The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 30, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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? | CLARKE oi. COTTON FACTORS AND 843 Reynolds St] LIBERAL ADVANCES. PERSONAL ATTENTIO Write us before arranging fo ^ We handle Bagging, Ties and ^ Beliable and Energetic Soiici L The Lexington Dispatch. | Wednesday, May 30, 1906. Index to New Advertisements, j College of Charleston. * Barbecue?Harm an & Lyles. Notice?Mrs. L. E. Counts, Admin- j istratrix. For Sale?Columbia Supply Co. New Goods?J. L. Mimnaugh & Co. | - THE ME SANK,! LEXINGTON, S. C. Fairness, Honesty, Safety. F. W. OSWALD, Pres. ALFRED J. FOX, Cashier. m Divine Services Will be held at Nazareth on Sunday, June the 3rd, at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 11 a. m. Installation Services. fRev. E. L. Lybrand will install Rev. B. D. Wessinger as pastor of the St. Paul's pastorate the second Sunday in June, at 11 a. m. The services to be held at St. Paul's (Hollow Creek) Evangelical Lutheran church. IV Fire. We have just learned that yesterday about midday Mr. George Shirey, of the Ella section, lost his barnes and out buildings with a lot of food by an accidental fire. Who Can Beat Them? We are thankful, indeed, to Mr. N. ^ Jones, on the Lexington R. F. D. No. 1, for a bunch of the largest white onions we ever saw. The ftve weigh seven pounds, each measuringing from 4*4 to inches in diameter. < i >. 2Tew Dress. This week the Dispatch appears in a new dress of type, and we propose to make it second to no county paper in the State. We pride ourselves in issuing a home paper?-one that can family frvr thft most cjllucx ujx^ loff l 114.j vuvav refined lady readers, as well as to keep in touch and give the cream of all the news possible, county, State, national and foreign. -3 Always Standard. . -X' m v?' You never find deceptive or catchey yg- bargains at Wm. Platts dry goods ^ store in Columbia. He carries good standard goods, which are always sold i at the very lowest reasonable prices. At any tame you wish to make pur- i chases in dry goods and milliner}-, ! call and see his stock and learn his prices. / | Death, of a Child. We note with sadness the death of 0 the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Augustus Shealy, of Leesville, I which occurred last Wednesday night, suddenly and unexpectedly, and although a pride of the home, its spirit ' - i ... n. j l. ' nas rerurnea to uou who gave n. ah this sad hour of sorrow these stricken parents surely have our sympathy. * ? . Esferse Case. Col. Geo. Bell Timmerman was engaged yesterday as Referee in the case of Myrtle Edwards against Vastine and Lizzie Wessinger to enforce the execution of judgment against the latter for damages, and the second y case is against the children" of Mr. / Wessinger to whom property had been (deeded. Crawford and McClarkson foijplaintiff, and John T. Duncan for defandants. Mr. James Verner, of Columbia, represented"the interest of plaintiff in the case yesterday. frill Not Stand for Be-Election The numerous friends of Mr. Geo. A. Derrick will regret to learn that he ? ' ?? ? -i?i--" 4.x, ? |'t will not stanG ior re-eieuuiuu mc office of County Auditor. He has served the people faithfully and well and it will be difficult to find a man as capable for the position. He will % retire from the political field with the well wishes of our people. Jll II I ? |1 CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS 9^ a L| Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. ? 1 (1^] Use in time. Sold by druggists, pi & BUTT, MMUSSIH SERGKUTS. reet, Augusta, Ga. CHARGES REASONABLE. iff TO ALL BUSINESS. r advances, i Best Fertilizers. [ting Agents desired. | Another Confederate Soldier is G-one. Mr. J. E. Pierce Hendrix, of Hollow Creek Township has answered the last roll call. Mr. Hendrix died May 27, at the age of 62 years 3 months and 21 days, having been born February 6th, 1844. For many months he had been a severe sufferer, but at all times bore his affliction with fortitude. In 1869 he was married to Miss Hattie L. Smith, who died June 28, 1885. Again in 1886 he was married to Miss M. Lizzie Kunkle, who died April 20, 1902. He leaves four children, Edward, James, Lillie and a younger son. A sister Mrs. J. J. Kyzer servives him. His remains were interred on Monday afternoon in the cemetery at Mt. ~ ? " v ?T wX "U ^ Pisgah Lutheran cnurcn, wnereaii jit had been a member since the dedication thereof, having acted as one of the officials on the day of the dedication. The funeral was conduc