The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, September 27,1905. lades to Stew Advertisements. Fall Goods?J. L. Mimnaugh & Co. Clothing?Bailey-Copeland Co. Millinery?Mrs. P. E. Hutto. Citizen's E?ank of Batesburg. Clothing?Frank' Jobbing House. Haberdashery?J. H. Eleazer. Final Discharge?Estate of J. V. * Hleckley. Warning?T. W. Gunter* Notice?Cora A. Moody. Notice?J. W. Koon and W. H. Dent. Citation?John W. Kleckley. Shoes?Ehrlicli. FAIRNESS. SAFETY. HONESTY Thp, ffomfl Bank. LEXINGTON, S. C. Keeps your money safe and pays yon 4 per cent, interest per annum every three months on deposits. F. W. OSWALD, President. A. J. FOX, Casliier. * t Cotton and Turpentine. * Lexington 10$ Columbia iOf Savannah?Turpentine.... 64? Decorative Paper. Crepe paper all colors and designs, 5.10 and 15c per roll, at The Kaufmann Drug Co. f* * Divine Services. There will be preaching at Nazv reth on Sunday, October 1, at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. ?- mm ? v dispensary money. The County Board of Control was in session Monday and divided out profits of the three dispensaries for the month of August, as follow?: Lexington county - S 136 76 x Town of LexiDgton - 110 75 Town of I/ewiedale - - 11 42 Town of Peak - - 14 59 A total profit of $273 52 For Bout, My place on Big Hollow Creek, near Hayes' bridge,containing thirtyfive acres open land, good for grain, etc. Good dwelling and out buildings and excellent water. Henry W. Leaphart. RPD3, Gilbert, S. C. / ? . ; Fitifal Colored Man Dead. Knssell Nelson, colored, one of the faithful old servants of the Harth | family when residing in the Cedar creek section, died at his home near here Monday of last week in the 63d year of bis age. He was a darky of the old school, hard working and honest His remains were interred in the new Bethel cemetery Tuesday following. Sew Up-to-date acminery. I have just received a fall supply ' of up-to-date millinery. I invite the ! public to C8ll and see my goods. It | won't cost you anything. Mrs. L A. Hallmau, Lower Main street. Will Locate Sere. We are authorized to announce * 'that Dr. E. P. Derrick will locate here next week for the practice of his profession. Dr. Derrick is well and favorably known here and we welcome him among us. r Notice to &e Public. Mr. C. E. Corley has the tract of land that did belong to M. C. Hallman advertised for sale. I forbid any one buving it as it now belongs to me and I have had titles for same since March. I send this notice to the Dispatch forbidding any one bothering my land. B. B. Hallman. Woman's Meeting. The Woman's Meeting of the Lexington Association to be held at Antioch church, Friday, October 6th, will be one of unusual interest since Miss Baker, one of our consecrated missionaries, will be iu attendance to present the different departments of the work. Will not each church, have two or more lady representatives at this meeting? Sue H. Corley, Aesociational Superintendent. \ County Teachers' Association. The next regular meeting of the Association will b8 held in the Inefc:tute buildins\ Sept. 30, 19C5, at 11 a. m. The Executive Committee arranged the following program for the next meeting. 1. America. 2. Libraries. This subject is divided into three topic* for discussion, oo follnme- Thfl Nflfid of Libra ries. 1. Mr. M. P. Lindler. 2 Miss Eppie Roof, (b) Method of securing funds for Libraries. 1, Mr. Jno. D. Farr. 2. Mi98 Mary C. Wiugard. (c) How to conduct the Library. 1 Mr. J. E. R. K} zer. 2. Miss Hafctie Roberts. 3. The Importance of better Equipments. 1. Mr R. E Sheaiy. 2. Mias Lizzie Seay. 4 Dixie. York county has voted out the dispensary by a vote o? 5 to 1. 'z 9 ^P^fpatioinm /M/makes biliousness and\T?\ (SB lbad complexions. Keep\b\ IB /the system in good conai-\ n Ripffitas I ml AND TONIC PELLETS fi| iRI which act gently and /!?, YK\ eliminate the poison j MS j yj^^rom ^yonr s^sten^iBsl P'or Sale at Harman's Bazaar. FINAL DISCHARGE. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO 1\ all persons interested that I will apply to the Hon. George S. Drafts, Jndge nf PtaKpt-p in mid for the Conntv oi Lexington, State of South Carolina, on the 27th day of October, 1905, for a discharge as Guardian of the Estate and person of Jessie Viola Kleckley, minor. W. P. ROOF, Guardian. Sept. 27, 1905. 4w50. Warning. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY Notified not to hunt or trespass in any manner whatever upon any of my lands. The law will positively be enforced against all trespassers. THOMAS W. GUNTER. September 23, 1905. 