The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, March 28, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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I CLARKE ft COTTON FACTORS MD 843 Reynolds Sti LIBERAL ADVANCES. ' PERSONAL ATTENTIO Write us before arranging fo; , We handle Bagging, Ties and Reliable and Energetic Soiici The Lexington Dispatch. I Wednesday. March 28, 1906. - | Index to New Advertisements, j v Millinery?Wm. Piatt Ramon's Pills. Palmetto National Bank. 'Ish i Seed?Lorick & Lowrance. Clotliing?E. G Dreher & Co. Big Bargains?J. C. Moore & Son. Summons?W. H. Sharpe. Citation?Estate Julia A. Shealy. IE HE BANK, , LEXINGTON, S. C. Fairness, Honesty, Safety. F. W. OSWALD, Pres. ALFEED J. FOX, Cashier. Cotton and Turpentine. ? - ^ 1 A1 Lexington iu? Colombia . 10 J Savannah?Turpentine 69 While They Last. One hundred bushels of King Im* proved Cotton Seed for 6ale, direct from T. J. King, last spriDg, at 6O3 per bnsbe), while they last. A. W. r Lever. Route 2, Peak, S. C. ^ 5 ^ Square Pianos at $20, $25, $30 and $40? about half their value?but we need floor space. Call or write Malone's Music House, , Columbia, S. C. Majrried, March 18,1906, at the residence cf the officiating clergyman. Rev. J. A Cromer, Mr. Henry Lee and Miss " Maggie Cromer, all of near Lexington^. C. Blacksmiths and Wheolrights j- Will always find the beet stock of material, such as they need in their shops, at T. B. Aughtry & (Vs., Columbia. V ?, An April Social in Boof s Sail. The ladies of the aid society of St. Stephen's Lutheran church are plan, ing to give another social evening to the people of LexiDgtoD, Friday, * April the 6th. The program will be attractive and entertaining. Everybody is cordially p invited Admission ten cents. One Slightly Used Upright Piano at a special bargain,at Mtlone'a Music House, Columbia, * sc. County Board of Equalization Will meet Monday, April 2,1906, at 10:30 a. m., to complete the work of * the board. All members are expected to attend promptly, and if anyone cannot be present they must have thft Knnlro and r>ftr>ers sent to the I County Auditor on or by this date. c Also parties having had their property raised, and desire, can meet the board at this meeting for final action. G A. Derrick, County Auditor. 4 The Place to Buy Your plantation supplies, grain, hay, w hardware and groceries, is at T. 6. Aogbtry & Co'a, Columbia They f carry everything you need and their prices are 8lways reasonable. Call and see them. Jaaaed ia Trunk Whils Alivs. ? . r* _ t./ O? &10CK10D, V>aiUUruiB, Jiaicu ? ; The body of Albert N. McVicar, who had been employed in the rawhide mice of Jamestown, Tuolumne v county, was discovered jammed into a large trunk last night at the Southern Pacific railroad station. A bag gageman made the discovery. Officers & assert that the man was placed in the trunk while yet alive. A small book containing an account between w J. C. Lssile and M. Farre was found in a pocket. The police are endeavoring to find Mrs. McVicar. |d?C IBM. & BDTT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, eet, Augusta, Ga. CHARGES REASONABLE. N TO ALL BUSINESS. r advances. Best Fertilizers, ting Agents desired. Changed Hands. Mr. J. W. Cooner has sold out bis interest ia the Laesviile Sun to Meesr&, W. A Hare and 0?c*r E r gle. The Summit News Letter and the Sun will be merged into one and will be published in the future as the Sun, at Leesville. A' good move, and we wish the Sun bright and lasting rev. Who ttest. Our young friend and the very kind and courteous deputy Clerk of Court, Manly P Gwge, reulizing that it takes money to run a newspaper, dropped in Saturday and handed us his dollar for another year Likewise his father, Mr. E J Georgr, one of cur best citizens, walked up and saw him one better, and both went rfjoiciDg, leaving the editor with a broad smile Honored for His Services. Hon. A F Lever has served the ? ? 1 "HI ntnnf or? o (%_ osveuiiu i/iouivi w ceptably and has won so many steadfast supporters by bis business-like attention to the interests of bis constituents tbat hi3 re-election for another term is assured. There is no pro3pect of any opposition to him this year, and if there should be (the man who makes the race will be doin^ so merely for the sake of gaining experience as a campaigner and stump speaker.?Sumter Item. Divine Services Will be held at Nazareth on Sunday, April the 1st, at 11 a. m. The sermon will be preached from the text, "Blessed is be that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest." (Matt. 21:9) ? Miss Ellen Hendrix will be present to reorganize the woman's and children's home and foreign missionary society. We bespeak for her a large audience and an attentive bearing. A collection will be taken for the benefit of the famine stricken district of Japan. Dots from Pine Ridge. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Pipe Ridge school closed last Fiiday evening. The little boys and girls had speeches and the large boys bad a debate, wnicn was discussed well on both sides. Mr. George Bouknight, near Fairbanks, is building a new barn. S. C. Fulmer is hauling logs to the mill to repair his dwelling house. Messrs. John Amick,Luther Shealy, Verley Fulmer and Charley Farr, of Pine Eidge, met last Saturday night to practice, and they certainly made fine music. We call it the "Old Pine Ridge Band." Misses Nettie Fulmer and Eula Epting will be home in May from Mt. Pleasant, N C , college. Mr. A. W. Baljentine, of Newberry, visited his parents last Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. Simon Amick and sons have finished building the bridge over Wateree branch, which was badly needed. Best wishes for the Dispatch and its readers, Sunrise. Our Appreciation. W? Bnnrfioiflf.p thfi huaineaa view r jc??? several of our subscribers took of our notice, requesting them to come or send and settle their dues. They came like men and settled up, others became vexed at our discontinuing their paper after positive j notice that we couid not send the Dispatch ioDger without payment. Oar paper bills are no small item, which we must meet promptly, and' where there are a number of delinquents tardy in paying up it is burdensome and annoying. We have dropped a number from our list as a matter of business, and unless our rule of payment is observed we will drop others. We cannot run the paper indefinitely without money. If those dropped will come forward and settle for back rations we will be glad to 6ead the paper on. 1 I wGO' B for | || Their Stock I j Patronage, Lombard Iron Wor AUGUSTA, Foundry, Matchino evnd Boiler Works t Bridges, Roofs, Tanks, Tower and Building Co < Cane and Shingle Mill Machinery and Repairs J road Castings; Railroad and Mill Supplies; Be1 Oilers, \ ? Jif mipup^pwp^pififiipif nn?i >i pn LIGHT SAW MILLS and GA Quick SI A Nest Egg. You young men?sometime misfortune may overtake you in money matters. Tben it is that the good sized "Neet E?g:' in the savings bank comes in handy. Those of you who have never made an effort to save are invited to come and see what THE HOtfE BANK of Lexington, S. C , can do for you. Alfred J Fox, Cashier. Board in Session. The county board cf equalization was in session Tuesday attending to the arduous duties of their office. The difficulties that lie in their way are net appreciated by those who do not. fuliy understand the work they have to do. For instance, the township board in oDe township will possibly make general raise in the assessment feeling that the general wave of prosperity pervading our southland has increased the value of real estate, and then the board in another township will possiLl? IaV 4>U/-.??? 4\ ft /an CI *v\ a r* !? otOTT QO nonol Uly IO'j turn q^ccjcujcuo oiaj uuouui or possibly permit some .odo to reduce theirs Here, you will see that in the same county the burden of taxation is not equitably instituted, and then it becomes the duty of the county board to try and rectify such glaring: inconsistences. To do this requires bard work and a great deal of painstaking. Not being able to complete their work the board will meet next Monday, April 2. to finish. Dots from Hutto's Mill. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Mr. Jimrnie Busbpe had his right hand cut cff at bis saw mill recently. Everything is quiet aDd farmers are busy at their work. Some have planted corn while others are preparing for it. and cotton. Mr B E. Hutto is having fun at breaking a young mule to koow his work. Rev. McGb-11 preached a fine sermoD to the men at Athens church Sundav to a large congregation. Small grain crops look fine and if nothing further interferes we will make our own flour bis year. March 26,h. Unknown Boy. Ships Leave for China. Washington, March 25?Word reached the navy department, today that the battleship Obio, the flagship ! of Rear Admiral Charles J. Train, had j left Manila for Shanghai. It is supposed that the admiral is aboard the ship. The battleship Wisconsin, which *lso has been stationed at Manila, preceded the Ohio in Shanghai by one day. rnese movement?, me officials of the bureau of navigation say, were not ordered by the department, being probably incidental to tbe approach of warm weather, whose influence is beginning to be felt in the Philippines. illllil and WHI8KEY HABIT8 TH UllllA cured at home with H III HR out pain. Book of par I IV IVI ticulars sent FBEE. B fl wmm?mmm b. m. woolley. m. d. ww Atlanta, <*a. Ofiice 104 N. Pryor Street. ???M??? O ro THE LEXiNOT : is complete in all Line: and Guarantees Fair Tre. iWil^lBTHWriro;^|yi]Tlfn^TMTffsi| ks and Supply Co. I GEORGIA ! and Mill Supply Store. Engines, Boilers, ' nstruction ; Cotton, Saw, Gnst, Oil, Fertilizer, Building, Bridge, Factory, Furnace and Rail- > [ting, Packing, Injectors, Fittings, Saws, Files, > etc.; Shafting, Pulleys, and Hangers. CAST EVERY DAY Capacity for 300 Hands I r_:? pwr'lMPc V , ] L (L5> <\nU X\UI llllg <XUU r Irvjectors, Turbine Water Wheels, etc. L Srade Mill BOILERS Built to Hartford Specifications a. Specialty Locomotive Tender Tanks Write Us Before You Buy , * SOLINE ENGINES in Stock, hipment. Dead Body of Willingkam. The dead body of Willii3gh*m, tbe negro shoemaker, who fell off the railroad bridge between Peak and Alston and was drowned more than a month ago, was found in tbe Congaree river last