1???? I 2 V *****?**???*???ejMH 1 ? ENGRAVED VI 58 i * A I I ! WEDDING I I * j| * Call and see the I i ! The ILL BRl ii * IB * i'- .? fn *. * In the Mas p 5 ' /1 I Colum jK * Embossed Mon< |1 ******************* 5Spring an ^ Ml/ OTTi i here and ready fo] Lexington Mends, buy this Stock of ? could protect our vanced prices. T Shoes are made of Quality the Best f P. & F. 1710 Main Stre< wwww THE WHITE RQTAR The design and finish of the to equal it has yet appeared 01 STEADY, SWI Has a very large Bobbin?Hi BALL B] A LIGHT RUNNER?STRONG and < (White SHUTTLE Machine lias been The NEW HOME stands at the top of " Always on hand good Second Hand J machine attachments, shuttles, belts and J. H. BEBBY, 1802 Main ^ Jf SOUTHERN T Unexcelled Binin i Through Pullman Sleep ^ Convenient Ssheduh /|\ For full information ^ consult nearest Southern W. R. W. HUNT, I ^BEOOKS MORGAN, A. Old Reliable Standard SHOES! tfMHM Wear a pair of our Konqueror Shoes and you can't go wrong. Sold only by ? ? nmAnn cm SHUt SIUKt, I 1636 Main Street, COLUMBIA, - - S. C.1 v fcggaBBBgEgaSBEgggBmBBSBBSggBgggBl a * ! ft ) ISITIND CARDS I I * I * I ND J INVITATIONS. I ! S I > latest styles, at J \ fAN Company, i j 1 onic Temple, * \ bia, S. C. % \ * \ ------------- ? t * 5 >gram Stationery Z ) * \ * \ I ammmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmtmmmmmm WHWUiJ NEW i id Summer j OES^ I r the inspection of our ^ , We had foresight to J IHOES last fall so we J Customers against ad- ^ Ve GUARANTEE our > SOLID LEATHER and X or the price to he had. J A. DAVIS, J st, Columbia, S. C. ^ OTI1MHF ) stand is unexcelled. Nothing l the market. FT AND SURE. olds more thread than any other. EARING, durable. It is something new. in use twenty-five years.) SHUTTLE machines. I have the latest. Machines. Needles for all macliines and l the best pure SPERM OIL. Street, Columbia, S. C. RAILWAY. 1 . . . vi/ g Gar service, itng Cars on all Trains, ^ !s on Local Trains. wto a3 to rates, routes, etc. y|Jj^ Railway Ticket Agent, or vy >. P. A., Charleston, S. C. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. . a? I W. D. QDKK. Lexington, - - - S. C., DISTILLER and SEALER in TURPENTINE. Will, at all times, pay highest market prices for Crude, based upon Savannah quota, tions. H SAW MILLS. | LIGHT, MEDIUM AND HEAVY Kg WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY H r0R EVERY KIND OF WORK H ENGINES AND BOILERS AND SIZES AND FOR EVERY 1 CLASS OF SERVICE. H ASK FOR OUR ESTIMATE BEFORE H PLACING YOUR ORDER. H^IDDTO UA^uiurovpAUDA u\/ auiDDLO mnunuiLn i \j\jmrnii i J COLUMBIA, S. C. I The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, June 20. 1906. TO THE SOUS OP VETERANS. Division Commander George Bell Timmerman Names His Staff?Plans for the Organization. Mr. George Bell Timmerman, who was elected commander of the South Carolina division of the United Sons of Confederate Veterans at the meeting of the organization held during the recent reunion has issued his first general order assuming command and naming the appointments of the members of his stag. In addition to those named in the order he will later appoint a division commissionary and a division inspector and other aids and assistants. Mr. Timmerman states that it is his desire to bring the Sons up to a higher state of organization and to increase the membership. He thinks it important to keep the necessity and good of the body before the eyes of those whose sires fought for the revered cause and in this way believes that those who are now indifferent may become interested and join in the work. The most definite object now in view is to arouse interest in the proposed trip to Richmond during the next general reunion and Mr. Timmerman will devote bis chief efforts to the success of this plan. The order issued under date of June 4 is as follows: Headquarters South Carolina Division United Sons o^Confederate Veterans Lexington, S. C., June 4,1906. General Orders No. 1. Having been elected division commander of the South Carolina division of the U. S. C. V. at the recent convention held during