The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 24, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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New Goods, Fresh Got Fashio Arriving- aany at my new piaue u Stand, corner of Main and Bland your presenee will be appreciate JOHN FITZ Sewing N WHEELER AND WILSON, NO. 9, B1 Sxuming and Noiseless, <a No, 100 spool cot third faster; one-tliird easier than.any shrift three. A Great Favorite with Dress Maker \Taa(?loo frtr oil MofllinOC T?PTWl.inT1( * t>JULL&V* XVi. C4H. i m? vw? ^ tachments, Shuttles, etc. In "bringing Mac! to bring the head?leave tlie table at home i 1905 Washers i The most perfect Washer ever invented. 1 they -will cost vou ordered direct from the f; J. H. BERRY, FURNI' W. H. SBWELL Fl COLUMBIA, We especially invite you to come to see us Beds, lounges, Stoves, Lace Curtains, Side J 30 DAYS SALE?FURNI W. H. SOWELL, FTJBNITU] Opposite Globe Dr I THE Pi $ To Buy Yo | SHG 5 We have the most ^ "-Leather" shoes in ( # comfort of the feet tht # at prices that satisfy. | E. P. & F. J 1710 MAIN STREET ^ ~ ?EG^qjjc ji&\ jra ^ TAKES TH El For sale by Dr. I I NEW BROOKIANB, S. C. I ! Agent fo rthe New Improved * SIX6ER SEW1XG MACHINES I Awarded over fifty premiums for their excellence ami sutieriority over otb^r ??>akes. Try this pop- S ?i ular machine in your home be- ?5 fore buying. Large discounts for Sj R cash, or Dinety davs. Liberal w terms on instalment plan. 5 v Needles, Oils, Kte? 2 k for all standard sewing makes. k- ft I Bargains. | y jk Large lot of Old Machines of stan- k p daro makes in good repair. p 1"| mom : [J You Can Prevent Sick-Headache when you feel it first coining on. by taking a "Ramon's Pill at once. It removes the poison that causes the trouble. A guaranteed cure, and money refunded if not satisfied. 25 cents. For Sale at Harman's Bazaar. P{ St L: A complete telephone outfit?set of phones, wire, etc., suitable for a private line?ready for erecting. ^ Price $15.00 Apply at this office. B !j V J IUS, inable Goods, ?f business, W, T. Martin's Old Lug streets, Columbia, where d. MAURICE, BIB I iLL BEARING. Marvelously Light ton thread for a belt will run it). Onele machine. Save about one day in s and becoming more popular all the ; a specialty, Work guaranteed. Atlines to be repaired it is only necessary rnless it needs repairing too. and Wringers. ! can sell them at my store for less than actory. Write for circulars and prices. Ijk 1804 Main Street, || COLUMBIA, S. C. TURE. IIRNITIIRF re.. i/llA im ? v m. m.w vr * J S. C. for your Furniture, Cheap Suites, Iron Boards, Hall Racks. SH YOUR HOUSE. IE CO., 1621 Main Street, j Goods Co. ???? LAcT^^^ ur Summer 5 >ES. 5 complete stock of 5 everything for the ^ it can be had, and # A TV A TTTn \ A. JJilViD, r , COLUMBIA, S. C. ? ; vwwwwvd 5TiP lZO . E PLACE OF CALOMEL f CENTS. AT ALL DRUGGISTS. A. Q. Hendrix, Lexington. S. C. NGINES boilers. ! ?uU BtoeU B(m4 Plpti u4 Sk??vlra < Work; 8k*ftUf.PqHotb, 6?srti?, Ium, Buitti, iti JUU Cictlan. WCaat mry i&j\ work 800 ImIi. ?MSASD I BOM WORKS * limf CO ' AUOUtTA, 10?4. j \ i If Nervous and Run Down ( mply improve your circulation. Remove the aste matter that clogs the blood by taking j amon's Pills?then tone the nervous system ith the Tonic Pellets. All in one box for 25 cts. ( ad money back if not satisfied. For Sale at Harman's Bazaar 1 1 fill NATIONAL BANK.; HE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN ' COLUMBIA. SITED STATES. STATE. CITY AND COUNTY ' DEPOSITORY. Saving's department. c lid up Capital ... $200,000 ( irplus Profits . - 70,000 Lability of Stockholders - 200,000 t $470,000 t Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, r *r annum, payable May 1st and Novem- ] >r 1st W. A. CLARK, President. wrnie Jones, YicePr-sident and Cashier. i { N. A. YOUNG, | ft *' \ Wholesale and Retail Merchant, jj I 1603 Main St.. $ \ \ g COLUMBIA. - - S. C. Z JS nyeFs One-fourth of a century in the Dry Go ar 1603 Main ? The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday. May 24, 1905. In Swamp Paralyzed. Aiken Recorder. Mr. Milledge Galphin, a well known farmer of Beech