The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, April 19, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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I Truths fiiat Strike Home 1 rjfl t gjp P Your grocer is honest and?if he cares to do so?can tell I I you that he knows very little about the bulk coffee he fl * 1 sells you. How can he know, where it originally oame from, fl jgj how it was blended?Of With What f? at ?or when roasted? If you buy your ?1 Jpr coffee loose by the pound, how can fi on/1 nn^Arm nufthtv? fl ^VUCA|JWU^UiJllijr ouu I ^? v r^ I LION COFFEE, the LEADER OF I 1 1 ALJL PACKAGE COFFEES, is of | 8 ? necessity uniform in quality, I 8 t/fmU WtmSswCro. ; strength and flavor. For OVER A I I fr/^RVWK^&^i ?| QUARTER Of A CENTURY, LION COFFEE J " bas been tbe stasdafd coUee in I millions of bome& 1 9 5 UON COFFEE *? carefully packed 1 1 ? H at oar Sectaries, and until opened In | your hone, bas no chance of being adtil- I Berated, or of coming In contact with dual, i H dirt, genma, or tmclean hands. | In each package of LION COFFEE you get one tuff I B pound of rure Coffee. Insist upon getting the genuine. fi H (Lion. head on every package.) 1 jS ( the lion-* -?ds for valuable premiums.) |? i SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE J ? ~-rvrnrr? ns\ nvu Whiskey I Morphine ' Cigarettes All drug and Tohabit. I habit. habit. bacco habits. Cured by KEELEYINSTITUE OF S. C. 1329 Lady St., (or P. O. Box 75) Columbia, S. C. Confidential correspondence solicited. . ALVIN HOOK, Dealer m all Grades of JC ' ^ -L mlm W QfOiiiVU )W mim W V " ~ full line of STOVE REPAIRS ALWAYS KEPT OIV HAND. 933 GERVAIS STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. - %%I2oTa.sefu.rru.sl3.IrLg: G-ood.s.w All for cash at lowest prices. "Will appreciate a liberal share of the trade of my Lexington Friends. I guarantee to give satisfaction, DOORS, f I BLINDS, j 1 i 30 | Main St., Columbia, S C., f Is where you can find one of the best P i stocks of B ^ Po Q M of all kinds. CD ? & J&SP'Mr. Lee N. Fallaw, formerly of Gas- q O ton, is now with us and will be glad to see hj you and show you our stock. ^ I C. BROWN & BRO. A #t A I SASH, j ULAsa. j W. T. MARTIN SONS, . WHOLESALE - DEALERS - IN - GROCERIES. Otjlx 2>v<E?tto: High Grade Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices. Dan Valley Flour a Specialty !! Ask for our quotations before you purchase your Grain, Meal, Flour. Molasses, Can Goods, Tobacco, &c. W. JSiverycjaiag1 w e ami w e W. T. MARTIN SONS, 1406 1408 ASSEMBLY ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. - (1?I?I!I.;p81,!8!K THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN : gJiblNfcS BOSLES1S. COLUMBIA. I Taaka. 9Uefc* ?*w?4 Pljes ud Bfe*?t-Iro? Work; SLtftiit, Pulleys, ?^atISnC. Phitmi, OilTEB STATES. STATE, CITY AND COOSTY H *** fim c nppfWTmu ^ nrr t*r, work xo *??* . UUl 1 I'll 1 . ; lauukd IBOM WolU[fi A ggpftV M Saving's 2>ei>artnieiit. j auwsta. osoawA. Paid up Capital - $200,OCX j Surplus Profits . - TO AM' i ? ...? Liability of Stockholders - JOu.OoQ j If Nervous and Run Down s:l~n (iO(i i simply improve your circulation. Remove the | waste matter that clogs the blood by taking Interest allowed at the rp.te of 4 oer Con*.. ! Ramon's Pills?then tone the nervous system per annum, payable Mav 1st ana *Novem- } the Tonic Pellets. All in one box forgets, ber 1st W. A. CLASS, President I ?><??"??? back.fnot satisfied. WxlieJonks, VicePr.K.dent and cashier 1 ar Hannati > Jbt.zatir f . ? . To Cure a Cold in On I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, a 9 Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This signature, *-* ?- _ _ % ! The Lexington Dispatch. j Wednesday, April 19, 1905. Priceville Dots. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Spring is truly here as everything has such appearance. This section was visited Wednesday with an excellent rain which was much needed. The farmers are nearly through planting corn and are putting in some cotton seed. HT_ n? A D ?ino nionf fr> T .OTinrr. ill I. Tf . a< 1 live nsm vw jjuAiugton Thursday on business. Mr. Charlie Shull, who has been in bed for nearly two months, i3 now able to sit up. Prospects for a bountiful fruit crop are good at present, and we hope they will continue so. Fruit was almost a complete failure last year. Small grain is looking well and cbe fields show up an increased acreage over last season. Mrs. Malinda Piice has been up for two weeks and is improving in health. Many of the farmers have gone into the fruit business. Orchards of two or three hundred young trees are a common eight. Mr. H. W. Leaphart had the misfortune to experience quite a dangerous runaway of a mule Sunday morning. The mule scared and ran witb Mr. Leaphart's girl friend in the buggy while he was still on the ground. Mr. Leaphart received a slight injury by being run over with the buggy, but the young lady fortunately escaped unharmed. A large congregation attended communion services at St. Paul's Sunday?177 communicants ? the largest number for quite awhile. April 13, 1905. ' That's Who. To Cure a Cut, Sore or Wound apply Ramon's Nerve & Bone Oil promply. It is antiseptic?stops the pain and causes healing by first intention.25caud money backif not satisfied For sale at the Bazaar. Eeep the "Plant" Busy. Laurens Advertiser. One more word about this cotton acreage reduction and that word ie, Raise something else. ^ ? i* - _ (Jotton production win never oe reduced materially until the people learn to produce something besides cotton. The farmers will live better and have more and get richer by producing what they and their stock consume than by producing cotton only at 15 cents the pound. So long as a farmer does not learn how to diversify, how to raise hay | and grain and potatoes and peanuts | and fruits and pigs and chickens, he | will continue to raise cotton regard- I less of resolutions and speeches. If the farmers in the South this year produce 13,000,000 bales of i cotton, it will mean one or two things,?either that the claim that cotton cannot be produced with profit at six cents the pound is false or that the farmers, as a class, have not yet learned to act with common business sense. Io this Up-Country, the farmers diveisify vastly more than they did a few years ago and that is why so many of them are in comfortable and independent positions. That is why they have been able to hold cotton this winter. i ? ^ n i ine proDiem oi iarmmg la piain? i at least one principle of it is. We j have stated it time aud again. The farmer's "plant,"?his mules, his laborers, his wagon, his tools?must work all the time. When a cotton mill shuts down for a week, it loses tremendously. When a farms shuts ( down for a week it loses tremendous- J ly. If The Advertiser rested six weeks in the vear it would die. This is the inflexible rule of business. The farmer who has but one crop must keep his plant idle a large part of the time and cotton will never rise to a price that can make good for such idleness?not in this Up Country where cotton alone canoot be j produced in competition with the j farms of Marlbaro county and the j Mississippi Delta. In a Pinch Use Alien's FootEase. Shake into your shoes Allen's FootEn se, a powder. It- cures corns, bunions; painful, smarting, hot. swollen feet. At all druggist and shoe stores, 25c. 25 j Judge Cary to Preside. At ft meeting ot the bar association j of Columbia it was decided to re- I quest Cbief Justice Pope to appoint ! Hon. J. P. Gary, of Pickens, to pre- j side at the coming term of court. ! There is a very he?vy docket and a | great many cases of interest are to j come up. T X L relieves when properly j applied. | When a woman isn't talking about j i clothes it is a sign she is listening to \ | somebody else who is. e Day ) jm *= ' ' "' M py ?* on every f JUST ONE WORD that word is Tutt*s, It refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills and MEANS HEALTH. Are you constipated? Troubled with indigestion? Sick headache? Virtigo? Bilious? Insomnia? ANY of these symptoms and many others Indicate inaction of the ' 1VFP imm You Need. Tntfs Pills Take No Substitute* Program of Joint Conference To be held April 28-30, 1905, in St. Peter's (Meetze'e) church. Friday, 11 a m, sermon by the President, R9V C P Boozer, or Rev D B Groseclose. 2 p m?1. What should be the attitude of the Lutheran church toward Modern Heresies??Revs J G Graichen, E J Sox and R E Livingston, and delegates from St. Stephen and St. Peter's (Meetze'e) churches. 