The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, July 12, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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% -READY NIXED? ^ | $1.30 Per Gallon. I $ COVERS MORE SURFACE \ 4 AND "WEARS LONGER. ? } ENOUGH TO FILL AEL ^ ORDERS. ^ \ LOU & LOME CO., j ^ - (IVCOBPORATED ^ J COLUMBIA, S. C. t DR. W H. TIMMERMAN, U. X. GUNTER, W. C. CARTLEDGE, President. Vice President. Cashier E. F. STROTHER, Attorney. A. C. JONES, Assistant Cashier. Citizens Bank of Balesburg With a Capital Stock of $30,000.00, is open for the transaction of a general banking business. Time deposits received at 4 per cent, per annum interest payable quarterly. Our burgler proof safe am burglar insurance and bonded offices make depositors absolutely secure. "We solic a liberal share erf public patronage and guarantee fair dealing and courteous treat ment. Directors?Dr. W. H. Tim merman, Dr. M. U. Boatright, U. X. Gunter, Dr. W P. Timmerman, W. C. Cartledge, Isaac Edwards, W. K. Shealy, J. F. Kneece. Sewing Machines! ^ Axm wrrsrvw "NTO. 9. BALL BEARING. Marvelously Lighi TT I I I7KMUIV AU.1X. ci .. .. Running and Noiseless, (a No, 100 spool cotton thread for a belt will run it). Onethird faster; one-third easier tlian any shuttle machine. Save abont one day ir three. A Great Favorite with Dress Makers and becoming more popular all th< time. Needles for all Machines. Repairing a specialty, Work guaranteed. At tachments, Shuttles, etc. In bringing Machines to be repaired it is only necessan to bring the head?leave the table at home unless it needs repairing too. 1905 Washers and Wringers. The most perfect Washer ever invented. I can sell them at my store for less than they will cost you ordered direct from the factory. Write for circulars and prices. J II prnny P 1804 Main Street, I ill DLIUiI, i COLUMBIA, S.C. F1 U JRMITUME. W. H. SCWELL FURNITURE CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. We especially invite yon to come to see ns for your Furniture, Cheap Suites, Iron Beds, Lounges, Stoves, Lace Curtains, Side Boards, Hall Racks. ' 30 DAYS SALE-FURNISH YOUR HOUSE. W. H. SOWELL, FURNITURE CO, 1621 Main Street, Opposite Globe Dry Goods Co. ? 5 To Buy Your Summer S t % \ We have the most complete stock of % % "Leather" shoes in everything for the ^ 5 comfort of the feet that can be had, and 4 ^ at prices that satisfy. ? | E. P. & F. A. DAVIS, I 5 1710 MAIN STBEET, COLUMBIA, S. C. J | W-M.C0RLEY, I ?NGINES BOILERS. g NEW BROOKtAKD, S. C. I ! L? Hggff. ?tl Stti Cwtiarg. Ageatforthe New Improved 1 . +* Agent iu ruie ^ kg MKBA1B IROM WOBXC * IVrfLV OS R iOWITi, ?OM14. SIS6IR SEWIXG MACBINISI I f I B: a fi ft-rr nrAmmms for 9 C? i W nWllUDU uiv; g their excellence and superiority g If Nervons and Run Down ~ 1 9 ular ?ma^hrnekiQ'you7 home^he- 9 simply improve your circulation. Remove the I foMbwiif LawdYsem. tor 1 bIood by "f* *1 nocii r,f ninot-tr dare T.ihftral S' Ramon s Pills?then tone the nervous system g cash, or ninety (lavs, lAOerat i| with the Tonic Pellets. All in one box for 25 cts, jj^ terms on instalment S and money back if not satisfied* s ? For Sale at Harman's Bazaar 1 IVeedles, Oilis. Ktc., | I | moil inn 11. |j| daru makes in good repair. SUB~ I I the only national bank in mmaBmmmimusMKwmmm Columbia. ? UNITED STATES. STATE. CITY AND COUNTY Yon Can Prevent Sick-Headache DEPOSITORS. "Von vflii feel it first coming on, by taking a 0 " ' "* " * ? TTX O _ ^ ami savings ?ejmr uuvii i. m^ey refunded if not sausBcd. ttoconti Paia Bp Capital -? . . $200,000 For Sale at riarmau s Bazaar. Rnrplos Profits . - 70,000 ? ? ^ Liability of Stockholders - 200,000 Any woman can keep a eecret if , . . , f $470,000 you give ner enough chloroform. interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent. Tha mintlp nf ^haritv ir Rnno worn ?er ancnm? payable May 1st and Novemlne mintie of cnarity is soon worn ber lsfc w A CLARK, President threadbare by a hypocrite. WilieJones. YicePretident and Cashier. I | N. A. YOUNG, | I Wholesale and Retail Merchant, | f ? | 1603 Main St.. | | COLUMBIA, - S. C. ? One-fourth of a century in the Dry Goods and e 1603 Main St: ??????????? The Lexington Dispatch. d =========I=========II===ZZ===I=I ^ L Wednesday, July 12,1905. a i P Inspector Loses Money. 