The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, June 13, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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colu; "every day a e We are showing in every nnmatchable Prices. our clothing & mens' i wa ota nffiprinfr suecial valu Pants, also a big showing of I OUR SHOE 1 Is running over with great Sh PENCIL AND SCISSORS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Ask your dealer for T. X. L. The recent rains caught a lot of cut grain out in the field. Mr. Edwin Harman is still very feeble out at his home. The steam threshers will have to await sunshine to dry the grain before they can continue operations. Car load of wire fencing, all sizes, and widths, See us before you buy. Roof's Store. A nice line of hammocks and lap robes oan be found at the Lexington department Store. "Mr. J. M. Craps make9 his political bow to the voters in this issue, and wishes to preside as Judge of Probate. The voters of the forth magisterial district will see that U. W. Jefcoat is announced for reelection in this issue. _ Col. J. Brooks Wingard and Dr. P. H. Shealy are attending the Newberry college commencement. Lime is a necessity at this season. It will pay you to use plenty of it around your premises. The thrifty housekeeper will of eourse not forget to prepare a lot of fruits in season. C. E. Leaphart spent three 'days of last week in Charleston as a grand juror in the United States Court. Dr. R. G. Killings worth, dentist, will be at Pelion, S. C., Friday and Saturday, June the 15th and 16th. Candidates why not send in your announcements? We know "you'r comin'." You know "a faint heart ' never won a fair lady." The State campaign will open at St. George's, Dorchester county, next Tuesday, 19th of June. It will be here Saturday the 30th of this month. We carry a good line of buggy harness as can be found, and will sell them at right prices. Lexington Department Store. Mr. Samuel.P. Roof, an old student of Clemson went up Saturday to attend the commencement exercises of that institution. FOR SALE?A new light running New Home Sewing Machine at a bargain for cash or instalments. Apply at the Dispatch office. tf There will be preaching at the poor house Sunday evening, at 4.30, by Rev. W. D. Quick. The public is invited to attend. Miss Elizabeth Dominick, assistant teacher in the Palmetto Collegiate Institute, is spending a portion of her *1 f V\ VlAmO in VowllPTTV rouauuii au juvjuuv A** v v? Mr. W. Pickens Roof attended the Newberry College Commencement and was glad to mingle with the boys of that dear old institution of which he is a graduate. We learn that Mr. Timothy Weed is very feeble now at his son's, Mr. S. T. Weed, near Selwood, in the Fork. If you are seeking bargains in any class of goods, go right to Smcak's old stand and you will not be disappointed. They, are there "waiting for you." The bankrupt sales of H. M. Wingard at Smoak's stand will only last one week longer. You better call in time to secure bargains. Attorney Frank E. Dreher took in the Clemson commencement and returning stopped over at Newberry for the semi-centenial college celebration there. < We buy and 3E YOU AR J Your Dollar Hero _ S "Is a MierhtvThincr 099009?0?e?99099< ^ ?x. iu. ; MB I ATS"W ARGAIN DAY. Department the best goods at URNISHING DEPARTMENT es in Boys' and Mens' Suits and lats, Caps, Hosiery, Underwear, >EPARTMENT toe values. "jViLiVxi I will have my Mid Summer Opening Friday and Saturday, June 15th, and 16th, and will have my entire stock marked down very cheap. Eveiy body is invited to call. Mrs. N. L. Clark. We are expecting a large lot of buggies and surreys within the next few days on which we will make the very lowest prices. Lexington Department Store. Mr. G. A. Derrick, who is thori oughly in accord with the work of Clemson, where his son is to graduate, I left Saturday to be present at the commencement exercises, Remember, please, you will find a full line of the best extracts and perfumery, sweet soaps, toilet pow ders, etc., at the .Bazaar. The prices are right. n Our farmers are as busy as can be, chopping cotton, with labor hard to get. If it gets much worse our farmers will certainly be obliged to plant less cotton. WANTED?Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for firm of $250,000 Capital. Salary $1,072 per year, payable weekly. Expenses advanced. Address Geo. G. Clows, Lexington S. C. The home merchant should be patronized by home people and he in turn should patronize his fellowtradesmen when in the market for goods not carried in his own stock. FOR SALE?One large milk cow with young calf. One half Jersey heifer with first calf. One half Berkshires sow two years old weighs about 250 lbs. T. B. Bakr, Steadman, S. C. When you think you are ready to buy a sewing machine or machine attachments, needles, oil, &c., be sure to call on or send to J. H. Berry, the machine man next to Wm. Piatt's, Columbia, S. C. Mr. L. Earn Rawl, who has been taking a few weeks rest at the old home, near Rocky Well, returned to Columbia last Saturday. Earn was some time ago promoted and is now one of the Southern's trusted engineers. We want to remind some of our careless subscribers who have not paid up their subscriptions that we need money to run our business. We want only prompt paying subscribers 0:1 our list. ^yRemember that the Dispatch Job Printing Office is prepared to do all kind of printing on short notice, at a very low price. Send in an order and we will please you in price and workmanship. Mr. Robert Marks, one of our printers has been confined to his bed with fever since Wednesday of last week and has been a very sick boy. V/e are pleased to say., however, that he is improving, though we may be deprived of his much need help for some time yet. On Sunday afternoon of last week at about five o'clock Mr. C. E. Cannon's horse was struck by lightning and instantly killed. At the time the horse was grazing in Col. Towill's pasture and out in the open with no trees near.?Batesburg Advocate. Rev. Adam D. Sox, of CoiTollton, Ga., has been visiting the old home for a few days on business, and dropped in to see us yesterday, and renewed his paper. He intends to cut up the Shuler and Molton lands in suitable lots and tracts and will sell to suit purchasers. This will include ! lots in the town of Edmond. Fishermen, you can fijid your tackle , at the Bazaar. Japanese canes also. ITIIE S1 ** l"^~MI ~~ "~~l I ~" III ~"~1 I l?l~~~l ! I 'I l~l *ll I ' ' II l~l | I" III I "I | I | I | I | i i. < II | COLUMBIA'S 0,1 sell for Cash onl; CIGGESS1: E CORDIALLY IMlIMNi GREAT I SPECIAL ] In our Crockery Ware and Horn will find here a complete stock Cutlery and house furnishing i CORSETS.?We sell the be Warner's and other renown and up. COLTTM _ ? 1 J It's warming up a bit. Have you bought that pair of Oxfords ? You need them now. We have some mighty interesting propositions to offer you in Summer Shoes and Oxfords, at $1.50. $2.00. $2.25, $3.00. $3.50. Stop with us when in Columbia and cool off under our electric fans. We give you a warm welcome to a cool place. Ice water and electric fans make Shoe buying easy. EHRLICH'S, II? Main| COLUMBIA, S. C. When you are worried about something to cook, just go to H. M. Wingara's grocery, and you will find what you want. Wells! Wells!! BERLEY & &YZER, THE - WELL - MEN. If you want to do well, be well and look well, get Berley & Kyzer, Lexington, S. C., to put j*ou in a Terra Cotta Well which will give you pure water. Our prices are right, our work is