The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, April 25, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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IA Painless Cure 8 Never resign yourself tc I pains are curable. They ? I conditions of the female c | promptly attended to or dan ^ I'll ?k lillC'l I IT COMES TO W! whenever she suffers from any of wc It not only compels the pains to stoj the cause of the pains, which prove It makes you welL Tiy It Sold everywhere in $1.00 bottl WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, In strictest confidence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope), how to cure them. Address: Ladies'Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Term. Cultivate your forgettery, if you would be happy. Salve! Salve!! Spread the Salve, but let it be Pine salvr, natures remedy for cuts, burns, sores, etc. Sold by Kaufman Drug Co. j I ! DOORS. I TT TT1 "11^*1 # ' I i -t lit] ? Main St., Col H \ C5 Is where you can i stoc fl of all pH b jg^Mr. Lee N. Fa m ton, is now with us a ^ you and show you 01 C. 0. BROV SASH. | R ' The Store Where Qtial * Vr F.B.Hil Post Office Bloc] * ? Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. 7 m J Pleasant to take ? FOB SALE BY THE KAUFMANN DRUG C< of Curable Pain 1 > suffer pain. Women's Eg ire the sign of dangerous 1 irgans, which should be B gerous results will follow. B RE OMAN'S RELIEF I man's biting and weakening pains. H j, but it follows up and drives out B nts them from coming back. . B 44 WITHOUT A PAIN," | writes jVlarv E. Sheiton, of Poplar H Bluif, Mo., I can do my housework. B although, before taking CARDU1, two H doctors had done me no good. I can || truthfully say ! was cured by Cardui. $1 f want every suffering lady to know of S| tills wonderful medicineH Slumber Peacefully >ver the lumber question. We hate solved t. The best value for every one's money s in our vard. There is every variety of LUMBER ised here in the trade and the price ""^11 <rrr?11 r?l /I fl"?rv llOOVt At tli WHICH ? d &C11 VMU ^iauuca vxi\j xi\ss*? vi. ;he man who is figuring on a contract, We ire headquarters for Doors, Sash and Blinds ind especially ask the people of Lexington io call on us for their doors and Sash. It. H. DRIGGERS. Corner Lady and Gadsden Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. Phone 185. I B&M9N5 Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets, JU*a perfect Treatment for constipation and biliousness. One pill a dose. Sold by all Druggists. " You have to keep pumping a steady stream of favors into gratitude to beep it alive. | BLINDS. I lumbia, S C., | ind one of the best ks of P _ P kinds. u/ p llaw, formerly of Gas- ^ .ud will be glad to see p lr stock. c-tmum. MBHHMaBBMHMBBMmV ~ | GLASS, j ihildren Cry fori It's our bread we're talking about. As a after of fact many little ones prefer it to the ost toothsome cake And who can say that ere's any better meal for a growing child than bowl of genuine bread and milk? You get ire milk, we will supply wholesome bread, id the youngsters will have a cheap picnic at me. 'Phone if baby is hungry. EiDUNGER'S STEAM BAKERY, COLUMBIA, S. C. E BEST! lity and Price Counts. We now have a complete stock of all the Leathers and Toes. We can save yon money on yonr Spring and Summer foot wear, as we bought this stock early last Fall before the rise in the leather market hence you can see that this means a saving to the purchaser of about 25 per cent, on your shoes. Farmers medium and heavy weight work shoes a specialty. .RMAKT. k, Columbia. S. C. ORINO axative frait Syrai 0, LEXINGTON, 8 C. The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, April 25,1906. Democratic Club Meetings. Edmund Democratic Club. The Democratic Club of Edmund is hereby called to meet at Edmund on Saturday evening the 28th inst, at 8 o'clock p m for the purpose of reorganizing, electing a member of the County Democratic Executive Committee, electing delegates to the County Convection and transacting such other business as may come be fore the