ted by his pastor, Rev. J. W. Nease, assisted by Rev. A. S. Leslie, of the Methodist church. Mr. Hendrix was a momber of Lexington Lodge Masons, and the following delegation therefrom performed the solemn burial ceremony of the j order: T. L. Harman, Rev. W. D. 1 Quick, W. A. Corley, Scott Hendrix, Frank E. Dreher, Geo. E. Roberts, p "r Geo. W. Corlev. T. | S. Harman, Sam. J. Leaphart, Dempi sey E. George, F. A. Derrick, J. E. Rfl | Kyzer, Samuel B. George, G. T. GraI ham, Rev. A. S. Leslie and L. E. Rawl. In the Confederate army Mr. Hen! drix was a member of Co. F, 5th S. C. | Cavalry, and saw long service therein. | After the war he engaged in farming ! and made a success thereat. In life | he was quiet and unassuming, and in | h's death our county looses a good i citizen. _ Leesville Collage Commencement. I We acknowledge an invitation from Prof. L. B. Haynes to the commencement exercises of Leesville college, June 3-5. Following is the program: Sermons. Sunday, 11 a. m., Rev. L. A. Cooper. Sunday, 8:30 p. m., Rev. J. A. Bowers, D. D. Monday, 11 a. in., Association of Graduates. Monday, 8:30 p. m., Address, Rev. S. R. Belk, D. D. Tuesday, 10:30 a. m., Concert by Music Department?Delivery of Diplomas. Tuesday, 8:30 p. m., Address, Prof. A. B. Cooke, Ph. D. Senior Class. Miss Mary Evelyn Gibson. Miss Annie Lillian Herbert. Miss Mayme Evangeline Padgett. Lightaing Zills Spectators. Mobile, Ala., May 27.?About three miles from the city this afternoon, during the progress of a ball game in an open field, a thunder storm came up, accompained by vivid lightning, which struck in the midst of the crowd of spectators, instantly killing five and injuring some twenty-five more or less seriously. At least fifteen or twenty others were shocked and knocked down by the stroke, who quickly recovered an<? were able to leave the field. The field was strewn with bits of shoes and clothing from those who were killed or seriously injured and the bodies of the dead presented a terrible spectacle, being burned in numerous places. A silver dollar taken from the pocket of one of the victims was melted on both sides. Violating the Sabbath day. FOBCED CHILDREN TO DBAW A PLOUGH. Wisconsin Farmer Made to Quit Inhumanity. Oshkosh, Wis., May 26.?Complaint has been made against a farmer near Neenah that he has been hitching four of his seven children to a corn plough or cultivator, which he compelled them to drag through a ten-acre track garden while he guided it. Farmers and persons from Oshkosh, driving on the highway, have witnessed the unusual sight. Dr. Wilkie, of this city, agent of the Fox River Valley Humane society, compelled the farmer to send five of the children to school. The father, it is alleged, was rearing them in ignorance. The majority are girls. The oldest is not more than fourteen. I Mr. T. Frank Griffith has been promoted, and last Monday took the management of the weaving and worping rooms of Middleberg mill, at Bitesburg. Mr. Griffith is an experieiced and competent mill man, and > nis employers will be pleased with his 1 supervision. * u ^ i Their Stock | Patronage, s I have purchased ai stock of goods of L. I now selling the goods c prices. If you want 1 and see them whether WE HAVEl One 25 horse power Talbott, second hand e overhauled. This engine is in first class c< anyone who is in the market for such a siz We are headquarters for anything in tin attention will be given to all inquiries and when you are in the market for anything, order elsewhere. COLUMBIA SUPPLY The very best of shoes for sale by W. P. Roof, and your coming to see them will be appreciated. If you are in need of clothing, shoes, hats, or any kind of dry goods, you can find it at the Lexington Department Store. We thank the faculty and senior class of Clemson Agricultural 'college for an invitation to be present at the tenth annual commencement exercises, June 10-12. There were a number of ^the grad uates, ex-students and friends of the Palmetto Collegiate Institute, in attendance at the closing exercises and added greatly to the delight and pleasure of the occasion. Purchase your dry goods from the Lexington Department Store and receive free a splendid graphophone or v a life size portrait. Miss Estelle L. Hook* has our thanks for an invitation to attend the closing exercises of Columbia college, June 1-5, from which she and Miss Maude Faye Crosson, of this county, graduate. ANNOUNCEMENTS. All announcements under this head will be charged for at the rate of $3? positively in advance. Cards to be confined to a simple announcement. For House of Representatives. | Having striven faithfully to represent j the interest of the people of Lexington county for one term, J. M. Epting is hereby announced for reelection to the House of Representatives, subject to the j rules of the Democratic primary. The many friends of Dr. J W. Eargle do hereby announce him as a candidate for the Legislature from Lexington comity, and pledge him to abide the result of the Democratic primary. 