RICHARD K. FOX, Franklin So., New York. A hundred years ago the best physio-inn w-milrl <yiva vnn n niArlir*inf-? fnr Vfinr heart without stopping to consider what effect it might have oil the liver. Even to this good day cough and cold medicines invariably bind the bowels. This is wrong. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup with Honey and Tar acts on the bowels ?drives out the cold?clears the head, relieves all coughs, clon uses and strengthens the mucous mend runes ol the thr(|at chest, lungs and bronchial tubes.?Sdld. by Kaufmaim Drug Co. Anyway, Job never had to listen to a phonograph, and that accounts for his never losing patience. 0 OUR 1 a fine Steel I i to start with than for mt remember a Steel widest price range to antee protects yon in rnying a Steel Range sannot fail to interest 20 to $65 for the Best lelect to-day. ICK & BRO., t, Columbia. S. S. THE QUALITY SELLSAY & CO., and Retail TFT) AND ftRAIW. AidUiV JidkAV J ROOF OATS. nters and Farmers of Lex? Us Before They Maize Their nir Wants and Save You eet, COLUMBIA, S. C, PARLOR RESTAURANT. B. DAVID, Proprietor. - ?? *?' ?* nnT r?*mr e Lt o i'o.'aj 31 aim st., u'jijujijjia, o. yj. The only up to (late eating house of its kind in tho- City <>f Columbia. It is well kept ? . lean iinen, prompt and polite service. Yon yet what you order and pay only for you yet. Within easy reach of desirable sleeping apartment?. OPEN ALL MIGHT. DR. C. J. OUVEROS, f specialist on ' IYE,EAR,THROAT,NOSE '<& AND LUN3S. Guarantee Fit of Office and Residence, 1.40.4 i ioa VHftp'scc. I'Xa'i auu jxaiivu ui, March 15?ly. COLUMBIA, S. C