The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 16, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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! Our Big Department is exceedir A SPECIAL SHOWm< "Dftnn+l'All cVl f>/1 OO TVOTET Rll' lil/UL iLX OJULCiUVOi i.\ v t* mju. Belts and Buckles. Special Our showing of fine Table 1 the way of Men's up-to-dat< ^PENCIL AND SCISSORS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Baseball goods of all kicd can be found at the Bazaar. Memorial day was not observed here for some reason. Buy your dry goods from the Lexington Department Store. Bemove warts by rubbing several times witb onion dipped in salt. I We are obliged to Miss Bessie Bleckley for s baeket of delicious strawberries. Get an ice cream freezdr from Roof and keep up witb the times. Women like pretty clothes, because ?well, because they like pretty 4bihel< Bay your straw hats at the Lexington Department Store. Mr. Qainoy Wingard is having erected on his lot, near Mr. E i Corley's home, a neat cottage. Mrs. J. J. Schwartz has our thanks for a basket pf fine strawberries. It is kind in friends to so remember us. Our enterprising fellow citizen, Mr. ?. J. George, is goiog to put in ft saw Mill At his mill. A handy machine for seeding cherries nicely, is for sale at M. D. HarfiWs grocery. Sweet soaps highly perfumed, at the Bazaar. Messrs. S. M. Gross and P. H. KB Cook spent Saturday and Sunday in Augnsta, visiting relatives and friends. Fresh groceries are always in demand, and at W. P. Boot's you find them at popular prices. Mr. J. P. Bodie, of Leeaville, sold 77 bales of cotton, last week, to Matthews & Bouknight for 11J cents per pound. A splendid line of harness for sale cheap at the Lexington Department | Store. | Mr. W. P. Roof has had the in- I terior of his store freshly painted and it has a neat, cool, apperance. Rev. G. W. Bearden visited some of bis members of bis old charge a few days of last week while at home. ||? >. He returned Thursday. The Peerless Iceland Freezers can be found at the Lexington Department Store. Mr. Henry A. Dooley came in Saturday delighted that he could now receive bis paper at his door on route 4 from this cffice. .Mr. W. W. Long and daughter, of Prieeville, paid our office a pleasant visit Saturday and were pleased to see our new engine and office outfit. Can't you take time to come and see our line of Men'c, Ladies' and Ghildrens' Low Quarter Shoes. They - ? ' ! are certainly nice ana prices arenguu. W. P. Roof. We w&ot to advise our lady readers that they will find it greatly to their advantage always to call at Wm. Plattye, Columbia, when they wish to purchase dry goods and millinery never to bay before you see the stock, which is bought to please and Batisfy the customers. ? ?????? -? mmmwmmmmmmmm?mmm '| 'i " ' ''' " "innfrr i c jS&?^-V We buy and YOU AR] Vour Dollar 8 Here f "Is a Mighty Thing. HBB Store is aglow witli N lgly attractive. Ever 3r?Of rich Black Silks; China Si irtwaist Patterns?Handsome ar showing of Lawns and White go Linen is especially attractive. Hi 3 Clothing, Hats, Shirts, Heck-wc X JM MT " Mr. William Pric?