club. A full attendance is urgently requested to be present. W. H. Sharps, President. Piney Woods Club. There will be a meeting of Piney Woods Democratic club at Piney Woods school house Saturday, April 28,1906, at 3 o'clock p. m, for the purpose of reorganizing and electing delegates to the county convention. By order of A. S.Frick, President. C. S. Matthews, Secretary. Pine Ridge Club. There will be a meeting of the Democrats of Saluda township at Pine Ridge on Saturday, April 28th, at 4 o'clock, to elect delegates to the county convention to be held at Lexington C. H. on Monday, May 7th. D. I Epting. Gilbert Club The Gilbert Democratic club will meet on Saturday, April 28, 1906, at 5 o'clock d. mfor reorganization. J. F. Leaphart, Secretary: Samaria Club. mt_ _ tv .. l t ? ~ ^ xne xfemourauu uiuu ui juuug Branch will meet at Samaria on Saturday, April 28th. P. B. Quattlebaum, President. Brook Club will meet at Brook on Saturday, April 28th, for reorganization aod to transact other business. D. W. Hite, Chairman. > Crout's Store The members of the Democratic club at Crout's store are notified to meet at that place on the 28th of April at 4 o'clock p m , for the purpose of electing delegates to the county convention and also elect a chairman for the club. W L. Taylor, Secretary. Chapin Club The Chapin Democratic club is hereby called to meet in the Chapin academy building on Saturday, April 28th, 1906. at 4 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of organizing for the next two years and to elect delegates to the county convention at Lexington i C. H. on Monday, May 7, 1906 A j full attendance is requested to be i present. S J. Clark, President, j Jno. D. Farr, Secretary. Ballentine Club will meet at Ballentine Saturday, : April 28, at 5 o'clock p. m., lor reor- | ganizatioD, electing delegates to I county convention and other business j that may come before the club. S. F. Sbealy, President. i J. W. Shealy, Secretary. Hilton Club. Hilton Democratic club will meet at Hilton Saturday, April 28th, at 3 p. m. J. C. Fulmer, President. Sandy Run Club. Pursuant to the call of the county chairman Sandy Run Democratic club wili meet at Red Store Saturday, April 28tb, at 3 o'clock p. m. The club will be reorganized, dele-! gates to attend the county convention to meet at Lexington C. H. on Monday, 7th of May, will be elected, etc. A full attendance is desired. W. B Wannamaker, President. Jno. C. Muller, Secretary. Hollow Creek Club. Hollow Creek Democratic club No. 1 will meet at Boylston academy on April 28th, at 3 o'clock p. m. W. A. Leaphart, President. C. A. Kaminer, Secretary. Belingo Club. Delingo Democratic club will meet at DeliDgo April 28, 1906, at 4 p. m , . to elect officers and delegates to the j 1 county convention. AH members j | and persons who wish to join should i ; be present. D Pickens Roof, Pres. ! J. W. Buff, Secretary. Lexington Club. To members of the Lexington Democratic club: You are hereby given notice that a meeting of the club will be held in the court house on Saturday, April 28fcb, at 3:30 o'clock for the purpose of organizing and electing officers for the next two years and for electing delegates to Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of P pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed the county convention to be held oe Monday, May 7tb, next. Alfred J Fox, President. Fork Club. Fork Democratic club will meet al Nates' school bouse Saturday, Apri 28, at 2 o'clock p m, to elect dele gates to the county convention. R. B Barr, President. J. C. Huffman, Secretary. Leesville Club The Leesville Democratic club wil meet in the town hall oa Saturday April 28tb, at 3 p. m , to elect thre< delegates and an executive commit teeman to attend tbe county conven tion. Every voter should attend. A P West, Chairman, Summit Club. The Summit Democratic club wil meet at Summit Saturday. April 28 at 4 o'clock p. m , to elect delegate! and committeeman to the count] convention. A full attendance if earnestly requested. D. T. Hare, Chairman. Pelion Club