The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 18, 1905, Image 1

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siS^ v. %w; v ' THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. s . ? Saprasantatitra Haurspapar. finuars kaxingtan and tlxa &nrdars uf tha Surrounding gountias l>ika a Slanfcat* / VOL. XXXV. LEXINGTON," S. C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1905 50. ~~Z, GLOBE DRY BOOBS COMPANY, ' 7 ; Jm -W- S. ^vdionsrc^Toisr, TIE., l?iiO MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, ?. <J. 'vLM Solicits a Share of Your Valued Patronage. Polite and Prompt Attention. ' October 13tf Gaston Gleanings. I have been absent; from tfce columns of the dear old Dispatch for Bome time owing to my press of business affairs as well as the heavy Btrain on your columns for advertising at this season of the year. We are still alive and among the living, eDjoyiog excellent health with the rest of the Felix family. Camping at bome and boarding at the same place. The cotton crop through here is short. Most all gathered and sold, for which ten cents wss realized. * Some is being held for higher price since the slump. The Lexington Baptist Association, which was held recently at Antiocb, was one of the best in the history of the meeting. Large congregation and abundance to eat, excellent *- speeches and fine sermons. The next meeting will be held with the Bethlehem church near Bateeburg on Friday, before the* second Sunday in October, 1906. Rev. S.. J. Riddle, having declined to serve the Sandy Run church at Gaston any longer, the church extended a call to Rev. J. F. McGill, who-has accepted. Our esteemed young friend, S. Frank Derrick, has matriculated at Newberry College.. Two of the hanniest mortals vou "" "" r IT v ever laid your peepers "bn are J- F. Fallaw and F. M. Sharpe, wbo live on the R F. D, each aide of the famous Gum pond. Methinks I scent the perfumes of the orange bloom. Recently Silas Sturkie, realizing it is not good for man to be alone, eloped with Miss Belle Smith. G. A. Goodwin performed the ceremony making them man and wife and they went on their way rejoicing. May happiness and prosperity attend them. The Sunday school at Gaston has decided to have a basket picnic .on Saturday, before the second Sunday in November. The public is invited to come with fall baskets and stuffed purses, as the contribution will go to tho nrrvhanaofl. """ w?trr- ?? ^ Ere this reaches the' readers Rev Henry M. Fallaw will be married to MIsb Helen Hortense BlcCarrell, of Greenville, S. C. Henry is a grsd- j uate of Furman University and the j Theological Seminary at Louisville, Ky., and Miss McCarrell is a graduate of Cooper Limestone. Henry is now living at Cameron, Orangeburg county, serving churches. May peace, joy, love and happiness be theirs. The school at Athens opened up today with a good attendance. Let the parents send the children aud cooperate with the teachers and make it the best school in the county. With Prof. J. Y. Smith and Mies Rosa Belle Fallaw as teachers it can be made one of the best. We are sorry to have our old friend, John J. Smith, leave us. We miss him. He is a good citizen and an excellent man. He was at one time ! School Commissioner and also taught | school. The writer is under lasting j obligations to him as he was my j tutor when learning mvt A. B. C'e. ! The old blacksmith shop is still standing where I learned them. He is now some eighty odd years old. A Beries of meetings will continue from the second Sunday in November at Gaston with Henry M. Fallaw j fend J. Jb1. McGiii as preachers. .fray I for the meeting. The public is cor- j dially invited to attend. W. B. Fdllaw will fill the pulpit at j Convent the first Sunday and the j Saturday before. All are invited to f come and especially the members. The Uaion meeting of the Lower J "MEET ME AT TAPP'S." New goods are arri Silks, Dress Goodi a cnpf ial slin winer %AJ WJW ?w??. w ^ Lace Curtains. The James Division of tbe Lexington Association will