The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 24, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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- BOXING GLOVES FKEE v - J< /' 0 ^ OX A . FINE PUNCHING BAG TAKE YOUR CHOICE. ON RECEIPT OF $5.00 I will send you the Police Gazette for one ytarand a complete Set of Hand-made Boxing Gloves which will last for years, " or a fine Punching Bag. o ,:=p filPUIRn r FflY Franklin Sn Nov Yflrir. luviimiv m wn) a hiiiiiiii wijij mwd The two old-year son of James Stagner choked to death on an English pea io Lancaster last week. Col. J. C. Boyd, of Greenville, announces that he will again be a cans'' didate for Adjutant General at the election next jear. Though too procd to work, many a young fellow js wiliiDg to accept free board and lodging from bis parents. To .Cure a Cut, Sore or Wound apply Ramon's Nerve & Bone Oil promply. It is antiseptic?stops the pain an<icauses healing by ^ first intentioniSc and money back if not satisfied For sale at the Bazaar. ? ????? Whiskey I Morphine habit..J habit. Cured by KEELEY! 1329 Lady St., (or. P. 0. Box 75) Colnml i. solicited. / wmmmm?m* DOORS. "1 IT I Main St., Col a C3 Is where you can fi stod A I of all H *0 jggrMr. Lee N. Fa. O ton, is now with us a you and show you on C. 0. BR0? ^ SASH, i W.T. MAR i WHOLESALE - DEALE Omr High Grade Good Possible Dan Valley Floi Ask for our quotations before you j Molasses, Can Go Everything We S W. T. MAE 1406-1408 ASSEMBLY i [?** ^ To Cm Take Laxative Bron Seven MHBon boxes sold in past 12 m< r After eating, persons of a bilious habit will derive great benefit by taking one of these pills. If you have been DRINKING TOO MUCH, they will promptly relieve the nausea, SICK HEADACHE ?. and nervousness which follows, restore the appetite and remove gloomy feelings. Elegantly sugar coated. lake No Substitute. [ So It Is! An exchange gives vent to the fjlbwiog wai": A man that is married to a woman is of many days and full of trouble. Ia the mooing be draws bis salary, in the evening it is gone. It 2oes he knows not where. He o frpendeth shekles in the purchase of fine liDen to cover the bosom of his family, yet life is seen at the gate of the city with but one suspender. He riseth in the garments of the night ^and seeketh his paregoric which healeth his tffspring. Yet he is altogether wretched and full of misery. Wide is the way aDd broad is the gate of matrimony, and many there are who go in there at." I KILL , COUCH I Im CURE the LUWCSI ~ Dr. King's I New Discovery I /CONSUMPTION Price 1 FOR fi OUGHSand 50c&$1.00g ^OLDS Free Trial. | 9 Surest and Quickest Cure for all I ? THROAT and LUNG TROUB- I I LES, or MONEY BACK. ? Never judge a man's feefc by the Blippers his wife makes for him. Cigarettes I All drug and Tohabit. I t^acco habits. STSTITUE OF S. C. )ia, S. C. Confidential correspondence 1 BLINDS. 30 umbia,S C., f ind one of the best ks of ?3 P* Q kinds. CD w B Haw, formerly of Gas- ^ nd will be glad to see j-j r stock. FN & BRO. I GLASS. TIN SONS, RS - IN - GROCERIES. <Eottc: s at the Lowest ! Prices. i ir a Specialty !! purchase your Grain, Meal, Flour, ods, Tobacco, &c. ell "We Guarantee. uTIN SONS, 3T., COLUMBIA, S. C. re a Cold in One 10 Quinine Tablets. yC f onths. This signatnre, ? The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, May 24,1905. The Beer Question. Columbia Evening Record, The State board of dispensary directors have not yet met and passed upon the legality of the present system of the beer dispensaries, but Attorney General Gunter ha?, at the request of the beard, cleared up several legal questions which arose j * 1 1 - ? ? 1- . 1 J MA Un I at tee Bearing ueiu bulub muuiuo ago. As a result of that hearing, the following questions were submitted to the Attorney General: 1. Is the present system of royalty j paid beer dispensers legal in lieu of j salary? 2. Are bottling plants legal? 3. Wbat constitutes "premise*?" To the first Mr. Gunter decided i that the dispensary law distinctly j stated that the county boards should j fix compensation for the various dispensers, and if they should fix a royalty as compensation this would ! b6 legal under that section. As to bottling plants, the law states that these can be .established in certain cities of the State, and ihey are therefore legal. As to what constitutes "premises" and the drinking thereoD, that is largely a question cf fact and one which a jury would have, to determine. It is a curiosity of the law that anyone could open a bottle of beer in any dispensary provided it was not drank in there, but they could not open a bottle of whiskey in the same dispensary. The question of premises, however, is not one which can be decided except by a jury. Later ?The State boara of dispensary directors will adopt a resolution which will be sent to the county boards informing them that the law as to drinking on the premises must be strictly enforced. This means that the beer dispensaries in South Carolina must be run on a somewhat different plan and that* there will be an entire change in the present system. The board takes the] ground that buying beer in one room and drinking it in another is in a sense drink-, ing on the premises, and as a result is a violation of the dispensary lay?. There were three sections in the opinion given by Attorney General o.? t? mu- I vxunier. x no moo tcinircu ?