The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 16, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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r CLARKE [ - COTTON FACTORS AND ' 4 843 Reynolds Sti ! * LIBERAL ADVANCES. | PERSONAL ATTENTIO % Write ns before arranging fo] . We handle Bagging, Ties and Reliable and Energetic Soiici The Lexington Dispatch. I w - Wednesday, May 16, 1906. X Index to K&w Advertisements. Machinery?Gregory-Conder Mule Co. Wells?Berley & Kyzer. Statement?Lexington Savings Bank. Statement?The Home Bank. Sheriff's Sales. Barbecue?N. S. Crout. -? Barbecue?Ioor Hayes. THE HONE BANK, |j| LEXINGTON, S. C. 'Fairness, ~ Honesty, r Safety. I. W.OSWALD, Pres. it ALFRED J. FOX, Cashier. The Protracted Meeting. The services wbich are being carried on at the Methodist church are largely attended and much interest manifested. Rev. A S. L?*lte, ibe j pastor, will be assisted by several divines. Rev. Mr. Areal, of JobnstoD, preached a very interesting I sermon Monday night. These services will continue until Sunday. The | hours for preaching will be at 11 ! ; a. m. and 8:30 p. m. Public cordially invited. Notice. I have on band a lot of second hand lumber belonging to the county which I will sell at reduced prices. J. Brooks Wiogard, Oierk Co. Corn's. May 1, 1906. Off for Columbia. * A special car loaded with old veterans and friends left here this morning for Columbia in charge of Col. M. D. Harman. He bas nearly one f hundred names of old soldiers including those who left with him and others to join their old comrades in Columbia at their camp. Their quarters will be in tents on the S ate house grounds. v A special rate of ^ 50c. for the round trip was given ' them. B \ Pure Water. See or write Berley & Kjzer, The j Well Meo, for Terra Cotta Welle, I which gives you pure water. ; i ? . Sponsor and ZCaid. Brigade Commander, George Bel] Timmerman, of the South Carolina division of sons veterans, has ap, pointed Miss DuBose Jones sponsor and Miss Mamie SbaDd maid of honor, for the brigade, and they will be honored and respected accordingly. Both of these young ladies are ' popular in the society of Columbia. j , , For Sale, Second band 15 h. p. engine. Alfred J. Fox, Lexington, S C. A Strange Accident. A nine-year-old son of Mr. Jesse Kjzer, of the Beaverdam section, hp was attacked and badly bitten by a f bog last Saturday. Dr. Derrick is r attending the boy and cannot say just ' bow the case may terminate as one lung was punctured by a tusk. . Divine Services will be held at St. John's on Sunday, May 20:b, at 11 a. m. Sunday wctio^l I at 10 a. m. Slain by Sis Step-son. P. C Cannon, of Spartanburg, was abot and killed od Saturday evening on ; the eireet, that city, by hi3 step-son, U. Miilican, aged 18. Cannon bad beaten bis wife ana bad made indecent proposals to bis step-daugbter, Millii can's sister. The weapon used was a 44 calibre Winchester. Ubi Milli- | can is a student of Wofford college. y He states tbat he was justified io ; killiog CiDDOD. ' . ? > ? T. X L cares aeuragia i "& BUTT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, eet, Augusta, Ga. CHARGES REASONABLE. N TO ALL BUSINESS. r advances. Best Fertilizers, ting Agents desired. Disapproved Fensions. We are under obligations toComp trolier General A. W. Jones for hie kindness in sending us the pension list and the following concerning applicants for pensions disapproved by the State Deneion board: w A * Maoom Guoter, applicant for C, No 1, not sufficient disability, placed iD 2. I. H. Summer not sufficient injury, and too much property. D. M. Sox, not raised, insufficient injury. J. ? B tnkio, not raised, insufficient injury, J. Simeon Corley, not raised, insufficient injury and too much property. W N King, not placed in C, No. 1. insufficient disability, placed in C, No. 2 S. A. Bioodswortb, not raised, insufficient injury. E L McCarty, short service. Death of a Little Child. We are pained to note tbe death of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Floyd's little two-year-old boy. It seems hard just at the time a child begins to be interesting and a pride of the home to have it snatched away in death, bat we must not wonder. God in his alwise wisdom knoweth all things best. These sore stricken parents have the sympathy