THE LEXiHSTQN DISPATCH. Wednesday, June 7, 1905. In Lovi&? Iteneaibrance. Sweet Little Ethel Derrick has Gone to Receive Her Reward. j Low she lies who blest otir eyes, Tlrrongh many a summer day; She may not smile, she will not rise? Her life has passed away! Tet there is a world of light beyond, . ' Where we neither die nor sleep? She is there, of whom our souls were fond, Then wherefore do we weep? The heart is cold whose tnougnt were told In each glace of her glad bright eye; And she lies pale, who was so bright; She scarce seemed made to die. Yet we know that her soul is happy now, Where the saints their calm watch keep; And angels are crowing her young fair brow In paradise. S Her laughing voice made all rejoice Who caught the happy sound. There was gladness in her very step, As it lightly touched the ground. The echoes of her voice and step are gone, There is silence still and deep, Yet we know that she sings by God's bright throne, Where all is fair. The cheeks pale tinge, the lids dark frincfi. O'' That lies like a shadow there, Were beautiful in the eyes of - all, And her glossy golden hair, But though that lid may never wake, From its dark and dreamless sleep: She is gone where young hearts do* not break, "? And shall never return to us again. : That world of light with joy is bright, i This is a world of woe; Shall we grievejthat her soul has taken flight, Because we dwell before? We will hurry her under the mossy sod And one bright memory we'll keep, We have only given her to God, Therefore we should not weep, * 'Tis hard to break the tender chord. When love has bound the heart, Tis hard, so hard to speak the word, We must forever part. ?Li Hie Smoak. State op Ohio. City of Toledo, 'i Lucas County. f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is sAmnr rartner of the firm of F. J. Cheney i & Co.. doing business in the city of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case < of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D.,1683. * ^ W- REASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testi monials free. F. J, CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation Our Naval Strength. Washington, D. C., May 31 ?Ifc is almost impossible to estimate the strength of the new navy of the United States today compared with what it W88 only a few years back, and while Admiral Togo's sweeping victory is fresh in the mind of the people of the world, it is interesting _ to see what would probably be the result of a naval fight by this coun. . * m, a _ l i _ ... try toaay. xne advocates 01 a new and strong navy will indeed be glad to run over the list and see the number and strength of first class battleships, armored cruisers, torpedo boats, torpedo boat destroyers, etc., on the active list in active commission, and ready st a moment's notice to do battle with the great powers of the world. All of our naval force is divided into three fleets at this time?the North Atlantic fleet, under Admiral Robley D. Evans, the Pacific and the Asiatic fleet. The North Atlantic fleet being possibly the strongest of the three, contains more first class battleships and armored cruisers than the other two, yet neither of the other two are considered weak by any means, containing many of the smaller and swifter sea going craft of the navy. Admiral Evans' fleet consists of the following compliment: Flagship Kearsarge, twenty-two guns; Alabama and Illinois, eighteen guns each; Kentucky, twenty-two guns; Maine, twenty guns; Massachusetts, sixteen guns; Missouri, twenty guns; Iowa, eighteen guns; gun boat Scor pion, eight guns; cruiser, Brooklyn, twenty guns; Des MoiDee, ten guns; protected cruiser Cleveland, ten gum; Olympia, fourteen guns Texas, second class battleship, eight gccf: monitors Florida, Arkansas and Nevada, six gunseicb; protected cruiser Newark; gun boats Bancroft and Castine; converted cruiser Dixif; protected cruisers Chattanooga and Detroit gun boat Newport; protect fcJU criusme xauuuia, JL/CD iuuujcc, Galveston, Aberande; collier Caesar; coal supply sbipCoiga; Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Colorado and Maryland, ail armored cruisers; Minneapolis and Columbia, protected cruisers; cruiser Hartford; converted cruiser Prairie; gun boat Topeka; converted cruiser Yankee; torpedo ! boat destroyers, twelve; two submarines; eighteen torpedo boats in reserve; one submarine in reserve. This strength represents the North Atlantic fleet alone, now under command of Admiral Evans. There are now in commission, and ready for service at any moment when Ihe department may call for