a??b??st??aPMCTiiiwuBim mi / v? BwMBBiJiT?a Cm i'W* || Life often seems too Ion; 9 fers from painful periods. S down, headache, backache, 9 dizziness, griping, cramps 9 dreadful. To make life wo . 1 It Eases Wor 9 It quickly relieves inflammatioi M strengthens the constitution and per 9 ditions from which weak women suff mm It is matchless, marvelous, reii At all druggest's in $ 1 .CX) bottl( B WRITE US A LETTER bB freely and frankly, in strictest confidJ9 eoce, telling as all your symptoms and H troubles. We wifl send free advice 9 Oft plain sealed envelope), how to 9 OH* them. Address: Ladies' Advisory 9 Uept, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., ? i flood for Stomach. Trouble and Constipation. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have done me a great deal of good," says C. Towns, of R*t ^ Portage, Ontario, Canada. "Being a mild physio the after effects are not unpleasant, and I can recommend them to all who suffer from stomach disorder." For sale by The Kaoff&ann Drag Co. ^ _ When a married man goes on a pleasure trip he leaves his wife at home. Whiskey 1 Morphine habit. I babit. | Cured by KEELEY . 1329 Lady St., (or P. O. Box To^Colimi solicited. p . .? [ - ? DOORS. ' II | IT 1 MainSt,Co] *r d 2 OS Is where you can f stoe -t? ? d of all r-4 *2 ? I^Mr. Lee N. Fa * J? ton, is now with us a ^ you and show you 01 A A AAA12 || 11 In Ui BltUf f > SASH, j W.T.MAR I WHOLESALE - DEALE O-ux 2s High Grade Good Possible ? Han Vallav Flm r i/uii i uiiui x Av? [ I.. i Ask lor our quotations before you Molasses, Can Gc Everything "We S W. T. MAS 1406-1408 ASSEMBLY V I Take Laxative Bro; c I to the woman who suf- | , The eternal bearing- | leucorrhea, nervousness, and similar tortures are 1 >rth living, take II nens Pains I i, purifies and enriches the blood, S manently cures all diseased con- ffiaj er. H able. 8 5S. B ^ KM 4 "I SUFFERED GREATLY," ?? writes Mrs. L. E. Clevenger, of Belle- B view, N. C., '* at my monthly periods, B til my life, but the first bottle of Car- B dui gave me wonderful refief, and now B I am in better health than 1 have been B foralongtime. I thinkCardui thegreat- B est woman's medicine in the world." B A Million Immigrants. Washington, D. C., Figures compiled ! for t he fiscal year show that the past twelve months broke all records of foreign immigration in this country. The total reaches the enormous figure of over 1,000,000. The highest I :n Ann nmm'rtna TPftP WAS in I r^Mcutru iu auj ^uiiwww j ? 1903, when the number was 857,000. To Cure a Cough take Ramon's English Cough Syrup in small doses during the day, then sleep at night. A pine tar balm without morphine. x5c at ail dealers. For Sale at Harman's Bazaar. Beef is going down daily?in restaurants. Cigarettes I All drug and Tonabit. | bacco habits. mSTITUE OF S. C. bia, S. C. Confidential correspondence I blinds. : 3? lumbia, S C., f ind one of the best JO ks of fcj kinds. CD i nd will be glad to see p ir stock. ct* m&m, j GLASS. ) TIN SONS, ;RS - IN - GROCERIES. /Hotto: Ls at the Lowest j Prices. ir a Specialty !! purchase your Grain, Meal, Flour, >ods, Tobacco, &c. Sell We Guarantee. 'TIN SONS, ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. ire a Cold in Oi mo Quinine Tablets, je months. This signature, aMjB^WKBBBPSjBgEBg3SBaWaBgaBMBBWBBCggC]aB The Lexington Dispatch. 1 1 ? _ Wednesday, July 12,1905. Virginia Letter. I To the Editor of the Dispatch: It is with a sad heart that I pick J up my pen to write this morning. | With t.rpmhlin*? hands I opened 8 ( * w *"* " o * . letter Saturday morning with black border to learn of the terrible sorrow that had befalleD my sister's family at home. Our children broke down : at the horrible death that bad come to their cousin, Edgar LoDg. If we could only be there to drop a tear on f his grave, and to mourn with the 1 family. But Edgar was a dear, good 1 boy, the pious son of pious parents. To ail my friends at home: speak a kind word to my sister and her fam- 1 tly in this hour of sorrow. This letter leaves us well and right i down at work, I preached five times < last week, besides visited a great 1 1 dpftl. met missionary societies, helped 1 train children, etc. ( We had a public exercise of the Children's Missionary Society here J Sunday night. The church was full, 1 and the children did well. All five i of our children belong to it, and four had parts. Pearl is an officer of the 1 organization. From first to last the ' children conducted the service, even : making the appeal and collecting the offering, which was an encouraging one. We are encouraged with our church