f * * ) 0 * - * 1 * * | 1 1 ENGRAVED VISITING CARDS | | | I AND I ;] 1 i WEDDING INVITATIONS. 1 ft. * ft >' * \ ^ * Call and see the latest styles, at % J f ! The R.L. BRYAN Company, i m * * a1 pi: 8 * * 5 S *In the Masonic Temple, ? I w$ ' v 8 * * | jjj . | Columbia, S. C. * j I? i 3 / * * \ 9 * --------------?--------? * & i. a * * f " Vl * Embossed Monogram Stationery % a &,' r ' M- ft r ft ^ i *ftft***ftft*ftftftft*ftftft**ftft*ftftftftft*ftftftftftftftftftft i 8 * 1*-' -'v' * * * t I * * ! ????????i?? mmmmm??i???? I Spring and Slimmer } I' " 5 ML/ QTTA170 Ml/ A m . . ; DUUJCiO ^ ? a Are here and ready for the inspection of our i S Lexington Mends. We had foresight to S ^ buy this Stock of SHOES last fall so we g J. could protect out Customers against ad- J 5 vanced prices. We GUARANTEE our ^ J . Shoes are made of SOLID LEATHER and i J ' Quality the Best for the price to be had. J * E P,&P: A. DAVIS, ||| /7V ' SPOTLESS fr.Jrauiul te ' hashing Machines & Wringers w The 8*roogest. Looks as if it would last a life \n, ]|m^time. Easy to liandle. Washes a tub oi :^1^^^ The Elegant Li.ht Harming Wheeler & T^^QMIsIC Wilson ^ewiog vlachine the queen of them all The New Homo Machine. Ball bearing. machine- Second band mafaBKpli 1 ? ''' ^^^|B| chines. NeedUs for all machines. Attachments, shuttles, h6lts and the highest grade jjf >perm machine oil-do*s not ruin your maoh w|^Kr^''^ m\ chine R?pairiug a speciality. Next door to ? M . w|| Wm. Piatt's Dry Goods store Come to see f? J" -4 J. H, BERRY, "^||| 1802 Main St., Columbia, S. C POUTYERF raiLWAY^ ^ Unexcelled Dining Gar Service, a Through Pullman Sleeping Cars on all Trains, )jC ^ Convenient Schedules on Local Trains. ^ For full information as to rates, routes, etc., ilk consult nearest Southern Bailway Ticket Agent, or \.j ekkss m r> ttt ttnvm r\ n 4 m i a c? n %? " jx. w . nun ?, u. r. a., ^naxiestuii, k>. v. BROOKS MORGAN, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. Xfe * v Jlvn'^jJ$m JS\\ J?* J%\\ ^ \ I DISTILLER and DEALER Will, at all times, pay high^*aS8<^ u^on Savannah ^otaOld Reliable I $35^ Standard I ^533? SHOES! I SAW MILLS. LIGHT, MEDIUM AND HEAVY ? B wood-working machinery Wear a pair of our Kon- B for EVERY kind OF work queror Shoes and you B engines and boilers can't ?o wrong. fl and sizes and for every Sold only by i class of service. J * gfl ASK FOR OUR ESTIMATE BEFORE MA>w*?aikA AitAn Amftrin h ___ _ am ? - ?, 1636{Main Street. ^^coujmbia^^^^ Columbia, - - s. c. | wHBBKWPlffllMy k^v [Bfev; I?fc . The Lexington Dispatch, i Wednesday, May 9, 1906. ?*vis-Belliiiger. To the Editor of the Diepatcfc: Tk iraa mr nlpnanro TVfr T! iitnr tn be present on the evening of the 12 .h ult., at the beautiful home weddmg of Miss Carrie E Davis, of Bakersville, and Mr. J. Scottowe Bellinger, I of Orangeburg. The marrige was solemnized at Pineland Park, the fine old country seat of the bride's parents, Hon. J. Kinsler and Mrr. Sallie K. Davis. The weather was ideal. The sun sank in glorious splendor behind the the western hill;; the balmy air as it was wafted through the murmering pines was redolent wxcn tne song 01 birds and fragrant with the breath of April flowers. Embowered beneath majestic magnolias, the stately old ante bellum mansion reminded one of its past glory in those neverto-be-forgotten-days, when its sacred threshold was untouched and unpolluted by the foul invader. Beautifully illuminated from attic to basement and tastefully decorated with potted plants?ferns, palms, callas and cut fl iwers?the drawiog :roDm, parlors, hallways and diniDg room presented a scene, of beauty. Oq account of the recent death of the groom's father the marriage was very q net, enly a few of the nearest relation and most intimate friends being present. ? Mendelsshon's wedding mirch was softly and beautifully rendered by Miss Mary tteiger, as tne oriaai party