The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 17, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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Full yard wide Bleached Mus free of any dressing, Extra wide White Lawn, The 1 PENCIL AND SCISSORS. | Wayside Nr*es Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Don't forget the County Fair. t T. X. L. cures' rheumatism. The blackberry crop is very promising. Country produce can find a ready sale in this market. The crops are doing as well as oould be expected. Always use T. X. L. for pains. The Auditor is busy making up j . bis tax duplicate. ^ - 1 i Venice a numoer ox peopxt? were m town Saturday trading. j Good stands of ootton are reported from all over the county. Mr. J. Frank. Kyzer, was in town i on business Saturday. T. X. L. cures cold in the head. < \ Trading in Lexington is becoming f to be brisk again. We are now enjoying very conve* ( nient railroad schedules. ? For the past few days the weather has been very pleasant. $ Nice line of Bhoes, all styles and e prices, at Ballentine & Co. The present fashion of shoes were J introduced into England in 1633. | c . Some of the vegetable gardens about town are really tempting. 8 a /; - * T. X. L. cares cold in the head. 1 Miss Hall of Perry, ii visiting relatives and friends in Gilbert j Mr. C. B. Cannon has accepted a position at the State Dispensary. It is a terrible monotonous job being good jast for the fan of it. A splendid line of hammocks at ^ the Lexington Department Store. J The Lexington chaingang is bridging Lick creek, near the Salnda line. ^ Practically all the oil mills of the g State have been closed for the season. ? Lexington is unquestionably one of the best cotton markets in the ^ State. 2 . Lexington merchants will give the 1 best bargains in all kinds of mercbandiee. j f Bay a fine buggy from the Lex- ? ington Department Store and eDjoy t life. Treasurer F. W. Shealy is on his 1 farm on the Saluda river for a few z days. 1 Mrs. Mary Justus, of TylertowD, Miss., has our thanks for a year's c subscription. a A line of the finest fishing tackle 1 manufactured can be found at The Bazaar. i John Earle, Esq., of the Columbia, * Bar, was in town Monday on profes- 1 Bional business. The rain just came in the nick of 1 time to save our crop of luxuriant * 4-1 nut grass. This part of the foot stool was visited by a refreshing shower Mon day night, * A young married couple could probably live on wind if the bride's pa would raise it for them. ^ t When you want to get the most goods for the least money do your trading in Lexington. Miss Hardin of Chester, is visiting 6 her sister, Mrs. Rev. Strickland of * the Lewiedale circuit. A complete stock of spring and Bummer clothing at the Lexington * Department Store. * r Rev. J. E. Strickland is attending the Southern Missionary Conference at Ashville, N. C. 1 -rrrt C What has become of the proposition to organize a fire department in Lexington? ^ l B Columbia, Jill, I Yard wide Percales, g 5c. yard. value at 5c. yard. | 40-inch Sea Island, Prettiest Lii YOU ARE CORDIS Dr. W. H. TimmermaD, a prominent physiciaD of Batesburg, paid a flying visit to Lexington today. Rev. O. N. Rountree is attending the South Atlantic Missionary conference at Asheviile, N. C. S. S. Lindler and daughter, Mrs. Drafts, of Gilbert, visited the old home Saturday. When you want the highest market prices for your country produce bring it to Lexington. An election for a two mill tax in the Swansea school District will be held next Saturday. The tourist hotel on half way ground between Leesville and BateBhurg is going up rapidly. A superb assortment of men, pomen and children's Oxfords at the Lexington Department Store. Mr. Lather Long, the efficient Steward at the poor house, was in &wn recently trading. Mr. A. W. Seay, of Pine, Camp scanty, Teias, has had the Dispatch sent to his address. Many people are getting rid of heir superflous dogs so as to get iround paying taxes on them. If you cannot do anything to help Lexington you can certainly get out >f the way of those who can. ? ma ' i i mere win ne plenty ot iruic nereibouts notwithstanding that lots of t was killed by the recent freeze. Mr. R. A. Barr, carrier on route 3 rom Gilbert, waB taken quite sick ast Friday, bat is now some better. WANTED?A good eawer at once. Lee Snelgrove, tf Lexington, S. C. Mr. J. M. Craps is having the ront of his building painted and will )e a big improvement when finished. When a girl has a corn that causes ler to limp she always apologizes by laying she must have twisted her inkle. You can get almost anything at he Lexington Department Store and rou will always find the prices the owest. Tliflna 1 a a V\o?Vvo fiiio hftnVflfl fnr jluoid id a wa^ wouuv i/vvavw Hr. Jeff Price's place for Saturday, lune 17th. Whet your appetite for he occasion. Mrs. Martha Slice, from on factory rill has added her name to the great najority by becoming a subscriber o the Dispatch. Get some screen doors and winlows at Lexington Department Store md keep ffies out of your dining *oom. Mr. W. B. Frick, a successful and ndustrious farmer residing near tere, was in town recently and gave is a pleasant call. Mr. J. J. Schwartz, who resides n this vicinity, has an exceedingly ine crop of corn. It is admired by ill who have seen it. Uncle Daniell Hallman who did good service for bis State in the iimes that tried men's patriotism was n town Saturday on business. Mr. Willie Mooney of Pinewood, ? ? ' ? "i n i_!? 