The Lexington liispa ch. Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, S. C., as second class matter. G. M. Harman, Editor and Publisher. The subscription price of the Dispatch is f I a year; 50 cents for six months; 25 " ' - " 11 <-* iriTTO-riohlv cenis ior iiiret; muuuu?jlu? in advance. Circulation, 2,280. Wednesday, July 25, 1906. The politician hunting a job and the politician after he has secured the job are as much unlike as daylight and darkness. Pledges and platforms seem made to get in on; and to break them in violating of a compact with ttrh people does not seem to worry the ordinary individual who by hook or crook gets in.; The people remember Supt. Martin's campaign pledges, so often repeated, that under no circumstances would he allow more than one-third of the text books to be changed at any one time. It was this solemn pledge to the people that defeated McMahan. Our people cannot understand why the State board of education repudiated this pledge and made such changes * - 4-hT.a in our text dooks at one scuwug, Oil UO I according to Supt. Martin's own statement in the campaign with McMahan, placing a burden of $250,000^00 the people of the State. The expense of purchasing new books is no small item. The books cost more, in many instances, than the tuition is worth, and hence the : injustice in loading up the people with these too frequent changes, often with $ books no better than those in use, and indeed some they supplant are superior to the new adoption. .Senator Tillman spoke yesterday at Fairview, Saluda county, part of his original hearth, to nearly one thou; sand people. It is said the fine Saluda crops or the fresh country air had put the Senator in excellent humor, and all the Yvorld apparently, and consequently his speech contained less gall , than usual. 4'He did not cuss Lyon and even admitted the good work of the investigating committee, adding however, that they had stopped 'when they had their hand9 on the scoundrels.' He j confessed that the trork of the com- | mittee showed dishonesty and corruption in the dispensary management. 4'He advised that the voters ascertain how every candidate for office stood on the dispensary question and if he does not represent his views leave him at home." -He was well received and was fret:': quently applauded. The congressional candidates spoke there too. G. Wash Hunter, who shot and instantly killed Elbert F. Copeland over the card table Thursday morning near Goldville, Laurens county, surrendered to the sheriff at Laurens last Saturday. He is greatly distressed over the killing and declares he would not have committed the deed for any'tVi *? on. Olllllg ill UliC WV/l 1U) axiu vmuuvv uv qount for his act. He gave $2,000 bail before Justice Pope and was released. Bishopville, Lee coupty, it is said, honored the State campaigners yesterday with the largest crowd that has yet attended a political meeting. It is estimated that there were 1,500 persons present, and the crowd all good natured. The crops there are said to be fairly good, much better than in other counties. * The Methodists at the Rock Hill -district conference Saturday passed strong resolutions condemning the dispensary and calls upon the brethren in emphatic language to rise up and crush the monster evil?liquor traffic?from our State. Mr. 0. D. Seay Declines. I On account of continued poor health. I shall have to withdraw from the face for superintendent of education. The reason for the delay of my withdrawal wras the hope that each day would bring about an improvement in my condition, but to my sin- | cere regret it has not come. If in any part of this affair I shall seem to any of my fellow citizens to have erred I want them all to knowr that I j was acting, as I thought, in such a | manner as would best conserve the interest of all the citizenship of my native county, Lexington. I Hoping that the all-wise providence has in store shall redound to the entire constituency of Lexington county, I shall ever remain, Your most humble fellow-citizen, O. D. Seay. Ear one of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal and you will not suffer with indigestion.?Sold by Kaufman Drug Co. |Mother's Earl !A WORD IN MOTHER'S EAR: WHEN K | NURSING AN INFANT, AND IN THE S . MONTHS THAT COME BEFORE THAT H | TIME, ; Life insurance, J < > ; Health insurance, | < ) \ Accident insurance, [ < Fire Insurance, | j REAL ESTATE AGENT, ( i LEXINGTON, - S. C. | < > i ? ?## > ! FOR S-A-X-IE. > < One valuable lot and improve- > | ments iu the town of Lexington, j I s. c. ; i One lot with good two story > ] . dwelling on Main street, Lexing- [ , ton, S. C. > < Dwelling house and lot on upper > ] Main Street, Lexington, S. C. j < One resident lot on upper Main > < street, Lexington, S. C, > J One valuble lot in the town of | ' < Lexington, S. C. > < One lot near Lexington Depot. > 1 6 Acres adjoining Lexington j { Fair Ground. > i 12 Acres just outside incorporate > ] limits, Lexington, S. C. [ ( fi Acres very near Lexington, > i S,C. > ' 111 Acres good farm land 4 j ^ miles north Shumperts, 0 miles > i nortli Gilbert. 