0 Nearly sixteen hundred dollars in ri the possession of Dispensary Inspect- tl or C. S. Brown disappeared last tl Wednesday and there is absolutely s! r?n f ro/in r?f if annshcrc Th a mnnov j UU V&eiVV VA *v WMJ r -- J A j has now beeo paid to the State and tl the story cf its disappearance is odo c! of the most peculiar ever heard of by the dispensary officials. ^ It seems that Inspector Brown J t was sent to Cbaileston on business 6 " connected with bis duties and while . there checked up the books of Dispenser B. H. Matthews. He found . that there was a shortage of Si,600 - Jr . and an order for the payment was at [ once made. Matthews paid Brown ^ i in C8sh and on Brown's arrival in Columbia he reported to CommisI sioner Tatum that the money had absolutely disappeared. Brown 6ays D that he was not intoxicated, but that J in some way he was robbed. JuBt ' how, he does not know. r He does know that he received the money from Matthews and the latter has a receipt to show that the short | age was made good. There was naturally a discussion as to bow the money should be made up, and the law right there is very defective as to collection on an inspector's bond. Finally, however, gi the amount was raised for the com- re , missioner, who insisted that the m State should not lose. Inspector tb Brown has been temporarily bus- tb pended and is now endeavoring to fo trace the money. * hs If the Baby is Cutting Teeth, n< Be sure and use that old and well cc tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- co ing Syrup, for children teething. It pi soothes the child, softens the gums, ^ allays all pain, cures wind colic and a^ is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. se It is the Best of All. ca 9 ac Y< Big Meeting of Metkodists. } A notable religious gathering of pj this summer will be the District Conference of the Methodist church jj( for the Greenville district, which mi will be held July 19-23 with the 0f Belton church. Rav. R. Herbert gj Jones will preside by virture of his jjj, office as Presiding Elder. The Greenville District includes the ^ counties of Anderson, Oconee, Pick- ^ ens and Greenville, and if there is a fQ] full representation at the meeting ye there will be a large attendance, as Qe the membership includes 28 minis ^ ters and about double that number er; of lay delegates. j ? ? X_ a^ fioxerrea to zweierew. The Pickens dispensary case is hang ap until testimony can be taken. This morning Chief Justice Pope, in '*1 Newberry, after hearing arguments wi in the mandamus case, issued an fu order to the effect that as the case Af involved constitutional points which cu should be considered by the whole Sa supreme court instead of one member an of that body the case was referred to Dj A. J. Boggs, as special referee, to take testimonj and report the same with conclusions on or before the " ~ mi second Tuesday in Septemoer. ? This means that unless the board dil of directors decide to reopen the dis- Oc pensary there that the county of po Pickens will be dry until the case is Di decided. The writ of mandamus was thi brought by certain parties of Pickens po through W. Boyd Evans as attorney erf to compel the county board to order va the dispensary reopened on the T1 grounds that the election was illegal, sp When the case was brought the p. Our Buyer is always in sean suit the wants of ; trade, and ample cash enables ns to give everything kept in a First Class Store tlie ispenaaries at Pickens and other J jwne in that county had already j een closed and it is now a question 8 to whether they can be reopened ending a decision. The members f the state board could not be eacbed, but it was the opinion of Jose who had studied the matter bat the dispensary would have to lay closed as many of the points aised were those of fact and that as be dispensary had already been losed it would have to Btay closed. To Cure a Cut, Sore or Wound pply