1 | For County Supervisor. The friends of George A. Shealy announce him as a candidate for County Supervisor, subject to the rules of the Democratic party, and he is pledged to abide by the result of the primary. The many friends oil the south side of Saluda river annouuce George H. Koon 3.S tl CaUCllQate IOr v^uumy oujtci visui and pledge liim to abide the result of the primary. The many friends of John "W. Fry announce him as a candidate for County Supervisor and pledge him to abide by the result of the primary. FINAL DISCHARGE. IVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ll all persons interested that I will apply to the Hon. George S. Drafts, Judge of Probate in and for the County of Lexington, State of South Carolina, 011 the 21st day of June, 190(1, for a final discharge as Administrator of the Estate of Joe Surgener, deceased. FRANK SURGENER, 4w32 Administrator. ! 1 n TUC I EYIURTi U i 1BL LLAII1U 8 I iverything and is complete in all. Lines ind Guarantees Fair Tree i bihi fc Bankrupt Sale the 1. M. Smoak, and am >fF at greatly reduced )argains call at once you buy or not. TOR SALE sngine, in stock which has recently been Dndition and will be a great bargain for ;e engine. ^ way of machinery supplies, and prompt orders entrusted to our care. Write us and be sure to get our prices before you May 30. CO., Columbia. S. C. Barbecue. We will furnish a first class barbecue with refreshments at Gilbert, (Lewiedale), S. C., on July 4th, 1906. Speaking and music will be furnished. Every effort will be used for the enjoyment of the people. Everybody is cordially invited to attend and enjoy the day. LEWIE HALLMAN, 8w34 DAVID E. HAMMOND. Barbecue. ON SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1908, I will furnish a first class barbecue with refreshments at my residence about two and one-half miles south of Gilbert, S. C. Everybody is invited to come and enjoy the day. 6w33 N. S. CROUT. Barbecue. WILL FURNISH A FIRST IT class barbecue witb reiresnments at Popular Springs, near Mr. Jefferson Price's, on Saturday, 30th June, 1906. Prominent speakers will be present, music will be furnished and every effort used for the enjoyment of those present. Everybody is invited. MANUEL PRICE, 6w34pd POLION NICHOLS. Barbecue at Irene. WE WILL FURNISH A BARBEcue and refreshments at Irene on 4th July, 1906. Music will be furnished by the Irene brass brand. Several speeches will be made by prominent candidates and others, and a pleasant day is promised all who attend. Everybody cordially invited. Charges for dinner will be moderate and the proceeds will go to the band. 6w33 IRENE BRASS BAND. COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON CHARLESTON, S. C. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS Will Jj be held in the County Court House on Priday, July 6, at 9 a. m. One Free Tuition Scholarship to each County of South Carolina, awarded by the County Superintendent of Education and Judge of Probate. Board furnhished, room in Dormitory, $11 a month. All candidates for admission are permitted to compete for vacant Boyce Scholarships, which pay $100 a year. For Cata]ogue and information, address 6w HARRISON RANDOLPH, President. Barbecue. The undersigned will furnisli a first class barbecue with refreshments at Lyles' mill, near Seivern, July 7th. Conveyances will meet the trains at Seivern. Everybody come and let's have a good time. JOE F. HARM AN. <;w35 HENRY J. LYLES. Notice* Debtors and Creditors. A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE A Estate of J. H. Counts, deceased, are required to make payment to the undersigned, and all persons having claims against the said Estate must r?r?co7it. tJroni dnlv attested on or before the 1st day July, 1900. ' MRS. L. E. COUNTS. Administratrix. May JO, 1906?3\v32. " . i All rS> <w mnnnnnuuiuuumv . This establishment S liment to all Patrons. Lombard Iron Worl AUGUSTA, Foundry, Ma.chin? a.nd Boiler Works a J Bridges, Roofs, Tanks, Tower and Building Con 4 Cane and Shingle Mill Machinery and Repairs; 4 road Castings; Railroad and Mill Supplies; Belt; ??I Oilers, ei I BL ? i *ipiupi ai it i pi m>vmi LIGHT SAW MILLS and GAS Quick Sh