approached, led by Mrs. Geo. K Davis, dame of hoDor, and Mrs Kate Davis NelsoD, only sister of the bride. Next came the groom with , bis best man, Mr. R J. Salley, of Orangeburg, then the bride with her maid of honor, Miss Maude Henry BoobmaD, of Columbia. The beautiful ceremony was impressively performed by Rev. J K. Ioabinet, form- *, er pastor of the bride. Tall and stately, the bride was lovely in her flowing gown of soft white silb, made in the latest Parisian style, and her brunette beauty was enhanced by the filmy bridal veil which fell in graceful folds around her. She carried an exquisite shower ( bouquet of rare ferns and white carnations. She wore a magnificent lneket studded with diamonds, an heirloom of ber mother's?, elbow ( gloves, a pair of rare old bracelets worn on ber left arm and a solitaire diamond completed ber toilet. The maid of honor was also gowned in ( white silk, made walking length, and which, Cindareila like, showed to ' advantage her dainty white slippers. 1 She also carried a shower bouquet of j ferns and carnations. Mrs. Nelson was handsomely gown- 1 ed in rich black peau de soir with | lace medallions and white satin vest. 1 White kid gloves, diamond ear drops 1 and brooch. Mrs. Geo. K. Davis ' wore a soft, dreamy gown of pale blue silk mull made decollete and 1 elbow sleeves; elaborately trimmed She wore white gloveB and a diamond solitaire. Her fresh blonde beauty 1 was pmnhflRized bv this becoming 1 and lovely gown. MisB Mary Geiger, the fair musician, was cbarmiDg in a lovely creation of white with gold 1 spangles. In due time the guests were invited into the dining room where an elegant supper was served. A most beautiful centre piece composed of a large white urn filled with Eastfr lilies adorned the table and wis tl e admiration of all. Many useful and beautiful presents i attested the popularity of these exI cedent young people. Mr. and Mrs. Bellinger arrived at | t ^eir heme in Orangeburg county on | Friday evening where they were I pbaefd to see their many friends. IT .1 ^ n /-if kartmncco oil 1 ' man j j cai ^ u* uajj^iu^og uui I perity for them is the sincere wish of j a " Friend. | Pirating Foley's Honey and Tar Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung { ; remedy, and 011 account of the great I i merit and popularity of Foley's: Honey < and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. These worthless imitations j have similar sounding names. Beware | of them. The genuine Foley's Honey | , and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask ; . for it and refuse any substitute. It is ! j the best remedy for coughs and colds, ! f Kaufmann Drug Co. j ( * Tutt's Pills wiH save the dyspeptic from many days of misery, and enable him to eat whatever he wishes*. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to assimilate and nourish the body, give keen appetite, DEVELOP FLESH and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar H Tit"'1 ? 1 ?- - ?? rv i - I lake no auosuiute. * The Printers' Song. & How dear to my heart is the steady subscriber, Who pays in advance, without skipping a year; Who lays down his dollar, and offers it glady, And casts 'round the office a halo of cheer. Who never says, 4'Stop it, I cannot 1 afford it!" 1 "Or, "Getting more papers each day ' i-t T - 3 ." (.iiM.ii x ieau, But always says, "Send it, the whole outfit likes it? "S In fact, we regard it a business need." How welcome is he when he steps in the sanctum, How he "makes "our heart" throb, how he makes "our eye" dance! * We outwardly thank him?we inwardly : bless him? The steady subscriber who pays in advance. ?American Printer. Not If as Rich, as Rockefeller. If you had all the wealth of Rockefeller, the Standard Oil magnate, you ! could not buy a better medicine for bowel complaints than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The most eminent physician can not prescribe a better preparation for colic and diarrhoea, both for children and adults. The uniform success of this remedy has shown it to be superior to all others. It never fails, and when reduced with water and sweetened, is nleasant to take. Everv family should _ L be supplied with it. Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Co. Some Affairs at Washington. Wa9biogtoD, May 1?Although Senatoa Tillman is busily engaged with the railroad rate bill, he mana- ^ ges to keep an eye on the interests of the State. Since his visit to Secre- n tary Taffc a day or two ago in refer- T ence to the requirements of the government for cloth for tente, etc., at P San Francisco, he has been looking . into appropriations for the war department and be finds that two and I one-half million dollars have been I appropriated and at least two million I more mu9t be appropriated at an " early date to enable the dapartment to replace the property destroyed at u San Francisco. A great deal of prop- 4 srty destroyed and issued for use consists of tent, sheetings and khaki, " all of which is made of cotton goods Toe Eastern mill9 have heretofore y bdjoyed a monopoly in this line of goods, and Senator Tollman intends ^ to see that the mills in South Caro- t ?ina have an opportunity to compete for the business. He suggested today that mills iG the State engaged 21 iq the manufacture of heavy cotton goods write at once to the depot quartermaster, U S. A , Philadelphia, 2: Pa., and the depot quartermaster, U. S. Army building, Whitehall street, 1( New York city, for proposals which will indicate the class of goods and 5 all details connected with the requirements for sunnWino' the samp. J. i ? ?/ r> - ?Columbia Record, May 2. 2.: It Is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold. How often do we hear it remarked: 0. "Its only a cold,'' and a few days later learn that the mau is on his back witli pneumonia. This is of such common occurrence that a cold, however slight, should not be disregarded. Chamber- 0 Iain's Cougli Remedy counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneu- j 0 monia, and has gained its great popular- | ity and extensive sale by its prompt ! cures of this most common ailment. It always cures and is pleasant to take. For sale bv The Kaufmann Drug Co. - 1< The Dispatch is now running its presses by electric power, and an j ^ entire new face cf type has been cr- j I ' dered with other improvements which wili add greatly to the paper. A plain >. print and a neat make up is our pur- | pose. ? .1 _( n- i . ? . _ _ n ! -i dose 01 jrin^-mos at uea nine wi;: j usually relieve backache, before morn- ' r, ing. Tliese beautiful little, globules are I oft gelatine coated and when moistened j ? iud placed in the mouth you can't keep ! jg from swallowing them. Pine-tiles con- j i| :ain neither sugar nor alcohol?iust gums B ind resins obtained from our own native | )'iie orests, combined with other well | iiiown i.iaaaer, Kidney, blood ana hacKiche remedies, Sold by Kaufman Drug 0 jO. THOMAS A (OPPOSITE POS' COLUL?B WHOLESALE AND R Men, Women and ly stock is large, was carefully selected w both the city and country trade and Sh in style, shapes and toes, down to the s which are made of solid leather and market for the money. I want to child in Lexington comity and t offer some extraord i Mfc work and ori "onr are cordially invited to call at my st( office, when in the city, and I will take and explaining their merits. Polite a will strive to please yox i . >R. W H. TIMMERMAX, U. X President. V: Citizens Bank PAID UP CAPITAL, !. F. STROTHER, Attorney, Announces to the public that it is now I 11 the conveniences and facilities of succ* lodating terms. Deposits solicited. 