Wa>gon i WAGON RIMS, BUGGY RIMS, WAGON SPOKES, SARVAN SPOKES, SHAFTS, HUBS. WAGON HARDWARE. ifr-n" ~~~ r .. I We have just bought a complete stock of this material and solicit your trade. 1 'Write us for prices. They will save you MONEY. I LORICK & LOWRANCE '(INCORPORATED \ ^ ^ WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL SELL>SiYLJCi.>i, COLUMBIA, s. c. DB. W H. TIHMERHAN, > U. X. GUNTER, A. C. JONES, _ President. - > Vice President. Assistant Cashier. Citizens Bank of Batesburg PAH) UP CAPITAL STOCK. ?30,000.00. . j E. F. STROTHER, Attorney, BATESBURG, S. 0 ; / ' . Announces to the public that it is now located in the new Bank Building with all the conveniences and facilities of successful banking. Monies to loan an accommodating terms. Deposits solicited. 1 per cent, on time deposits interest payable ^ Quarterly. Friends and acquaitances are cordially invited to call on Officers of Bank whether they have business or not and see our institution. Directors?Dr. W. H. Tim merman, Dr. M. U. Boatright, U. X. Gunter, Dr. W. P. Tim merman, E. F. Strother, Isaac Edwards, W. K. Sliealy, J. F. Kneece. i ? Vyil!Bi|aa if W s WHEELER AND WILSON, NO. 9, BALL BEARING. Marvelously Light i Running and Noiseless, (a No, 100 spool cotton tliread for a belt will run it). One; third faster; one-third easier than any shuttle machine. Save about one day in 2- ; , three. A Great Favorite with Dress* Makers and becoming more popular all the ? time. Needles for all Machines. Repairing a specialty, Work guaranteed. Attachments, Shuttles, etc. In bringing Machines to be repaired it is only necessary to bring the head?leave the table at home unless it needs repairing too. t 1905 Washers and Wringers. The most perfect Washer ever invented. I can. sell them at my store for less than fhey "will cost yon ordered direct from the factoty. Write for circulars and prices. J II 0 F0IJ l|| 1804 Main Street, lie DCMil, I COLUMBIA, S. C. . . . ? ^ furniture:. . - i ?r ti nnuri^i i rimiTTTITTir Pn W. II. db'WtLL NJKNIIUItt LU., COLUMBIA, S. C. We especially invite yci to come to see ns for your Furniture, Cheap Suites, Iron Beds, Lounges, Stoves, Lace Curtains, Side Boards, Hall Racks. BO DAYS SALE-FURNISH YOUR HOUSE. W. H. SOWELL, FURNITURE CO., 1231 Main Street, Opposite Y. M. C. A. Building. , . 5 xhe place: | $ To Buy Your WINTER | i v SHOES. t ? (At Old Prices.) J a We have the most complete Fall stock S ^ of "Leather" shoes in everything for the # # comfort of the feet that can be had, and * T at^Live and let live prices. i 5 E. P. & F. A. DAVIS, I \ 1710 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA. S. C. i \ We Bought Early Before the Advance. J LCAPITAL, $250,000.00. - SURPLUS,' $35,000 00. K Wm. H. LYLES. Pres. JULIUS B WALKKK, V. Fres. & J. P. MATTHEWS, Secretary. PARLOR RESTAURANT. : i 8. DAVID, Proprietor. | ENGINES boilers. 1336 MAIS St., C0LUMB:A S. C. j ***** ?<*cU, Stand Pty?. and Bk?#t-lroa "The only up to date eating hou^e of its ! Ban?i * * * kitid in the City of Columb'a. It is \v~I! kept ( E7~Caat awy Cay; work 3$0 kaado. ~olean linen. prompt and D?l'tc service. ^tOMAARd iron wnnve . aB You eret what yon ?r?ler and pay only for AnflniTW,L*?* what you get. Within easy reach of desira- i AwOTATA, tlflMli, ble sleeping apartments OPEN ALL NIGHT. 1 The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, October 25. 1905. G-entleznea. cf the Jtiry. T P Kjzer, Wad* J So?.. D G Sham pert-, Scott. Kendrix, Dd'bv 0 1> ?'