them, the following ships: Three ships of the class of the Alabama, 11,525 tone, 18 gans main gun battery; three of the Oregon class, 10,288 tons, 16 guns main battery; one of the class of the Iowa, 11,340 tons, 18 guns main battery; two of the Kersarge class, 11.525 tons, 22 guns main battery; three of the class of the Maine, 12,500 tons, 20 guns; one second class battleship Texas, 6,350 tons, eight guns main battery, armored cruisers, Brooklyn, - 9,215 tons, 20 guns main battery; New York, 8,200 tons, 18 guns main battery; two of the West Virginia class, 13,g80 tons, 18 guns main battery; two of the Pennsylvania, 13,780 tons, 18 guns main battery. There are also two monitors of the class of the Monadnock, 4,500 tons, six guns; one of the Puritan, 6,000 tons, ten guns; three of the Ampbifcrite, 3,990 tone, eight guDF; four of the Florida clase, 3,214 tons, bis guns. Besides these there are four torpedo boat destroyers of the Decatur class besides numereus other destroyers and torpedo boats. There are now under construction, forty-three ships of which twelve are first class battleships, ten are armored cruisers, three protected cruisers, the others being gun boats, colliers and torpedo boats. With this formidable array of sea fighters it can be seen, that the United States at the present time is pretty well able to take care of itself, should occasion arise for her to show her progress on the high seas of the world. Besides this it is not improbable that since we have made so much progress along this line during recent years that now nothing will stop this country from standing second to no country in the world in naval equipment. ^ Cures Blood and Skin Diseases, Itching Humors, Eczema, Scrofula, Etc. Send no money?simply write and try Botanic BI00& Balm at our expense. A personal trial of Blood Balm is better than a thousand printed testimonials, sc don't hesitate to write for a free sample. If you suffer from ulcers, eczema, scrofula, Blood Poison, cancer, eating sores, itching skin, pimples, boils, bone pains, swellings, rheumatism, catarrh, or any blood or skin disease, we advise you tc take Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.) Es pecially recommended, for old, obstinate, deep seated cases of maligant blood 01 skin diseases, because Botanic Blooc Balm (B.B.B.) kills the poison in the blood, cures where all else fails, lieah every sore, makes the blood pure anc rich, gives the skin the rich glow oi health. B.B.B. the most perfect blooc purifier made. Thoroughly tested fo] 30 years. Costs .$1 per large bottle ai drug stores. To prove it cures, sample of Blood Balm sent free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advise sent- ii sealed letter. j??^*This is an hones offer?medicine sent at once, prepaid. Disastrous Earthquake. Scutaria, Albania, June 2 ?Re ports received regarding an earth quake, which occurred yesterday ii Montenegro, say great damage wai done, over 500 houses being destroy ed and in the neighborhood of 20( people being killed and injured. The laxative effect of Chamberlain' t ^ J T ^ rP/-i C r* A w^cv-ujuavu. emu. -ui vui iauic to 10 au a??JLcrcc? ble and so natural that you do no realize it is the effect of a medicine. Fo sale by The Kaufmann Drug co. yrir ""WiUfMrr ifiriM,/nnrffiH^ tiiirnTwrrr-iiht?i i inr-i?r ! Often The Kidneys Are ' Weakened by Over-Work, ; Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood It used to be considered that oni\ urinary and bladder troubles were to be f traced to the kidneys but now moderr science proves thai nearly all disease* have their beginning in the disorder 01 these most importanl The kidneys filtei and purify the bloodthat is their work. IX n ci crxvi c, nucii ^ vui ^...... ^ ... or out of order, you can understand hov, quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or il feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may n comnlfi tt..^ _# ua V V Cfc fc/www 11UU1C UL UTIbUiyMWO* by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer &. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Japanese Losses Less. Tokio, June 2.?The announcement is made that the Japanese losses ic the great naval battle were 115 offi cers and men killed and 424 wounded. The revised figures give a total which is considerably less than the estimate of 800 which was first made by Togo. The Mikaso, the flagship of Togo, suffered most in the fightiDg, show ing that the Russians did their ut most to put the large ships out oi commission. The number of killec and wounded on it is given out al 63 The Russians lost, according tc latest figures received, 7,000 men who were killed, and 3,000 prisoners Just What Everybody Should Do. Mr. J. T. Barber of Irwinville, Ga. always keeps a bottle of Chamberlain'.' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand readv for instant use. Attack: I " of cliolic, cholera mobus and diarrhoe* come on so suddenly tliat tlier6 is n( time to hunt a doctor or go to the stor< for medicine, Mr. Barber says: have tried Cliamberlain's Colic, Cholen and Diarrhoea Remedy which is one o: the best medicines I ever saw. I keep i bottle of it in my room as 1 have hac several attacks of colic and it lias prove( to be the best medicine I ever used.' Sold by the Kaufmann Drug Co. Eojestvonsky a Prisoner. Tokio, May 21, 5 p. m.?It is nov certain that Admiral R jestvensky ii a prisoner of the Japanese. He ii wounded in the forehead, legs am back, but will recover. Vice Admi ral Yoelkersarn is supposed to hav. perished. Little hope for the Russians cbi be found in the latest dispatches re garding the naval battle of Tsu is land. Only four of the vessels o Rojestvensky's fleet are known ti have reached Vladivostok, the cruise , Alm8z and the torpedo boat destroy , ers Grozny, Bravi and Tero3siahty The full extent of the Russian casual ties in men and boys drowned, wound ed or captured is not known. Th ' Japanese losses as reported fron ^ Tokio are cnly three torpedo boat sunk, three officers killed 8Dd abou 200 men killed or disabled. Not one o : the big fighting ships of the Japanes 1 navy was lost. Interest is now turn ' ed to the situation in Russia as th * result of the naval disaster. Th P Emperor Wednesday summoned t I the palace Tsarskoe-Selo all the mem : bers of the imperial family and lafc fc called into extraordinary council Ad * miral Alexiff and all hi3 ministers c ' state, and a series of conference took place as to the course to be pui t Bued. The result of these conference is in doubt, ministers on returning t St. Petersburg observing a cautiou reticence as to what took place. I is believed, however, that the empe: or is determined on a prosecution c 1 the war, the government .fearing th 3 effects of the disaster on the Kui - sian people. The Columbia Record advises tb Emperor of Russia to cringe at th h feet of the Mikado aDd sue for peaci t but strange to say the Emperor ha r so far turned a deaf ear to tb Record's pathetic appeal. fhc Good N&tured Man H HE was a good nature;! man. Genuine Irish jollity was radiated from everj* knob of his wrinkled ! face and twinkled in his bespectacled [ eyes. Upon entering" the car he sat ! down near the front door and winked , at a baby across the aisle. Presently [ two women came in. There was room t for both ;lt the Irishman's right. but they preferred to sit at his left hand. One of them took the corner seat, and the other stood expectantly, waiting for him to move along and make room ! for her. lie moved, i After awhile another woman came 5 in. There was a space of about four inches between the good natured mail L and the woman on the left. The newcomer eyed it covetously. Presently 1 the Irishman took the hint and slipped ' along a little farther. During the next IGI1 minutes lour more ciwuo in. iind each, following the example of her predecessor, glanced with scorn at the unoccupied portion of the seat and stood patiently before the good natured man. beseeching him silently but none the less' fervently to move on. And always he moved. Finally a stout woman came in. She, too, as if by preconcerted action, repeated the tactics of her sisters, but that time the man did not move. For a moment he surveyed the distance he had already traveled in his trip from the front of the car; then, in reply to the stout woman's unexpressed request, he broke out defiantly: "No, I'll be darned if I do!" he said. "I've already slid the whole length of f this ear from the front door to the back to accommodate people. If I slide again I'll be clear out on the plat; form. I decline to go. If there is any more moving done, somebody else has 1 got to do it. I won't." The stout woman blushed. "What Impertinence," she said and sat down , on the opposite side of the car.?New York Press. i ( A Strange Disappearance. J The German on his native heath has ? 