The Lexington Dispatch, Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, S. C., as second class matter. G. M. Harman, Editor ?md Publisher. The subscription price of the Dispatch . is $1 a year; 50 cents for six months; 25 cents for three months?invariably cash in advance. Circulation, 2,100. Wednesday, December 13,1905. GOOD ROADS. Some time ago the sand road from town to the Fair grounds, was clayed and built up. according to improved methods. It has stood the test and is a perfect success, so much so that an energetic citizen of the White Church neighborhood, is soliciting subscriptions, with which to carry on the work as far as Mr. Porth's, beyond Peters church. This means something. The people in that neighborhood pass over this new road and intend to build it on. It is very important and the citizens along the road should join in the good work and either subscribe in cash or hauling of clay with their teams. Lexington is a large county, and complete within itself. There is a kinship among its people, one section with the other, the couotv over, and by inter marriage and removal we I have a complete and harmonious citizenship. This naturally calls for considerable travel, and interests all. With the county seat in the center, there should go out from it to the different sections of the county, improved roads. When you clay the road from here to Leesviile, you reduce the time required to trav<1 it, by one-balf or more, besides the wear of vehicles and worrying of stock. The same way with the road from here to Swansea and Sandy Ran, as well as towards Bailing SpriDgs and Pelion. It is the principal thoroughfares first to remedy, for then the others will follow. Let's take for example the read from here to Reeder's store, 17 . miles off, and every inch a heavy sand bed. Many of us have traveled over it snd know the time consumed, as well as the burdensome v draft. With this road in the condition of the road from here to the Fair grounds, those people would be on the road here only half the time required at present. The necessary clav is accessible at numerous points, and all that is required is the money and work, and plenty determination on the part of the people. Those owning lands along these highways can sfford to chip in and help, for the momeDt the road is completed, prooerty along it will double in value^ This has been proven by the national government's experiments. Where these roads have been constructed property bas doubled and ? i i. 3 i ? ? i 11 li :ii_ T inriDOieu la v?itjw lunuwau. jues. uur County Commissioners aDd members of the Legislature make a special levy of, say one mill, - for the purpose of claying and improving tbe roads, as we are far behind other counties in this important matter. Barnwell and Aiken counties have made special levys for some time, and the taxpayers are delighted with the results of tb? money so well Bpent. With the ties already existing in Lexington county, if you will give us these improved roads and free our ferries, there is no power or fore?* that can divida or dismember the old county. After having been connected with the Dispatch office for over fifteen years, as foreman and assistant editor, Mr Jas. W. Ogilvie has returned to Conway, Horry county, S C, where he has accepted a like position with tbe Herald. Here he will be with almost bis entire family. His relations with us were pleasant &Dd satisfactory. He has many friends here who wish him success in his new field of labor. Mrs. Ogilvie is still here, but will follow in a week or two. The monument to Mr. N. G. Gonzales was unveiled Tuesday, 12fcb Dec, 1905, with very impressive flTflrAiaou witnARfipd hv about 2.000 people. The monument is a granite shaft, twenty-five feet high, handsomely finished with a substantial base with numerous inscriptions to his \ worth and memory It is erected at the intersection of Senate and Sumter streets, Columbia. The oration was delivered by Rev. Samuel M. Smith, I) D., of that city. Just before leaving here for Washington last week. Congressman Lever wa6 handed a ten dollar gold piece to redeem at the government mint, being told by the owner that it had been burnt and disfigured in a fire. When presented at the miDt it was pronounced a courfcerfeit, and the secret service de ectives put on the case. We have not heard who the owner of the coin was. When in Columbia a few days ago Editor Cargile of the Saluda Standard stated that the people there are still pushing for a railroad on to I Greenwood on the one aide, and to Laesville, Johnston or Wsrds on the ether side. All fyin Down IH1S is a common expression we hear on every side. Unless there is some organic trouble, the condition can doubtless be remedied. Your doctor is the best adviser. Do not dose yourself with all kinds of advertised remedies ? get his opinion. More than likely you need a concentrated fat food to enrich your blood and tone up the system. