g Life often seems too long I fers from painful periods. I down, headache, backache, L dizziness, griping, cramps ; ' dreadful. To make life wor I . I ittne ?j t I It Eases Worn S It quickly relieves inflammation, B strengthens the constitution and perm ditionsfrom which weak women suffei ? If is matchless, marvelous, relial 9 At all druggest's in $ 1.00 bottles B WRITE US A LETTER B freely and frankly, in strictest confid- w B ence, telling us all your symptoms and vi B troubles. We will sod free advice ai B (to pbin sealed envelope), how to di SB cure them. Address: Ladies' Advisory 1 * ^?? ? ^? U H UCpt,, IQSODauauw^ mcujuuc w M ninlfiiiiniiH, Term. es A series of violent earthquake shocks were felt in Portsmouth and 1 other places along the coast of New Hampshire on Wednesday. | You can make people believe you ^ have a very fine judgment by always J f v asking theirs. i . 5 \ Got off Cheap. - He may well think he has got off . v cheap, who, after having contracted J constipation or indigested, is still able f to perfectly restore his health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Life V Pills. A quick, pleasant and certain ' cure for headache, constipation, etc. 25c. j at The Kaufmsnn Drug Co's. drug j store; guaranteed. . ?????????i??? Whiskey I Morphine I C . habit. I habit. | 1329 lady St., (or P. O. Box 75) Coltimbk solicited. ????????????????i?? , . /k m . , DOORS, j .... i 17 - . J Main St, Goli I - -*' 05 Is where you can fin stocks lA?T] Pi of all k iH O jg^Mr. Lee N. Falls IJ5 ton, is now with us an< ^ J you and show you our C. 0. BROW r , ? SASH. __ '* W. T. MAR1 WHOLESALE - DEALER O-oi ILvd High Grade Goods Possible t - Dan Valley Flow r* Ask lor our quotations before you pu Molasses, Can Gooc Everything "We Se W. T. MAR1 v 1406-1408 ASSEMBLY SI ????? ?? I To Cm i to the woman who suf- | The eternal bearing- I eucorrhea, nervousness, | and similar tortures are i th living, take || leri s rains g purifies and enriches the blood, H :anently cures ail diseased con- I r. || jle. M "I SUFFERED GREATLY," M rites Mrs. L. E. Clevenger, of Belle- f| ew, N. C., "at my monthly periods, B 1 my life, but the first bottle of Car- B ii gave me wonderful relief, and now B am in better health than! have been B r along time. I think Cardui the great- M it woman's medicine in the world." || To Cxure a Cough Lake .Ramon's English Cough Syrup in small loses during iheday, then sleep at night. A pine tar balm without morphine. 4oc at all dealers. For Sale at Harman's Bazaar Mrs. Mary Donelson Wdcox, a {randniece of Andrew Jackson, died n Washington on Sunday aged 75, he was the first person born in the Vhite House. A tramp works about as hard try og to find work as be would if be ound it. To Cure a Cut, Sore or Wound apply Ramon's Nerve & Bone Oil protnply. It is antiseptic?stops the pain and causes healing by first inteation.25candmoney backif not satisfied For sale at the Bazaar. igarettes I All drug and Toitabit. I bacco habits. NBTITUE OF S. C. i, S. C. Confidential correspondence | BLINDS. 50 imbia, S C., | d one of the best p ! Of fcj I P? inds. ? iw, formerly of Gas- q I will be glad to see stock. ^ N & BRO. ! GLASS. j FIN SONS, S - IN - GROCERIES. lotto: ; at the Lowest Prices. r a Specialty!! rchase your Grain, Meal, Flour, Is, Tobacco, &c. >11 We Guarantee. TIN SONS, C., COLUMBIA, S. C. re a Cold in Oi 10 Qllinme Tablets. vC OBthS, The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, September 6, 1905. Taxing Luxuries. Taxes Supplemented by Dispensary Profits. The United States government taxes whiskey aDd tobacco. She is not alone in this as many governments of the world do the same. The position upon which it is placed j is that whiskey and tobacco are lux- j uries and that those people who spend money for luxuries can afford ~ tnaiarrl thfl fill PITY")ft of I T n TT t T TT I. T %* 13an, j r> narmaa, a. u noos, o m Crim, J M CaughmaD, Jr f E A Sox, R S Sbealy, T R Keisler, E GDreher, R D Smith, W P Roof, A B Roof, W A Caugbman, G B Dominick, J A Kood, D E Epting, N W