Thursday. He had on a blue dennim apron and his shoes were homemade, bis trousers were patched above the kDees and in one pocket was found $9 50 iD cash. It is remarkable that his body was brought down by the current of the receot high water a distance of Dearly 30 miles and passed over two dams across the stream on the way. Tbe body was found floating in the water at the edge of the stream about one mile below the railroad bridge near Columbia and the coroner notified. After satisfying himself as to toe cause o>! death aDd viewing the surroundings the coroner had the body buried. Convicts Escaped. Atlanta, Ga, Much 25 ?Nice convicts escaped from the city stockade here toaight. The delivery was accomplished by the filing of a steel bar over a window. Oae of the men, a white mar, was captured, shackles about his ankles preventing his escape. The police h?va been unable to locate the ether eight. I r IMUL i ; rrn. :n I J.Ills Will UC l/li State. In this lot' for $150, large miL best 1,200 lbs. Mul who raise these Mi Be sure to see this RUT! I the best wagon on cheap for^cash. N the Lightest Runn a Machine any tim resentative, Mr. J. fully. When you; the Paint for the S We have enroute < Ol' UUJL vi Babcock B Rot J. P. ETHl M. X i ? \\&\\\AVtmin^\*L%XMWVnXWVl s. This esiabiisiioieot atment to all Patrons. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. Court of Common Pleas. William Glass, Plaintiff, against Edward Glass and Lizzie Robinson, Plaintiffs. Sommons for relief. (Complaint Served.) To the defendant above named: WOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED JL and required to answer the complaint in this action of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint 011 the subscriber at his office at Edmund, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of sucli service: and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief de- ! inanded in this complaint. Dated Februarv 21st, A. D. DOB. "W. H. SHARPE, Plaintiff's Attorney, Attest: Sam'l B. George, [Seal.] C. C. C. P. and G. S. To the Defendant, Edward Glass: You will please take notice that the original summons and complaint in this action were filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Lexington county, Oomli,io nil flia Oftfll rltlTT ,lt" kAJUlll \^tti \fXlllLl J Vil t>XXV/ ivutii V4UJ VA I March, 1906. W. H. SHARPE, Plaintiff's Attorney. A A REGULAR COMMUNICATION of Pomaria Lodge No 151. A. F. M*f /v\will convene in Masonic Hall. Peak, S. C., Saturday, April 7. 19 >5 at 7 o'clock p m. The E. A. degree wiil be confirmed. Fraternity united John C. Swygert. W. M. Congregational Meeting. The members of St. John's Lutheran church (Cilk's road) areearnestj ly requested to meet at the eaid ! church on Thursday, May 3, 1906. at 11 o'clock a m. for the consideration of repairing or rebuilding St John's j church, and to attend to other mati tars that may be presented. All j members will please be prespnt, if possible, at this meeting This is important. J E R Kjz*r, Secretary. By order of Chairman of Council, j ' Freeh garden ??-eri at 'he B 7.>?r rhree Car Loads o ?- % $ ? ? $ * ? v v ?- # A ? ? ? * $ e best lot of Stock ever shipped we will have Mules that have be les in proportion. We have cor es you ever saw. We buy direc lies and Horses therefore save tl Stock before you buy. Just unlc LAND'S ONE-HORSE WAI earth for the money, to be sold re are unloading today a car of EW ROYAL SEWING MACHINE ing Machine on the market. If e soon call on or write me and I L. Gunn. call on you and demons are in need of Paint see our PARIAN PAINTS, outh, best and cheapest. jnougJi W ire ? ence to go arouna ir entire stock is complete. Mi] uggies and cheaper grades. Ha >es and Whips. Coffins and Cask DREDGE is in charge of Horse I E2. Rutl; BATESBURG, S. C. IT STORE I wan). 1 cl 'i Solicits your | I s Carolina National Bank. ORGANIZED 1868. Assets Over $1,500,000.00. UNITED STATES. STATE, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. Capital Paid in - - - $200,000 Surplus Profits - - - 72,000 Liability of Stockholders 200,000 $472,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, payable quarterly. Loans to merchants and farmers a specialty. Our motto is: '"A helping hand and a square deal to all." BOND ACCOUNT. U. S. Bonds - - - - $250,000 South Carolina Bonds - 50,000 City Columbia Bonds - - 50,000 November 9th, 190.3, number of Depositors, 2,430. Amount of Deposits, $1,192,729.55. Your business solicited. W. A. CLARE. President. T. H. MEIGHAN, Cashier. Sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, fine china, clocks. A fine stock always on hand for you to s select from. Keep us in mind when wanting anything in Jewelry or Silverware. Good watch work and best I eye glasses. If you can't come, send for our catalogue or telephone your order to us. .JEWELERS, | | 1424 Main St., Columbia, S. C. 'Phone 934 f | I j to this part of the i >en selling for $175 aing some of the I :t from the farms j hem middle profit. I aded one car load of on easy terms or i you expect to buy will have my Rep- j >trate the Machine [ a little world. Get j [burn Wagons, rness, Lap :ets. lepartment. nd9 |