!?, W D Riku, Geo T Suclgiove, Ernest (j Eii^ie, J Griffin Fttl'tiw, J -e E S'?ele, Jobo Wood, W B Ki'fbicp, 0 T K >oc, N mii F Prick, Milton () Hut to, Geo E lOenjck, H Lee KiecLlev, S D*vi? Price, L L 11 vngut, >y o n.amwaujjci, Jerome A Hutto, W S E enzer, D W Flue, W FtaLk Riwl, W D ?SI?ee. J Wesley Eargl?, Ru'ua W GuDter, Jaa S Smiib. "Wounds, Bruises and Bnrns. By applying an antiseptic dressing to wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries before inflammation sets in, tliev may be healed without maturation and in abo^t one-third the time required by the old treatment. This is the greatest discovery and triumph of modern surgery. Chamberlain's Fain Balm acts' on this same principle. It is an antiseptic and when applied to such in juries, causes them to heal very quickly. It also allays the pain and soreness and prevents any danger of blood poisoning. Keep a bottle , of Pain Balm in your home and it. will ,<-ave you time and money, not to mention the inconvenience and suffering such injuries entail. For sale by The Kaufmaun Drug Co. Cal. To^ill's Cottsn. Batesburg Advocate. Col. John B*Ji 1 owill raised this year on ground tin t was far below j the average, w::h ;L?- aid of Peruvian j *?uano. coiton sUh*. \ ill, if it comes I up to bin exp-eUh. n produce one and one bait bales of coiton to the acre. Oce stalk pulled up by the j roots and brought to town measured from ground liv-.c to top bvv&u nod one half feet, seven f-?t, across ihn limbs and contained 127 b<>le?. This cotton was not planted until Juuc 10ih. Dispensary Constables. Acting upon a report b* Chief State Constable Ham met. Governor He}ward ordered Mr. Hammet to 8gaia place dispensary constables at work in Pickens county. fThey\ will be paid out of the proceeds of a special levy of a half mill in that-eounty. Mr. Hammet also made a report as to Newberry, but action as to that county has been postponed for further investigation. Sick Eeadacho Cured. Sick headache is caused by derangement of the stomach and by indigestion. Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tablets correct these disorders and effect a cure. By taking these tablets as soon as the first Bidication of the disease appears. the attack may be warded off. fsMnOMNEY I ?- * < ? _? a ?i- oTT/\ l*vP+ fA rnn Qora Mr ^9 JJOn t UmSt/ W ^viiat VUU iia<> V/ auv ivjuu. tv/ v ^ your own money. You will feel better knowing you ^ ^ have a bank account. We pay 4 per cent, on all Savings ^ ^ Accounts; so you really make money by saving money. ^ ? ALL BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED. # < Palmetto Bank and .Trust Co., $ * " COLUMBIA/ S. C. 5 For sale by The Kaufmann Drag Co. Dispensary Sales. The total Bales of the state dispensary for the quarter anding August 31st approached three quarters of a million dollars. A report has just been prepared for this quarter aDd ehowB that the sales were ?535,314. 42. The sales of tie local d'poensariee for the same psiiodwere $722,837 This is. an increase over 'Oe same quarter of last jear of ?93, 960 99 The Ccck Crow3. Batesburg Advocate. A Rbode Island Red cockerel and pullet exhibited at tbe fair at Lexington by Mrs. Naomi Bayly carried off first prize. Tbe eggs from which the parents of these birds were hatched came from Rbode Island and represent the beet strain of the breed that money can buy. Doctors said So would not LivePeter Fry, Woodruff, Pa., writes: "After doctering for two years with the best physicians in Waynesbnrg, and still getting worse, the doctors advised me if I had any business to attend to I had better attend to it at once, as I could not possibly live another month as there was no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend, and I immediately sent my son to tbe store for it, and after taking three bottles I began to get better ana contmuea to improve until I was entirely well." Samarian Doings. We had a delightful shower of rain last night, which came in good time for gardens and turnips. The turnips in this section are badly damaged by a small worm in a web which eats out