1 - -- -- ?. rrlf op/1 some peculiar iiuuuij.:> auuui im uuu , humor, some of them being droll and others dreary. A tourist, with his bride, asked a driver if there was any' thing remarkable about the mountain f they were ascending, and he answered: [ ''No, nothing peculiar about the hill Itself, but there is a queer story con' nected with it." ) "Please give us the legend." "Well, once upon a time a young lady and gentleman went up this mountain together, and hundreds of . people saw them go higher and higher > until they disappeared, and they never came back." "What became of them?" "They went down on the other side." 5 ?Pittsburg Post. r 5 Retaliation at a Dance. i She was young. It was her first sea> son, and it pleased her to snub her cub 5 cousin most unmercifully whenever he j- asked for a dance. "No," she protested one evening, "you can't see my programme. It's all full." "But there'll be extras. Can't I have 1 an extra?" 1 "Ye-es," returned the young woman, 1 grudgingly relinquishing her card, "but ' don't take the first one. It's promised." Later in the evening when she looked to see which dance her cousin had appropriated she found that she had food for reflection. The young man had put J his name down for the four hundredth 3 and ninety-ninth extra.?New York Tribune. 3 1 A Definition. "Paw," asked little Johnny, "what's a compromise?" 3 "That, my son," replied the wise father, "depends on whom it's made -) with. For instance, if I make a compromise with a business man I go about halfway. But if I make a compromise with your mother, why I?er f ?I go all the way."?Louisville CourierJournal. D j. A Secret. First Giraffe?During a little conversation I had with the lion today I asked him if he was the king of beasts. Second Giraffe?And what did he say? First Giraffe?He said he was, but he e made me swear on a stack of Bibles a not to tell his wife he said so. ? A Coming Pugilist. :t 1 I _ "So yer big bnnliler's goin' tor be ei ^ prize fighter av'cii he grows up?*' "Sure. Wot else can lie be wid ei e face like liis'nV"?New York Evening a- Journal. Hint For the Cook. Oh. touch it with a tender touch, e For, till the egg is boiled. Who knows hut thnt. unwittingly, 6 It may ho smashed and spoiled? 0 The autumn breeze that 'gainst 1' blows Ought to he stilled and hushed. For eggs, like youthful purity. 16 Are awful when they're squashed. ?Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. ? 111 i 111 iihihtttthwi-n TTrrrrrrrTi?mrr TirifTH| -ifWT,"m rTifiTBBBMninfcVi V'" H'n* "yTfllffftMTrtmiM | A Hi JL.IIVI3 liAIX.AV-A.Y- ^ 1 NORTH-SOUTH-EAST- WEST j Two Daily Pullman Vestibule Limited Trains Between | ?OUTML ^VIVT> NEW YORK, ? First Class Dining Car Service. The best rates and route to al l Eastern cities via Kicbmond and Washington, or via Norfolk and $ steamers to Atlanta, Nashville, Memphis, Louisville, St. Louis. Chicago, { New Orleans and all points South and Southwest to Savannah and! and Jacksonville and all points in Florida and Cuba. Positively tkeg shortest line North and South. * B ir detailed information, rates, schedules, Pullman reserv ationsg I &c., apply to any agent of the Seaboard Air Line Railway or to W. Lg | BURROUGHS, Traveling: Passenger Agent, Columbia, S. C. | I CHARLES F. STEWART, Assistant General Passenger Agen t I | SAVANNAH, GA. | (P Don't trust to what you might have left to you. Save ^ ^ your own money. You will feel better knowing you ^ ^ have a bank account. We pay 4 per cent, on all Savings ? Accounts; so you really make money by saving money. 0 j ? ALL BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED. # I ^ Dolmnitn Dan!/ nnrl Tmml fn ^ 5 raiuicuu uaiin auu uudl IU., $ J COLUMBIA, S. C. J J CAPITAL, $250,000.00. - SURPLUS, $35,000.00. V ^ Wm. H. LYLES. Pres. JULIUS B WALlUiiJ, "V. Pres. ^ ^ J. P. MATTHEWS, Secretary. ^ g/VVVVVWWWVVWVVV^ 9 H. F. Hendrix, J. L. Matthews, H. A. Meetze, J President. Vice Pres. Cashier. I TUa HahL i i { I MB DiMIK Ul LBBSVIIICj j EEESVIEEE, S. C. | Capital, - - $30,000.00 J w Interest Allowed in Savings Department. * We Solicit a Share of Your Business. # e THE PRICES TELL. THE QUALITY SELLSJ. B. FRIDAY & CO., Wholesale and Retail < GROCERS, FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN, SEED RUST PROOF OATS. We Want the Merchants5 Planters and Fanners of Lex infjton County to Call and See Us Before They Maize Their f Purchases. We Can Fill Your Wants and Save You Money. 1823 and 1825 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. FUEHITDRE. I ? e MAXWELL & TAYLOR, COLUMBIA, S. C. TXTH-n- i-ntti + a Trr\m nAmQ 4-r\ aaa vv c? iiivxuu w u. uu ow ooo us for your Furniture, Stoves, Mattings, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Chairs, Rockers, Cra1 dies, and in fact everything to Furnish - Your - House. We have the best 50c. Chair you ever saw. > MAXWELL & TAYLOR. NEAR POST OFFICE, COLUMBIA, S. C. ' s?per sotrin* of '* ^^SSBtgg^ ^ICE B. HAB3IAX EEXIXOTijX, s. c.