the annual reunion of Confederate veterans, Columbia, S. C., in May, I therefore assume command of this division, and headquarters are hereby established at Lexington, S. C. l ta?e this hrst opportunity of extending my thanks to those of my comrades j who did me the honor to place me at the head of an organization that has its purpose the promulgation of such a worthy cause. I trust that in the undertaking I shall make to revive an interest in this organization, I shall have the hearty co-operation of every son of a Confederate veteran. I ask this because I conceive it to be a privilege that we enjoy and should appreciate to see to it that history properly records the records of the Confederate soldiers. In accordance with section 29 of the general constitution I hereby announce the following appointments: D. A. Spivey, Conway, adjutant and v r ~ r a i r j t t\ t ~ in sum; -riiireu. o. rui., ton. assistant adjutant and chief of staff; C. Wardlaw Moorman, Columbia, division quarter master; A. C. DePass, Columbia, division judge advocate; Dr. Ryan A. Gyles, Blackville, division surgeon; Rev. Melton Clark, Florence, division chaplain; W. S. Cogburn, Edgefield; Isaac Hough, Camden, and W. A. Shealy, Leesville, aides. These appointments rank from June 1, 1906. By order of George Bell Timmerman, Com. S. C. Division U. S. C. V. Official: D. A. Spivey, Adint.fl.nt, fmd PViipf of fttflff The appointment of the members of his staff which have not yet been made will be announced in a short time when Mr. Timmerman will also have other matters of interest to call to the attention cf the division. The Very Best Remedy for Bowel Trouble. Mr. M. F. Borroughs, an old and well known resident of Bluffton, Ind., says: "I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the very best remedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement after having used the remedy in my family for several years. I am never without it." This remedy is almost sure^to be needed before the summer is over. Why not buy it now and be prepared for such an emergency? For sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. Mr. I. W. Bcykin Writes a Letter. The members of the former State board of directors of the dispensary have not appeared before the investigating committee in answer to the invitation of the committee. Mr. L. W. Boykin was present yesterday, but did not go on the stand. Col. John Bell Towill was present the day that Mr. C. C.[Davis, of Newberry, testified to the matters which have excited so much comment. Mr. H. H. Evans hi a taken apparently little interest in the investigation, as he has not been in Columbia recently. No return was made bv him vesterdav through his attorneys. At the meeting of the committee Thursday afternoon, Mr. R. H. Welsh of the law firm of Bellinger & Welsh appeared and presented a return for Mr. Boykin and a separate return for Mr. Towill. The two are identical in language, but are not signed jointly. | Columbia, S. C., June 16, 1906. Hon. J. T. Hay, chairman, and other members of the committee appointed to investigate the affairs of the State dispensary. Gentlemen: In response to your invitation, if I so chose, to appear before your committee today for the purpose of making any statement that I de9ire to make concerning my former connection with the State dispensary * I beg to say that I prefer that your investigation should proceed uninfluenced by any statement that I might make. The more thorough and secarching the investigation is made, the more certain will the correctness of my conduct be demonstrayed. I am not only | anxious to see the investigation pro- ' ceed in the most rigid manner but I should be much disappointed if it did nv_?u uu ou. iiiuccu, liUilllUitWllg (IS 1U ^ might be. I challenge the closest scrutiny of my conduct before any tribunal before which it can be made. I have no fear that those who know me will believe that I have done anything that has been either illegal or immoral. Instances in which honorable men might differ with me in judgment may, and perhaps will be