BM?? B??? mmmmm hum The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, July 12,1905. ladsx to New Advertisements. * Notice?Richard W. Hudson. Notice?S. P. Shumpert. Barbecue?Koon & Hyler. Barbecue?J. E. Mathias & Sons. Summer School?J. E. Rawl Kyzer. Notice?Board of Health. Paint?Lorick & Lowrance. Cost Sale?Lee A. Lorick & Bro. FAIRNESS. SAFETY. HONEST Y. ' The Home Bank. LEXINGTON, S. C. Keeps your money safe and pays you 4 per cent, interest per annum every three months on deposits. F. W. OSWALD, President. A. J. FOX, Casliier. fc. Saturday's Barbecues. The following cues will come off before onr next issue:. Davis D. Smith, in the Pond Branch section, on Saturday, the 15th. Walter E. Kaucb, Pine Ridge school house, on Saturday, the 15th. Notice. We will gum and file gins for the public at a reasonable price. We have the latest improved gummer and filer, and guarantee satisfaction. Little Mountain Oil Mill Co, ? 4w36 J. B. Derrick, Pres. Wiattoop Examinations. The following are the names of the voung ladies who stood the ex amication for the Wintbrop scholarship, held in the court bouse in this place on Friday, July 7th, with their post office address: Misses Ethel Eleazer, Spring Hill; Ellie Jacobs, Peak; Lola 0. Eleazer, Irmc; Kafcherine Dreher, Selwood; Marguerite Dreher, Irmo; Lizzie L. Bawls, Seivern; Isabella F. Lylee, Lexington; Anna Smoak, LexingtoD; Eula Epilog, Pine Bidge; Nettie Fulmer, Fairbanks; Clare Barnett, Cbapin The examination papers have been forwarded to President Johnson. I Alliance Meeting. Lexington County Alliance will meet with Sum merville Alliance on the 14th day of July, it being the second Friday. James B. Addy, X). E Efird, President. Secretary pro tempore. Sleetric Lights. It is possible that the town of Lexington will be lit up by electricity for both public and private use. Arrangements looking to this end are being made. City Electrician Tally Hearth, of Columbia, and Bill Caughman were in town yesterday looking over the prospects, and for increasing the capacity of the electric plant at the mill. Taylor's Cuo. Don't forget to go to A. Taylor's cue at his place, (the Fowles' Old Pond,) on July 22ad. There will be sack races for the boys, foot races for the older people, and special arrangements will be made for the entertainment of ladies and children. A small prize will be given to the * successful competitors in the races. 1 Several speakers will be present to discuss the new county scheme. Obituary. John Q Seastrnnk son of Mr. ? m a tr A L b&mU6i x. ana jxltb. a. otjaewruuft, was born Sept. 13, 1683 and died July 6, 1905. Io his suffering and death be manifested the beautiful Christian spirit of patience and resignation. In his last hours be oommitted bis spirit to God in a trustfulness and courage born of the Holy Spirit. The sermon was based on Pa. 139;17, and was preached by Rev. J. G. Graichen. The interment took place in the cemetery at Saxa Gotha. The bereaved family have the profound sympathy of the entire community. A Popular Young Lady. Miss Jennette Derrick, a charming and lovely daughter of the Dutch Fork, has returned to her home at Ballentine after a pleasant visit to relatives in town. She was accompanied by Miss Emma Koon, of this place. There are many disconsolate hearts in town by reason of her departure. Some rich thieves are called finan- j ciers. j I k y^stipationNm /Jy/makes biliousness andY?ft\ IBS/badcomplexions. Keep\w\ \U /the system in good conai-\? B / tion by taking 1 m I I ill AND TONIC PELLETS IB which act gently and /JSi VS&\ eliminate the poison jjBjjs / your gysten\?j^j For Sale at Harman's Bazaar. Baptist Union Meeting. The nest meeting of the Lower Division of the Lexington Baptist Assc ciation will meet with Harmony chnrch, Saturday, July 29 .h, inst., at 10 o'clock a. m. 10 to 11. Devotional exercises and enrollment of delegates. 11. Introductory Bermon by Albert Rogers or CLcar Spires. Recess one hour for dinner. 