% one of the olcf- j est inkubitanJs of Priceville, is dead. He wavS a member of Go. K, 2(hb, R?gt. S. C V., and a good soldier and citizen. i Several communications received too late 'or this issoe. Wednesday is devoted to editorial and local work, ; unless it is something very important ! Rsmember this, pltase. j You need not want for something to cook, but go to M D Harman's grocery store and you will find plenty to eat and that that is good. We regret to cote tbat Mr, J Sol i i Hendrix is very feeble at his home. Suffering with some stomach trouble, and we hope be may soon recover. I Planter's Horee and Cattle pow- j ders, one of the best made, can be bad at the Bazaar. Lirge packages 25 cents. Miss Fiorrie Harman, after spending several weeks very pleasantly with Mrs. B E. Mack and friends, of near Swansea, returned home yesterday. Do your trading at the Lexington Department Store and get a splendid graphophone free or a life size portrait free. Mrs. J. J. Leitner, from near Irmo, in passing on a visit to relatives Saturday, did not forget the printers. She is a warm friend of the Dispatch apd is always prompt io settling for same. Mr. H F Bawl and family, who have been here and at Batesburg on a visit to parents, relatives and friends, returned to Lawtey, Fla., yesterday. All parties sending barbecue and other notices will please send the cash with copy to ensure their insertion. Teachers will remember that the regular examination for county teachers will take place here on Friday , next, 18th* Those taking a reading course will have questions for this special feature. Pretty is not the name for our ladies' Belts, Collars and Gloves. Prices range from 25 cents to $1 00 To see them is the only way to appreciate them. At Boot's store. We have been having almost winter weather, but summer is here and Old Sol will make you wish you had a little more winter mixed in this season's business. Mr. Samuel B. George, clerk, has paid out pretty well all of thepeDsion money, and many a soul has been made proud while some feel disappointed. The money turned lose in the county must help business some. Mr. Samuel C. Gantt from the Edisto and Mr. William Wells, of Black Creek, were in town Monday receiving their pension money, aid did not forget to call in to see us. We are always glad to shake tbe hand of an old comrade. TJvicle Josh Sbealy was here Mmd*y from Pmey "Woods and brought us the subscription of a neighbor. We are always glad to see Uocle Josh. He reports prospects of small grain crop* very promising. Farm work backward. Labor scarce. [THE ST )OLUMBIA'S OX sell for Cash onlj IXG-GUESI E CORDIALLY MM?nwn?iiin?n w i ew G-oods. Our Show j Department is well Iks in white and evening shade Ld latest styles, embroidered am ods. Embroideries and New La indsome Scarfs and Centerpiece ?ar, Hosiery, etc., is new and att STGH aSt Make a note of it and the next time you come to Columbia stop in and see the Men's fii* Ada Art/1 Ovfnrrlc uro or/a c^11? UJL1U VAXVA ff V MA V MVAA ing at $3.00. You will certainly find more style, better workmanship and materials in these Shoes than you could possibly expect. And they last, made of good leather they are' just obliged to wear well. Our stock is complete in every detail from Brogans to the finest $6.00 Dress Shoes you will find them all here. EHRLICH'S, 1648 Main St., ) AA| HIIDIi C O 1627 Main St., j UULUfflDlAj Oi lit Wells! Wells!! BERLEY & KYZER, THE - WELL - MEN. If yon want to do well, be well and look well, get Berley & Kyzer, Lexington, S. C., to put yon in a Terra Cotta Well which will give you pare water. Our prices are right, our work is right. Give us a trial and be convinced. Mr. L. B YoDCf, from the Pelioa section, recently caught three owls measuring from tip to tip respectively, 3|, 4f and 5 feet. Thus far he is the champion owl hunter. EXPERIENCE. Years of Experience are at Your COMMAND. Successful experience lias been ours and we want everybody who has cause to feel that there is anything the mat ter with their eyes at all, to call and have us give them proper tests. THERE ARE NO CHARGES FOR EXAMINATIONS. CHARLES 18RNTZ, i