Island, Aiken county, bad a very sad aud awful expeiience last week, when he was four days and nights in the swamp, part l>zed. Ic seems that a man passing along the Dublic road heard a groan in the AT W bushes nearby, ancf investigating found Mr. Gilptiin unconscious. He was at once taken up and carried to his :orae, which he had Jeffc four days before. His hbsence had created great anxiety,-as it was feared that be had been murdered, particularly when all efforts to bear of him had failed. He was, of course, unable to give any account of himself, but it is believed that he was stricken while fishing in the swamps below Beech Island. He was alone. For ninetysix hours he endured e xposure, and in addition, on hands and knees, evidently by superhuman efforts, realizing his condition and the need of medical attention, pulled himself gradually from the swamp to the main road, where he would be found and cared for. The pathway he made through the underbrush shows that he was unable to stand, and it ia holfAvad that h? Rtrntrorlfid ftloncr. *w """"" ' " DO O' inch by inch, during the four days and nights he was missing. His torn clothes and lacerated hands and kaees told of the manner in which he made the journey of at least half a mile. There is evidence that he realized his condition and the ne- I cessity of reaching aid, although unable to make a noise that could be heard a dozen yards away. His condition is exceedingly critical, and there is said to be little hope of his recovery. A Wonderful Saving. The largest Methodist church in Georgia, used 32 gallons of L. & M. mixed with 24 gallons of oil, thus making paint cost about $1.20 per gallon They calculated to use 100 gallons of paint. Saved about $80.00 and also get a big donation of L. & Ml Dealers gladly sell L. & M., because their customers call for it, and say they used it 12, 14 and even 30 years ago. Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for linseed oil, which yen do in ready-for-use paint. Buy oil fresh from the barrel at 60 cents per gullon, and mix it with L. & M. paint, It makes paint cost about $1.20 per gallon. Sold by W. P. Hoof. Immodest Pressing. Reformer in Sonny Sooth. Now that summer weather is approaching, I wish to beg our fair tvomen not to dress as msny of them 3id last summer. They then seemed :o imagine that the more the dress sxposed the person the more stylish ;t was. If arms, shoulders and bust, i?ere not bare, they were covered pith the flimsiest peek-a-boo lace or gauze. The sight was embarrassing ;o hardened men, and called forth nany half sneering comments. One A these under-dressed ladies, a visitor to a Georgia town, was the eaving presence of a group of men, vhen one of them said as he bowed ;o her, "I hope to see more of you, Miss Blank, before you leave town." 'I don't see how be can well see nore of her," commented another nan in a lnw vniee. Our good women are very scornful >f their fallen sitters. Why, then, io they strive to imitate and outdo hem in dressing immodestly? Do .hey think this style of dress is adnired by men ? If so, it is a mistake, [t brings up no thougnt of a wonan's purity and delicacy?qualities Our Buyer is always in seai suit the wants of of Ijex oris trade, and ample c-ash enables ns to giv< id everything kept in a First Class Store th Street H, that to women are as grace and fre- j erance to a fl jwer. Recently I heard a young man say that it made him feel ashamed for certain girls when j he was in their company, they had eo little covering on their bodies. Think of women who would deem themselves insulted if their purity were called in question dressing in such a manner as to embarrass even ? man of the world! In decency's and morality's sake, dear women, try to dress in a way more worthy cf your better seuse and taste and cf the respect of the men, whom it is said women dress to please. If the Baby is Cutting Teeth, Be sure and use that old and welltried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the beet remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. It is the Best of All. U-OSSip. Saluda Times. A small town, where everybody