meet with the New Hope church on Saturday before the fifth Sunday in this month. Everybody come. Prof. Smith has ordered a new set of rock for his mill. J. W. Sharpe, who left here last winter for tbe "Land of FlowerB," realizing there is no place like home, and especially dear old Lexington county, has returned to his native soil. Jackson Mack, foreman for the Seaboard, is a temporary citizen with us now. Our friend, Geo. W. Pound, is now working in the State Dispensary. Mr. Editor, for fear I may intrude on your valuable space and weary the patience o|.your readers, I'll close by saying the new county scheme is dead and success to you all. Oct. 16, 1905. Billy Felix A Beautiful Display. For some time past Mimnaugb, Columbia, who is kDown throughout the State as the leader of fashions in ladies' wearing apparel, tailor made suits, dress and dry goods, millinery /vrTAt?r>t in o I aiiu iu jaoii c vci vtiiiug dcuucu ijlx c* ladies complete toilet, bas been ransacting the fashion marts- of the world to stock his handsome and elegant department stores with the choicest products of the loom and the artizans skill, for the benefit of his numerous cnstomers who will visit the city during the State Fair. That he has succeeded in gathering beneath his roofs one of the prettiest displays of these goods ever seen in South Carolina is evidenced by the rich and beautiful lines that he is now showing in these goods. There are the best stocks in everything found in a well appointed "department s*ore and they sell every item of wearing apparal for ladieB and gentlemen as well as children in these departments they cannot be downed in stjle, quality or prices. Every garment is well made, cut in the height of the fashions and they guarantee fit and texture. The prices on Ladies suits range from the low priced garment at $5 up to the handsome French novelties at $75. The cloak department is chocked full of rare bargains and it will repay a viBit to it. There is another department which is second to none south of Baltimore. The fine dress hats are from the ablest designers in Paris and New York and with an able designer at the head of their work room they are bound to please both in style and price The other departments are full to overflowing with specialties the like of which were never seen before. When in Columbia. Lexington people are invited to make Mimnaughs their headquarters and take a stroll through the store. $ Dslegatss to W. C- T. IT. All delegates and visitors to W. C T. U convention at Johnston can secure reduced races from all pointB in South Carolina. Apply to your railroad agent for certificate. Pay full fare going. ''Reduced rates returning will not apply unless there are fifty or more delegates holding properly receipted certificates of the standard form in attendance at the meeting and the return rate will be one-third first class fare plus twentyfive cents" Be sure you see your agent and apply for certificate entitling ycu to reduced rates. Mrs. L. B. Haynes, Pres. Sjuth Carolina W. C. T. U. For Sale Cheap?A good second-hand bicycle of the best make. Call at the Bazaar. i Al 1 0 ving every day. For th wonderfi s, Ladies' Furnishi in our Carpet Dep i L. Tapp Coni| Picevillo Dots. I Jack Frost has already made his appearance. Be has showed up quite prominently during the past tew moming8 Cotton is all picked except the top crop which will not amount to very much. Most farmers are busy now sowing oats A large amount of them will be sown' throughout this section. Mrs. Malioda Price has improved but little. The family of Mr. Charles Shall have been dismissed by the doctor. Mr. Jacob C. B. Price is confined to bis bed with fever. Mr. Marshall and W. A Price visited relatives at Dupler Tuesday | on business. Mr. G. F. LoDg's little girl has fever which resembles typhoid, but is now some better. Mrs. Davis Price, who has been seriously ill for a few days, ia convalescent. Dr. James Drafts, having regained sufficient health, has once more resumed his practice