The Lexington Dispatch, Entered at the Post Oflice at Lexington, S. C., as second class matter. G. M. Harm an, Editor and Publisher. The subscription price of the Dispatch is II a year; 50 cents for six months; 25 cents for three months?invariably cash ;V in advance. 1 ? ?1 Cirpillation, 25,175. r JWednesday, February 7, 1906. The dispensary investigation will be resumed today, the hearing to begin at 3:30 o'clock in the Supreme Gnurt room. There was no hearing yesterday as some of the witnesses could not be had. Newberry witnesses will be on the stand today. It is understood that the committee will try to rush the investigation from now on in time to make a report before the legislature adjourns. After consultation with Chief Constable Hammett and the attorney general's office, State Secretary Gantt has refused to issue a charter to the "Mountain City club" of Greenville, because it is suspected the charter is wanted as a cloak to the blind tiger business. ?e? ?1? ? Ii Seven white menjwere arrested in Barnwell county on Saturday charged with murder in connection with the lynching of Frank and John DeLoacb, colored, on Deoember 21st. The Coroner's ir-quest of the Seaboard accident, holds -that the crew of the freight train must bear the blame. 1 Senator Tillman gives it out that he will be in the primary hustings \ . this summer and promises a "rantp ing" time for the boys. Ballentine Splinters. If To the Editor of the Dispatch: The weather has been ^ somewhat L unpleasant for the past week on account of severe cold. Is Tfce lolKs wno are just up irom j the measles have to stay in doors these days. There are several oases of measles in town at present. ^ Mr. W. B. Boukcight is wearing a broad smile and a wide grin?its a There was preaching and election of new officers at Bethel church SunRev. Y. C Ridenhour preached at Bethelebem Sunday afternoon. Mr. S. M. McCravy, of this place, is going to move to Lexington in the near future. Mr. Ss F. Shealy left for Lexington Monday, where he is to serve as a fourth week juror. Mr. W. C. Derrick, of the Spartanburg Bible Institute, is home on a bridal tour. We extend to them our beet congratulations. The school at this place is cot vary large at present on account of measles. A lot of fertilizers are being bought in and around this place. Some of our farmers have already started to turn the soil. Mr. J. W. Bouknight has a new boiler for his shingle mill. With best wishes to the Dispatch and its many readers I am, The Ball Head Bachelor. Feb. 5,1906. i? ' - * Gilbert Items. To the Editor of the Dispatch: The weather has been fine fnr a ih few days. Last Saturday was the coldest day this wioter. Preparations are being made for the coming crop. The advance farmers have their lands turned and the fertilizers hauled. Their motto seems to be "better crops." The scarcity of labor will be felt Vdry much this year and as such it will bo advieeable for our farmers to set their crops as they can do their own work. No doubt the man who - plants more than be can cultivate I himself will be found in the grass. Arrangements will soon be made to have regular preaching in the Baptist church. Rev. Iuabinet has placed two service* a month in the M. E. church. Tnis will be greatly appreciated by all. Rev. Wes6inger has a large catechising class in the Lutheran church and preaches regularly the second Sunday afternoon. Oar friend, Mr. W. H. Donly, has ? '? "'v' " ??^R^r*v*-' ' s ? All fyin Down HiS is a common expression we hear on every side. Unless there is some organic trouble, the condition can doubtless be remedied. Your doctor is the best adviser. Do not dose yourself with all kinds of advertised remedies? get his opinion. More than likely you need a concentrated fat food to enrich your blood and tone up the system. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is just such a food in its best form, it will build up the weakened and wasted body when all other foods fail to nourish. If you are run down or emaciated, give it a trial: it cannot hurt you. It is essentially the best possible nourishment for delicate children and pale, anaemic girls. Wc will send you a sample free. mBe sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. ^ att r> n A?iinr PfjSnffjf auji! 6c DUYVINL "^5(1 I Chemists H 409 Pearl Street, New York 50c. and $1. All Dru e in Columbia and has put his sod Willie in charge of the same. We regret to lose Willie, as be is a most excellent young man. His place r f business is at the Beardtn corner, od upper Main street. Many of the pupils of the academy who have been away on account of sickness ere now in school. How ever some are beiDg kept at home to begin work. The farmers here can start their work four to six weeks earlier than in the clay lands. From the large amount of fertiliz era already hauld from this place, it seems there will be heavy planting or heavy manuring what shall be planted. This is one of the fine results