right. Give us a trial and be convinced. EXPERIENCE. I Years of Experience are ? at Y our COMMAND. I Successful experience lias I been ours and we want every- 1 body who lias cause to feel f; that tliere is anything the mat j ter witli their eyes at all, to call and have us give them proper tests. THERE ARE NO CHARGES EOR EXAMINATIONS. CHARLES I.SITZ, jj OPTICIAN, I I JEWELER, | 1439 Main St., Columbia, S C. I FoSOf TICK SALE AN! y. Your dollar li< 1? J&CTX* ? INVITED TO I s IVIUUI LUOH <? ium%%m\uuuumuuu%um?m DEPART BARGAINS b ofii i?? icViinrr Tl flnor^-mon'f Vnn i-f vjjcii uuguiii i uu of Tinware, Glass Ware, Table Lovelties in great Variety. . j jst makes?American Beauty, makes. Price 50c., 75c., $1.00 ZE3 I . S . C , I (w I WAi ; Boi HE1 J My son his ways nor th of the McCormi Use M< good on thy fai Gre 1 y~ Its knives start instantly when the team starts. . It does not dog. , Its gears are enclosed like the works of a * watch.' This means long wear. . ' - * *. *r-'^ " " ,: { Jits pitman is protected (ompktely.' ^ its bar follows the ground, cutting all the hay. It draws easily, having roller bearings., * jjj ' /- It has a good foot lift . It draws easily and has nec^ we?ght. ^y. ^/^^y^o^iadle^the Osborne. OSBORNE < LEXINGTON, Barb s cue. AN JULY 4TH I WILL FURNISH j U ar my turpentine still. 011 the South- : eru road, a first class "cue and ret'ri shments. Everything will be up-to-date. I have decided to have two tables: one for the ladies and children, the other for young ladies and men and boys too. I will guarantee satisfaction with all reasonable people. So come and bring ; your children and enjoy the day. There j will be speaking, and music by a string J band that will tickle your heart. 4w34 H. Steels, Ethan, S. 0. ! i T. Iv. L. cures neuralgia. ??1^?????I?MBB W. llll JLLflUMl D SMALL PRO] jre always captur ??2ST ?EEP YOUR E^ g& COe$ MENT S We are showing special valu< LADIES SUIT tin he way of Skirt, Waist and We carry the largest stock oi to $5.00 the pair. See us cn CARPETS, MAT ELOOR OIL CLOTH and RUG! te'co.r J YOUR GRANDF S A { Iffll CORMK i, hear the instructions of thy grandfather ie ways of thine own father, for their wa; ick. cCormick machines, for they will be instr rm. eorv-Conder Mule ? AGENTS, 115 Plain Street, Columbia, S ( ^ ^ 1 (let Works all the ground. . > "31 S T R THE OSBORNESIH.KY HARROW. " " ^ ! Strong and Rigid. * Levers Handy. vJ Points Revers:ble. Osborne ^ry f I j ' FOE SALE BY Big Barbecue. AN SATURDAY. JUNE I'iTK, It<0d, < > nr :.:y residence four mil s south of t !:!'. r:'. I will ir.inis'i my rial ! nr?r r. . .'Jr. J?-t nl Taylor will prepare the meats. wl.i h guarantees a Xo. 1 'cue. Reckling wiii take pictured, and the candidates will roll it to you. The Black crock string band will furnish music ikioujrhout the entire day. Good order will positively be maintained. ! Special arteurion to ladies and children. ' Everybody is invit, rl. everybody is 00:11- ; lii^r. ana why nor you. Joe F::ve. 2w32 The Barbecue Alan. J2l_W _SEL H ? FIT EMPORIUM es lRGAIN iTE ON OUR OC ^ Bffl ?i ^ at??Wm ?-< TORE. bs in our DEPARTMENT fini+c P# MA VWI : Hosiery in the Carolinas?10c. 0 TINGS, WINDOW SHADES iiiS // T , and forsake not yr has been that ? > uments of ^reat ? Go. . c. iORNE / JtgJ/ "---I"} *' o sa oq NVC"O ~v y-ca? - ^ J I Each, tooth has the strength ..*1 ** ^ fi $ Columbia. _ 'ly *iy 1 yK t PCS HARROW 3 *3> | ?>s ?Sgsis a iftSIIBIIBBtil* /N < - s. u. ? uc H"! CAfea 0131 THE LUNCS | ""Br,ling's liw' liscovery ?-An AONSUMPTIOM r- Price . j iFOH I CUGMSand 50c & $1.00 | ISOLDS Free Trial. ^ | Surest and Quickest Cure for all i THROAT and LUNG TROUB- * J ^LES^or MONEY BACH. \ i ? * ? ? ?I -nil > > -? [ )UNTES.S ? ?# 999t?eeeee?oMfe# Main and ? Blanding J Streets. * Columbia, S. C. i 1