in this community. The public school at Little Hollow Creek will open October 23rd, with Miss Annie M. R;of, of Brookland, as teacher. Quite a large congregation worshipped nt St. Paul's Sunday. Rev. E. J Sox assisted Rev. Wessinger in the Holy Communion service and also delivered a very able eermcu. Oct. 14, 1905 That's Who. In Llemoriam. It is with a sad heart we chronicle the death of our dear aod beloved young friend, Hattie Leila, wife of Cleveland Smith. She was born * : 1 O 1 OCt i r\ _ i _ I l April o, ?ooa, auu uieu v^uiouer l? 1905 Sde leaves to mourn ber departure a husband, father, mother, three brothers and three sisters, besides a large circle of relatives and friends. She was a faithful member cf Florence Baptist church, (Lexington Association,) and remained true to her Lord and Master until her spirit took its everlasting flight to that home prepared for all that love God. Her death caused deep grief into the hearts of every one in the community? Hattie was one of those gentle sweet unselfish natures who won love and high respect from all who came in contact with her. Always a warm welcome and a sweet smile awaited you on entering her home. No more will we hear her tender voice or see her sweet face, no more will the hearts of her loved ones be cheered by her sweet smiles and kind attentions. She is gone, and the places which knew her will know ber no more forever, but we comfort ourr selves by knowing that cur loss is her eternal gain. Pastor. Resolutions of Respeot. Whereas, God, the great Chancellor Commander of the Uoiverse, has seen fit in his all wise providence to remove from the active scenes of this lira our departed friend and brother, Dr. E K. Hardin, and whereas, Dr. Hard1'", who by his daily walk and conversation exemplified in no uncertain manner the principles that knit together the hearts of Damon and Pythias, therefore, be it resolved, 1st, That in the death of our broth, er, Pythianism in general and Batesburg Lodge No. 57 io particular, has lost a loyal and devoted Knight that the church has lost an honored and consistent member, that the medical profession lost a capable and conscientious physician, that mankind in general, a sincere and symTAPP'S GPEATER 2 Le last few days quick e il rapidity. You cannc ings, Wash Goods, artment of new F pany, 1642,16' THE 1 THE ONE G&AND G c I OCTOBER I ^ JOIN TI pathetic friend. 2ad, That, although our hearts are saddened by our loss, we bow in meekness and submission to the will i of the Father, looking forward with hope and joy to the glorious reunion I in that Castle Fall whose builder aud maker is God. o:d, That the heartfelt sympathy j of this icdge is hereby tendered to j bis devoted wife aud loving children. 4th, That a page of our minute book be euitably inscribed to bis memory. aDd that copies of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family aDd to the Bateeburg Advocate, Lexington Dispatch and the Leesviile Sun. ' J. R T. Major, John Bell Towill, W. Price Titnmerman, Committee on Resolutions. Baptist Union Mooting. The next meeting of the Lower Division of the Lexington Baptist Association will meet with the New Hope church Saturday before the fifth Sunday in October, 1905 10 to 11. Devotional exercises and enrollment of delegates. 11 Introductory sermon by R=v. L. S. Shealy or A W. Rogers. Recess one hour for dinner. 1 First subject?What did Christ mean when he said to Nicodemiis, ''Except a man be borned of the water and spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven?"?D. J. Knotts, altercate H. J. Fallaw. Second subject?"What did Christ mean whan He said His spirit should not always strive with tneD??J. B Kirkland, alternate H Y. Rish. Third subject?"What did cur i Saviour mean when He said to His disciples, go je with all the world ana oreacn my gospei lu ttvuiy u:c?ture?,??C. H. Cardiff, or Dr. W. T. Brooker. Miscellaneous and adjourn. SUNDAY. 10. Sunday school work by the Union. 