4w50. Notice, Debtors and Creditors, ALL* PERSONS INDEBTED TO IX the estate of W. A. Moody, deceased, are hereoy notified that they must make payment to the undersigned on oi before November 1st, 1905, and those having claims against said Estate must present them, duly attested, to CORA A. MOODY, Executress. September 27. 3w 49pd. State of South Carolina, County of Lexington. By Geo. S. Drafts, Esq , Probate Judge. WHEREAS, P. M. FJRICK MADE suit to me to grant him Letters ol Administration of the Estate of and effects of John W. Kleckley; 0 These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said John W. Kleckley, deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Lexington, C. H.t S. C., on the 12th day of Oct. 1905, next, after pnblicatioa hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if ? **? Kir-o Tohtr tViooairf Administration OUJ WUOJ AM?? w WW ^J ?.. ? - should not be granted Given under my hand, this 27th day of September, Anno Domini, 1905. GEORGE S. DRAFTS, [L. S.] Probate Judge, Lexington County. Published on the 27th day of Sept 1905, in the Lexington Dispatch. 2w48. Land for Sale. r7~(\ ACRES OF LAND BOUNDED I t)U by lands of Jacob Berry David Lucas, Macom Lucas, James Lucas and others. Terms reasonable. Apply to . MRS. JESSIE. HENDRIX, Lexington, S. C. September 20,?4w49. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. In Court of Common Pleas. C. E. Corley. Plaintiff, agsinst H. C. Hallman, Defendant. Sheriff's Sale Under Execution. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN execution in above stated case duly issued and lodged in my office, I have levied upon and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, during the usual hours of saie, before the court house door in Lexington, S. C., on the first Monday in October next, the following lands of M. C. Hallman, to wit: AD that piece, parcel cr tract of land lying and situated in Lexington couDty. South Carolina, containing twenty-five acres, more or less, on Bull Head branch, waters of Lightwood creek, waters of North Edisto river, adjoining lands of Mrs. Howell, Ida Howell. Nancy and Sibby Rish. Lewis Sbealy and F. W. Hallman. Also, all that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Gilbert Hollow township in the county of Lexington and Stat9 aforesaid, containing 25 acres, more or less, and adjoining laDds of Daniel Senn, Estate lands of Julia Boles, dee'd, J. W Wingard and perhaps others P. H CORLEY. S. L. C. Lexington, S. C , Sept. 13, 1905 THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. Court of Common Pleas. G. A. Sheaiy, Plain tiff, agsmsfr R. E. Taylor and Mary Taylor, Defendants. Foreclosure. TN OBEDIENCE TO THE DECREE JL of the Court herein, signed by Hon. Ernest Gary, Presiding Judge, and dated August 31st, 1905, I will sell to tli highest bidder, at public outcry, before the Court House door in Lexington, S. C., during the legal hours of sale, 011 the first Monday in October, 1905, All that parcel and tract of land lying and being situate in Lexington county and State aforesaid, known as a part oi the Swygert land, now owned by R. E. Taylor and containing one hundred and ten (110) acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: North by lands of P. W. Shealy and Wesley Crout; South by lands of A. D. Taylor; East by lands oi P. W. Shealy; West by lands of P. W Shealy; West by lands of E. M. Keislei and Wesley Croat. Terms: All of tiie purchase money tc be paid cash. Purchaser to pay foi papers. SAMUEL B. GEORGE, Vll'I iv lit liir: V.IHILI. Lexington. S. C., September (>, ]!>05. Thurmond & Tinimennan, Esqrs. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Subtciibe for t*?e Dif?pH?ch and Home and Farm, $1.25 a >ear. Wants your business and guarante at the low* DRY GOODS, NOTI( SHOES, HATS HARDWARE, BUGG wnwuna PATTF J.ULVS V ? HARNESS, SADD i i ^ ^ j Sewing Wines at Cost IDrop Hwd Veloi, ?ia?0. ^ _ f|(? Hun Easy Drop Head, $14.90 % | Helping Hand, $12.50. $i.oy ^.soj ! OTHER FURNITURE ! MAIL YOUR ORDERS OR j ' | AS CHEAP. CALL AND SEE US. THE LION FURNITURE CO. i E. G. COOK, Mgr. 1231 Main St., COLUMBIA, S. C.J THOMAS A. BOYNE, /rVDT>r\CTTT? PTIQT mrPTr.F. ^ ~ COLUMBIA, S. CL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Men, Women and Children's Shoes, ' My stock is large, was carefully selected with a view of supplying the demands of both the city aud country trade and Shoes from the most fashionable cuts in style, shapes and toes, down to the seviceable every day plow shoe, all of which are made of solid leather and guaranteed to be the best on the market for the money. I want to shoe every man, woman and child in Lexington county and to do this I am prepared to offer some extraordinary bargains in Work and Dress Footwear. Your are cordially invited to call at my store 1736 Main Street, opposite the posti office, when in the city, and I will take pleasure in showing you my stock and explaining their merits. Polite attention will be given you and I will strive to please you in quality and price. 