the bud of the turnips. The farmers about through gathering their crops. Some have already housed their corn crop. Potatoes are very good in thi? section hut the pea crop is short Tb^re is some cotton }et in the bands of the farmers but ! the price has gone down so low that the farmers have about stopped selling and are holding it for a rise. Miss Lessie Quattlebaum, the '"a ighter of Mr. Paui Quattlebaum of Edgefield, opened the school, at thie place, Monday, the 15th iDsfc. The little folks are highly delighted to make the start for school again after their summer vacation. Mies Lessie is well fitted for the position aod we hope that she will make this school a auecessThe BUesburg telephoned new linn ro Delmar is jost about completed. Already some phones are installed and have been used up as far aa CjI E F S;rotb*i'd place. W Full of Tragic Meaning are these lines from J. II. Simmons, of Casey, la. Think what might have resulted from his terrible cough if he had not taken the medicine about which he writes: "I had a fearful cough that disturbed my night's rest. I tried everything, but nothing would relieve it until I took Dr. KingVXew Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, which completely cured me." Instantly relieves and permanently cures all throat and lung diseases: prevents grip and pneumonia. At The Eaufmaim Drug Co., druggist; guaranteed; 50c. and ?1. Tri.il bottle free. This is delightful fall weather. Lexington is a good market. Lexington ia one of the mo&t progressive towns iD the State. The "write up1' of Horry in last I Sunday's State wa3 mighty poor and ! is a slander upon the "Independent Republic " The telephone line from Batesburg to D^lmar is now ready for use and it ia under ooDi-iderHtion to extend the line to Ml. Wilimg. A party cf 52 Bohemians have been brought to Charleston to work in the Charleston canuiog factory. Other foreign help will be added from time to time. The Supervisor cf Fairfield county has ordered an election upon the question of the removal of the dispensary from the county tc be held the 12th of December. Those who intend to build should j s'e Mark Taylor, Columbia, before placing their contracts. Be is a first clas? workman and does ail kind of brick and wood work. . H. F. McCarthy formerly of this "nnnb and prm .Tflflpp. visited their old home and took in the Fair Thursday. He is now in the brokerage business in Memphis, TeDB. Col. Charles B. Rogers, the accomplished editor of the Batesburg Advocate was one of the distinguished visitors to our county fair. He called to see us Tuesday afternoon but we did not have time to even shake hands. He knows how it is himself on press days. State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, Court of Common Pleas. W. S. Keisler, ^Carrie Biley, M. L. Biley, B L. Keisler. D. Lutlier Biley, C. G. Biley, J. C. Biley. Pet E. Biley, Laura Biley. Minnie Ranch, Daisy Price, Nez zie E. Keisler, A. A Keisler, Bessie Keisler and Pearl Lamkin, Plaintiffs, against Sidney M. Riley, Defendant. Foreclosure. IN OBEDIENCE TO THE DECREE of the court herein, signed by Hon. Ernest Gary. Presiding Jndge, and dated September 27th, 1905; I will sell to the , highest bidder at public outcry, before the court house door in Lexington, 8. C., during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in November, 1905: Tract A. All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being, in the county of Lexington and State aforesaid, containing sixty-six and one-half acres, more or less, and adjoining lands of Estate P. G. Taylor; lands of W. B. Taylor; tracts C and B. ot said lands and W. S. Keisler. Tract B All that piece, parcel or tract of landr situate, bi'ngand being, in the county and htate aforesaid, containing fifty and one-half acres, more or less, and ao joining land* of W. S. Keisler; tracts A, and C. of th9 said lands; D. T. Barre; B. K. Bawl and Estate laDds of M. A. and E. Keisler. Tract C. All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being, in the county of Lexington and State aforesaid, ? i r 4.1 containing ninetyiour ana mree-eignms acres, more or less, and adjoining lands of W. B. Taylor; D T. Barre and tracts B. i and A ot the said lands i These lands appear from a plat thereof, 1 on file in the Clerk's pffice. 