I Blind H A. B "About a year ago,' H 1123 Broadway, Augusta, G * headaches and backaches, ar 1 I WINE ft Jk I OF (*#| I A Non-Intoxicat ^SBgy ':S'.V* I immediately commenced 1 like a new woman, and v B all sick women, for ! kno B them as fc did me/9 B Cardui is a pure, medic B vegetabfe herbs, which relie * B pains, regulates female fu B tones up female organs proper state of health. T: B , it fpr your trouble. flj Every druggist sells ^ B it in #1.00 bottles, ==========?===== Last week there was a heavy fall . ^B rish to recommend it to B w that it will cure B tnal extract of S ves female y gj notions yy rarw.1. ? ncuons, at V( ^ ^ te ^ gg to a * A**? frakklj, docrifc- Kg jy iatall yov ijbiUbi. W? Kn V jy isptoy a stall ?f tped&Uxts In female BK| / jy^ tedttii vkf will cwMty coaster HO ^ jMrMWiihinafMaiTlfii Do Mi . kKttsfekrtnTfontadty.iriYiaracMpfcte ? ^ Utery rfywr trebles, Wwtvfll aqxi yiw %{ fliU kstractJooswiuttoitto retwetL A!Icsrrcs? h&mdeaca koft perfectly nod, sad reply sort jet ia r? la, Mhi orttJej*.' AdMrtata'Advisory 0ept?~- & Q1AJXAK006A MEDICOS COn Ctattoaooja, Tear. ?* Slumber Peacefully i over the lumber question. We have solved it. The best value for every one's money is in our yard. There is every variety of LUMBER used here in the trade and the price at which we sell will gladden tho heart of the man who is figuring on a contract, We are hefidquarters for Doors, Sash and Blinds and especially ask the people of Lexington to call op us for their doors and Sash. IT. H. DRIGGERS. Corner Lady and Gadsden Street , COLUMBIA, S. C. Phone 185. About 453 blocks aod 60 000 buildings were burned io the ban Fraocieco fire. D&R09S Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets, perfect Treatment for constipation and biliousness, Jfca?" One pill a dose. Sold by all Druggists. j BLINDS. V Ml El Inmbia, S C., | find one of the best ?0 ?ks of * fcS x P:iLTT??i$i^ Q . kinds. 2 illaw, formerly of Gas- jp md will be glad to see p ur stock. ctVN & BRO. | I GLASS. \ OUR PIES ave found favor with everybody babes and men, the little girl in inafores and her mother and her randmother. They are of the weet, delicious, wholesome, relt-in-your -mouth kind, and re're anxious to have you try btem if you don't know the proucts of our ovens. If you do now we won't have to ask you. EIDUNGER'S STEAM BAKERY, COLUMBIA, S. C. E BEST! *?i lily and Price Counts. We now have a complete .stock of al the Leathers and Toes. We can save you money on your Spring and Summer foot wear, as we bought this stock early last Fall before the rise in the leather market hence you can see that this means a saving to the purchaser of about 25 per cent, on your shoes. Fanners medium and iieavy weight work shoes a specialty. nMAN. ? ^ k, Columbia. S. C. axative Fruit Syroj X LEXINGTON, S C. The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, May 9, 1906. PRESIDENCY COMES HIGH Figures as to Cost of the Recent Election. Washington, April 27 ?Did the late Mark Hanna spend sixteen and a half million dollars on the McKinley-Bryan campaign of 1896 in aid of. the Republican administration? That is the question people are asking sioce the statement made on the floor of the house a day or two ago by Representative Sulzer, of New York, while discussing the national publicity bill. The difference between Hanna's sixteen million of gold and Bryan's half million of silver is too ^reat, they say, to carry great weight with it. His figures, they believe, are pulled too wide apart, especially as Bryan, in 1896, had the silver interests of the eountry baok of him and could, *nd did, probably spend much more than the 6um accredited to him. Lincoln was a good spender when when it came to politics. In bis race against Stephen A Douglass for the nroairlflnflv he snpnt; $1(10.000. while r* 'j- r > * bis Democratic opponent ueed just half that amount. Four years later, in 1864, Lincoln, wben opposed by George 15. McClellaD, spent $125,000 and McCUlian $50,000 Grant, in bis first campaigu in 1868 against Horatio Seymour, spent $150,000, while the latter used $75,000. In bis second campaign Grant spent $250,000, and Horace Greeley $50,000 In 1876 Ratberford B. Hayes spent $950,000, then a large amount, as against practically the same sum in behalf of Samuel J. Tilden. Two yearB later James A. Garfield, running for president against W. S. Hancock, used $1,100,000* and the latter, $355,000. Whea James G. Blaine opp%d Cleveland tbe first time in if. rtnat. &1 300 000 and Cleve *WV*J AW www v Y - J" w - I - " land used a little more?