40 acres open land > ] ?dwelling and barn. [ i Store building and lot on Main > S street, Lexington, S. C. > Write or call to see me [ | at THE HOME BANK, j Barbecue. We will furnish a first class barbecue and refreslunents, at Inno, Campaign Day, August 21, 1900. The best of order "will prevail and satisfactory arrangements will be made to feed the i>eoplc. Mr. Elias Amick will prepare the meats. The candidates will be on hand and a pleasant day is promised those who attend. C. B Lindler, F. W. Derrick. June 11, 1906.?td. Barbecue at Bowles' Old Mill. 1tttt r ttittttvttotx \ ptdct pt. \ iYV iL/lj r U XVJL^I ion -"v. r luui Barbecue and refreshments at my place, six miles southjof Gilbert, Fowles' old mill, July 28. The public is cordially invited. All the candidates will be . here, and the people will turn out to hear them Music by string and brass band. Everybody will enjoy the day. Azariah Taylor. ( July 9-38. Administrator's Sale. Wednesday, August 8th, next, at 11 o'clock a.m.,on the home place of Mrs. M. R. Nichols, about eight miles north-west of Lexington C. H., I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, all of the personal property of Silas Johnson, deceased, consisting of one cow, two wagons, farm implements, household and kitchen furniture, chickens, &c. 1 2w39 W. P. Roof, Admr. of Estate Silas Johnson, Dec'd. Notice, Debtors and Creditors. All persons indebted to the estate of Wm. Price, deceased, are required to make payment to the undersigned, and all persons having claims against said estate must present them duly attested on or before the loth day of October, 1906. S. D. Price, 1 3w40pd > Administrator. ?p%ccTm" BEC 0 LJ provement over a FOR SALE BY THE KAUFMA L For Johnston Rakes, Disk < I Buooies, Wan GAUC 1311-1313 A i GARDNEI j TRUCKED > % FARMERS 5 PLANTER % WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR l SUCH AS ^ Cabbages, Carriots. Celery ^ Plant, Kale, Lettuce. Musts i Peas, Pepper, Radish, Salsi ^ to, Turnips, Watermelon, ^ Grasses, &c. We select ou J care, and pay liberal price ^ feel justified in saying thai ^ to be found than those we 4 We supply Gardners, Tri i ers in anv o uantitv wanted. \ Lorick&Lo' t WHOLESALE AND J . COLUMBIA, . County Summer School. Office of County Superintendent of Education, Lexington, S. C. By authority of State Superintendent the County Summer School will open July 30th at 9 a. m., and will run for i two weeks. Prof's. J. C. Allen and J. R. T. Major have been appointed by Superintendent Martin as instructors and the following course of study has been arranged: 1. Wentworth Grammar and School Arithmetic?Prof. Allen. 2. Krolm's Physiology (newly adopted)?Prof. Allen. 3. White's School Management?Prof. Major. 4. Peterman's Civil Government? Prof. Major. Prof Patterson Wardlaw of the S. C. University will lecture Wednesday, August 8th, and Prof. W. H. Hand of the S. C. University will lecture August 1st. I August 6th?Prof. D. W. Daniel of Clemson; August 10?State Supt. 0. B. Martin. The school will be run in the school building at Lexiugton. The "Lecture Systehi" will be used mainly and teacher pupils will be expected to provide themselves with tablets, etc., as well as the text books for the course. An effort will be made, to supply the newly adopted books at reduced rates to the school. The funds are provided by the State for these schools and we hope the teachers will attend and derive all the benefits possible therefrom. Board can be obtained at reasonable ' rates in good familes. I shall be glad to give further information, if desired. J. E. Rawl Kyzer, County Supt. of Edacation. VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNG LADIES, Roanoke, Va. Opens 8cpt 25,180?. One of the leading Schools for Yotng Ladies in the South. New buildings, pianos and equipment Campus ten acres. Grand mountain scenery in Valley of Virginia, famed for health. European and American teachers. Full course. Conservatory advantages in Art, Music and Elocution. Certificates Wellealey. Students from 30 States. For catalogue address MATT IE P. HARRIS, President, Roanoke, Va. Mas. Gertrude Harris Boaxwright, Vice-Prea. , xative Cough Syrup and the Get 11 Cough, Lung and Bronchial Rem >ung and old. Prepared by Pineul NN DRUG CO. " ' n irkijnnn UnOl Dim, m md Peg-tooth I inns and Harn ****** U1M liuz u a.' vHMAN Bi SSEMBLY ST., COLU -VW^WWWW? is, $ is, i ! < k i I FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, 5 ^ 7, Collards, Cucumbers, Egg 4 ird, Okra, Parsnip, Parsley, 4 fy, Spinach, Squash, Toma- i Cantaloupe, Corn, Clover, 4 r stock with the greatest ^ >s for selected stock. We i t there are no better seeds offer. ^ lexers, ? armers ana riant- { both wholesale and Retail. ^ wrance, Inc., \ RETAIL SEEDMEN, f For INSURANCE, LIFE, FIRE. ACCIDENT, SEE E. Gv Dreher, LEXINGTON, S. C. Strongest and Best Companies Barbecue at Boylston. "We will furnish a barbecue and re- / freshments at Boylston on campaign day, August 11. 190