1 TERMS?One half cash, balance on a } credit of one year, secured by bond of the ] purchaser and a mortgage of the premises j sold, with leave to pay all cash. Porchas er to pay for paper*. SAMUEL B. GEORGE, Clerk of the Court. Lexington, S. C? October 11, 1905Messrs. Efird & Dreher, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. 3*51. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, Court of Common Pleas. Mary E. Basby, Assignee, Plaintiff, against S. 0. Daily, Defendant. Foreclosure : IN OBEDIENCE TO THE DECREE . of the Court herein, signed bv Hon. I Ernest Gary, Presiding Judge, and dated August 26tb, 1905, I will sell to the high' st bidder at public outcry, before the court house door in Lexington, S. C., during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in November, 1905, "All that pieoe. parcel or tract of land, containing ninety-six and three-quarter acres, more or les=, situate,lying and being in the county of Lexington, and State aforesaid, in the fork of Broad and Saluda ? ?s\+ rivor o rw? rivers un uirtu^u >Vefore it will he too late for yon. This st( lence we can't charge yon with something rindly help yourself to the Bargains. Thi jefore. Yours Truly. JOHN FITZ 1704-1706 MAIN ST WHOLESALE 1 Vnnr An i Pall and W: md we invite you to come in an >ne of the best lines to be had. ect from and new price to make izes and prices from that good c ,t $1X)Q, up to the swell dude's s rou for past favors, you are cord rour headquarters while in the < 3E3* ^KJSL. Post Office Block, ter Opening, 1005, IPIRTiENT STORE. !A, S, C. (903 Main Street* .1 when in the city and inspect our large >tions. Dress Goods. Millinery and Gent's Tinware and Enamel Ware. We have, added a large line of Tin and Enamel ware to our complete Department Store. There are many things in this department that, you cannot keep house with out. We can save you from 10 to 2o per cent, in this whole department. Don't forget us on this line of your purchases. Domestics. only 5 cents. lunes um\ o cents, ide, only 5 cents. ts grade, only 5 cents. ide worth 7 to Sc. only 0} cents. Underwear. Underwear. Our stock of Ladies', Childrens', Men's and Boy's Underwear is complete and prices to suit all purchasers. Cliildren's and Boy's from 25c. to $1 00 per piece. Men's and Ladies' from 25c. to $2 50 per piece. rices on our stock, or to further enumerate t who will favor us with their fall and id we will do the rest. Yours truly, fOVNG, Columbia, S. C. STOCK LiOCK | SPRING. \ } 5ARREL. ws^jeiefc n the Country. ? ^ [an--Buy at Home ke care of You. ^ Master 1 MUNITION, REPAIRING, ETC., P, COLUMBIA, S. C. J \ iiinior ' [ions, Glow, S NEW STOEE. \ >ns in Lexington that we are once mflpre brmerly enjoyed, only entirely different, a stock of entire new goods which were8^ 11 readily see by calling at Fitzmanrice's )re cost yon nothing. No rent to pay, r we can't charge yon for. Will yon s Fall nothing like the bargains offered MAURICE. COLUMBIA, S. C. VND RETAIL ^ )le oi Lexington! :mr list for your inter Shoes, id make your selection from We have a new stock to se? ^ -i 11 } you. We carry in sioc.k an >ld time Farmer's Solid Erogan wing last at $6.00. Thanking iallv invited to make our store ?/ city. We will look for you. Columbia. S. C.