Pelion Democratic club will meel at Pelion on April 28, at 3 o'clock p m. D. K Kneece, President. Rheumatism Makes Life Mis* erafcle. A happy home is the most valuabh possession that is within the reach o: mankind, but you cannot enjoy its com forts if you are suffering from rheuma tism. You throw aside business care: when you enter your home and you car be relieved from those rheumatic pain: also by applying Chamberlain's Paii Balm, One application will give vox relief and its continued use for a shor time "will bring about a permanent cure For sale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. Are you in arrea9 for your papeIf so, please call or send and settlr We will only 6end the Dispatch t< prompt payiDg subscribers. Our young friend and clever citizei of Steadman, A. B. Quattlebaum made us a pleasant call while hen Wednesday, last week. We notice the names of Drs. W P. Timmerman, L W. Mitchell,Thee A Qoattlebaum, cf Batesburg, R. ? Smith, of Chapic, among the mem bers of the State Med;cal Aseocia tion in session in Columbia last week A dose of Pine-ules at bed time wil usually relieve backache, before morn ing. These beautiful little globules ar soft gelatine coated and wlien moistene< and placed in tlxe mouth you can't kee] from swallowing them. Pine-ules con J--* - tain neiuner su^ar aui oiuunui?j uou guajLi and resins obtained from our own nativ pine orests, combined with other wel known bladder, kidney, blood and back aclie remedies, Sold by Kaufman Druj Co. The State board of diepensar; directors have the consent of severe whiskey firms who had sold wbiske; to the old beard to take their liqu< back and give credit to the SoittTbis amounts to a big thiDg and 1 is well that it is settled this way. Marriage. At the residence of the bride' mother, on April 18th, 190G, by Rev J. B Haigler, Mr. Raymond Feltoi Burfora of Augusta, Ga., and Mis Hattie Maude Cleckley, of Whih Rock, S. C. A liquid cold cure for children that i pleasant, harmless, and effective is Bee' Laxative Honey and Tar. Scpericr t< all other cough syrups or cold remedie because it acts on the bowels. A11 idea remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup "Whooping Cough and all curable lunj and bronchial affections in child c: adult. Pleasant to take. Sold by Kauf man Drug Co. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington, Court of Common Pleas. William Glass, Plaintiff, ncrainst ?O Edward Glass and Lizzie Robinson Plaintiffs. Sommons for relief. (Complaint Served.) To the defendant above named: yOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONEI JL and required to answer the coin plaint in this action of which a copy i s herewith served upon you, and to sem a copy of your answer to the said com plaint 011 the subscriber at his office ai Edmund, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of sucli service: and if you fail tc answer the complaint within the tinu aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action wil! apply to the Court for the relief de> ma tided in this complaint. Dated Februarv 21st. A. D. ll)Oti. ~W. H. SHARPE, Plaintiff s Attorney, Attest: SamT B. George. [Seal.] C. C. C. P. and G. S. To the Defendant, Edward Glass: You will please take notice that rht original summons and complaint in thif action were filed in the office of tin Clerk of Court for Lexington county South Carolina, 011 the 26th day o1 March, 1906. W. H. SHARPE, 6w26 Plaintiff's Attorney. [ woRKINC t Their Hard Struggle Made 1 ments by a Young and One in Na t s All women work;" some in their homes, some in church, and some in the whirl of society. And in stores, mills and shops tens of thousands are on the never-ceasing treadmill, earning their daily bread. All are subject to the same physical a laws; all suffer alike from the same " physical disturbance, and the nature of * their duties, in many cases, quickly drifts them into the horrors of all kinds of female complaints, tumors, ulceration, falling and displace3 ments or perhaps irregularity or 1 suppression, causing backache, ner5 vousness, irritability and lassitude. 