discovered. Wrong cannot be, for it does not exist. While I have keenly felt the injustice and the cruelty of some of the suggestions which have been I made in relation to my former connection with the dispensary. I am confident that when the scruting has been made complete that even those who do not know me will reach a like conclusion with those who do. At a future day and when it can have no influence upon the action of -your committee it is my purpose to send you a written statement cover- . in? the matters that I deem of con3 < r sequence, which I shall ask you to re- 1 gard as part of this communication and which I shall ask you to file as a part of your report. Very respectfully, L. W. Boykin. Cured of Brigit's Disease. 1 Geo. A. Sherman, Lisbon Bed Mills, a Lawrence Co., N. Y., writes: "I had ^ kidney disease for many years and had I been treated by physicians for twelve ' years; had taken a well known kidney medicine and other remedies that were recommended but got no relief until I began using Foley's Kidney Cure. The first half bottle relieved me and four bottles have cured me of this terrible disease. Before I began taking Foley's Kidney Cure I had to make water about every fifteen minutes, day and night, . and passed a brick-dust substance, and sometimes a slimy substance. I believe t I would have died if I had not taken Foley's Kidney Cure." The Kaufmann " Drug Co. G. G. Watson shot and seriously ^ wounded his son-in-law, N. V. Drand- j ridge in Darlington on last Thursday. , Dandridge had come to Watson's to * see his children, he and his wife hav- | ing separated some time age?and while there the trouble arose. A hundred years ago the best pysician would give you a medicine for your An ctAr\^\ir*o f A AA?i.n/"l TT?lm f I i viiuamt iu tuusiuui ?iiat effect it might have on the liver. Even 2 to this good day cough and cold medicines invariably bind the bowels. This i is wrong. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup with Ilonev and Tar acts on the bowels j ?drives out the cold?clears the head, relieves all coughs, cleanses and strengthens the mucous membranes of the throat, chest, lungs and bronchial tubes. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. 2 Alice Cleveland, a colored mute, was killed by being run over by a 5 freight train near Santuc, Union county, dn June *6th. 2 Thcs. E. Miller has resigned as president of the state colord college l at Orangeburg. He resigned because the trustees relected two teachers ^ over his protest. T. X. L. cures cold in the head. ( A gloom was cast over the 300 delegates attending the southern confer- 1 ence of of the Y. M. C. A. in Asheville on June 16th, by the sudden ? death of Mrs. George H. Atkinson. While making an address at the open- 1 ing exercises she was attacked with heart failure and died suddenly. c If you knew the value of ChamberIain's Salve you would never wish to be without it. Here are some of the dis- , eases for which it is especially valuable: sore nipples, chapped hands, burns, frost _ bites, chilblains, chronic sore eyes, itching piles, tetter, salt rheum and eczema. _ Price 25 cents per box. For fale by Kaufmann Drug Co. An indigation meeting was held in I the court house at Darlington to pro- 1 test against the use of the roads by 1 automobiles. Various methods of 1 stopping it were suggested, the shotgun being one. Look out Austin. _ \i T. X. L. cures rheumatism. THOMASi (OPPOSITE PO COr-TJlv?^ WHOLESALE AND . Hen, Women and i?y stock is large, was carefully selected both the city and country trade and ? in style, shapes and toes, down to the which are made of solid leather an market for the money. I want t child in Lexington county and offer some extraor Work and Dr four are cordially invited to call at my s office, when in the city, and I will tak and explaining their merits. Polite will strive to please y< )R. W H. TIMMERMAN, U. : President. Citizens Bank PAID UP CAPITA] S. F. STROTHER, Attorney, Announces to the public that it is now ,11 the conveniences and facilities of suc< aodating terms. Deposits solicited. 