1. First subject. What did Christ mean when he said to Nicodemus, "Except a man be borned of the water and the spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven?"?D. J. Knotts, alternate R J. Fallaw. Second subject. "What did Christ mean by saying that His spirit should not always strive with men?" ?J. B. Kirkland, alternate H. V. Rifrh. Third subject. "What did our Saviour mean when he said to His Disciples Go ye unto all the world aud preach my gospel to every creation?"?C. H. Corbitt, alternate Dr. W. T. Brooker. Miscellaneous and adj -turn. SUNDAY 10 o'clock. Sunday school work by the Union. 11. Sermon by M. A. Kemrick, alternate S. J. Riddle. J. G. Fallaw, For Committee. Swansea, S. C, July 10,1905. Sots from Pelioa. To the Editor of the Dispatch: The barbecue here on Saturday, the 8th, was a success. Something like 500 to 600 people being present. Everything was quiet, no drinking nor quarreling at all. Mr. J. J. Shealy was certainly prepared to feed. The dinner was prepared nicely and Mr. Editor, they made no speech at all on the new county question. In the afternoon they played a game of base ball. All seemed to enjoy themselves fine. LaBt week Mr. J. C. Godard, of this place, had a death in his family. He lost one of his twin boys. Mrs. J. H. Laird is now in Dr. Kaowlfcon's infirmary at Columbia. He performed a painful operation on her Saturday in the afternoon. At this writing she is very sick yet. Miss Cora Rish is spending sometime at Pelion with her mother. Miss Clara and Lula Wise is speDdJ ing sometime with relatives at Pelior; Mr. W. M. Tonce from Florida is at home for a week. Also Mr. M. O. Laird from Florida is at his home. Miss Julia Sbealy, after spending sometime with relatives, has returned to her home in New Brookland. The Rev- J. F. McGill delivered a fine sermon to the folks hear last ?3 L -a- ? ?i. 4..1L uigub nuu aiterwaruB a auuic uu& was made by the pastor, Re?. L. S. Sbealy. One of the Boye. July 10, 1905. ; / Along* the Sandy Road. To the Editor of the Dispatch: It has been sometime since ycu have beard from me as I have been eating ten different varieties of fruit and growing so fat that old can scarcely pull me and the mail, so I will have to write between boxes. I receive cakes, peaches, apples, plums, grapes, melons and a nice badge. I will have to write for Uncle Sam's boys in this section as it seems that the carrier of the Gaston R. F. D. thinks ho is wearing the belt. If he is we are eating the fruits and the melons, the cakes and the ice cream. The crops are looking pretty good considering the drought. Star Route. If LEXI If its farn U1MUH* Death. j Mr. John Q. Seaetruok, a bod of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Seaetruok, died at the residence of bis parents on Depot street in this place last Thursday. He suffered with the "White Plague"?consumption. He was a young man of many estimable traits of character which gave bright promise of a glorious fruition had he lived to manhood, but unfeeling death cut his career short and his hopes for his earthly success and the ? ?a fond expectations 01 an muuigeui. father and a loving mother are buried with him in the "beautiful city of the dead" at Irene. Teachers in Tennessee. Among the Palmetto teachers attending the summer school at Kooxville, Tenn., we notice the names of the following from Lexington count): A. P. Sites, of SpriDg Hill; Tbcma B. Crouch and W. M. Oxner, of Leesville and J. E. Shealy, of White Bock. The later named is the President of the South Carolina contingent. Notice. A LL REAL ESTATE OWNERS AND xjl tenants in the town of Lexington are hereby notified and required to immediately disinfect their sinks, privies and premises, prior to inspection by the Health Officer. Lime should be freely used and all filth and other disease breeding matter removed and destroyed: By order: BOARD OF HEALTH, Town of Lexington, S. C. unvvkaall a JJCIJ. U(/VU?