11. Sermon by Rev. J. F. McGill, or W. B Faiiaw. R J. Failaw, For C Gaston, S. C, October 16, 1905 Attention i* directed to the advertisement of E H. R^w], Chi lies tor, on the 5 h page of ibis issue, when in need of cooking and heating stove*, ranges, etc, correspond with him A postal card will bring yon bis hsnlscme illustrated catalogue. The County Fair opened yesterday with every department, except perhaps that of the poultry, full. On the Sret day the attendance was unusually large and the indications now are that the success in every way will surpass any or.e yet held. iSPABTMSSTT STORE. nrlmAni $ express orders of later >t get better values th? , Linens, Comfort loor Coverings, A 14, 1646 Main LVERYBOBY IS GOING TC STATE ATHERJNG OF THE PEOP COLUMBIA, S. < 24th to 27th I iE MERRY C CHEAPEST RAILROAD RJ in mil mmmi Capt. H. A. Spann, of Leesville, | recently eoid two bales of bis Dew | variety long staple cotton for lie per pound. Hn raised six bales this year, aDd is holding the other four for higher prices. It might be well for farmers generally 10 give this kind of cotton a tri-ii. He will dispose of part of bi? feed. Visitors to the County Fair are reminded occo more that the place to purchase a full fUpply of the best and AL' f r?i ! n ? ^ i h ,i i"l ! k. mi f h O II CCLJUC IJ ai ujn uu I market is at H M. W'ngard1?. His prices are all rignr and hi* goods are better than that. Fie will njrpseciate your patronage and will do every thing 10 bis power to please Dr E P D-nck has located here permanently frr the practice of bis profession. He bsH bought out the Btock of ding* ?? d ro^dicnes belonging to the Kte D M Q Heodrixard has replenished the stock Dr. C. E Black will have charge of this department aod will give careful attention to compounding prescrp ions. Mr. James J. L?nph*rt has sold bis p'aDtHtion on B'-aver D*.m to Johnnie Bdlt-t.tme and will m've to i about two iiiiltf L etvltf. ar.d ! livii g in that s< bool dis?'iet. He will still continue to pit.ugh the land, sow me seed and gainer <be harvest as in the days or voure. koowing thai toe most, independent life a i person can le?d is mar of a faimer. ' %. ^r*ces "' .>B0* i ^1 Hrafl ^83 I || jgjf 1 jey ! &' fm Sf "~~A "pl'of'^! -1 # i? \ fr,shfr, j^fCCKHCiHER n?Xft v ?.iv FORtfMZ SEW i N/N/ mim WU JL? mum W^o Mmh >-a10 to-ims.'ts styled suits and eloal ni these. is, Notions, Etc. xt Drapery, Win Street, Colum / > & I FAIR LE OF THE STATE. NCLUSIVE. I powns II . VTES. j GLAND AUCTION SALS. HORSES AND MARES. Grand auction sale of two car loads of Horses and Mares. We will sell to the highest bidders at State Fair j ? ^ I grounds, on Wednesday, October 25, I 1 OAC* f* m y\ /tn?i 1 /\n .> loAVOflff , A.'Vlvij tm )i;nun uuciucoa uuioco and mures?among this lot are a numbtr of extra good saddle and harness horses. A large part of them are good biockv mares, some of them heavy in foal. This will be the beet opportrinity ever offered. Your price will be ours. Remember the Place and Day. Sale will begin immediately after the show ie over in the arena, which will be about 1 o'clock. Wednesday, October 25,1905. GREGORY CONDER MULE CO. We are ready to furnish brick to any order in large or small quantities at short notice Snelgrove Brick Co., 3w50 LexiDgton, S. C. WARNING. All persons are hereby notitled not to hunt or trespass in any mi n~er wiatever upon any of our lauds. The law will positively be enlorced against all trespassers. F A. Bouknfght, S. F. Bouknieht. M. Boaknight. Mrs. M. E. Busby. Thomas Bnrkett. P. W. Seigler. October 13. 1905 4wl. start at $7.50 and wind up at $20.00. if stopping points where most people buy '5* SUITS. $2.50 TO $ 5.G0 c.t nn TO iJLi/v/VQ. J.kJ, vv VV A V S' OVERCOATS, S2.00 TO S 4.00 :S, S1.0D TO $ 2.50 2RWEAE AND NECKWEAR ? ENJOY A SPLENDID LEXINGTON p&-? \TR0N AGE-^. IS TEE TIME TO on want a smart suit fall of life, and <ri:i<rvlisii cut and fault loss lit. rhey4uv iiar )3U OHK'S MOST SKILLFUL TAILORS. TTTE OLOTTTTES. COLUMBIA, S. C. am "MEET ME AT TAPP'S". " s Stales. jshave come in with We are making clow Shades and bia, S. C.