-<-? iud royalty paid beer dispensaries, and this was settled as laid down in the law. The second, relating to bottling works, was also settled, and the board only discussed the third proposition which related to the definition of premises. This, Mr. Gunter decided, was a matter to be mainly settled by each county board, but the resolution today call attention to the fact that uoless there is a change, and should there be a complaint as to drinkiog on the premises, the county board violating the law will be removed. The resolution is a very important one and will attract considerable attention. To Cure a Cough take Ramon's English Cough Syrup in small doses during the day, then sleep at night. A pine tar balm without morphine. M5c ut all dealers. For Sale at Harman's Bazaar. Labor Strikes. The Chicago strike leaders presented their side of the controversy to President Roosevelt yesterday, the main feature of it being a protest against the employment of federal troops. The President replied that no request had been made for troops, and they cannot be constitutionally employed unless the proper State authorities make such a request. Mr. Roosevelt plainly intimated that should such a condition arise he would not hesitate to act. He declared very emphatically that unions must obey the law just as individuals are required to do, and tbat mob violence must be suppressed. This was the right sort of talk, and if officials would a;t fearlessly in accordance with it there would be a great deal less violence in such esses, and individual and public rights wouli be more surely secured apd protected. >0fly C^Crip 1 f 1/Ujr So Two Days. I fejL^.&ssrl Cruelty to Animals. j i Section 031. It shall be the duty of all Sheriffs Deputy Sheriffs, j Deputy State Constables and Police j officers and one deputy for each i township, who shall be appointed by j Sheriff of each County to prosecute all violations of thi3 Chapter which I shall come to their notice or know| ledge, and the Township Deputy shall have the illtreated or injured I animal in evidence at the prosecution | when brought by him, and shall have authority to bring or cause to be brought such animal or animals; and all fines collected upon complaint or information for violation of the Chapter, shall inure and be paid over, one half to the South Cirolina Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals, in aid of the benevolent objects for which it was incorporated, and in case such prosecution is brought by the Township Deputy, one half of tbe fund collected shall be paid to him, and the other half to the County for general County expenses, except in towns or cities where there is a Society for ihe Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, when one-half goes to said society as aforesaid provided. Approved the 9ib day of March, A. D. 1905 To the many who are often heard to inquire as to the laws for the prevention of cruelty to animals the above will no doubt prove to be both enlightening and interesting. It is the law introduced by Hon. W. McD. Green in the last Legislature and later enacted by that body. Ic shows very plainly that there can be protection for animals and that perhaps the reason why dumb brutes are allowed to suffer is that the law is not enforced.?Rock Hill Herald. A Creeping ueatn.. Blood poison creeps np towards the heart cansing death. J. E. Stearns; Belle Plaine, Minn., writes that a friend dreadlully injured his-hand, which swelled up like blood poisoning. Bucklen's Arnica Salve drew out the poison, healed the wound, and saved his life. Best in the world for burns and sores. 25c. at The Kauimann Drug Co's , drug store. Lexington Soldiers. The State, May. 20. Mr. S. L. Black is ill at bis residence, 1723 (jrarvais street. He has % long been a'sufferer but recently has | grown much worse. The living members of the Fifteenth South Carolina regiment, Kershaw's brigade, will remember Mr. Black as a valiant soldier. An instance of his bravery is told by a comrade. On July 3rd, 1863, during the second day's battle at Gettysburg, a federal regiment charged Kershaw's brigade and was repulsed. The repulse was so severe that the federal colonel-, who was shot down, was left by his command about a hundred yards from the Confederate entrenchments. During a lull in the battle his cries for water were heard, and Mr. Black and Mr. Derrick, of Lexington, raising their canteens above their heads, and not heeding the protests of their comrades that they would be killed, ran to the succor of the wounded officer. The colonel drank one of the canteens dry and the other was left beside him. He begged the two Confederates to take a $10 greenback, but they declined, and amid cheers from both armies retired to their entrenchments. Both Derrick and Black had been wounded and knew the sufferings of a man in that condition without water. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Very Best. "I have been using Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy and want to say it is the best cough medicine I have ever taken," says Geo. L. Chubb, a merchant of Harlan, Mich. There is no question about its being the best, as it will care a cough or cold in less time than any other treatment. It should always be kept in the house ready for instant use, for a cold can be cured in much less time when promptly treated. For sale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. Lucky for Him. "I was reading in the paper a short time ago," said Mrs. Enpeck, ' about a poor man who was arrested on bis wedding day and sent to the penitentiary for life. Wasn't that awful ?" "Um?yes," answered Mr. Enpeck, meekly, "it was awfully lucky for him." I Wanted! I I ? I SEED SWEET POTATOES. IF YOU | < HAVE ANY I j ; I Seed Sweet Potatoes ; : ; A It 4 1 1 *v~r T7 l ) j xo sen, eitner rumpKin xams, vmeiess > j Yams or Georgia Bucks, write to us at | 4 * ( once as we are ready to buy. Mention bow j J many of each you have to offer. Write us. ! i FRESH HELD AND GARDEN SEED j ! > | The largest and most complete stock of Farm ami > < Garden Seeds in the State, in packages and bulk. Write . [ < us for Fertilizer and Seed prices. > I Lorick&LowranceCo j J (INCORPORATED \ | COLUMBIA, S. C. ! ! : 1 SOUTHERN | 2 Tl^X xswj&rz"* 2 The South's Greatest System. 2 ~ _ Uuexceiled Dining Car Service. 2 1 THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS \ 2 1 OX ALTHROUGH TRAINS, 2 I CONVENIENT SCHEDULES ON ALL LOCAL TRAINS, | % Winter Tourist Rates are now in effect to all Florida points. For full 9 information as to rates, routes, etc.. consult nearest Southern Railway Ticket Agent, or: J ire. W._HUNT,j Division tassoager ^gsnt, ? I CHARLESTON, - - - S. C. I fig figfigfigfigfigfigfigfigfigfigfigfig P CRISIS P 1 NEW MERCHANDISE. I T1IB mUV 500 Men's Fine Far Hats. ? 300 Ladies' Fine Leather Iwp in all the new shapes, sold ^ Antomobile Hand Bags, the formerly at $2 00 and $2.50 W 75c. kind at 25c. each. SMf W each, now at 99c. A 300 dozen Men's 25c. Sns ^ ' - "*T?'* iin+o rrrtA^ w npndera. durine this sale, 10c. U06 lOt 1U.OU a now, _ J T ^ ' 2 It C shaDes, at 20 cents each. f per pair. mdkM 50 dozen Men and Boy's a 5,000 yards regular 10c. per Caps. The 50 and 75c. kind, ^ yard Laces, all kinds and ffk In lor this sale 25 cents. Jb qualities, dnring this sale 5c. JjfcJ One lot Men's All Wool ^ per yard Pants at 50 cents per pair. ^ 5,000 yards 10c. Embroid- ffedfe 500 paiis Men's Fine Pants f eries, Edgings and Insertings at $9c per pair. ^ during this sale, 5c. per yard. ?712 25 dozen Men's Best Corda- 0 All 25c Ecnhroideries, darroy Pants at $1 20 per pair. f ing this sale at 10c per yard. IAJ 100 Men's Aery Finest All ^ 100 pieces very last Calicoes CiQ Wool FaDcy Worsted Snits. & and Percales, daring this sale sold everywhere ior SI6 50 A 5c per yard per sait. all sizes at $10.00 ^ 25 Ladies' $5 00 Jackets at Za daring this sale. f $3 48. SfjE CITJ 500 Boy's Two Piece Saits ^ 00 Ladies' Good Walking AJy| at almost half price SL 00, W Skirts, at 83c. each, aa $1.48, and $3 48?during this f 300 Ladies' Fine Dress Hats sale. ^ sold for $3 50 to $5 00 each, One lot Men's All Silk ^ daring this sale $1.69 each. jjf S? String Ties at 5c. each. J One lot Ladies $7.50 to ^j^P (One lot Men's Fine All Silk ^ $10 00 Dress Hats for $3.49 23c. Midget String Ties, dur- W daring this sale. j~n^ ing thie sale 10c J 1,0JO Ladies' line hemstitch^VjP One lot Men's 50c. All Silk ^ ed Handkerchiefs at 2ic. each. Fine Four-in-Hand Meckties. w 500 only Men's 10c. white ZliJ Ww during this sale 19c. each, or ^ Handkerchiefs at 5c. each, WV * three for 50 cents. One lot Men's $1.25 nnune lot Men's Fine Rain ^ dre-s Kid Gloves at50c. each, ZlTx w w Coats at $1.98 each. ^ 200 pieces fall 36-inch w w 1,000 Umbrellasathalf price ^ Blepching at 5c. per yard. Z liS Dollar Umbrellas at 50c. All & 500 Ladies' $1 00 and $1.50 ww $5 00 Umbrellas at $2.00 each \ Corsets at 25c. and 50c. dur- |fM x ing this sale. A A m Hil C5 12X0 Main Street, Opposite the Opera House, WW ? .tt-vcbia. s. c. ?8 53 ww? ?SSSSSSSSSSSi??SS?8S8gSSS To Cure A Cold In One Day. I Many policy holders have instituted * T> u 8U^8 &g*wst> the Equitable Life AsTake Laxative Bromo ( JJ8me 8 surance society of New York in order lets. All druggists re un 6 fco force 80Ciety to equitably diif it fails to cure. E. W. Grove s sig- ' * * u Prinp o vide the excess of the surplus, nature is on each a box. rrice, -oc v