8BBBHBBHglM88aBBBBS88BBBiBgaB8agMHgBBBgSSBggBB5aS35aBB^gBBBBBBEBa I* * 5 * * 5 * * JI | ENGRAVED VISITING CARDS f I and I !i I WEDDING INVITATIONS. I f * - .. I || I* Call ana see tne laiesx styica, at - ? ! le R. L. BRYAN Company, 1 I * * jj t In the Masonic Temple, ? >; * t 11 | Columbia, S. C. | \ * s * --------------------------- * ? * * | * Embossed Monogram Stationery J V 5 * * J1 * * 5 . m* -I \ u ? ?? . y < OUR NEW | J Spring and Summer J 5 * SHOES * * ^ Are here and ready for the inspection of our i ^ Lexington friends. We had foresight to j ^ buy this Stock of SHOES last fall so we i S could protect our Customers against ad- ^ j vanced prices. We GUARANTEE our ^ S Shoes are made of SOLID LEATHER and S j Quality the Best for the price to be had. J I 5 E. P. & F. A. DAVIS, j p ? 1710 Main Street, Columbia, S. C. J /7V SPOTLESS 1 ^ Washing Machines & Wringers The strongest. Looks as if it would last a life \v> I time. Easy to handle. - Washes a tub ot rjn"11' '^PS^^^P/ clothes in fi to 10 minutes 0mml^Sm The Elegant Li-'ht Banning Wheeler & Wilson >ewing Machine the queen of them all '^e ^ew ^omo Machine. Ball bearing. .**est shuttle machine. Second band ma '""bines. Needles tor all machines. Attachmeats, shuttles, belts and the highest grade U $mjj0^^^Wi -?perm machine oil-does not ruin your maK Ml c line B?*pairiug a speciality. Next doer to ffl W/aWt m ^m' ^iat,t's Dry ^??ds store Come to see ? T 4 J- H. BERRY, 1802 Main St., Columbia, S. C * ^ ^ <. fsouf\{m B AU WA rimsma* n*? Ca^uSca \|/ SHOES' II' SAW M,LLS* * i light, medium and heavy ; wood-working machinery Wear a pair of our Kon-11 for every kind of work queror Shoes and you 11 engines and boilers can't go wrong. i and sizes and for every Sold 01.1, by I CLASS OF SERVICE. " ask for cur estimate before fflHFN'S SHflF STflRF I PUCIN0 vot)R 0RDERUU1IL11 U UHUU OlullLj HQIBBESMACHINERYCOMPANY 1636 Main Street Columbia, - - s. c. s UllCAbCllcu viimag vai weinw; kl j ^ Through Pullman Sleeping Cars on all Trains, ^ ^ Convenienf Schedules on Local Trains. ^ For full information as to rates, routes, etc., jtL consult nearest Southern Railway Ticket Agent, or vy W R. W. HUNT, D. P. A., Charleston, S. C. VV ^BROOKS MORGAN, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. tha**' / iJh W. D. Mild. 1 DISTILLER and ^P Will, at all times, pay high/ est market prices for Crude, T, j based upon Savannah quotaOldReliable I Standard | The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, April 25,1906. Upper Saluda Letter. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Mr. Editor and kind readers, I visited Lexington and beard from some of her most prominent eons that the trolley line through thet town was in sight?we rejjice with you. The farmers are making fine progress now. Everything is in a mad rush to "get there." Some of the farmers have yoked their yearlings to the plow; some don't scruple to plow a while after dark. The women and children have come into the rush. All trash and rubbish is piled and goes up in volumes of fiime and smoke. Two old veterans have passed away sense my last writing, J. YY. Talbert, April 4tb, and Lindsey Dominick, April 5 b. One by one tbey cross over. Ol! Jesus receive tbem. General news is scarce here. We ? note, with pleasure, the reunion at Columbia in May. Old veterans I hope that many of the brothers will meet each other there. Oh! bow I love to meet you old vets, knowing that our time is short on earth. Let us live in the service of Christ in our last days as faithfully as we lived in the service of cur country, way back in the sixties. No planting has been done in this section. My weather prophet is trying to forecast a dry spell. The small grain crops promises to be above the average. Cotton acreage will not be increased. in this section. Some of our farmers are going to experiment wi h vegetable crops to some extent. Our old widower has postponed his second marriage till after harvest, if do latter. R V. April 7, 1906 Human Blood Marks. A tale of horror was told by marks of human blood in the home of J. W. Williams, a well know merchant of Bac, Ky. He writes: "Twenty years ago I had severe hemorrhages of the lungs, and was near deatli when I began taking Dr. King's Xew Discovery. It completely cured me and I have remained well ever since." It cures Hemorrhages, Clironic Coughs, Settled Colds and Bronchitis, and is the only known cure for Weak Lungs. Every bottle guaranteed ! by KaufmannDrugCo., Druggist. