COLUI ~ EVERY DAY A Bj We are showing in every ] nnmatchable Prices. OTTB CLOTHING & HENS' F1 > ,.b We are offering special value Pants, also a big showing of H OUR SHOE D Is running over with great Sh< I - ? J* PENCIL AND SCISSORS- I Wayside Notes Gathered Here. and There by a Dispatch Man. The smallest fish often inspire the "biggest tales, Hon, W, JET, Sharpe was in town today on legal business, XT all no that you find the very best line of stationery at the Bazaar. In telling a man of his failings use a < long-distance telephone. Mr. Joe Smoak, mail clerk, With headquarters at Atlanta, Ga., is home for a few days rest. Misses Ethel and Nellie Caughman, of Columbia, are visiting relatives here. Say fishermen, now is the time to select your Jap fishing cane. Big lot - now "at the Bazaar. Miss Mamie and Enez Rawl of Batesburg, are visiting Col. M. D. Harman's family. The State campaign opens on the 20th cf next month, at St. George, in Dorchester county. " +<-v siofyVh fic"h first, CO tiO II JUU WOUV W vawu 0 _ W. P. Roofs big general store and buy some netting. Miss Pauline Hutto, of Leesville, is Tisiting her aunt, Mrs. Belton Clark -in town. Rev. Simon P. Shumpert, while in town Monday on other business, made ms a pleasant call. ? We have told you before, if you wish sweet soaps and fine perfumery , at the Bazaar is the place. Mrs. Susan Smithdeal, of Columbia, has been quite ill, but we are pleased t - to state, is better. You can be sure of finding what you want $t the Lexington Depart, ^ ment Store. Remember that your neighbor has his troubles, too, so keep your own at home. You can be sure of getting the very best merchandise if you buy it at the Lexington Department Store. i Miss Nila Adams, of Batesburg is visiting Miss Edeith Wingard and attended the school exercises. ? Politics, like baseball, will warm up as the summer comes on. The general public is the umpire in either case. LOST?Between J. S. Hendrix's and Lexington, one white wool circular shawl. Suitable reward if left at Dispatch office. { And still you find a lot of extra Dargains at the bankrupt sale. Go and see and you will be convinced, at , Smoak's old stand. Miss Mazie Dominick, of Newberry, j sister of Miss Elizabeth Dominick, is visiting her, and witnessed the school closing exereises. Our old friend J. Hart Fulmer, now on Little Mountain R. F. D., has our thanks for his remittance for another I year. New and fresh vegetables, standard and family groceries, a select line of shoes and hats, you will find at ti. M. Wingard. Mrs. W. J. Black and Miss Rosa Ranch, of Saluda county, sisters of Prof. F. W. Rauch, visited the latter during the commencement. The Lexington Department Store carries a complete line of hardware, harness and groceries. Capt. Jas. C. Fort, of Pelion, was here Monday on business, and returned the same day. He is one of our old original townsmen, so few of whom are left, that we are always glad to see th^n. We buy and E YOU AE Your Dollar UAr?> ' ,w' w # "Is 3 Mighty Thing ^ J. JJ. ] M BIA Jm REGAIN DAY. Department the best goods at CJRNISHINGr DEPARTMENT is in Boys' and Mens' Suits and ats, Caps, Hosiery, Underwear, EPARTMENT )e values. TILLMAN SAYS COMMITTE SHOULD GET SUSY ! Will Speak for the Dispensary at Some of the Campaign Meetings This Summer. Senator Tillman spent Sunday in Columbia among friends and relatives. He was in splendid spirits, but had very little to say about State or national matters, beyond throwing a few rocks at the cijgpensary investigating i committee for taking so long to get J busy and for saving what little thunder it has for late in the summer for political effect upon the primaries. The senator appears to have gotten in some fine work in the recuperating line in the week he has spent at home. When he came through here a week ago from the strenuous fight at Washington the effects of the fierce battle of brains were visible in the lines of his face?he calls them his lines of thought?and in his complexion. But yesterday he showed that he had entirely recovered. The Record man tried to get him off to himself with the idea of putting a h-nor 4n "hia that, wnnld he orodllC ? ? ? IT tive of some "hot copy," but the senator wouldn't respond to this move. "If you are going to print what I am going to say we had as well have it out right here. Are you scared some of these people will scoop you? What