OPTICIAN, 1 JEWELER, | 1439 Main St., Columbia, S, C. | ORE OF riCK SALE~AN T7- "u. t. i uiu climax in r JB INVITED TO 3 s bb vsj he esh ing of Spring Silks and handsome daiir stocked with new novelties and cho s. Beautiful figured Organdies and Lawn. A great sho i lace trimmed, with, collars and cuffs. Hew Belts-r-H* ces. Hew Shoes good and cheap. Great values in Towels s. Clothing and Men's Furnishings?We are showing t ractive. Bargains in China Mattings. C3 O ?9 C 1 inn. [WHEN YOUR CM I WAS A iSg I BOY \ I HE USED A I My son, hear the instructions of thy j his ways nor the ways of thine own father, fc of the McCormick. Use McCormick machines, for they v good on thy farm. 1 Greeorv-Conder I * * AGENTS, R 1115 Plain Street, Col I The Stronges B Science proves that the strongs B constructed throughout on scier IELLWOOD I SIMPLE?SCIENTIFI TUAT lc Al I TUCDC IQ Tfl II rim I w flkh I lbl\ta W w Heavy steel cables lapped about and held together by steel wire No chance for weakness in any part; uniformly strong. The rea: - are not hard to find. This company owns and operates its o\ and six large fence factories?either one of the six being large These facts should be convincing. TOR SALE BY LEXING-TON, I A Certain Cure for Aching Feet Many Children are S Shake into your aboea Alien1* Foot Mother Gray'a Swe?t Po> T?. o it fnr<-H tir -c?_ i-oh- f!hi!H?pp_ n,?pd hv Mother JL-J W ?? ^ m w ww. , - ^ , v _ . . ._ _ _ injr, callous. sweating, swollen f*et. ; ouree iu Children s Hotue, I At all druggets HC(j ptorf-p. 25s. I ^rea^ ?P c?lds id 24 hoi c ; fevun-hnePH. headache, Simple free. Address, Allen S 0 m- i lrouWeK. Ie*tbiu* ditord sted, Ls Rry, N. Y 29 j destroy worms. At all i We hear complaint from some Sample mailed free. farmers baviog to plant their cotfccn A.^en $ O msted, LrRoy, 3 over?destroyed by frost Thursday j ? J ,J I Aalr ^oniA. f ? T V morning hon cju biuc? i ?*.-*<*. <,-r?.<-. ?.w< *.. ^ Bie BARGAIN D SMALL PEOFIT~EMPOI 3re always captures SEST BilMOii] iEEF YUUit iliYiii UJN UUJ ty fabrics for Spring wear 1 ice merchandise. wing of new Mercerized Zepyhrs? ew assortment of the best things in , Table Linens, IJapkins and Doylies, he new things in this department in ^ t fe:a.sB?9 US? <G? bwbbb^^ grandfather and forsake not j| >r their way has been that |j rill be instruments of ^reat B Mule Co., I umbia, S. C. | ???^????m ? tFence | est fence, because H itific lines, is the 99 C?STRONG I n The Reasons: 9 1st?Each horizontal extension of the ELL? IH f CM WOOD is a steel cable, consisting of two heavy wires intertwined. ^B ICM jBaBBg^KfeMMMII I NCtt 2d?Each of these cables is tied to each other -1 cable by a continuous heavy wire lapped tightly H about every cable?not tied in a crooked "knot" IB i INCH or twist to weaken the strength of the tic wire H | at the bending point. (Wrap a wire around ^ your finger and the wire is not weakened; tie a ^B 13 INCH wire UP 'n a bard knot and you cannot untie |B ^ ^ it without breaking, it is so much weakened.) B ELLWOOD FENCE- I , forming uniform meshes. Simple, isn't it? sons for the superiority of ELLWOOD FENCE ^B " ""'nai- on/1 fiirnonec* if c nron VClTf* millc 111 Vil UUU UiliiWO ttuu 1.U1 UC4W^| V ?? - " " ? ? ?r than any other fence factory in the world. S. 0. iekly. |"kILLthe COUCH vders for i I ano CURE the LUNGS I . %$? | """-Dr. King's ' j New Discovery irdi.'giM.-. | Consumption* price Addife-?. g FOR I OUGHSand 50c &51.00 C y .;r) j ?. ! 8 Surest and QuiekestCure for all I THBOAT and LUNG TROUB. L I LES, or MONEY BACK "g" " " = a = HUM t sZS R COUNTERS ??o?0sc?99?9co&9eoeoee?o9M?cJ t Main and Blanding * J Streets. 2 Columbia, S. C. ^