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. A Deserved Complement. From the State of Thursday, April 19th, we learn that one of Lexington's sons, so long engaged iD the educational interests of Columbia, has beeu rc-elected a? superintendent of the city schools. The State says of him: "Mr. E. S Dreher, who has been connected with the schools since they were six years old?3ix years as a teacher and principal and 11 as i-i. J L I A su peri uieuu em?was cuuipBuicuiru by a unanimous election with an increase of salary to fcfce position he now holds. Mr. Dreher has done splendid work in the schools, aDd his re-election will give the greatest satisfaction to a large majority of the patrons of the schools. He has the interest of the schools truly at heart. Chamberlain's Salve. This salve is intended especially for sore nipples, burns, frost bites, chapped j hands, itching piles, chronic sore eyes, j granulated eye lids, old chronic sores j and for diseases of the skin, such as tetter, salt rheum, ringworm, scald head, herpes, barbers' itch, scabies or itch and eczema. It has met with unparalleled success in the treatment of these diseases. Price 25 cents per box. Try it. For sale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. Married. On Wednesday, April 11, 1906, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Eudora Etberedge, Prof. B. B Hare, of Leesville, and Miss Kate Etheredge, of Saluda county, Rev, Broadus Derrick, of Augusta, Ga., officiating. * * i Devil's Island Torture is 110 worse than the terrible case of Piles that afflicted me 10 years. Then I was advised to apply Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and less than a box permanently cured me, writes L. S. Napier, of Bugles, Ky. Heals all wounds, Burns a nd Sores like magic. 25c. at Kanfmann Drug Co., Druggist. Tott's Pills stimulate the TORPID LIVER, { strengthen the digestive organs, | regulate the bowels, and are un? equaled as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, | In malarial districts their virtues are widety recognized, as they possess I peculiar properties in freeing the system from that poison. Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. Fond Branch Brieflets. To tbe Editor of the Dispatch: Fruil will be plentiful if the Easter cold wave don't be too severe. Much corn and some cotton has been planted, so farm work is very well advanced. Please remember tbe club meeting Saturday evening, April 28, at 3 o'clock. Mr. John R Holley and family spent last Saturday and Sunday with relatives in the Dupler section. Mr. J. Meetze, of Ballentine, visited relatives here last week. Mrs. J. M. Craps, of LexingtoD, with her children, is spending the Eastertide with her father, Mr. G. W. Lewis. Mr. Willie J. Smith has been employed to teach a singing class at rJoilmg springs ccurcn. A email child of Mr. and Mrs. Millage Taylor died Sunday. The interment was at Boiling Springy Monday. The dogwood is in blossom and the fishermen may be looked for. A email fishing party gathered somewhere iD this community last Saturday Dight, and how they ate fish aBd enjoyed the sweet melodies of a atrirg band only those present are able to tell. Mr. John W. Lewis and Mies Carrie Ricard, both of this section, were married at the Methodist parsonage last Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Jas. K Inabinet. 0 Gilbert, S. C, April 14, 1906 The gums and resins obtained from pine trees have long been recognized as highly beneficial in the treatment of backache, kidney and bladder troubles. Pine-ules is the name of a new medicine, the principle ingredients of wliich come from the pine forests of our own native land. Sold by Kaufman Drug Co. Crowding Our Country?30,000 Aliens This Week. New York, April 19?Tbe unprecedented Spring influx of immigrants arriving in the port of New York continues without signs of abatement, and it is estimated by the Ellip Island officials that no less than 50,000 foreigners will have arrived here by the end of the ensuiDg week. Immigration figures show that exactly 2S.556 immigrants have arrived in New Yjrk since Sunday morning. Of that number fully 10,000 have already been discharged from Eilie Island, while 5,000 more who remain on the island will be discharged today. Nearly 14,000 more are still held on the ships because of the lack cf room on Ellis Island. A large number of steamships are due to arrive this week, and advance reports show that each is heavily laden with steerage passengers. The crowd surrounding the Ellis Island ferry at the battery ha9 been so large for the past two days that an extra detail of police has been stationed there. The Richest Man in the World. The richest man in the world can not have his kidneys replaced nor live without them, so it is important not to neglect these organs. If Foley's Kidney Cure is taken at the first sign of danger, the symptoms will disappear and your health will be restored, as it strengthens and builds up these organs as nothing else will. Oscar Bowman, Lebanon, Ky., writes: "I have used Foley's Kidney Cure and take great pleasure in stating it cured me permanently of kidney disease, which certainly would have cost me my life." The Kaufmann Drug Co. A Former Citizen Dead. Mr. George G. Etberedge, well known to