$1|400,000. Iq 1888 Benjamin Harrison used $1,350,000, and Cleveland $855,000, while in 1892 the same candidates cost their supporters $1,850,000 and $2,350,000, respectively. Cleveland again using more than his Republican opponent. In 1896 McKinley is said to have spent $16,500,000 through Mark Hanna, if Representative Sulzsr's figures are correct, while William J. Bryan spent $675,000 In 1900 McKinley spent $9,500,000 and Bryan $425,000. While the Roosevelt-Parker campaign cost $3,000,000 and $1,250,000, respectively. * * Was Wasting Away. "I had been troubled with kidney disease for the last five years," writes Robert R. Watts, of Salem, Mo. "I lost flesh and never felt well and doc tored with leading physicians ana tnea all remedies suggested without relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and less than two bottles completely cured me and I am now sound and well." During the summer kidney irregularities are often caused by excessive drinking or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's Kidney Cure. Kaufmann Drug Co. The Dairy Sill Means Much to the South. Washington, May 2.?Discussing his dairy bill that passed the house a day or two ago, Representative Lever said todaj: "The total value of dairy products of the United States for the year 1900 was over 8600,000. This industry is, therefore, one of the leading industries of the country. It has made the cen tral Northwestern states enormously ! rich, and has added greatly to the j aggregate wealth of the nation. "la our section we not only fail to 1 sell dairy products in the markets of | the world, but we actually fail to I supply the needs of our own markets. | Our section spends annually for but; ter and cheese alone the enormous | sum of $38,000,000, products that j could easily be raised at home. ! "This appropriation of $20,000 car| ried in the bill just passed, has in it | the possibility of the creation of a new industry in the South and the saving to our people of an enormous Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of i pimples and blotches. ' It is guaranteed drain upon their resources. "That this industry has not hen tofore been developed is due to th fact that the entire attention of ou people has been given to the develop ment of the cotton industry. "When this bill passes the senat< I understand it to be the purpose c the department of agriculture to ezx ploy a number of dairy experts wh will work in cooperation with th Qtala arn?imiinf ofofinn on/1 a?! fK it UCOUC CA^/CUUiOUV UtablUU UUU Tl ibU II. dividual dairymen." Many members of the house hav congratulated Representative Levc on the passage by the house of hi dairy bill ?Columbia Record, May 5 Sciatica Cured After Tureut; Years of Torture. For more than twenty years Mr. J. I Massey, of 3322 Clinton St., Minneap< lis, Minn., was tortured by sciatica. Th pain and suffering which he endure during this time is beyond comprehei sion. Nothing gave him any permaner relief until he used Chamberlain's Pai Balm. One application of thatlinimei relieved the pain and made sleep an rest possible, and less than one bottl has effected a permanent cure. If trot bled with sciatica or rheumatism wh not try a 25 cent bottle of Pain Bali and see for yourself how quickly it r? lieves the pain. For sale by The Kau: mann Drng Co. In Loving Memory of Malvin Wingard Calk. Whereas, an allwise God by hi great and wise provideoce, has allow ed our good and beloved friend, Ma Calk, to be snatched from among g aDd hurled into eternity iD the prim of a useful life full of many brig! promises. She was the joy an pleasure of her home, and we, h( friends, will greatly miss her familif face, her cheerful spirit and brigt ' smiles, realizing that none can fi ! her place; gone, but not forgottei | Therefore, be it resolved, 1st, That we bow in humble sul I mission to our good and allwiee Gc i who knoweth best. 2nd, That we will hold her i cherished remembrance and commec the true, noble and worthy qualith which marked her youDg life. 3rd, That we extend to her b reaved family our deepest sympatt in this the hour cf their sad bereav ment. 4tb, That a copy of these resol tions be sent to the family of 01 deceased friend and also a copy i sent to the Lexington Dispatch f< publication. Bessie Kleckley, Martha Herman, Jessie Kleckley, Committee. The gums and resins obtained fro pine trees have long been recognized; highly beneficial in the treatment i backache, kidney and bladder trouble Pine-ules is the name of a new medicin the principle ingredients of which con from the pine forests of our own natr land. Sold by Kaufman Drug Co. Peak News. | To the Editor of the Dispatch: i Oar farmers are making good tin ! planting corn and cotton. Most < | i the cotton seed are planted whi, j corn planting is just begun. Thei i is but very littb cotton thinned ye | Oats and wheat are looking vei j promising. We had fine rains Ft j day and Saturday which came i | good and made the young crup lee I fresh and glossy. We have a few bales of cotton y< | which we are holding with a detero j ination of getting 12J cents p< pound. The Southern railroad is build in j three nice littie dwellings for seetio : coasters, J*s. W. Daily, JB Y. Sun | mer and Henry Davis. They wi ! also build eeveral cottages for sectio I hands. Benevolent lodge No. 164 K. of P* i contributed five dollars to Californi j sufferers. Farmer. | April 30. 