of our people in this hour of their sad bereavement. Its remains will be buried in St. Stephen's cemetery at 4 p. m. this afternoon. New Shop. ' Luther Long will open a Blacksmith Shop at Lexington Depot and ? - - i * I will be ready lor worK dj me zlb* oi May. He will also do bicyole repairs and furnish wheels for same. Give him a trial for sny work in his line. 2*28 ) Carriers' Association. We are requested by Mr. J. E B McCartha, vice president of the B F. D. carriers7 association, to state that there will be a meeting in the court house at this place, of all carriers, at 11 o'clock a. mM May 30. All quested to be present. When a silly man is uuable to attract attention in any other manner be invests in a gaudy vest or queer looking straw hat. If we must judge a man by the cut of his coit some must be powerfully short. sSHERIFF SALES. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. In Magistrate Court. State of South Carolina, Plaintiff, vs. M. R. Hartley Co., Defendents. Sheriff Sale Under Execution. TINDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN U execution in above stated case, duly issued and lodged in my office, I have levied upon and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on Friday, June the loth, 1906, at 11 o'clock a. m,, before T. P. Meetze's ware house door, in the Town of Lexington, S. C., the following property, to wit: Twentv sacks of cotton seed meal. P. H. CORLEY, S. L. C. Lexington, S. C., May 16th, 1903. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington, In Magistrate Court. State of South Carolina, vs. Lexington Department Store, Deft.'s. Sheriff's Sale Under Execution. itnder and by VIRTUE of an i U execution in above stated case duly issued and lodged in my office I have levied upon and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash on Fiiday, June 15, 1005, at 11 o'clock a. m., before T. P. Meetze's warehouse door, in the town of Lexington, s. C., the following property, to wit: Ten sacks of cotton seed meal. P. H. CORLEY, s. L. c. Lexington, 8. C., May 16, 1606. Bridge to Let. The supervisor of the County will be at the bridge over j Congaree creek on the State road, on the 18th of May inst., at 2 o'clock p. m.. to lot- -fVvr rorwiri11or t.hp Sflirl hriflpv I XfV ? ? to the lowest responsible bidder. Plans and specifications made know at said time and place. L. J. LANGFOPvD, May 8. 2w2S Supervisor. i i I L j For f : Their Stock I | Patronage, i 3HH ^ ^i~i ?? ~*B *?^ i i "" ' ''" 11 '* I have purchased a stock of goods of L.] now selling the goods < prices. If you want 1 and see them whether B ^ ANNOUNCEMENTS. All announcements under this head will be charged for at the rate of $3? faIw in oiironflO f^OT/lc! f.n VlA Pfm. JA^dXl'l CAJ XJX. auf U/X1W* VUAViU w MV WW? fined to a simple announcement. For County Supervisor. The many friends on the south side of Saluda river announce George H. Koon as a candidate for County Supervisor and pledge him to abide the result of the primary. The many friends of John W. Fry announce him as a candidate for County Supervisor and pledge him to abide by the result of the primary. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE HOME BANE / At the Close of Business May 4, 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $57,062 90 ^ > *> 9 QQ9 OK uveraraits o,uoo w Banking House 3,500 00 Furniture and Fixtures 1,907 46 Due from Banks and Bankers 6,680 85 Currency 894 00 Gold 120 00 Silver, Nickels and Pemiies. 250 68 Checks and Cash Items 1,676 58 Total $75,976 45 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $14,050 00 I Surplus Fund 750 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 1,018 04 i Individual Deposits Subject to Check 48,104 54 Cashier's checks 53 87 ! Bills Payable, Inclu ding Time Certificates representing Borrowed Money. 