many of our people aDd a former citizen of Bateaburg, and of this county, died of apoplexy in tbe Columbia Hospital, on Monday 16tb, after a continued illness. If we all bad our lives to live over again we would probably make a worse job of it. THOMAS A. (OPPOSITE POST C COLUMBI WHOLESALE AND RET Men, Women and [ My stock is large, was carefully selected with both the city and country trade and Shoes in style, shapes and toes, down to the sevi which are made of solid leather and gui market for the money. I want to sin child in Lexington county and to d offer some extraordina: Work and Ore; Your are cordially invited to call at my store office, when in the city, and I will take pit and explaining their merits. Polite attei will strive to please you in A DR. W H. TIMMERMAN, U. X. G President. Vice Citizens Bank o PAID UP CAPITAL ST E. F. STROTHER, Attorney, Announces to the public that it is now loca all the conveniences and facilities of success! modating terms. Deposits solicited. 4 per c( quarterly. Friends and acquaitances are cor< Bank whether they have business or not and : Directors?Dr. W. H. Timmerman, Dr. M. P. Timmerman, E. F. Strother, Isaac Edward "AT THE STORE THi We propose making t] record breaker, and wi] right by offering some of bargains that we have y< before the trade. 25 dozen Misses' and Children's Satin 15 d Caps, satin lined, the 25c. kind, for each 10c. 25 ( 25 dozen Ladies' 25c. Corset Covers, for ei each 17.\c. j ei 10 dozen Ladies' 50c. Corset Covers, i 5 dc i fr eacn 25c. j 5 dozen Ladies' T5c. Night Gowns only,: ?00 each. . 50c. 25 d 25 dozen Ladies' 50c. and 75c. Waists to i lu close out at, each 39c. I _ ' ' 10A ' i\j\j 25 dozen 50c. and 75c. Silk Baby Caps to j for close out at, each 25c. ! ioi 50 Ladies' heavy black Stockings, the ct best ever offered for, pair 25c. l p 20 pieces fine All-Linen Table Damask, some 72-inch wide. 2 re 100 dozen Cotton Towels, the 10c. and 2 re 15c. kind, only, the dozen 89c. 2 re One lot of 10c. end 15c. Embroideries i pj for, the yard ; 5q. One lot of 10c. and 15c, Laces for, the j yard 5c. 9 * "-j * 100 Alarm Clocks, sold everywhere for 5 fie $1.00, our price : 59c. jq 55 only $1.50 and $2.00 Watches, for this 2 p 1 sale, eacli 99c. ^ ^ 10 dozen large size Glass Pitchers, form- .>5 ( erlv sold at 25c.. now 10c. ~ 10 s 500 pieces Fine Decorated China ware, , worth 10c. each, now oc. 25 Men's $3.50 Silk Fancy Vests, now 9n each $1.95 ~ k 25 dozen Boys* Heavy 25c. Black Stock- * ? 1*1^' -fVvr? fine? coin rvmr 1 v 1U1 111XO OtViV. f TJ 5 dozen Ladies'$l.eO Fine Black Sateen Waists for this sale 99c. Cas 5 dozen Men's $1.00 Silk Mufflers, for C this sale, each oOc. gla< WM. F. I Opposite the Theatre. "T COLUMBIA BOYNE, >FFICE.) s. cu AIL DEALER IX itiildren's Shoes, a view of supplying the demands of from the most fashionable cnts ceable every day plow shoe, allot aranteed to be the best 011 the oe every man, woman and lo this I am prepared to rv bargains in ss Footwear. 1736 Main Street, opposite the post iasnre in showing yon my stock ation will be given yon and I qnality and price. i FINE BLACK LANGSHANS LARGE. HARDY. PBest all round general i purpose fowls. ' Good Winter Layers. Cockerels and Breeding Stock for sale Cheap. Eggs $1 per setting. . RICE B. HARMAN, Lexington, S. C. rUNTER, A. C. JONES, President. Assistant -Cashier. II iidiaduyig OCK, $30,000.00. BATESBURG, S. C. ted in the new Bank Building with nl banking. Monies to loan anaccomjnt. on time deposits interest payable iially invited to call on Officers of >ee cur institution. U. Boatright, U. X. Gunter, Dr. W Is, \Y. K. Shealy, J. F. Kneece. lT'S DIFFERENT." le month of April a LI begin the monht the most wonderful st been able to place [ozen Men's heavy Fleece-Lined Unsrshirts and Pants, 50c. kind for thi? de, the garment 371c iozen Ladies' 10c. Swiss Embroid ed Handkerchiefs, for this sale, ich 5c. )zen Ladies' 25c. Hose Supporters )r this sale, pair, 10c yards All-Linen Table Damask, for tis sale, yard 25c. ozen Misses' 15c. fine Black Stockigs, for this sale, pair 11c. only extra gcod Men's Umbrellas, tins sale, each 99c. ioxes 10c. Sweet Soap, for this sale, ike 5c. air regular 50 cent. Cuff Buttons )r 25c. gular 25c. China Pitchers for?25c. gular 25c. Butter Dishes for 25c. gular 25c. Buggy Whips for 25c. iir Ladies' or Gentlemen's Gloves, le 50c. kind, for 25c. ,-ards Silk gibbon, all colors 25c. irds 25c. Taffeta Ribbon for 15c. )zen fine Pearl Buttons for 25c. >air 5c. Shoe Strings for 25c. lir 25c. Side Combs for 25c. adies' 10c. Back Combs for 25c. ioid Plated Collar Buttons for... 25c, pools best Spool Silk for 25c. ladies' 5c. Mourning Handerchiefs >r 25c.' spools Turkey Red Cotton ,25c. lirs Men's regular 25c. Half-Hose >r 25c, [undreds of other bargains for Spot ih. ome to see us; look us over. Will be :l to show you through, WICK, he Store That is Different. . S. C.