1906 i A liquid cold cure for children that | pleasant, harmless, and effective is Bee | Laxative Honey and Tar. Superior 1 ! all other cough syrups or cold reinedi( J because it acts on the bowels. An idei j remedy for Coughs, Colds, Crou] ! AVhooping Cough and all curable luu | and bronchial affections in child ( I adult. Pleasant to take. Sold by Kau j mm Drug Co. Mmy a man has lived over a go! mine ^11 bis life vritbout knowing it, THREE FACTS r y For Sick Women J To Consider 0 e Fibst.?That almost every operation *" In our hospitals performed upon women becomes necessary through neglect of such symptoms as backache, irregular 6 and painful periods, displacements 1 j of the female organs, pain in the side, burning sensation in the stomach, 8 bearing-down pains, nervousness, diz2. ziness and sleeplessness. Second.?The medicine that holds the record for the largest number of 7 absolute cures of female iRs is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It regulates, strengthens and cures 3- diseases of the female organism as 3- nothing else can. .e For thirty years it has been helping women to be strong, curing backache, nervousness, kidney troubles, inflaml~ mation of the female organs, weakit ness and displacements, regulating n the periods perfectly and overcoming . their pains. It has also proved itself invaluable in preparing women for d childbirth and the change of life. Third.?The great volume of unsol licited and grateful testimonials on file y at the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., many of which are from time to 11 time published by permission, give absolute evidence of the value of Lydia f. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Mrs. Pinkham's advice. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women.?Women suffering from any si form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. All letters are Is received, opened, read and answered by women only. From symptoms given, f" vour trouble mav be located and the y quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Mrs. Pinkham is daughter18 in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for ie twenty-five years under her direction and since her decease she has been advising sick women free of charge. Outof (3 the vast volume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that will help your case. Surely, any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take it advantage of this generous offer of H assistance. a. s Just Received So s CORRUGATED 98 i and Solid Car La : METAL: This ROOFJ r Warp, Orael Burn. It r< ance. Send i m today, we gn f est market p I LEE A. LOE 1519 Main Stre THE PRICES TELL )8 * J. B. FRII re t. y Wbolesal i ' G10CEES, FLOUR, 1 t SEED RUST ?r ^ We Want the Merchants, PI n import County to Call and >V. 3- Purchases. 7r _l. rt i: 106 -D3DS8 iu ouuiu v^ttiuuua pruoper and multiply beyond any other business. There has been an in! creaRe cf 36 State backs over last | yeat'e report, mbking a total of 188 | in the State, besides about 20 national baDbs. The increaee in capital cf the State banks is over a million dollars. lid Car Load of IRON ROOFING ad of mm Ft iminuLLUi [NG will not [, Curl up or sduces insures your order Larantee low riee. LICK & BRO., et, Columbia. S. S. THE QUALITY SELLS>AY & CO., eacd Retail FEED AID GRAIN, PROOF OATS. tinters and Farmers of Lexee Us Before They Make Their 'our Wants and Save You :reet, COLUMBIA, S. C. | PARLOR RESTAURANT. 3. DAVID, Proprietor. ! 3336 .MAIN St., COLUMBIA. S. C. I T'ae only up to date eating house of its kind in the City of Columbia. It is well kept | ?clean iinen. prompt and polite service, i You tret what yon order and pay only for ! what vou get. Within easy reach of desira: ble sleeping apartments. OPEN ALL NIGHT. | djML DS. C. J. OLIVEROS, i ' sllllfewE,EAR,THROAT,NOSE aiv ii mnro. j Guarantee Fit of Office and Kesidence, Glasses. 1424 and 1423 Marion St? ' March 15?ly. COLUMBIA, R. C