| WE WILL FURNISH A BARBEcue at the Star School lioase, July 29, 1905. Speakers are expected to be present and a good dinner is promised. Everybody is invited. JAMES KOON. JULIUS HYLER, July 12, 1905. 3w38. Barbecue. I WE WILL GIVE A FIRST CLASS Barbecue and refreshments at Mathias's Mineral Springs, on August 12th. There will be dancing for the young folks, and all kinds of amusements for the older ones. Plenty to eat and plenty of fun. J. E. MATHIAS & SONS. July 12, 1905. 6w40 pd. ' I Notice. I (HEREBY FOREWARN EVERY one from hiring or harboring George Grant, colored, as he is under contract to work on my farm for this year. The law will be enforced against any one disregarding this notice. S. P. SHUMPERT. July 12, 1904. 4w39 pd. ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON. DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In the matter of Leaphart & Drafts, Bankrupts. I On the 3rd day of July, A. D., 1905, on reading the foregoing petition, it is, I Ordered by the Court, that a hearing be had upon the same on ti e 18th day of July, A. D., 1905, before said Court, at Charleston in said District, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon; and that notice thereof be published in "The Lexington Dispatch," a paper published weekly at ] Lexington, Lexington county, said State, a newspaper printed in said District, and tliat all known creditors'and other persons in interest may appear at ] '* * - ' -T J \."U tne SaiCl time and piJUJC tuiu suu*\ uiunr, j if any they liave, why the prayer of the t said Petitioners should not be granted. j And it is further ordered by the Court, t that the Clerk shall send by mail to all ] known creditors copies of said petition and this order, addressed to them at r their places of residences as stated. 1 WITNESS The Honorable Wm. H. Brawley. Judge of the said Court, and the seal thereof at Charleston. S. C., in said District, 011 the erd day of Julv. A. D., ]\m. " " ( RICHARD W. HUTSON, (L. S.) Cl(TK. 1 If its somethin LEXING-TON DEPA its something t( NGTON DEP1 implements, a 1 I A. J. FOX, I : Life, Health Accident, ? Surety Bond and Fire H Insurance and ! Real Estate Agent, Lexington, S. C. v. I ONLY FIRST CLASS COM- I 1 PANIES REPRESENTED. I Prompt and careful attention J ii given to buying and selling Real . 'J Estate, both town and country, h j Correspondence respectfully solic- J h ited. < For Sale. ? One resident lot on Main street, . | Lexington, S. C. ? | 12 acres, half mile from Lex- J ? ington. Good dwelling. 135 acres on Saluda River be- ' | tween Holly's and Amick's Ferry, [ i Good new dwelling, barn and one > 1 tenant house. Good orchard. ! 11,080.00 | < 15 to 20 acres, near Lexington > ' Fair Ground. Fine land for y j J truck farming. ' j 6 acres adjoining Lexington h . " Fair Grounds. 11 One valuable lot and improve- J 1 i ments in the town of Lexington, n ? S. C. n j 20 acres on Saluda river, about J h five miles from Lexiugton C. H. H jj Wanted: ! h About 100 acres farming land n * not over 4 miles from Lexington. * ID. HUNAN | tj DEALER IN S | General I 1 Merchandise, 1 ? Corner Main and New Street, $ i Opposite Confederate ? f Monument, ? K Lexington, - S. C. 5 s989S9S8S9SSC8S86ae8C9Sg* i i HILTON'S Life for the Liver & Kidneys, i ] THE BEST PREPARATION KNOWN FOR THE CURE OF i Dyspesia, Liver Complaint and Disorders of the Kidneys [T IS PLEASANT TO TAKE, j ( f ? :t excites a pleasing sense of warmth j n the stomach, diffusing' itself throngh ] ,he system. It augments the appetite, im- ] >roves digestion, wards off malarial and ( hus prevents chills and fever, and is a j perfect regulator to the whole system. ] 25o.. 50c. and SI.00 bottles. For sale t it the Bazaar. Wholesale by the Murray Drug Co., Columbia, "Wanted. Beeswax wanted in large or small juantities. Highest market prices t jaid in cash, at the Bazaa*. tf g to eat go to lRTMENT STORE. d wear go to the A.RTMENT STORE. buggy or a wagon go to Hill 1 SJlUliJJ ?ggggg?BS^Bmmmm?mm^????? Fitzmauricel Fitzmaurice! Corner Main and Blanding Streets. COLUMBIA, S. C. A Great Sale of Summer Goods and New Goods. All New and Extraordinary values. Our New York buyer lias secured goods very much less than the real value. There was big lots of goods placed on the market recently and being on the ground floor was able to pick a lot of bargains. "We offer THIS txtieieih: Sea Island at 31, worth 5c, 10 cents Linen Finish. 