12,000 00 J Total $75,976 45 i State of South Carolina, County of Lexington. Before me came Alfred J. Fox, Cashier j of the Home Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in i said Bank. ALFRED J. FOX. j Sworn to and subscribed before me, : this 15th dav of Mav, 1906. GEO. BELL TIMMERMAN, [l. s.] Notary Public for S. C. j Correct Attest: H. L. OSWALD, JULIAN E. KAUFMANN, GEO. BELL TIMMERMAN, Directors. Winthrop College Scholarship and Entrance | Examination. rpHE EXAMINATION FOR THE | .L award of vacant scholarships in j Winthrop College and for the admission i of new students will be held at the Coun- j ty Court House 011 Friday, July <*.th at j {) a. m. Applicants must not be less i than fifteen years of age. When scholar- j ships are vacated after July 0, they will be awarded to those making tho highest average at this examination provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for scholarship should write to President Johnson before the pYfmiiiiHtion for scholarship application blanks. Scholarships arc worth $100 and free tuition. ,The next session will o]x*n September 10th, 1900. For further i;iformation and catalogue, address PRES. D. B. JOHNSON, may o-w'H Rock Hill. S. C. j everything and nuutiiimmmuuumv is comnlete in all Lines t -DiAnnrupu otue mc 5. M. Smoak, and am cff at greatly reduced bargains call at once you buy or not. Barbecue. WE WILL FURNISH A FIRST class barbecue with refreshments at Gilbert, (Lewiedale), S. C., on July 4th, 1906. Speaking and music will be furnished. Every effort will be used for the enjoyment of the people. Everybody is cordially invited to attend and enjoy the day. T "TTTT-n TT 4 T T H -T A \T JUili VV JLEi riii IjUxVI AXH , 8w34 DAVID E. HAMMOND. The First Cue of the Season. ON SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1906, AT my place on the Southern railroad, one mile from Gilbert, I will furnish a first class barbecue with refreshments. By special arrangements all the passenger trains will stop at my place to take on and let off passengers. 5w32 IOOR HAYES. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK Lexington, S. C. At the close of business May 4tb, 1906: RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts ?160,053 34 Demand Loans 10,282 69 Overdrafts 3,346 30 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank 3,200 00 Furniture and Fixtures.... 1,000 00 Due from Banks & Bankers, 4,782 24 Currency ' 1,105 00 Silver, Nickels and Pennies, 753 75 Ciiecks and Casli Items 5,333 29 Total ?192,856 61 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in ?10,000 00 Surplus Fund 10,000 00 Undivided Profits, less Cur J Cil U MiiU AU-V\;n Paid 78 22 Due to Banks and Bankers. 2 60 Individual Deposits Subject to Check 169,153 48 Cashier's Checks 322 25 Notes and Bills Rediscounted 3,300 00 Total $192,856 61 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. Before me came W. P. Roof, Cashier and President Lexington Savigs Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above ,and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. W. P. ROOF. Sworn to and subscribed bofore me, this 16th dav of Mav, 1900. R. D. SMITH, [L. S.] W.tmtv PnMi^ S f! THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County of Lexington. By George S. Drafts E*q , Probate Judge. WHEREAS, MRS. L. E COUNTS, made <-uit to nie to grant her Letters of Administration of tie Estate of and effect- of J. H. Counts. These are, therefore, to cite and admon- j ish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said J. H. Counts, deceased, that they be and appear, before rue, in the Court ot Probate, to be held at Lexington, C. H., S. C.. on the 23rd day cf ?.Iay, 191)6, next, after publication hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why thesaid Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 8th day of May, Anno Domini, 1906. GEORGE S. DRAFTS, [h. S.] Probate Judge, Lexington County. Published on the Oth day ol M?v, lOOfi. in the Lexington Dispatch. 2u28 BR.KING'SNEWDSSCOVEKY j Will Surely Stop That Cough. 1 AKi a nvaepti 1 ? and Guarantees Fair Tre: ^ J_ T"? 1 U. C1~1~ +"U ~ UN UtrAn I men i anything you ku%uiuuuuw.uiimumi i. This establishment S ltment to all Patrons. Lombard Iron Worl I m m m "*P" A i AUUUbIA, Fovindry, Ma chine and Boiler Works a j Bridges, Roofs, Tanks, Tower and Building Con< 4 Cane and Shingle Mill Machinery and Repairs; 4 road Castings; Railroad and Mill Supplies; Belti 'i Oilers, et LIGHT SAW MILLS and GAS Quick Sh Sterling Goods |1 ? V I Sterling silver, cut glass, fine j china, clocks. A fine stock j always on hand for you to I 1 I ! select from. Keep us in mind when want- ! ing anything in Jewelry or i Silverware. Good watch work and best j eye glasses. If you can't come, send for j our catalogue or telephoneyour order to us. P. B, LACBICOTTB & CO, JEWELERS, 1424 Main St., Columbia, S. C. 