L'ndler, A S Frick, A P LiDdler, C F Raucb, J K LiDdler, W D Huffsteiler, J H Lindler, Jdo J Frick, B J G Lever, S C Epting, A G Mayer, B J Derrick, W E Frick, C P Cannon, A N Sease, J D Frick, S D Weed, L A Frick, M 0 Summer, J J CaDnon, H A Bundrick, G S HaltiwaDger, J A Frick, W 0 HalfciwaDger, G U Mayer, D L Kood, J W Mayer, C S Mattbew, L B Frick J D Farr, S E Sbealy, W J Ballentine, S P Lindler, Jas B Addy, J E Raucb, O P Clark, J W Frick, J A Wessinger, J W Eargle M DH E Bickley, C E Sbealy, Jdo A Frick, W F Lindler, A J Wiggere, Cbas N Frick, J B Reed, R H Baugbman, J B Sbarpe D E Sbarpe, J F Risb, D S Spires. Was a Very Sick Boy, But Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. 4'When my boy was two years old lie had a very severe attack of bowel complaint, but by the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy we brought him out all right," ssys Maggie Hickox, of Midland, Mich. Tliis J "U~ J J ^ J . ^.1. - remeu^ uau ut; uepeuueu. upon m uie most severe cases. Even cholera infantum is cured by it. Follow the plain printed directions and a cure is certain. For sale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. Henry Jackson, a negro firemsn on a local freight train, was killed in a wreck recently. The engineer, J. L Bearden, was b^dly injured. ? * Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Acts on Nature's Plan. The most successful medicines are those that aid nature. Camberlain's Cougli Remedy acts on this plan. Take it when you have a cold and it will allay the cough, relieve the lungs, aid expectoration, open the secretions and aid nature in restoring the system to a healty condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. Price, 25 cents, Large size, 50 cents. For sale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. JOBBERS AND DEALERS IN Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters' Supplies, Stoves and Ranges, Stove Repairs, Tinware, Enamelware, Hollowware, Tin Plate, Iron Roofing, Conductor Pipe. Eave Trough, Galvanized and Black Sheets, Terra Cotta, Flue Pipe, Fin* Brick and Fire Clay, Grates and Tiles, Wood Mantles, Gas and Electrical Fixtures, Rubber Hose, Pumps and Pump Supplies. LEE A. LORICK & BRO., 1519 MAI1ST ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. Phone 498. ! SOUTHERN | V 2 The South's Greatest System. $ * Uuexceiled Dining Car Semee. 2 [THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS [ J ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS, J [ CONVENIENT SCHEDULES ON ALL LOCAL TRAINS. [ 2 Winter Tourist Rates are now in effect to all Florida points. For full + ^ -?? ? 4?"wnfoe of/. ormart 1 f noorocf. SnnfV>?>rn "Ri^ilwAV A V 1 M 1 t lie 1171,l>H 111 CbZ> IV A d> J IVUUUCj vtv. J WJOiju*w mvmmvmv I I II , J Ticket Agent, or: |R. W. HUNT,: * Division Passenger Agent, ? S CEAELEST02T, ... S. C. J Tremendous Bargain Sale AT 'THE STORE THAT'S DIFFERENT." For the past few days we have been quietly picking up odds and ends from mills throughout the country and we will begin a tremendous bargain sale. These goods are all new and up-to-date, but the prices about "hol-F fTiair -tgz?.l Trn.Inn llMlii VUVlJb A VWA - vv^vkwi SPECIAL HANDKERCHIEF ? TOWEL SALE. SALE. 5 100 dozen unbleached Cot500 dozen bought at a sacri- 4 ton Towels at half price, fice. The prices range from 5 18x40 inch Cotton Towels, 3 1-3 to 5c. 8 5c. each or 6 for 25c. or 12 for ? ?45c. WHITE LAWN. 8 22x50 inch heavy weight 50 pieces 40-inch 25c. qual- 8 Cotton Towels, assorted colors ity fine White Lawn, for this 8 iqc. each. sale only 12 l-2c. per yard. 8 100 pieces Staple Check8 I000yards36-inchSheeting, Ginghams, only 4c. per yard. 8 oniy 5Ct per yar rnn /CONSUMPTION Price , . FOR I OUGHSand 50c&$1.00 soim, cousins, fought with knives W0LDS Free T"al- and pistols at a picnic at Union Surest and Quickest Cure for all SpriDge, Kemper county, Miss., on 9 THROAT and LXJNG TROU3- 9 q j ._ j nm?e billed rpi 1 LES, or MONEY BACK. I SuDday, and both were killed. They la?man mi twin n us mi* fell out about a trifling matter.