11 m flnnrift Mntinno Plnthinnr ui y uuuud; iiuuuiiOf uiuiiiiiigf BACK INTO THE NEW STORE. t 1 I : We wish to inform our friends and patrons in Lexington that we are once more ! | in new quarters?the same stand that we formerly enjoyed, only entirely different, 5 more space, modern in every respect, with a stock of entire new goods which were 5 bought at the lowest prices, which you will readily see by calling at Fitzmaurice's ; before it will be too late for you. Tliis store cost you nothing. ISo rent to pay, ' hence we can't charge you with something we can't charge you for. Will you kindly help yourself to the Bargains. This Fall nothing like the bargains offered [ before. Yours Truly. JOHN FITZMAURICE. W? 9 ^ 9 R 1 i ff?5 1704-1706 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL es to sell you the very best goods est prices. )NS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES. IES, WAGONS, IS, STOVES, LES, ETC. Io tie W People of Lesington! Your Name is on our list for your Fall and Winter Shoes, and we invite you to come in and make your selection from one of the best lines to be had. We have a new stock to select from and new price to make you. We carry in stock all sizes and prices from that good old time Farmer's Solid Brogan at $1.00, up to the swell dude's swing last at $6.00. Thanking you for past favors, you are cordially invited to make our store your headquarters while in the city. We will look for you. F. B. WaRTVT aw, / - Post Office Block, Columbia. S. C. fWeSell pe Best $10 Suit J \ $2.50 Shoes, | S #1.50 HAT IN COLUMBIA. 5 $ wwwv* i 5 New Fall Goods. $ i P. C. PRICE & CO., | x 1001 Gervais Street, Columbia, S. C. \ ^ PHONE 138:3. J TAKIN? THF STUMP. to tell about our lumber. It is put forward >*78 ^ rFj/fjR'i to win tne approval of Lumber usurers of jSpPrggp^ 'I f rAl this section and when its good points are apII Prec^ate^ it will cestainly do so. Mr. Lee BSnw^^^SlllI^RB"i /*r/ ^7 Ballaw, formerly with C. 0. Brown & ?I ml Bro., is now keeping books for me, and Mr. ^WtET^&d _i?xH B. C. Fallaw is our yardman, and either of S these gentlemen will be glad to see any of fe/' 'IkpC/ their Lexington friends and can save them 1 /ffiWWpU fr (I J?5$> money on anything in our line. Come and ymm <1 flffljPtf ;/f |l 1 . ?\ \1 ft see us or either write us. mmm f * fe\\S4 N. H. driggebs, fcfe Corner Lady and Gadsdan Streets, 0 COLUMBIA, S. C. Phone 185. MO Cililtfi Mill, Insurance. ?".S. 0 jjfg fire Acci(leo, Literary, Scientific and Classical y y Courses. j have purchased the local agency of NEXT SESSION OPENS SEPT. 11. all the companies represented 'here by Mr. C. S. Bradford, and respectfully ask Vocal and Instrumental Music. Drawing for a continuance of the business given and Elocution. College Trained him. Teachers. Expenses for Session SKOtop. Send for cata- E. G. DREIIER, logue. Address 7 F-W- RAUCH, Principal. LEXINGTON, - - S. C. M. D. HARMAN, Secretary. ? -r J T Town Registration Notice. -Loan on improved, xams. rpHE BOOKS OF REGISTRATION f OANS MADE ON IMPROVED ? 1 for the municipal election of the -W farms in Lexington county at 7 per Town of Lexington to be had on the i)rh cent interest in sums of 81,000 and over day of November next, will be open at and at 8 per cent, on sums less than the law office of Etird & Dreher. Lex- 81.000. payable in annual instalments, ington, S. C.. from the 2i)th davof Julv. I No loans made for less than #*00. No li)oo. until and including the i*0th dav ! commissions charged for these loans; of October. 1905. Procure your regis- borrower paying for preparation of patration certificate from the undersigned ersonly. THOMAS & THOMAS, if vou desire to vote in the said election. Attorneys at Law. i " F. E. DREHER, 1327 Wasliington St, Columbia. S. C. ; tf Supervisor of Registration. September 20, 3m. I o a