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is iust such a food in its best form. 9 It will buiid up the weakened and wasted body when all other foods fail to nourish. If you are run down or emaciated, give it a trial: it cannot hurt | you. It is essentially the best possible nourishment for delicate | children and pale, anaemic girls. We will send you a sample free. ^ p. Be sure that this picture in the form of a lahvl is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Sldffl -SC0TT & B0WNE ' If Chemists ^1^9 Pzzrl Street, New York 50c. "nd $1. Ail 0ru2 OUj^JJXJ X ACOUVO 1?V JLfl AVVO TVAVAX only 6 per cent, interest per annum on deferred payments. don't wait To feel able, for our special holiday terms and prices will make you able write us At once for catalogues, prices and terms. ADDRESS, MALONE'S - MUSIC - HOUSE, Columbia, S. C. PIANOS and ORGANS. Christmas Presents! Sterling silver, cut glass, fine china, clocks. A fine stock alwavs on hand for vou to %j * select from. Keep us in mind when wanting anything in Jewelry or Silverware. Good watch work and best eve glasses. j O If you can't come, send for our catalogue or telephoneyour order to us. P. L LACHICOTTE & CO., JEWELERS, 1424 Main St., Columbia, S. C 'Phone 93-4 LEARN THE WAY! If its a Suit or OverQsk coat that's needed SS its here, and if its ( J%kt here its right. j A ill* mm Our Suits and f^jjpF Overcoats are differa ent from the ordinary kind, they bear the ear-marks of distinction and are the MM acme of style; fcsn no tp I .W UV W. As the Holidays draw near we are showing a big line of Xmas Goods. BATH ROBES, GLOVES, SMOKING JACKETS, UMBRELLAS, MUFFLERS, HANDKERCHIEFS. If you are perplexed as to the purchase of your Xmas Gifts, come in, we may be able to offer you a suggestion. ________ iPF* I]]|[bai^?MW "iWt M (Mis Sfpsiiis * "An tTri: 1 *7T\ TkAirn FIIR MEN AINU MS. In our stock of Suits and Overcoats you will find plenty to please. MENS1 FURNISHINGS Make very acceptable Xmas gifts. In this line you will find the best. NECKWEAR, | GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, | SEIRT5, HANDKERCHIEFS, | HOSIERY. UMBRELLAS. S FANCY VESTS. A complete line of Men and Boss's Shoes ' i from the coarsest work shoe to the finest dress shoe. You will find the "Walk-Over" and the "Miles i? J-l T ^ ^ E^IiOfcJb Lilt/ !Jwb L 111CtLit?. STETSON AND JEFFERSON HATS. Latest shapes. Also full Sine of cheaper Hats and Gaps. E. G. BREMER & CO., OUTFITTERS FOR MEN AND BOYS. LEXINGTON, S. C. $ s e 9 a ? * a s * * -? ? s?s? v s> ? e e ? s $ ? . ?33g?ag?. * f g Lexington, S. C * * -J^fc I (Pt T S S I vj- r J ONLY FIRST CLASS COM- % *2%^' $ , J PANIES REPRESENTED. g | tO J4.63 S I w I carina Prompt aiid careful attention ? j? given to buying ana selling Real & fi "Pa-p p q * Estate, both town and country. ]jL $ Av/i. \J Caj ?- Correspondence respectfully solic- * ?f 0 -ptjt tt/> | ited. g | cil IIVt | For Sale. | | DeCeil ^ oon nores in Gilbert Hollow town- ^ ^sOTYl P I ? ship, 4 miles from Leesville, 4 miles ? ? ~ * from Gilbert, 2 miles from Sum- * XJC fj yyIIiIac 2 mit. 30 acres open. Good pas- jj '4?^' ? lilLLJLwiS * ture. Saw and Grists mill. #2,000. a. $ /n -? -i i v Dwelling house and lot. Main * $ vRli u( 2 street, Lexington, S. C. 2 r} One resident lot on Main street, -Tr | Lexington, S. C. $ 3v I f 1 Sf 12 acres, half mile from Lex- & # B /I * ington. Good dwelling. 3 S IBM fi acres adjoining Lexington ? 11 fl * Fair Grounds. * ^ g J ]? One valuable lot and improve- ^ -ri * ments in tlie town of Lexington, # ? 1311-131 2 S' C' 2 .K\y&. & 2 Wanted: ? 2 -">0 acres 2 to 4 miles from Colum- * ^^7 5[ t;.a in Lexington County. ~ c- About 100 acres fanning land * * OWXJ.O ixvr tu JUU1AV< Uiiuil Tf make roads or trespass in any maimer LEXINGTON S C whatever. The law will be enforced ' tta?Ts. w.King. Literary- Scientific and Classical W.N.King, H.F.Campbell, Courses. 3w7. SPRING TERM BEGINS JAN. 22, '0(5. Trespass Notice. Vocal and Instrumental Music. Drawing ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY NOT!- and Elocution. College Trained fied not to trespass on th* lands of Teachers. Expenses for Session the undersigned by hunting or shooting. $<>0 to $80. Send for cataJ. HARRIS SHULTj, J. M. ROOF,' logue. Address MRS. V. BLACHBURN, H. J. ROOF. F. W. RAUCH, Principal. 4w6pd. M. D. HARMAN, Secretary. i ;ative Cough Syrup and the Genuine Honey and Tar. An im[ Cough, Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to the taste and ing and old. Prepared by Pineule Medicine Co., Chicago, U.S.A. IN DRUG CO. MBMB?BBBW?W?B??W?MB??BMB8MM??M?M + \ C AUGHMAN has gone | ii itucky to purchase two | Lds of horses and mules ? ;|g ughman Bros., which will | t|f i here about the 20th of ? ||| iber. We expect to ship | of the best horses and | w we have ever shipped, j IS 3 see us before you buy. g iUGHMAN BROS15 ? ? 3 Assembly St., COLUMBIA, S. C. | *^v *