t + ~ THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. &. Bepresentatioe Seurspaper. Setters Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Bounties hi he a Blanket. VOL. XXXV. % LEXINGTON, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1905. ~ Z GLOBE BET GOODS COMPAJY, 7 JIT "W. 231- M02TCZ:T0IT, JI3., 'flL l?a<> MAIN STREET, - -- -- -- - COLITMBI A, W. O. Solicits a Share of Your Valued Patronage. Polite and Prompt Attention. *j Ocoher 13tf ? * . . i ,i SCENES IN LEKIf COURT HOUSE, LE ^ * Lexington counfy, like macy of her ( sister counties of the State, has bad ] its ups and downs in reference to its public buildings, but we are glsd to Bay that each succeeding odb has been a great improvement over its predecessor until today we have as pretty and as convenient a court boose and jail pet baps as there is in the State. ^ 4 The original court bouse was built on the site of the present one, out of * Lexington county granite which came 1 from the place now owned by Mr. g Ab Corley, on the Dreher's Ferry 1 road, and later was remoddled by \ Henry lioyfc, of Colombia, by tbe j addition of a poarch in front, which i was supported by fluted columns whose foundations were on tbe ground. Winding stairs led from tbe around to the poarch above which r was the entrance to the court room. Tbis building wss burned, as was also the jail, at the time that Sherman's army bid in waste homes and public buildings of the people of the South, in February 1865 f The next court bouse was built of lumber on the lower comer of the public square. David Riwl, Austin Hendrix and Samuel M. Roof were the contractors. *: r In 1883-84, when J. Belton Sbealy, t Free to Farmers, ? I We will advise you free of charge ^ which is the very best Mower made ^ if you will apply to us either in ^ - person or by letter. ^ Lexington Department Store. C f( Stissieaary Meeting There will be a missionary meet- ? Ins at Hebron church on August lOtfc. This meeting will be held in ti the interest of Lexington circuit. The members of the three other ? churches are earnestly urged to be present. Services will begin at ij about 10 a. m. The meeting will be addressed by Revs. J. S. Beasley, \ Walter I. Herbert, J. M. Pike and W. W. Williams. tl O N Rountree, Pastor. j 0! TAPFS GREATER DEPARTM! Z Die II ft, uiu ui "We have hundreds prices < Tapp Conf IGTON, S. C. ? XINGTON, S. C. D^jpt. L?vi Gunter and George S. Drafts were the County Commisiiouere, the present handsome buildrg was erected on the foundations >f the first one, at a cost of about ?13 500 The plan was drawn by ;he late G- T. Barg of Columbia and !dr. Troy of the same city was the sonfcrsctor. This building stands as a nonument to the public ppiritedness md the wisdom of the Commissionre in whose administration it was >uilt. It is conveniently arranged; i substantial brick building with the atest improved fire and damp proof raults for the eafe keepiog of the public records. The present county fiicials art: Samuel B George, Clerk of Court. P. H. Corley. Sheriff. J. E. R*wl Kyzer, Superintendent >f Education George S Drafts, Judge of Probate G. A. Derrick, Auditor. Frank W. Shealy, Treasurer. Louie J Laogford, Supervisor. Isaiah Hallman and James W. >beaiy. County Commissioners. A O. Wilson, Coroner. AU of tbese are gentlemen of strict ntegrity, 8Dd abilty and sound judgoent has marked tbeir admiuistraion. r Allianco Picnic. There will be a joint picnic of Ligbtweil and Fairview Alliances in i .i . I T?: rout 01 iLie parsouage, near rmvy Food church, Lexington county, S!, Saturday, August 12,1905. The blowing is the program: Address of Welcome?Prof. D. A. Llecklev. The Need of Farmers' Organizann?Rev. J. A. Sligh. Need of the Farmers' Alliance? Eon. D. F Efird. The History of the Farmers' Alence?Hon. J C. Wilborn. Cotton Growers' Association?Hon. .. F L?ver. Refreshments will be served and 3e public is cordially invited. Come e and all with well filled baskets. ENT STOEE. JLY SALE i and hundreds of offered throuehou - - - - w nues his Tii? Tamparance Meeting. About forty persons representing the different sections of the county were present in the court house yesterday to consider the question of Dispensary or no Dispensary, amoDg whom were many life long prohibitionists whose honesty in ? their belief is above suspicion and some cf whom are known to favor prohibition, but between dispensary and high license, they favored the former. The meeting was called by Capt. A. P. West of Leesville, and waB organized by electing Capt. West chairman and Dr. T. A. Qiattlebaum, of Bitesburg, secretary. "R.^v .Tnnh "EI wards mnved that the question of Dispensary or no Dispensary be submitted to the voters of Lexington county. Carried. A motion to appoint a committee of six to obtain signatures to petition, askiDg for an election, and to file the same with the County Supervisor as soon as the requisite number cf signatures were obtained. The following committee was appointed, Col. G. T. Graham, John W. Hendrix, Rev. Joab Edwards, Rev: J E Strickland, C. H.