knows everybody's business, is always noted as being a great gossipping centre. We had hoped that Saluda would escape the fate of most little towns, but Madam Kumor keeps busy with her tales. She invades the church, the schools and the sacred hearthstones. No official can perform his duties without laying himself liable to the charge of being forward, self-conceited and presuming. He cannot discbarge bis duties in any manner that is pleasing to them or in any way in which they could not have done it better. If be complies with the law, they say they know better. Some of this kind of people know more about other people's business than they do about their own.?[Why be lonesome, Bro. Sample? It's just so in Lexington and other towns. The habit is as contageous as smallpox and yet it is always in strict quarantine.?Ed Lex ington Dispatch ] The Waste of the Farmer. A farmer of the Piedmont country carried about 40 chickens and turkeys through the winter. If he secured from that number 50 pounds of manure it was not visible. The manure from that number of hens should be worth $10 a year. He carried five or six cattle through the year. He did not have two loads of. manure to show. He lost $22 there He bought two tons of guano for $44, applied that to poorly prepared land and the grass in the first two weeks of June used up half the plant food. There he lost $22. That is, a email two horse farmer, through carelessness and laziness, lost $52, besides the loss in consequence cf a poorly cultivated crop. There are hundreds of farmers in the land that lose by one or the other of these leaks?Cireenville Mountaineer. Cleared For Action. Wben the body is cleared for action, by Dr. King's New Life Pills, jou can tell i/ by the bloom of health on the cheeks; the brightness of the eyes; the firmness of the flesh and muscles; the bnoyancy of the mind. Try them. At The Kanfmann Drug Co's., drag store, 25 cents. Walter Hill, a young negro of Edgefield, being jealous of his wife, killed her on Monday night. He first shot at her with a Winchester rifle, but missed; then he crushed her skull with the weapon. He made his escape. No minister is as black as he dresses himself. The mightiness of the pen is due to the ink. ch of such values as will the up-to-date ington < 5 you bargains in Dry Goods. Dress Goods, at cannot be obtained anywhere else but a I I -A. The Hege Log Beam SAW MILL with Heacock-King Feed Works Engines and Boilers, Woodworking Machinery, Cotton Ginning, Brickmaking and Shingle and Lath Machinery, Corn Mills, Etc., Etc. GIBBES MACHINERY CO., Columbia, S. C. t?b <?ibbes Shingle Machine) ' ' Very Low Excursion Bates. The Southern Railway lias made very liberal rates to the places named below as follows: Hot Springs, Va.?Southern Hardware association, June (>-9, 1905. Rate one first class fare plus 25 cents for round trip. Tickets on sale June 3, 4, ~ -finol limit 111)05. Niagara Falls, N. Y.? Ancient Arabic Order of Mystic Shrine Imperial Council, June 20-23, 1905. Rate one fare pins $1.00 for round trip from all points. Toronto, Ont.?Account International Sunday School association, June 20-27, 1905. Rate on certificate plan. Calhoun, S. C.?South Carolina State Summer school, June 21st to July 19, 1905. Rate one first class fare plus 25 cents for round trip from all points in Soutli Carolina. Athens, Ga.?Summer School, June 27 to July 28, 1905. Rate one first class fare plus 25 cents for round trip. Knoxville, Tenn. ? Summer SQhool, June 20th to July 28th, 1905. Rate one fare plus 25 cents for round trip. Nashville, Tenn.?Peabody Summer School, Vanderbilt Biblical Institute, June 14th to August 9th, 1905. Rate ODe fare plus 25 cents for round trip. Asheville, N. C.?Annual Conference Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., June 9th to 25th, 1905. Rate one fare plus 25 cents for round trip. Asheville, N. C.?Conference of Young Peoples Missionary association, June 25th to July 2nd, 1905. Rate one fare plus 25 cents for round trip. Denver, Col.?Account International Epworth League Convention. Rate very low and will be given on application. Asbury Park, N. J.?Account- National