Sterling Goods i Sterling silver, cut glass, fine j china, clocks. A fine stock j always on hand for you to i select from. Keep us in mind when want- j ing anything in Jewelry or ; Silverware. Good watch work and best j eye glasses. If you can't come, send for our catalogue or telephone your order to us. P, II. LACBICOTTB & CO, JEWELERS, ? v 1424 Main St., Columbia, S. C. ! i 'Phone 934 | SHERIFF SALES. j STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. In Magistrate Court. State of Soutli Carolina, Plaintiff, vs. M. R. Hartley Co., Defendents. Sheriff Sale Under Execution. TINDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN U execution in above stated case, duly issued and lodged in my office, I have levied upon and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on Friday, June the 10th, 190(5, at 11 o'clock a. m,, before T. P. Meetze's ware house door, in the Town of Lexington, S. C., the following property, to wit: Twentv sacks of cotton seed meal. P. H. CORLEY, S. L. C. Lexington, S. C., May 16th, 190(5. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, uounry 01 .Lexington, In Magistrate Court. State of South Carolina, vs. Lexington Department Store, Deft/s. Sheriff's Sale Under Execution. j TNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN U execution in above stated case duly issued and lodged in my office I have levied upon and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash on Friday, June 15, 1906, at 11 o'clock a. m., before T. P. Meetze's warehouse door, in the town of Lexington, S. C., the following property, to wit: Ten sacks of cotton seed meal. P. H. CORLEY, S. L. C. Lexington, S. C., May 16, 1906. The First Cue of the Season. c4tttpt1av tttx"f! 1c 1()0? at U my place on the Southern railroad, | one mile from Gilbert, I will furnish a I first class barbecue with refreshments. I By special arrangements all the passenger trains will stop at my place to take on and let oft' passengers. 5w32 IOOR HAYES. llllll A and WHISKEY HABITS m H m M curea ai none wuu Brill Iwl out pain. Bookofpar II III IVl ticulars sent FREE. nHMBl B. M. WOOLLEY, M. D. O Atlanta, ?a. Office 104 N. Pryor Street. iolicits your ^ is and Supply Co. [ GEORGIA E tnd Mill Supply Store. Engines, Boilers, ' struction; Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil, Fertilizer, ; Building. Bridge. Factory, Furnace and Rail ing, Packing, Injectors, Fittings, Saws, Files, , tcShafting, Pullevs. and Hangers. CAST EVERY DAY Capacity for 300 Hands 5 and Erie ENGINES, Korting and Injectors, Turbine Water Wheels, etc. > Mill BOILERS Built to Hartford Specifications a Specialty > Locomotive Tender Tanks Write Us Before You Buy * tyiyiyiyiyi I0LINE ENGINES in Stock. t -en yvi An 4" . . .. Carolina National Bank. ORGANIZED 1868. Assets Over $1,500,000.00. UNITED STATES. STATE, COUNT! AND CITY DEPOSITORY, Capital Paid in - - - $200,000 Surplus Profits - - - 72,000 Liability of Stockholders 200.000 $472,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, payable quarterly. Loans to merchants and farmers a specialty. Our motto is: '*A helping hand and a square deal to all." BOND ACCOUNT. U. S. Bonds - - - - $250,000 South Carolina Bonds - 50,000 City Columbia Bonds - - 50,000 November 9th, 1905, number of Depositors, 2,430. Amount of Deposits, $1,192,729.55. , Ynur "hncinpcc W. A. CLARK, President. T. H. MEIGHAN, Cashier. BUY A PIANO or AN ORGAN BY MAIL BUY the BEST WE REPRESENT THE MAKERS of the most superior Organs and Pianos made. IF YOU BUY a first class Piano or Organ you will get a life time treasure. If you buy a cheap UiJLC, )UU Will ACglCl It, OUR EASY TERMS and low prices will make possession easy. Slightly used Upright Pianos from $190 to $250. New Organs from $45 up. Write for Catalogue or call at MALOHE'S MUSIC HOUSE, COLUMBIA, s. c. Winthrop College Scholarship and Entrance Examination. The examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop College and for the admission of new students will be held at the County Court House on Friday, July 6th at 9 a. m. Applicants must not be less than fifteen years of age. When scholarships are vacated after July (>, they will be awarded to those making tho highest average at this examination provided they meet the conditions governing tho award. Applicants for scholarship should write to President Johnson before the examination for scholarship application blanks. Scholarships are worth ?100 and free. tuition. ,The next session will open September l'.'th, For further information and catalogue, address PRES. D. B. JOHNSON, may 5-\v31 Rock Hill, S. C.