'Phone 934 i ALFRED J. FOX, I J Life Insurance, j i i ! Health Insurance, t ; ! Accident Insurance, f ! Fire insurance, j i REAL ESTATE AGENT, | i LEXINGTON, - S. C i ( ( ?- | I S-^X-IEL 7 ! < One valuable lot and improve- > j merits in the town of Lexington, | j S. C. | t One lot with good two story J dwelling on Main street, Lcxing- [ ( ton, S. C. ( < Dwelling house and lot 011 upper ) J Main Street, Lexiugton, S. C. \ < One resident lot on upper Alain , ( street, Lexington, S. C, > j One valuble lot in the town of | { Lexington, S. C. > 1 ( One lot near Lexington Depot. > I 1 G Acres adjoining Lexington [ < Fair Ground. , \ 12 Acres j ust outside incorporate \ j limits, Lexington, S. C. | ? < (! Acres verv near Lexington, > 1 S. C. * > ; 111 Acres good farm land 4 | ( miles north Shumperts, G miles > < north Gilbert. 40 acres open laud > J ?dwelling and barn. > ( ^ Store building and lot 011 Main > < street, Lexington, S. C. ) \ j Write or call to see me | (( j at THE HOME BANK, f j j { w < t Teachers' Examination. j * mUE NEXT REGULAR TEACHERS' j , .1 Examination will be held, according \ ; to tlie State Board regulations, on the Third Friday in May the 18th, in the 1 ^ tt r ...? o r\ I i -ourr nuuM1 ;n .uKAiuptuji, o. v^., u*.-- < ginning at Da. m. and closing at 4.30 p. m. Applicants will please furnish paper. Very sincerely. J. E. RAWL KYZER. Supt. Ed., Lexington Co. T ftffanr I S I dlunt I want. A olicits your \ I is and SuDDly Co. | GEORGIA I nd Mill Supply Store.. Engines, Boilers, ' ;truction ; Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil, Fertilizer, Building. Bridge. Factory, Furnace and Rail ng, Packing, Injectors, Fittings, Saws, Files, > c.; Shafting, Pullevs, and Hangers. CAST EVERY DAY Capacity for 300 Hamds > and Erie ENGINES, Korting a.nd * Injectors, Turbine Water Wheels, etc. ^ rade Mill BOILERS Built to Hartford Specifications a Specialty > Locomotive Tender Tanks t 7IJrltt* Us Roforo You Bum t * OLINlf ENGINES in ~ Stock ipment. ?^ Carolina National Bank. ORGANIZED 1868. Assets Over $1,500,000.00. UNITED STATES. STATE, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. Capita! Paid in - - - $200,000 Surplus Profits - - - 72,000 Liability of Stockholders 209,000 $472,660 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, per annnm, payable quarterly. Loans to merchants and farmers a specialty. Our motto is: helping hand and a square deal to all." " BOND ACCOUNT. . U. S. Bonds .... $250,000 South Carolina Bonds - 50,000 City Columbia Bonds - - 50,000 November 9th, 1905, number of DeDositors, 2,430. Amount of Deposits, $1,192,729.55. Your business solicited. / W. A. CLARK, President. T. H. MEIGHAN, Cashier. BUY A PIANO AT* U1 AN ORGAN BY MAIL BUY the BEST WE REPRESENT THE MAKERS of the most superior Organs and Pianos made. IF YOU BUY a first class Piano or Organ you will get a life time treasure. II you buy a cneap one, you will regret it. OUR EASY TERMS and low prices will make possession easy. * Slightly used Upright Pianos from $190 to $250. New Organs from $45 up. Write for Catalogue or call at MALQHE'S MUSIC HOUSE, COLUMBIA, S. C. I'HE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington, W7HEREAS. S. B GEORGE, C.C.C.P, V V & G.S.,made suit to me, to grant him Letters ol Administration ot the Estate )J and effects of A. I. Younginer; These are. therefore, to cite and admonsh ail and singular tbe kindred and creditors oi the said A. I. Yonuginer, leceased, that they be and appear, beforene in the Court ot Probate, to be held at Lexington, C. II., s. C., od the 18th Uy ot' May. 1906, after publication ie?cot at. 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to lIiow cause, if anv they have, why the said Administration should not he granted. Given under my hand, this 9th day of ila>, Anno Domini 19(>f? GEOKGK S. DRAFTS, [L. S.] Probate Judge, Lexington County. Pnblisbed on the 11th day of April 906, in the Lexington Dispatch. 6*28* ^ j tiiuiAt/rt/ Li A nnn pa B | M jflj ana vrnjorvc. nnoi i p SSsSh O 9 fi ? &Jh cured at home with33 3 Sr 8 11 Ral out pain. Book of parr? !5j ? BM 9 VI ticulars sent FKEE.. si I HOBMB B. M. WOOLLEY. M. P. AA Atlanta, <*a? office 104 N. Pryor Street.