Ramon's Nerve & Bone Oil promply. It is ntiseptic?stops the pain and causes healing by rstintention.25cand money backifnotsatisfiea For sale at the Bazaar. Unclaimed Mail. The following ia a liet of unclaimed ittera remaining in this office for le month of July, 1905: Males. CartiD, Job. (p) Hendrix, E. J. HudsoD, T. L Sanders, Charley. Smith, Dr. G. Sane, Sim. Females. Abraham, Miss Julia. Gates, Miss Lizzie. Hooks, Mrs. Jessie. Siseroye, Mrs. S. J. Leaphart, Postmaster. Graft in Cotton Reports. Washington, July 7.?The investiition into the "leak" as to cotton ports of the agricultural departent has reached the stage where le truth of the charges made by ie Southern Cotton Association are und to be true. The secret service detectives who ive been workiog on tbe case lor jarly a month are said to have disivered indisputable evidence that a rrupt ring exists among the em- 1 oyes of the department from which ( rall street speculators have been >le to obtain a pretty close idea of e character of the cotton report i veral days in advance of its publi- < tion. Through their investigation aong brokerage concerns in New i irk and other large cities they have ! irned that certain government em- i oyes, closely connected with collec- i m and compilation of cotton statists, have been dealing in tbe cotton i arket. Even though an employe ] the department should not actually I ve out figures a large order from i m to brokers between tbe first and I ird of the month to buy or sell ' tton would be a sufficient hint to < a Vkfolror a a tn fhfi TifthlTA nf thfl 1 W Ik/i VAV* U U fcV w * ** ? rtbcoming report. The present in- i stigatioL will probably be followed i xt winter by a congressional in- i liry into the whole subject of gov- I nment reports and question as to j aether it would not be desirable to >olish them altogether. ] Forced to Starve. 1 B F Leek, of Concord, Ky., says: 1 ^or 20 years I suffered agonies, ^ th a sore on my upper lip, so painI, some times, that I could not eat. ter vainly trying everything else, I red it with Bucklen's Arnica 1 Ive." Xts great for burns, cuts d wounds. At The Kaufmann rug Co's. drug store. Only 25s. ^ Excitement in Cotton. * New York, July 5 ?The cotton ^ irkefc was in a highly excited con- ^ Lion at the opening this morning. 5tober opened 10 67 cents, sixteen k ints higher than Monday's closing. * spatches from Liverpool reported c e market there opening at seventy * ints up and various options gen- 1 illy maintaining yesterday's sdnce from Monday's closing figures. 1 lere was a limited demand for 3 ot cotton with prices firm. At 2 I m. futures were still steady. c ch of such values as will the up-to-date ii^gg'fcoia. * you bargains in Dry Goods. Dress Goods, it cannot be obtained anywhere else but a ithe Hege Log Beam SAW MILL WITH Heacock-King Feed Works Engines and Boilers, "Woodworking Machinery, Cotton Ginning, Brickmaking and Shingle and Lath Machinery, Corn Mills. Etc., Etc. GIBBES MACHINERY CO., Columbia, S. C. jjj^HE^G^lBBES S One Dollar Saved Represents Ten Dollars Earned. The average man does not save to exceed ten per cent of his earnings. He must spend nine dollars in living expenses for every dollar saved. That being the case be cannot be too careful about unnecessary expenses. Very often a few cents properly invested, like buying seeds for his garden, will i save several dollars outlay later on. It is the same in buying Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea j Remedy. It costs but a few cents and a bottle of it in the bouse often saves a doctor's bill of several dollars. For sal6 by The Kaufmann Drug Co. *1 W VWM ****** To the Editor of tbe Dispatch: Ob, how hot and dry and bow good it feels to get in some nice shady place and remain there, but not many of us are able to do this. We have to keep pegging away. We had a very nice gentle shower Sunday morning, 2ad, tbe best we have had for some time. We note considerable change in tbe color of corn. Cotton is looking very well and is very full of fruit. Gardens are dried up, and we rre having some trouble in getting a stand of peas