4 pe narterly. Friends and acqnaitances are < !ank whether they have business or not a: Directors?Dr. W. H. Timmerman, Dr. Timmerman, E. F. Strother, Isaac Edw GREAT M i' 'AT THE-STORE TI "We propose making ecord breaker, and v ight by offering some ( >argains that we have >efore the trade. 5 dozen Misses' and Children's Satin Caps, satin lined, the 25c. kind, for each 10c. 3 dozen Ladies' 25c. Corset Covers, for each lT^.cl i " I . ) dozen Ladies' 50c. Corset Covers, j ' eacn 25c. j dozen Ladies' 75c. Night Gowns only, j 1 each 50c. j j dozen Ladies' 50c. and 75c. Waists to! close out at, each 30c. J 5 dozen 50c. and 75c. Silk Bahv Caps to j j close out at, each 25c. | 3 Ladies' heavy black Stockings, the best ever offered for, pair 25c. j ; 3 pieces fine All-Linen Table Damask, some 72-inch wide. 30 dozen Cotton Towels, the 10c. and ' 15c. kind, only, the dozen 89c. j < ne lor of 10c. tnd 15c. Embroideries for, rhe yard 5c. me lor of 10c. and 15c, Laces for, rhe yard 5c. . )0 Alarm Clocks, sold everywhere for; ; $1.00, our price 59c. "> only $1.50 and $0.00 Wat'-hes. for rhis ; sale, each 09c.' r ; ) dozen large size Glass Pitchers, form-' . erly sold at 25c., now J0c. 10 pieces Fine Decorated Chinaware, worth 10c. each, now 5c. j Men's $3.50 Silk Fancy Vests, now each $1.05 ' > dozen Boys' Heavy 25c. Black Stockings, for tills sale, pair 15c. dozen Ladies' $1.~0 Fine Black Sateen Waists for this sale 9i)c. * dozen Men's $1.00 Silk Muttio'.s, for this sale, each .."?0c. j pposite the Theatre. COLUMBI l. BOYNE, : r OFFICE.) X^., &m c.. * ETAIL DEALER IN Children's Shoes, . ith a view of supplying the demands of oes from the most fashionable cnts seviceable every day plow shoe, all of guaranteed to be the best on the shoe every man, woman and 0 do this I am prepared to inary bargains in ess Footwear. )re 1736 Main Street, opposite the post pleasure in showing you my stock ttention will be given you and I 1 in quality and price. FINE BLACK LANGSHANS rLAEGE. HAEDY. Best all round general nnxrvAn a n jpuipuoc iuwia. ^ V Good Winter Layers. Jf Cockerels and Breeding Stock for sale Cheap. Eggs $1 per setting. i< ^ RICE B. HARMAN, Lexington, S. C. i 4 . GUNTER, A. C. JONES, ice President. Assistant Cashier. of Batosburg .STOCK, $30,000.00. - - - BATESBURG, S. C. ocatei in the new Bank Bnilding with issful banking. Monies to loan an accom- u T cent, on time deposits interest payable cordially invited to call on Officers of nd see onr institution. M. U. Boatright, U. X. Gunter, Dr. W ards, W. K. Sliealy, J. F. Kneece. T A HP'S "nTT?"m7(.T?T7,."NrT " the month of May a rill begin the month )f the most wonderful yet been able to place * Lo dozen Men's heavy Fleece-Lined Un- ^ dershirts and Pants, 50c. kind fortius sale, the garment 371c. 25 dozen Ladies' 10c. Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, for this sale, eacli 5c. 5 dozen Ladies' 25c. Hose Supporters for this sale, pair, 10c 300 yards All-Linen Table Damask, for this sale, yard 25c. 25 dozen Misses' 15c. fine Black Stockings, for this sale, pair 11c. LOO only extra good Men's Umbrellas, tor this sale, each i)9c. 10 boxes 10c. Sweet Soap, for this sale, cake 5c. 1 pair regular 50 cent. Cuff Buttons for 25c. 2 regular 25c. China Pitchers for 25c. 2 regular 25c. Butter Dishes for 25c. 2 regular 25c. Buggy Whips for 25c. 1 pair Ladies' or Gentlemen's Gloves, the 50c. kind, for 25c. % 15 yards Silk Ribbon, all colors 25c. 2 yards 25c. Taffeta Ribbon for 15c. ') dozen fine Pearl Buttons for. 25c. 10 pair 5c. Shoe Strings for 25c. 2 pair 25c. Side Combs for 25c. 1 Ladies" 10c. Back Combs for 25c. 25 Gold Plated Collar Buttons for .. 25c, 10 spools best Spool Silk for 25c. 12 Ladies' 5c. Mourning Handerchiefs for 25c. 20 Spools Turkey Red Cottou ,25c. 2 pairs Men's regular 25c. Half-Hose for 25c, Hundreds of other bargains for Spot Dash. Come to see us: look us over. "Will be irlad to show you through, ' The Store That is Different. :a, s. c.