-Corbitt, and C P. Robinson. . Rev. Mr. Roundtree wanted information as to the purpose of the meeting, saying that with him it was not a question of Dispensary or no Dispensary, but whiskey or no whiskey. To this Dr. Quattlebaum replied and said it would be prohibition for four years. A committee to make an appeal to the people and educate them on the aims and purposes of the meeting was appointed 88 follows: Dr. T. A Qaattlebaum, Rev. Joab Edwards, and Rev. 0. N. Rountree. The following is their appeal to the qualified voters: To the Voters of Lexington county: Government began in the home and was intended to protect home, and to bring to it material, moral and spiritual blessings. Any measure which does not promote these ends should be rejected. Losing your hair? Coming | out by the combful? And I doing nothing? No sense in I that! Why don't you use* Av#*r'c Hoir Vionr and ? A A J V A A M ? ? * ** 11 C Hair Vigor promptly stop the falling? Your hair will begin to grow, too, and all dandruff will disappear. Could you reasonably expect anything better? " Ayer's Ifair Vigor is a great success with H me. My hair was falling out very badly, hut I the Hair Vigor stopped it and now nty liair is all right." ? W. C. L002i. Lindsay, Cal. gl.OO a hottle. J. o. atkr co.. for ? ? Thin Hair i columb: now or beautiful materia t the store should; Bargains The manufacture and sale of intoxicating l'quors as a beverage are in all instances detrimental to tbehomp, to the community, to the State and to the nation, and in moat cases destructive. Many good and conscientious men once thought that the Dispensary method of handling liquors was less destructive than other methods, but after a fair trial of thirteen years in the hands of its friends, the hopes of many of these men have not been realized, and to day its chief promotor is on record as saying that, "as it now sUnd3 it is rotteD." With this view we aie agreed. Its rottenness is inherent as seen not only in this State, lut also in other places where it has been tried under municipal authority. There is no politics in this movement. The political downfall of no man or party is sought, and the political elevation cf no man or paifcy is intended Our sole purpose is to rid the State of a business, which is dangerous to the peace, safety and morals of the people, to quote from il _ n: 1 DUB J^iapeilbtiry law. Therefore we appeal to the qualified voters of Lexington county, as patriotic men, confronted by a foe more terrible than pestilence or war, a destroyer of homes, a maker of widows and orphens, a debaucher of the morals of men and women, to arise in their might and overthow this monster?the Dispensary. Theo. A. Quattlebaum. 0. N Rountree. Joab Edwards. Smith Branch Bubbles. To the Editor of the Dispatch: The weather is very hot nowadays. The crops are all doing very well. But few of our farmers are through laying by. Onfc of the best meetings in the history of New Hope church has just come to a close. We, from QvMtiU 'DmamaU ^/\ uuiitu uiauuu, uuu uoou iuiucu iu come down and help to do the siDging. So, on Sunday morning some of our people got there and on Sunday night the balance arrived. Just after being in there a few moments Miss Cora Kish, one of Smith Branch's most charming girls, was seated at the organ. She is a good singer and never fails to win esteem and friendship everywhere she goes. Thursday night was the closing night. After singing that good old song "God be with you till we meet again" we left for home. Thus ended another happy occasion. Rev. LeRoy Lucas is the pastor of this church. He was assisted by Rev. Herlohg, who preached the farewell sermon. His text being, "I go to < prepare you a place." The Sunday school at Smith Branch is flourishing. nr. "d a 3 li iixr. xvusuu ablmuiu uiiu ujutuci have been visiting friends and relatives in these parts. Oh, dead! dead! is the new county. Mr. W. A. Rish has been getting signers for a free delivery in this section. Birdie. [A, S. C. I AT TAP Is and wearables prove of profitable in Dry Gi SOUS IIII I ;:A>- ;:|^, i I i RESIDENCE OF SAMUEL E. GEOEC MAIN STREET, I ! IMMMQHVBHntnMMWSIlMflKMMMBOTMMVnatJma Peak ETe^s. -| To the Eiitor of the Dispatch: | Mr. G. A. S*?gerfc is at home j again from quite an extensive trip in North Ctrolins, and we believe is | much improved Fairfield's chain gang is now grading a new road commencing near the SpartaDburg & U 1, as, ultimately, the children are to >e as well equipped for the public school be accomplished by a close application 0 IN PRIVATE FAMILIES ith. formation with reference to the Summer' J. E. RAWL KYZER, inty Superintendent of Education. FEE DEPARTMENT STORE. >w. The special body. NAMI iIA irciy, Liu.