on account of the dry weather. Well, Mr. Editor, it seems it is about time for the old political pot to commence to simmer and that " ~ ' 4 U vvysm rv? O T7 Vl O T70 3ULLIU Ui LUC UCYV pUlUHjiauo ujoj uu t w a sip at the broth. Ic seems by what we see in the papers, that the issue will be Dispensary, anti Dispensary or Prohibition. Well, you know, there must be some new issues 9prung to give the politicians something to go before the dear people with, or they could not get the voters out to vote. But I guess it is all right anyway, things have to make a cbaDge. It would not be well for everything to go right along in the same old rut. People would know two well how to calculate for the ruture. Mr. Editor, I don't think it will be long before we can say Hello to you ov?r our telephone line. We have signed a contract with the Beli Telephone Company for connection with ;beir switch board at Batesburg, S. C. Mr. Willie Bjafcwright near here is down with fever. Hope be will 3oon recover. W. W. July 4, 1905 When you want a pleasant laxative ;hat is easy to take and certain to ict, use Chamberlain's Stomach and [Liver tablets. For sale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. A desperate attempt was made in Scottsville, Ey., on Friday night to ynch seven negroes in jail there, iharged with arson and other crimes. Pool headed citizens persuaded the nob l'to wait." Secretary of War Taft and party eft Washington on Friday for the Philippines. In the party is Miss Uice Roosevelt, the President's laughter. 'J9 ?/ We are up ro date and all round vj (4 1 (# | Off Goods Merchants. | 8 We Solicit Your Trade. $ S N. A. YOUNG. ? SsseSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsSi CowvLtiy* . Trimmings, Laces. Embroideries, Notions t .UMBIA, S. C. fmmimu**0*1 J.-?* ^ ..V i*W. w?W m Be sure to bo proper'.)* c pipped >r your hunting trip. ! Use the "STEVEN"" an I have the assurance that I your choice cannot tie itnprove 1 upon. and that there is no possibility of your ?a::>e ;;cttirs_p away when I sighted by our ;pun-.. Our line: ! I RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS j ^ Jl? Ask your dealer, and Don? Fail to send for T j insist on our goods. If illustrated catalog. Jtisa | youcann t obtain them ^ok.f ready wfcrenrear.d I .?:n j:. ? appeals to all interested in B we Wl.l ship C.-CCt, ex- t;;e grand sport of shoot5 press prepaid, upon inc. Mailed for4 cents in B receipt of price. Istamps to pay postage. ^ B HIT TH n MARK with our RIFLE PUZZLE! This 1 ? clever novelty *iil be mailed FREE upon request. B P. 0. Box 4093. Chicopes Falls, Mass., US.A. jj * t? Other^ ' M THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY K ORANGE, MASS. ' N Many Sewing Machines are made to sell regardless of quality, but the '* Xcw Home" is made to wear. Our guaranty never runs out. We make Sewing Machines to suit ail conditions of the trade. The "New Home" stands at the bead of all High-grade family sewing machines Sold by authorized dealers only, FOR SALE BY W. F. ROOF, \ LexiDgtoB, S. C. Onr Wnnllcw'e SENT ***%t0 ah Uli If UUiiGV o users of morphine, daikii pcc opium, laudanum, 1 |j^?e'r ?'>i ^ AND woolley, Whiskey Curs Atlanta, Georgia. ifiiii iii in ' DEPOSITS BECEIVED SUBJECT TC CHECK. W. I>. ROOF, Cashier. ^ DIBECTOBS: 411en Jones, W. P. Boof, C. M. Efird, B. Hilton James E. Hendriz. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and upwards received ard interest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, payable April and October. September 21?tf nHAIRRBALSAM w Clldiec Asd beAOtlflCA VBA 2AX2* Promote* a luxuriant growth. -? ... OMt/iM Or?T fSSjSSiiilH Hair to 1U Toothful Color. I >calp diMUH Jt-hur tailing. I PlSiflWf -SO^andSl.OBal Druggi<ta fl Davis & Co., Harness and Saddlery, 1517 Main St., Columbia1 S. C. For cheap, medium and ^ fine goods we carry the largest stock in the South. Everything in harness, saddlery and farm gear can be had. Any single part of harness in stock and can be furnished on short notice. Our Motto?The Best is the Cheapest. Closing cut our stock of Back Bands at Cost. Davis & CO.