do you want to know, anyhow?" "The way an interview just printed from you is headed seems to give the impression that you would like to see the investigating committee shut up shop now because you fear the revelations they might have to make against your dispensary.'' Suggested the man seeking readable "copy." "My God, young man," said the hero of the rate bill fight, swinging about in his'arm chair as if reaching for his pitchfork, "if I took seriously the way the newspapers head things and weave in insinuations I'd have gone crazy long ago." This set off a merry laugh, in which he joined heartily. ' 'Nebody is objecting to the investigation. What some of us are kicking about is that they don't go ahead and bring out something. This investigation has been turned into a I political game. They are prolonging I tlio fVvi-rirr rm'f.Vi a view t/i hnvinff an Vltll 1^ TTAUM VW **wf? w "v. . ^ . effect on the primaries. I don't think it will amount to much. I don't believe they have anything of consequence to bring out. Why don't they get busy with the old board before they begin on the new board?" ? "How about the Black-Lyon affair, senator?" "That is a personal matter between Messrs. Lyon and Black. I have nothing to do with it. I see they say that witnesses have been intimidated, threatened with being shot. I felt comparatively safe myself when I was before the committee to give my testimony? or make my little stump speech, as seme of the newspapers "" T i i.1 ; j j.i \ J A saici. 1 Deneve rnev saiu uiey uau r~ 'yf I r Its knives start instantly when the team starts. A. . iwam?It does not dog. NM, . I VyM Its fears are enclosed like the works of a * \ watcft*r This means long wear. "n. > ) Y ^]lte pitman^b^protected cmpietdyf . * Its bar follows the ground, cutting all the hay. \ * Y~ It draws easily, having roller bearings., . ? >?n?It has a good foot lift. * ^.fre-lwHrrvr It draws easDy and has nec^ weigh t. f boy can handle t the Osborne.r .t?M? ?- -- - -U--.-.:, ^flSTo: LEXINGTON, A Certain Cnre for Aching- Fsst 2v Shake into )our f-bo<-s Ai!ei>V Foot \ E??ee, a powdtr, it cuies Hied, K-h On iDg, callous. sweating, swollen feet. Lut' At ail druggists and shoe storf-s, 25*. j !)ret feve Simple free. Address, Allen S 0 m- ! sted, Le Roy, N. Y 29 ! desl 253 Few days of last week were remark- j ^" able for the season. High winds from f the east and cool, but the rains so 0badly needed finally came. j Patc BIG B AI ID SMALL PROF! Lere always captures 5EST BA] KEEP YOUR EY1 1 <2> Gp ^ FenT sr ( aiatBaoiiNOBBBaBiBaainaiaoaBBaa iTe are showing special values LADIES SUIT D he way of Skirt, Waist and S 7e carry the largest stock of ] &5.Q0 the pair. ee us on CARPETS, MATT 00R OIL CLOTH and RIJGS. 'OlIRCRANDFf A :da m NQpr A A A ? ? r the instructions of thy grandfather ai ys of thine own father, for their way ) lick machines, for they will be instrun rv-Ccnder Mule * AGENTS, i Plain Street Columbia, S. | ?^ ^ A TME OSBORNE *SOLKY MARROW. ' "" ^ 5 f V ] Strong and Rigid. [) , Levers Handy. } * . Handles Strong. j S Point* Reversible. ' V ?* "Osbom^'; I .. THe OSEORNE ft* Y *(1_. ..; "-CT^CULTIVATOR BORNt ?% ri * Hw; F# Full SAL.b ?>i lany Children arc Sickly, j Itni.rt G;>. .'* P vvHf^rs for I t f . ? *?*?1 t>v M if S)*-r (tr~* , B iii *-l. t P'-ujt-, New i'ork, j tk up coida ju 2-i hours, cure j rishDese. headache, stomach : iblee, teething disorders, and troy worms. At all druggists, ; Sample mailed free. Address, t _ ci r\, 4.?.3 T ?T>V V -;Q i 'U o. WJmsieu, j.. i.^/ Id newspapers for sale at the Disih Office. BHnBggnflBDBEflBBBISnnBflniK. riAiNsI T EMPORIUM ? RGJLISr' 3 ON OUR CO 0 rORE. in our EPARTMENT ^ uits. J losiery in the Carolinas?10c. _ H INGS, WINDOW SHADES 1 " a I * HMn ml j p 1 r tl id forsake not tias been that . * aents of great Go. C. *4 DXJF ,' * ./-q I OSSOF?^E CC I Eich. tooth hm the otreagth jl ? IPLEMENTS : 111 ran ' b H0OB a u a a mm 1 S. C. HOlltke couch |af-o cure the LUNGS ""Or, King's * ! New Discovery ; Consumptions Price 5 FDR I OUGHSand 50c & $1.00 1 WOLDS Free Trial. j Surest and Quickest Cure for all ^ I THROAT and LUNG TROUBI LES, or MONEY BACK ZZ^ZZZZZZZ^^^ZZZZZ?-?? ** wmmamammmmmmmmmmmmmtammmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmm ? ** _ ----- ~ i m?ii *~>n***i ??m^^rT *" *" " ? iUNTERS SfO9?O?ee?O6l?0M0f??tOM? Main ancJ * Blanding J 0 Streets. S Columbia, S. C. m