of the nice price cotton is bringing S. February 6 In Memory of My Son, Jimmie. | Ob, bow ead and lonely is our home siDce it has been darkened by death. There is a hushed voice, a vacant place around our fire eide an unoccupied room and a vacant place at the dining table. No one knows how slowly the days and nights pass by! There is nothing in life for me but sadness and gloom. Ob, how can I give up my poor child. Y*s, Christmas has come and gone, a time that we have always looked forward to with pleasure before?a time of family reunion?but alas! no family retfnion had we. Instead of pleasure it was trouble. Just to think my nVillr? ho/t fr/-? Ko ?ar>af oViort aman in VUilSA WUVA IIV UW UUblbWU^U U ?? U J 1U such an unmerciful way. We want to fcbank our neighbors and friends for their kindness aod much sympathy during our great trouble. But, dear readers, you don't know anything about trouble till it comes like this. His devoted mother, Mrs. Amanda Trotter. Leesville, S. C, Feb. 4,1906 Joint Council to Sleet. The Joint Council of the Lfxngton charge is hereby called to meet at the new parsonsge, Lexington, S C., on Friday 9, 1906, at 10 ccloek a. m. All members are urged to be present as business of mueh importance will be considered. By order of the Chairman. J. E R. K^zer, Secretary Joint Cjuccil E CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS 9 L Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. jU F# Use in time. Sold by druggists. ?! R acres adjoining Lexington ft ft Fair Grounds. ft r One valuable lor and improve- ^ ft meats in tkf town of Lexington, ft ft S. C. ' ft ft ft ft ft ' ft Wanted: ft ' ft ft j ft oO acres 0 to 4 miles from CLlum- ft j ^ l:a in Lexington County. # : ft About 100 acres fanning land ft | ft not over 4 miles from Lexington, ft ' ft ft . ft ft i ft * ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft < ft j T. X. L. cures cold iu the head. kVVVWVVWW? POTATOES. | e Low Prices on Genuine t TRIUMPH, I ED ROSE. J !ES. ^ ders, and will ship out on J month of January and up x nnirii ctrrnft ? Kutn ittua. > let us Name Prices, K ?rance, Inc., \ tETAIL SEEDMEN, V I. UBHiMI. ~ A, S. C. i ind business of P. E. Hntto | tie of General Merchandise, iving inst purchased $10,>ods. Our prices will alto make your acquaintance mage of the citizens of y, with fair |and honest 5, MULES, WAGONS, j exits will also be a main lave good lots, stalls, stalience while in town. Be 'ou make your purchases ,a. s ell and favorably known, is ; see and serve his friends j 8 Carolina National Bank. ORGANIZED 1868. Assets Over $1,500,000.00. UNITED STATES. STATE, (!OONT? AND CITT DEPOSITOR. Capital Paid in - - - $200,000 Surplus Profits - - - 72,000 Liability of Stockholders 200,000 $472,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, per aimnm, payable quarterly. Loans to merchants and farmers a specialty. Our motto is: tmA helping hand and a square deal to all." BOND ACCOUNT. U. S. Bonds - $250,000 South Carolina Bonds - 50,000 City Columbia Bonds - - 50,000 November 9th, 1905, number of Depositors, 2,430. Amount of Deposits, ?1,192,729.55. Your business solicited. W. A. CLARK, President. T. H. MEIGHAN. Cashier. TAPE'S i i Dbb W III provement over a FOR SALE BY THEJKAUFMA P W lUt mft? i3i] llil M; '^V: 1 YOU CERT i : Find It in This Ass t j Cellarettes, Smokers Tables, ( Castumers, 5 Ladies Work Stands, 5 Pedestals, 1 Tabouretts, 1 Screens, 2 "RlflP.Vinp' fiacfic. I Shaving Stands, Magazine Racks, Book Stands, Plate Racks, Medicine Cabinets, And a big line | MISSION an ; GREEN 1 Hundreds of I all kinds and si: to $25.00. Pretty Mat1 ?. - -a a i / 3 Designs, ixyz c ; per yard. j NO ADVAN I Everything n PLAIN I E. M. ANDREW} New Carolina COLUM For INSURANCE, LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, SEE E. G. Dreher, LEXINGTON, S. C. I 1 Strongest and Best Companies xative Cough Syrup and the Ge II Cough, Lung and Bronchial Ren >ung and old. Prepared by Pineu lNJS" DRUG CO. ill be glad for Customers to call; n see our car 01 r New MULES. HUGH BUGS. L-1313 Assembly St., Columbia \ AINLY CAN i ortment, at ANDREWS: I: . [ i Pretty Parlor Pieces, Odd Dressers, ( Metal Beds, Pancy Tables, Fancy Bockers, , , Sideboards, Buffets, China Closets, C Dining Tables, Side Tables, L Hall Hacks, L Wardrobes, 'J 3 of the popular J d ' FURNITURE. beautiful Rugs ses from 45 cents !! tings in Latest ? ents to 60 cents |! i | CE IN PRICES. larked in ; i 'IG-UF-ES. I; i FURNITURE CO., j: Bank building, ; BIA, S. C. [ Pfliiio iii institute, LEXINGTON, S. C. Literary, Scientific and Classica Courses. SPRING TERM BEGINS JAN. 22, '06. * Vocal and Instrumental Music, Drawing and Elocution. College Trained Teachers. Expenses for Session i $60 to $80. Send for catalogue. Address F. W. RAUCH, Principal, j M. D. HARMAN, Secretary. nuine Honey and Tar. An imaedies. Pleasant to the taste and le Medicine Co., Chicago, U.S.A. ? ?? H our -Mk and Se fice .S' ' s c -WH ^gggggggj