Educational association, July 3-7. Rate very low and given on application. Baltimore, Md.?Account United Society Christian Endeavor Convention, July 5-10, 1905. Rate one first class fare plus $1.00 for round trip. Tiie Southern Railway is the most direct line to all of the above points, operating Pullman Sleeping Cars, high back Vestibule coaches with suburb Dining Car sendee. For detailed information apply to anj' Ticket Agent of this company, or R. W. Hunt, Division Passenger Agent, 1 ? O V-ziiHriesiuju, o. v, Terrific Eace With Death. "Death wa3 fast approaching." writes Baiph F. Fernandez, of Tampa, Fia. describing his fearlul race with death. "as a result of liver trouble aud L-art disease, which had robb d u.e of sleep and of all interest in li e. I Lad tried many dift'.*rent doctors and s^v^ral medicines but ^ot no benefit, until i bewail to u.-e Kleetric Hitters. So wo- 1 :lul was their tfi'ect. ;hat in three da)s i felt like a new m tu. and today I nil oared of all my "r mbl's " Guaranteed at The Kaufmann Drug Co'o., drug store; price50c. trreax juoss oz iiize. In 1903 the railroads of this country killed 9,84:0 people and irjared 76,553 more. la 1904 tbey killed 11,000 and wouudtd 90,000 others. This slaughter of passeDgfers is appaling and shows that UDlees stringent laws are enacted aDd enforced requiring the railroads to safeguard their passengers more rffectively, the loss of life wiil be even far greater. While a bilious attack is decidedly unpleasant it is quickly over when Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are used. For ?-ale by The Kauimann Drug Co. 'i 3> 0] \\ e are un r- j tint- and all rounn w) ;4> 'i J Off Goods Merchants. p | "We Solicit Your Trade. ?$ % N. A. YOUNG. $ Trimmings. Laces. Embroideries. Notions .t iIJMBIA, S. C. 3 /6Gff CJ3DB EE9B31 \H TUT CET1 "TQ CT ^?*?3 re con".enn-ntt>> Jan?..e. n We v.ill send y< u our' aiun' s.:o-pn?e l>ont:,?eii. Bj in;j ail about S?T LIVFNS arms, s'.um tin^, hunting, H r...tes < n tnc j f"; or care of a ;.un, sights, etc., if >ua II v ill send 4 cents in stamps. 1 H rrZZLE! Write for the rif.e puzzle; ?3 most fascinating. ? E As': your dealer, and insist on the STEVENS. If fj von cannot obtain them, v.e sl.ip direct, exprcss pre- ? H pai!. < n receipt of catal.j^ price. V 9 J. STEVENS ARMS AND TOCL CO., g - I* V. IJux 4uc;3. , *! W CIIICOPCE FALLS. MASS., U.S.A. cj Before Ycu Purchase Any Other Write THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY ORANGE) MASS. -9^ Many- Sewing Machines are made to sell regard* less o' quality, but the "New Home" is made to wear. Our guaranty never runs out. We make Sewing Machines to suit all conditions of the trade. The " New Home" s'ands at the head of all Ilijth-grade family sewing machines Sold by authorized dealers only. FOR ?" E P* W. P. ROOF, Lexington, S. C. NOTICE! "We want every man and women In the United States Interested In the cure of Opium, "Whiskey or other drug habits, either for themselves or friends, to have one of Dr. "Woolley's books on these diseases. "Write Dr. B. 2?. "W oolley, Atlanta, Ga., Box 287, and one will be sent you free. Ill SAVINGS BANK. I DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. W. P. KOOF, Cashier. DIBECT0B8: 411en Jones, W. P. Boot, 0. M. Efird, ~ B. Hilton. James E. Hendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and npwards received and interest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, payable April and October. September 21?tf PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM EjSL Jffl Cleaaaea and beaotifiea the natr. M PromniM a luxuriant growth, si JH Never Paila to Beatore Gray ^SSS| Hair to its "Southfu.1 Color. lEBBSCnrt* icalp diioaea k hair tailing. If fr)c,andf 1-UOat Drjggijti Davis & Co., Harness and Saddlery, 1517 Main St., Columbia, S. C. For cheap, medium and J fine goods we carry the ^ largest stock in the South. Everything in harness, saddlery and farm gear can be %j O i had. Any single part of harness in stock and can be furnished on short notice. Our Motto?The Best is the . ^ Cheapest. j Closing out our stock of Back Bands at Cost. Davis & CO. -4