4 j [uarterly. Friends and acquaitances an Sank whether they have business or not Directors?Dr. \V. H. Timmerman, Dr J. Timmerman, E. F. Strother, Isaac Ed 'AT THE STORE T] Tnolri-nr 'ecorcT breaker, and 1 right by offering some 3argains that have before the trade. 5 dozen Misses' and Children's Satin? Caps, satin lined, the 25c. kind, for; each 10c.! 5 dozen Ladic-s' 25c. Corset Covers, for j i each 17Ac. | i 0 dozen Ladies' 50c. Corset Covers,' eaen 25c.; dozen Ladies' ?5c.07ight Gowns only, J each 50c.: ! 5 dozen Ladies' 50c. and 75c. Waists to i close out at, each 39c. ! ! 5 dozen 50c. and 75e. Silk Babv Caps to: * * I close out at, each 25c.! I ,0 Todies' honvv black Stockings, the! best ever offered for, pair 25c. !0 pieces fine All-Linen Table Damask, some 72-incii wide. CO dozen Cotton Towels, the 10c. and 15c. kind, only, the dozen 89c. )ne lot of 10c. > nd 15c. Embroideries for, the yard 5c. )ne lot of 10c. and 15c, Laces for, the yard 5c. .00 Alarm Clocks, sold everywhere for SI.00, our price 59c. >5 only $1.50 and $2.00 Watch.es, for this sale, each 99c. 0 dozen large size Glass Pitchers, form eriy soia at ~'oc., now ioc. >00 pieces Fine Decorated Chinaware, worth 10c. each, now 5c.: I 15 Men's $3.50 Silk Fancy Vests, now each $1.05 5 dozen Boys' Heavy 25c. Black Stockings, for this sale, pair 15c. j J T ? 3*1 TA I uuz,eii Uiiuitrs jl iLL& uiaLn. oaicca Waists for this sale 99c. dozen Men's $1.00 Silk Mufflers, for! this sale, each 50c. | Opposite the Theatre. flOT.TTME V. BOYNE, i ST OFFICE.) 3X-A., S. C., RETAIL DEALER IN Children's Shoes, with a yiew of supplying the demands of v >hoes from the most fashionable cuts ; seviceable every day plow shoe, all of d guaranteed to be the best on the o shoe every man, woman and to do this I am prepared to dinary bargains in M ess Footwear, tore 1730 Main Street, opposite the poet e pleasure in showing you my stock attention will be given you and I du in quality and price. 1 ^4 FINE BLACK LANGSHAKS ? LARGE. HARDY. Rocf all rrnin/1 n>rtnrtt?nl '-'vuii uii x \j uilvi H purpose fowls. BV gy G-ood Winter Layers. Cockerels and Breeding | Stock for sale f Cheap. Eggs $1 per setting. j|> RICE B. HARMAN, ' w* Lexington, S. C. . 4 X. GUNTER, A. C. JONES, rice President. Assistant Cashier, of Batesburg . L STOCK, ?30,000.00. BATESBURG, S. C. located in the new Bank Building with cessfnl banking. Monies to loan anaccom )er cent, on time deposits interest payable i cordially invited to call on Officers of and see our institution. . M. U. Boatright, U. X. Gunter, Dr. W wards, W. K. Sliealy, J. F. Kneece. HAT'S DIFFERENT." I the month of May a will begin the month of the most wonderful s yet been able to place 1 15 dozen Men's heavy Fleece-Lined Undershirts and Pants, 50c. kind for this .. -1- -?-! . *9 saie, cue garment; cite. 23 dozen Ladies' 10c. Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, for this sale, each 5c. 5 dozen Ladies' 25c. Hose Supporters, for this sale, pair, 10c. 500 yards All-Linen Table Damask, for "fl this sale, yard 25c. 25 dozen Misses' 15c. fine Black Stockings, for this sale, pair 11c. 100 only extra good Men's Umbrellas. for this sale, each 99c. ! 10 boxes 10c. Sweet Soap, for this sale. * | cake 5c. I 1 pair regular 50 cent. Cuff Buttons| for 25c. j 2 regular 25c. China Pitchers for 25c. : 2 regular 25c. Eutter Dishes for 25c. ^ i *" i 2 regular 25c. Buggy Whips for 25c. 1 pair Ladies' or Gentlemen's Gloves. ; the 50c. kind, for 25c. ; lo yards &uk kid Don, ail colors 2oc. j 2 yards 25c. Taffeta Ribbon for 15c. j 5 dozen fine Pearl Buttons for 25c. : 10 pair 5c. Shoe Strings for 25c. I 2 pair 25c. Side Combs for 25c. ** | 4 Ladies' 10c. Back Combs for 25c. ! 25 Gold Plated Collar Buttons for.. .25c, i 10 spools best Spool Silk for 25c. ^ ; 12 Ladies' 5c. Mourning Handerchiefs j for 25c. | 20 Spools Turkey Red Cotton ,25c. ! 2 pairs Men's regular 25c. Half-Hose ^ for 25c, Hundreds of other bargains for Spot Cash. Come to see us; look us over. Will be I glad to show vou through, fmm i U1KI IUI\j "The Store That is Different. > ! IS. C. A