work. The secretary repor:ed Sunday morning that the attendance in Sunday school for the last quarter wa9 the best in his memory. The average was 103. We meet each Sunday. Still there is room for development. I have been interested in reports of warm weather at home. This is a high place and it is cooler here than manv points further north. I attend I " * ed commencement at Sdlem, and I believe there is as much difference between here and there, though only 86 miles away, as between there and home. We made some fire to warm by last week. The thermometer went down to 43 and I have not seen it higher than 86 degrees this 8ommer. The nights are very pleasant. Vegetables are fully as late as in Philadelphia. Beans are just now plentiful. Have no cabbage and tomatoes, and will have none for 3 or 4 weeks. My garden looks well, and is about as early as any in the place. Tomorrow is my birthday and by I invitation we dine out with Mr. Will Buck, whose birthday also it is. Love to all. S. C. BailentiDe. Rural Retreat, Va, July 3,1905. Bent Her Double. t. t i ? t? e ??l j "jl isciew uu una iur Auur weej&a when I was eick with typhoid and kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa , "and when I got better, although I had one of the best doctors I could get, I was bent double, and bad to rest my hands on my knees when I walked. From this terrible affliction I was rescued by Electric Bitters, which restored my health and strength, and now I can walk as straight as ever." Guaranteed to core stomach, liver and kidney disorders; at The Kauf mann Drug Co's. drug store. Price 50 cent8. Uses Only White Labor. An enterprise of no small import is the dairy farm, one mile from Kershaw, owned by John B. Baker. He is at present milking 18 head of Jersey cows that he values at from $50 to $75, while his entire herd numbers 43 head. He uses improved ft J t M t macninery; tnat is, cream separates, etc, shipping most of bis products to the large hotels at Camden. He also runs an eight-horse farm with mules worth $200 a head. Last year he planted 31 acres in cotton from which he gathered 42 bales. This year he only has 20 acres in cotton. He never sells any cotton seed; is a large grain planter and uses a lot of machinery on his farm, and white lfthnr pTrilnsivfllv. i ^ * ~~J ' Caution is the opening of the eyes, \ suspicion is the closing of the heart, i j IP ft/11/ Cures Grip I l/Ujf So Two Days. 1 7 %.? I SfTjCfirtFtsx^ box? 25c. I .WWW ? r'g 1] HHd nVF^ A torpid liver deranges the whole system, and produces SICK HEADACHE, ?. Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheumatism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There is no better remedy for these common diseases than DR. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prove. Fake No Substitute. Strange, Isn't It? A woman sees a hat or bonnet in \ milliter's window. It is in the atest style, so she determines to have t~-1- u-i. _ ri:iT^ ;< ;ii till Liat ur uut" J'JBl 1IBC IV. No use to try to dissuade her?6he wants that kind of a ha*! No other will suit her. There she displays her will power, ind probably does the same with ?verything she buys for herself or ber family. She makes, as it were, a Feminine "Declaration of Independence.'* Is it not surprising, therefore, to find some few women who still allow their grocers to choose for them in important matters like food stuffa? In spite of the fact that grocers as a rule have long ago realized the necessity of catering to their customers' rather than their own desires, Khar a ?ta rHH a few of the other kind left, who show a marked inclination to persuade customers to take what they do not a*k for, or desire. Take Lion Coffee, for instance, the leader of all package coffees, an established favorite for over twenty-five years in millions of homes, on account of its absolutely pure and uniform quality. Wouldn't you think it impossible that a single grocer can Btill exist who would oppose such an invincible argument of merit, by trying to persuade a customer to buy loose coffee in preference to Lion Coffee. Loose coffee has no standard of quality?nobody can guarantee that it is even clean. Of course, really independent and intelligent women know this, and bo do up-to date grocers, but if women were as particular about coffee as about hats, no kind of grocer could be without Lion Coffee. Cholera Infantum Child Not Expected to Live from One Hour to Another^ but Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Ruth, the little daughter of E. N. Dewey, of Agnewville, Ya, was seriously ill cf cholera infantum las* summer.