THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. & Sepresentatiue newspaper. Goiters Lexinpton and the Borders of the Surrnundinn Bounties hike a Blanket, VOL. XXXV. LEXINGTON, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1905. 34 Z GLOBE DRY GOODS COMPAHT. 7 i| -W- H- MOIfcTCTZEODfcT. TIES., 3^C^nsr^O-ElZ3, l&ao MAIN STREET, - COLUMBIA, 8. O. Solicits a Share of Your Valued Patronage. Polite and Prompt Attention. Oe'ober I3tf & Notes from Tezas. | To tbe Editor of the Dispatch: We are very dry out here and if it don't soon rain the corn crops will be short. Cotton is looking very well. Hay ontting is now the order of the day and the .mowers can be seen running all over the Prarie. There is a number of Poland folks that do the moat of the hay gathering for farmers and themselves. They don't > mind the beat at all. All they want in the dollar that has the easle on it. The community was saddened by the death of Mrs. Thomson, mother in Iareal of seventy years, on the 18ch. ^ W. D. Harm an went to Navasota Thursday on business and returned Friday. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Hendrix of Navasota, visited relatives and friends at this place last week. We wish them to come again. Mr. Oscar Headrix of Navasota, who went to Abilene, Texas, for his health, has returned to his home and sorry to say that he is not much improved. The base ball boysiLJT*TLMWl Spring Sill Sparks. To the Editor of the Dispatch: For the past five weeks we have had bo rain until last week when old mother earth was sprinkled with a nice little rain which made the young vegetation start off nicely. Much more is needed for the old corn. Mr. Ed L Eleazer is visiting his sister, Mrs. Dr. 5j. M. Stone, at Morristown, Tenn. Messrs. A. P. Sites and J. Ed Shealy are attending the Teacher's Summer school at Kaoxville, Tenn. Miss Mary Shealy, of White Rock, is home now after spending a few months with her sister, Mrs. Eunice ot , J r i /"Vi._ n _ oneaiy, 01 Jjumoer vjity, ua. We are expecting a large crowd at the ball picnic on the 4th .of July. Three games of ball are expected, some good speeches and a good time. The charges to see will be nothing, but everybody is expected to give a little if they wish. Mr. Editor, we want to see you in the push if possible. Again. Lexington comes to the front again and once more outstrips her sister counties. A new plant has been discovered in Mr. Frank Griffith's garden, which promises to be of incalculable value to farmers. The top is a luxuriant growth of millet, which is an excellent food for stock, and the roots produce a very proi i i i/r .. Iitic growtn oi ?nsn potatoes, sir. Abner Derrick brought a sample of this strange growth to this office. The cue of Ponly & Hammond, at Lewiedale, on July 4th promises to be one of the best of the season. Extensive preprations are being made for the entertainment of the guest. Congressman Lever, Hon. W. H. Sharpe and other prominent speakers have promised to be present and make addresses. Besides this the management is leaving nothing undone that will contribute to the pleasure of their patrons. If you want to spend a pleasant 4th this cue attend. EE DEPARTMENT STORE. LND BLANDING STREETS, r* ri-*T a /?a >-s. JiVLBlA, K. U. ut nery, Etc.