1 They especially require an invigorating, sustaining medicine which will 1 strengthen the female organism and t enable them to bear easily the fatigues of the day. to sleep well at night, and to rise refreshed and cheerful. How distressing to see a woman struggling to earn a livelihood or per//.Hm Vi In AllcnVl /~i1 /-} TX'Vl OT1 back and head are aching-, she is so tired she can hardly drag- about or 3 stand up, and every movement causes pain, the origin of which is due to some derangement of the female or3 ganism. Miss F. Orser, of 14 Warren ton Street. > Boston, tells women how to avoid such g suffering; she writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham:? UI suffered misery for several years with female irregularities. My back ached: I had bearing-down pains, and frequent headaches; !' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comp Just Received Soli I CORRUGATED I ; and Solid Car Los I MFTAI S 5 1I1BJ K i 1U V S This ROOFi: r Warp, Oraek ' Burn. It re ance. Send v ? today, we gui e est market pi e LEE A. LOR! s 1519 Main Street o THE PR<CES TELL. s : J. B. FRID r Wholesale* GROCERS, FLOUR, F SEED RUST P We Want the Merchants, Pin ington County to Call and Set Purchases. We Can Fill. Yc } 31o)iey. 1823 and 1825 Main Stn PALMETTO PAINL T The Paint for the South. j Unrivaled in Brilliancy, Honest j in Measure, Permanent in Color. Best Covering Quality. I Oils and Varnish Stains? Pure Creosote. Shingle Stains. W *"m Send for Color Cards. PALMETTO PAINT MANUFACTURING CO 5 COLUMBIA. S. C. i March 21. Sm. 9 __ f T X. L relieves when proper!/ applied. ?WOMEN Easier?Interesting State" ; Lady in Boston shville.Tenn. Y^MssPearl Aeken^j ?^wj I could not sleep and could hardly drag , around. I consulted two physicians without, relief, and as a last resort, I tried Lydia E.I Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and to my surprise, every ache and pain left me. X gained ten pounds and am in perfect health.** Miss Pearl Ackers, of 327 North Sum^ mer Street, Nashville, Tenn., writes: J Dear Mrs. Pinkham:? " I suffered with painful periods, severe backache, bearing-down pains, pains across the abdomen; was very nervous and irrita Die, ana my trouoie grew worse every aiuuui. "My physician failed to help me and I decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable i Compound- I soon found it was doing me good. All my pains and aches disappeared, and I no longer fear my monthly periods." ^ Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the unfailing cure for all these troubles. It strengthens the proper muscles, and displacement with all its horrors will no more crush you. Backache, dizziness, fainting, bearing-down pains, disordered stomach,, moodiness, dislike of friends and society ?all symptoms of the one cause?will1 be quickly dispelled, and it will make you strong and well. You can tell the story of your sufferings to a woman, and receive help-' ful advice free of cost. Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. The present1 Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twentyfive years she has, under her direction' and since her decease, been advising sick women free of charge. ouod Succeeds Where Others Fafl. if Car Load el rn ah r nAArmn \wn kimihh id oi HINGLES. NG will not , Curl up or duces insurls your order arantee lowpice. ICK&BRO., Columbia. S. 8. THE QUALITY SELLS* AY & CO., iBd Retail 'EED AND GRAIN, 'ROOF OATS. nters and Farmers of Lex's Us Before Tliey Make Iheir nir Wants and Save You eet, COLUMBIA, S. C. PARLOR RESTAURANT. B. DAVID, Proprietor. 1336 MAIN St., COLUMBIA. S. C. The only up to date earing house of its kind in the City of Columbia. It is well kept ?clean linen, prompt and polite service. You get what you order and ray only for what you get. Within easy reach of desirable sleeping apartments. OPEN ALL NIGHT. DR. C. J. OLIVEROS, Jlili^tYE.EAR, THROAT,NOSE AND lUNSS, Guarantee Fit of Office aDd Btsidence, Gashes 1424 and 142ft Marion St/ March 15?ly. COLUMBIA, S. C