5000 yards of Embroidery at 4i cents, 1,000 yards good Cottonade at 10 cents, worth 7c. " 1,000 yards Organdie Lawn 71 cents. 3,500 yards Percale at oi cents, regular 50 pieces 40-inch White Lawn at 7? Ptoo!K'Voile Suitings at 10 cents, ^? regular price 15 cents. 1?.?00 yards Plaid Domestics at 4 cents 1,000 yards Solid Chambrays for Suits * 20 pieces of Ticking at 5 cents. This Department is always up to the standard for the latest and best values to be had anywhere and guarantee to give satisfaction or your money back. We deliver ?5 worth of goods to any part of the State when money accompanies the order. Will send samples on application and a cordially invitation is extended to our Lexington friends to come and see us when in Columbia. Great bargains in Men's, Boys Ming, Hats, Caps and Furnishings. Arrivals. \ ^ We are pleased to announce to our nu- ^ ? merous friends of Lexington county that t J we are constantly receiving new additions x J to our carefully selected stock of J 5 Spring Dry lioods and Millinery > + and respectfully invite you to call and in- ? ^ spect these goods. We are confident that k J we can please as to the high quality of J J the goods and will be sure to make prices 5 i right. * Come to see us when in the city. ^ wm platt, J Main St. Near Post Office, J 5 COLUMBIA, S. C. ? A A BGGULAR COMMUNICATION | A BEGULAB COMMUNICATION TZir Bojlston Lod^e. No 12?. A F. Lexington Lodge, No 152, A. F. /V\ M, will be held in thtir lodge room M " Wl11 be held Saturday, July >n Saturday, July lo, at 2 p. m sharp. 1905, at 7^ p m. Brethren are Brethren, be prompt in attendance. earnestly requested to at end promptly. By order of W. M. order of the w- MD. T. Barr. Secretary. Godfrey M. Harman, Secretary. A A REGULAR COMMUNICATION of Pomaria Lodge No. 151. A. F. M , JsarDeCUe. will convene in Masonic Hall. Peak, T WILL FURNISH A FIRST CLASS 3. C.. Saturday, July 15, 19J5. at 7 p m. 1 barbecue at Pine Ridge School House, Fraternity invited. on July 15, 1905. Speakers are expected. John C. Swygert, W. M WALTER E. RAUCH. ? . 4w3fi. Por Sale. Barbecue. I ?FoE^R FSRiS^LE iMY PL.APE T WILL FURNISH THE BEST BAR ' 011 ^ Pou_(1 . Branch, containing J[ becue of the season at my place on .90 acres, 30 of which are open and pre- jujy 22nd, 1905. All who attend shall luces corn, peas, potatoes, cotton, etc., receive the politest attentiou. Din,o Q rrnrui rl \VP I h ri ?T , ^5 J J . IDUUiluwv. ?-~o I ner wrn ue cueap aiiu ^I VI'U m lite ucbu ind all necessary outbuildings, and a styje_ Music, dancing, ice cream and jasture well watered. Al>? 1 Horse. 1 com drinks of all kinds will be furuishVlilchCow. Lb Hogs, Wagon. Euggy, 0d throughout the day, Good order will farming Implements, Corn, Fonder and ^ Inaiutained. A. TAYLOR. Growing Crops. Tlie reason for selling (.)W3~ s that I am going into other business. ?or further information and full par- ^ . iculars, apply to. lrespass iMOMCe. J. D. WINGARD, A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY FORClark's Mill, Lexington Co. S. C. il bidden to hunt, fish, cut timber, or July 5th, 11)05. 2w3<> pd. trespass in any manner whatever on our lands in Black Creek township, t? tt ii k i known as Jones'Lower Mill Place. All Mr. P. Hall has gone on a business persons cauglit so trespassing will posi ;rin to Columbia today. tively be indicted to the fullest extent 5, .... v tv . i of the law. Subscribe for the Lhspatcn. F. G. & H. J. HARTLEY.