j DOORS | , II IT I Main St., C( . 0? Is where vou car S ' : sti I -} ? tp fl of a W^r 'iH Jg^grMr. Lee N. I | ton, is now with us E ^ J you and show you | jc.o.BRQ SASH l5' I 1 . ' - The Store Where Qu soacowcoocossc: -- x ' J* ?m r\ji& ^ J3.HJ Post Office Bio ' ""?????? ?^? The Geaticnlatory Loacvace. "Ah. bon jour, monsieur." K **Ob. talk English! It's too cold fo French today. I want to keep mi hands in my pockets."?Woman's Hom< Companion. A Large Order. Danny B.. now in the Soldiers' hom< at Hampton. Vt.. tells tliis one. He say! that when his company approached th< earthworks in front of Big Bethel i was met by a terrific volley from th< fort. The captain gave the order to li< down, which every man did except ai old Irishman who did not hear th< order. s Her looked around and exclaimed "My, my! They're all killed but me!" "Then, as he reloaded his rifle, he said "FIl have to fight hard to take thai place all by myself."?Philadelphis Ledger. . Liver Pills and Tonic Pellet* a perfect Treatment for constipatio] and biliousness. One pill a dose. Sold by ail -Urngg-ists. t The new Laxative that does not .gripe or nauseate. i Pleasant to take. * FOB SALE BY THE KAUFMANN DBU * * '!" ' 4 ) ? r ;; :\'}\. { \ ' ; . ft M . -r i <:' ii A few doses started the brickdust-like substance and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man. It has done me $1,000 worth of good." Foley's Kidney Cure will cure every form of kidney or bladder disease. The Kaufmann Drug Co. Men can easily be made to believe a piece of scandal. The dispensary profits in Richland county for the month of May were $6,668.88. Ask your dealer for T. X. L. \ Insanity is said to, be akin to lovebut a man in^love doesn't care if he is crazy. T. X. L. cures rheumatism. Don't waste time finding fault with yourself;, that's what your friends are for. Eat one of Ring's Dyspepsia} Tablets after each meal and yon will not suffer with indigestion. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. Geo. E. Chamberlain, democrat, was re-elected on Tuesday governor of Oregan by a majority of about two thousand. . When applied and covered with a hot cloth Pinesalve acts like a poultice. Best for burns, bruises, boils, eczema, skin diseases, etc. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. Senator Tillman has given Colonel Lumpkin a long start in the campaign but he can afford to do it, says the Charleston Post. A hundred years ago the best pysician would give you a medicine for your heart without stopping to consider what effect it niight have on the liver. Even to this good day cough and cold medicines invariably bind the bowejs. This is wrong. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup with Honey and Tar acts on the bowels ?drives out the cold?clears the head, relieves all coughs, cleanses and strengthens the mucous membranes of the throat, chest, lungs and bronchial tubes. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. Col. Robert Aldrich has been oppointed to fill the vacancy on the Clemson College board of trustees, occasioned by the death of Hon. J. E. Tindal , The old time method of purging the system with Carthartics that tear, gripe, grind and break down the walls of the stomach and intestines is supersrded by Dade's Little Liver Pills. They cleanse the liver, and instead of weakening, build up and strengthen the whole system, Relieve headache, biliousness, constipation, etc. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. H. G. Miller, the Chicago man who attempted to bribe Deputy Sheriff Cathcart in Columbia some time ago, has been convicted in the Richland court. Since the convicted man is out of the State, a sealed sentence was left for him, Cures Stomach and Liver trouble and I Chronic Constipation. % 4 ; Pleasure Trips. Cheap rates can now be obtained on the railroads to visit Charleston and the Isles Palm; Savannah and Tybe; Asheville and the mountains and numerous other summer resorts and places of amusement. Take a Sunday's trip of pleasure and see the sights and have a nice time. Zf the BaW is Cutting Teeth, Be sure and use that old and well tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twentyfive cents a bottle. tf It is the best of all. The leading cotton seed oil mill managers of this State met in Columbia lately, to discuss the practicability of making denatured alcohol, since the government has taken the tax off. Alcohol can be made from potatoes, when the oil business is over and the mills would otherwise be shut down. The same machinery can be used. Every form of distressing ailment known as Piles originates internally. The real cause of the trouble is inside. ManZan is put up in collapsible tubes with nozzle, so the medicine can be applied where it will do the most good, and do it quickly. If you are suffering with piles you owe yourself the duty of trying ManZan. Sold by Kaufmann Drug CoCandidates are now required to take an iron clad oath that they will not use any liquor, money, etc., in the interest of their candidacy. But treating a friend when he is thirsty Alines** n r? aionV*Kav?c o tttVi (UiU UUllig a iiciguuui o ouumuv.11 nnvu it is empty will go on all the same world without end. , , You can see the poison Pine-ules clears out of the kidneys and bladder. A single dose at bed time will show you more poison upon rising the next morning than can be expelled from the system in any other way. Pine-ules dissolve the impurities, lubricate the kidneys, cleanse the bladder, relieve pain and do away with backache speedily, pleasantly, permanently. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. Governor Heyward has appointed Julius H. Walker, a well known real estate man of Columbia, to the position on the board of trustees of the South Carolina University made vacant by the resignation of J. J. MeMahan, who has also severed his connection with the law firm of Lyles & I McMahan to run for governor. ' If your stomach troubles you do not conclude that there is no cure, for a ! great many have been permanently cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try them, they are certain to I prove beneficial. They only cost a quar! ter. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. In Orangeburg last Thursday the St. Joseph hotel was struck by lightning. Several bricks were torn from the wall, but other than this no damage was done. For bloating, belching, sour stomach, Vvod VvfciQfl-i molaccimilaHnn nf fnn/t fl/nrt UOU V? -wv*, . >? all symptoms of indigestion, Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets are a prompt and efficient corrective. Sold by Kaufmann Drug. Co. Beaufort, June 22.?The campaign party arrived here last night. County Chairman Rhett has arranged to take the crowd on an excursion to Bay Point at 2 o'clock today on the government, mail tug "Hope." i Always use T. X. L. for pains. The conviction of William Marcus in the Charleston courts and his sentence to be hanged, shows that he is the first white man to be hanged in that city in fifty years. Delinquent Tax Sale. I will sell under tax execution at public outcry at Lexington C. H., 011 in T11 Itr novf ^nrintr t'JLJUJ 1UOI i.aviivxuj u IAAJ AAVAt) . the legal hours of sale, all the right, title and interest of R. F. and P. B. Hay, in that tract of land in said comity and state, containing 44 acres, more or less, adjoining lands north by John Jumper, east by Hamp Jumper, south by Mrs. Elizabeth Kutto, west by J. K. Ruckeis levied on as the property of R. F. and P. B. Hay for taxes. Terms of Sale?Cash. P. H Corley, Sheriff Lexington County. June (>, 190G.?4w34. Chamberlain's Sh?a?Rcmri"d Never fails. Buy it now. It may save liic. * *' * The Dispatch Job Printing * ? Office is prepared to do any * ? kiud of printing at short notice. J * We guarantee work first class * 9 at reasonable prices. Give us * * a trial order. * * 5 i ?. Dragging Down Pains are a symptom of me most serious trouble which can attack a woman, viz: falling of the womb. With this, generally, comes irregular and painful periods, weakening drains, backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, irritability, tired feeling, etc. The cure is TCanliii \ I The Female Regulator that wonderful, curative, vegetable extract, which exerts such a marvelous, f strengthening influence, on all female I jorgans. Cardui relieves pain and k 'regulates the menses. It is a sure I I and permanent cure for all female H complaints. * a At all druggists and dealers in Si .00 9 bottles. g "I SUFFERED AWFUL PAIN | in my womb and ovaries," writes Mrs. S Naomi Bake, of Webster Grove, Mo., I "also in my right and left sides, and 9 ; my menses were very painful and irreg- ra ular. Since taking Cardui I feel like a g new woman and do not suffer as I did. fa It is the best medicine 1 ever took." r I T rv"? 1 \_nicago, aune zz ?.\icnai-u xvxna was hanged at 11:04 this morning for | murdering Mrs. Franklin C. Hollister, a society church woman. The victim j was walking from a florist's to her | home, when Ivins dragged her into j his father's carpenter shop, tortured, j assaulted her ar. d finally tied a piece of wire arouud her threat; twisted I i the ends with a pair of pivers until death ensued. Just Received Soli COIHD i and Solid Car Loa METAL S This ROOFI] Warp, Crack. Burn. It re ance. Send n today, we gni est market pi LEE A. LOK 1519 Main Streel THE PRICES TELL. J. B. FRID N Wholesales GROCERS, FLOUR, F SEED RUSTP We Want the Merchants, Plat i tiff ton County to Call (Mid See Purchases. We Can Fill Yo Money. 1823 and 1825 Miin Str? kimrW hotel J. C. KINARD, Proprietor, Leesville, - " - S. C. The best attention given guest. Modern conveniences. Table supplied with best the market affords. hairrbalsam Clesr*ei and beautifies the nalt. (BM Promotes a luxuriant growth. IBxeW*- jsever Fails to Heatoro Gray - fltflRH Hair to its "X outhi'ul Color. Curc? if alp d^uisea A^hair falling. Tlie cleansing, antiseptic and healing properties of Pinesalve make it superior to family salves. Sold by Kaufmann Drag Co. How to Break Up a Cold. It may be a surprise to many to learn that a severe cold can be completely broken up in one or two days' time. The first symptoms of a cold are a dry, lou4 cough, a.prof use watery discharge from the nose, and a thin, white coating on the tongue. When Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is taken every hour on the first appearance of these symptoms, it counteracts the effect of the cold and restores the system to a heaithy condition within a day or two. Fcr sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. BOXING "GLOVES / OR A FINE PUNCHING BAG TAKE YOUR CHOICE. ON . RECEIPT OF $5.00 I will send you the Police Gazette for one year and a complete Set of Hahd-made Boxing Gloves which will last for years, or a fine Punching Bag. v ( ? ? RICHARD K. FOX, Franklin JSo., N? York. id Cor Load of IRON ROOFING d of RULES. KTG will not . Curl nn or duces insures your order arantee lowpice. ICK & BRO., Columbia. S. S. THE QUALITY SELLS* AY & CO.. / ind Retail RED AND GRAIN, ? ROOF OATS. ntevs and Farmers of Lex: Us Before They Make Their ur Wants and Save You !et, COLUMBIA. S. C. T.t .'.lll PARLOR RESTAURANT. B. DAVID, Proprietor. 1336 MAIN St., COLUMBIA. S. C. The only ud to dare eating house of its kind in thG City of Columbia. It is well kept ?clean linen, prompt and polite service. You get what you order and pay only for what vou get. Withtn easy reach of desirable sleeping apartments. OPEN ALL NIGHT. r^ii DR. C. J. OLIVEROS, 8peciali8t on EAR, THROAT, NOSE ^3^ AND LUNGS. Guarantee Fit of Office and Residence. G asses 1424 and 1423 Marion St March 15?ly. COLUMBIA, S. C