1 Jiarenaon county, maae a nymg trip ,o Gilbert, Saturday. Some attrac,ion for the telegraph man. For the next few weeks we will lell a pretty line of fancy lawns at our cents and upward. Ballentine & Co. Rev. Beasly, presiding elder of the Columbia Division of M. E. church leld Quarterly Conference at Beulah iear Gilbert, Saturday and Sunday. We acknowledge the receipt of an nvitation from Mr. J. C. Haltiwanger, if Chapin, a graduate of the class, to itfcend the exercises of the graduatng class of Lenoir College, May 20th o the 24th. s. c. ood 8?c. 90-inch Irish Linen, ; 5 cents. for .5 cents. , White Habntai Was] ie of Fashioi ILLY INVITED. IT WILL PA LET'OS ^BfegwEss you Ehrlich's shoes cost less $nd wear best. If you'll take the trouble to come to see us, carefully and critically examine our $1.50 Ladies' Ovfinrvle vnn trill qpp wViv wp \/-iXXVJL\AVj4 ? \/ W ff JLMM. WW I * aa T TI V ' V ?/ make the above strong statement. The kid is the smoothest, softest and strongest that ever went into a shoe at this price. The styles are good and they fit well. What more could one want. We have them made of Tan and Black Kid and White Canvas EHRLICH'S, j i?a ? comim, c, I Ycu are cordially invited to call anc inspect the splendid stock of goods at the Lexington Department Store. May 10th has passed in to history. Not a flower, no not even a sprigg of grass, was placed upon the graves of the sleeping heroes of Lexington. A light running sewing machine of the latest improved pattern will | be sold cheap for cash or on easy I installments at the Dispatch office. Dr. Drafts called at the Griffith I House, Gilbert, last Sunday and vaccinated several. He will call again soon and leave a mark on others. According to the LeeBvilie correspondent of Our News-Letter "a measle epidemic is almost around: They, so far, have been very mild? no fatalities." Get a stick of Btop a leak at the Lexington Department Store ,and mend all leaky vessels and make them as good as new. Only 25c a stick. Miss Mary Wingard has onr thanks for a rose of the Crimson Rambler variety from the open petals of which another well developed bud grows. Comrade D. M. Sox, a true and tried old Confederate, who faced the ' shot and shell of the blue coated enemy, was in town Thursday and called in to see us. Mr. Julian Gantt shot and painfully, though not seriously, wounded Lee Gunter, colored, in Wagener last Sunday afternoon. Gunter's left thigh was broken. Mr. Ed. E. Gable, one of the most trusted and reliable employees of Saxe Gotha Cotton mill, was in town Fridav for the purpose of receiving I " . * j his pension money. The smallpox patients are beiDg released and the quarantine has 3 been raised aginst them. No new 1 case has developed, and the health < officer will soon have nothing to do. Mr. Will D. George, wife and children, have been on a visit to Mr. George's home people. He holds a < good position with the Laurens cotton mill and left for there today. Walk-over Oxfords, Tan and Patent Leathers in the latest shapes. Gall and see them. Also a full line of the best work Bhoes. Brand new stock and lowest prices. E. G. Dreher & Co. ffiHaKaanHnMBKHawaHUHaHBMKHHanaunMBSMaBDKHHanHM&EanBOi CThe BIG STORE is Making Spring Opening days. || 9_ In addition to the show ?Ljpp H able inducements will be off c $1.25 value, j The best 12.1 cents Percales are 75 cents. | here for i) eer l Silk 25 cents | The $1.00 Spreads will be sold lable Millinery in lY you to come many miles to see tl BE HAPPY, ~ BE PROSP] WBg* <C^"ILX .irC. IV NONE BETTER AND ! GREGORV-RHEA - J JOHN W. CONDER, Secretar rtrvT TTUVTTJT A liUll U1T1IDXXV, V, 11892. . I LEXINGTON S || LEXIXG J Does a General I p LOANS MADE ON 1 m 5 Per Cent. Interest Allot | W.P.RO( OUR LI I. H. WILLIAMS,1 tracts, Eve Glass DEALER IN Rubber Goods, P Buggv and Wago GENERAL MERCHANDISE, I i~\' 1 rP I * " rs Oils, I urpentme, o 1 ? 11 T ] VI t"DrivrT CP > aAAiA?14 IK?JV-L, b. t., complete than eve Solicits a share of the OUR PRESGRIPTIO partonage of the pure has- is in charge of ] Lllg public. My goods are Pharmacist, \vl r> ,1 , y ' vast practical e: first class and my prices ;l Graduate in PI are the lowest. always be glad Highest prices paid for CALL AND all kinds of country pro lu"" Crosson 1) Give me a call and I will LeesviI1( treat you right. uTbere ie 8ometbj # w about the way a girl kiss you unless 3 May 10?3m. don't want to kiss h it very interesting for thrifty people during the ing of many Spring Novelties the following unmatchered during the week. OWLJEZl for TO cents its. 30-inch White WashSilk,. Oocts value, for 30 cents. r tlie State* ais. EROUS, IIJliES ^W? PLENTY NOT SO GOOD. iiiir rnuDiuv 1ULL " UU1T11 /111 1 j and Treasurer, - - - S. C. . m 1905. | AVIN6S BANK, | 7 Wi TON, S. C., pj Banking Business. ? FAVORABLE TEEMS. |jj ved in Savings Department. M )F, Cashier. I 1 ? lMdiiig i ;es, Stationery, iMas PrpQpnk! f[COGlllOi J ^before0 ^ SterliuS silver> eutglass, fine N DEPARTMENT ^ clocks- A fi"e St?ck ? alwavs on hand for vou to ST. M. Bogart, n --i f tio with his Sfiwrt 1IVI11. cperience and If you can't come, send for imrmacv, will *, . . , , to serve you. our cataloSue or telephone your A order to us. : SEE US. . , , i keep us in mind when want- j liinai ing anything in Jewelry or 'lllg silverware. P. H, LACHICOTTE & CO, ng awfully nice i doesn't want to JEWELERS, >oa pretend you 11424 Main Columbia, S. C er. ; 'Phone (.)<U i