2. What Kind of Pastoral Work is Necessary to Stimulate a Desire for Spiritual Food??Revs D B Groseclose, L P Boland and W H Greever, and delegates from Ebnezer and Si Paul's churches, Columbia, S. C. Saturday Morning?General topic, "The Wide-spread Need of Information Concerning the General Work of the Church." 1. The Relation of Knowledge to Activity in Church Work?Revs J Austin and B. D. Wessinger, and delegates 'from Luther chapel anu Cedar drove churches. 2. The Peculiar Present Need of General Information Concerning our I Colleges, Seminary, Orphans7 Home aod Missions in the United Synod? Revs C P Boozer and C A Freed, and delegates from St. Jacob's and St. Michael's churches. 3 Our Medium of Information? the Lutheran Church "Visitor, a. Its Form and Make up?Rev. P. D. Risinger and delegate from St. Peter's (Piney Woods); b. Its matter, Editorial and Contributed?Rev E L Lybrand and delegate from St Mark's (Richland); c. Its Price as Low as is Consistent with Quality? Rev 0 B Sherouse and delegate from Mt Tabor (New Brookland); d. Its Circulation?the Imperative Need aod How Secured?Rev J. L Buck and delegate from StMark's (Saluda); e. Its Use?How to Get People to Read It?Rev J W Nease and delegate from Nazareth. 11 a m, sermon, Rev E J Sox or Rev J W Nease. Afternoon; topic, Should Lutheran Ministers Engage in any Secular Occupation!?Revs J D Shealy, S P Scbumpert and A R Taylor, and delegates from Pilgrim and Mt. Vernon churches. Sunday, 10 a m, Sunday school addressee, arranged for by pastor loci; 11 a m, sermon, R9V C A Freed or Rev 0 B Sherouse. J G Graichen, J A Cromer, D F Efird, Committee. Cheated Death. Kidney trouble often ends fatally, but by choosing the right medicine, E. -1. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated death. He says: "Two years ago I had kidney trouble, which caused me great pain, suffering and anxiety, but I took Electric Bitters, which effected a complete cure. I have also found them of great benefit in general debility and nerve trouble, and keep them constantly on hand, since, as I find they have no equal." Sold by The Kaufmann Drug co., druggist. Guarantee them at 50c. A Preacher's Repartee. "A really good minister generally has an answer for him who would cast a slur on the bible or religion," remarks Representative Gaines, of Tennessee. "I once beard of a minister who was sent to one of the out of-tbe-way circuits in my State and in a locality where some of the fellows were regarded as pretty tough. It was Saturday afternoon when the new minister rode up to the only hotel in the town, and he was soon surrounded by several men who had been imbibing in a speak easy. One of them asked: " 'Be you the parson who has come hereto preach'?* " Xe?, sir,' was tbe answer. " 'Well, parson, can - you tell me how the devil is getting along.' u 'Keep your own family record, my friend.' " The Goat Butted the Boy. A sweet girl graduate from a Boston school thus describes the manner in which tbe goat butted a boy out of a front yard in the neighborhood. '*Ee hurled the previous end of his anatomy against the boy's afterwards with an eagerness and velocity which, backed by a goat's avoirdupois, imparted a momentum that was not relaxed until the instigation of the vehement exasperation was landed on terra firma beyond the pale of the goat's jurisdiction. MBMBHMMBMMBMMM?B?MMWMBi???????M? ( ( ^ Tl VwT^ifgygiflil ftWfriffi i^lAJfcrthArfTii'Ti *iM1MV^*ki1 ! Wanted! i ! f SEED SWEET POTATOES. IE YOU [ j HAVE ANY ! i Seed Sweet Potatoes i J i to soil PitTior P-nrrvnlri-n Yamc Vit?p1prs ! J Yams or Georgia Bucks, write to us at | < once as we are ready to buy. Mention how [ | many of each you have to offer. "Write us. > i FRESH FIELD AND GARDEN SEED \ < > The largest anrl most complete stock of Farm and > < Garden Seeds in the State, in packages and bulk. Write | < us for Fertilizer and Seed prices. > i i ~ ft i n. ! i LDIICKobLDRldliboUU ; J (ISCOBPORATED > J COLUMBIA, S. C. \ j I SOUTHEKN s 5 I S&-A.XISWJLTZ', 2 9 Tiifl Cnil)U'o R|in?itnpi Cup(aim a 0 i lie uvuua o uicaicoi gjdicnn v Uuexceiled Dining Car Service. 2 | THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS ? 2 ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS. 2 | CONVENIENT SCHEDU ES ON ALL LOCAL TRAINS, j i % Winter Tourist Rates are now in effect to all Florida points. For full 9 information as to rates, routes, etc., consult nearest Southern Railway Ticket Agent, or: 2 |r. w. HursT,! 2 Division Passenger Agent, 2 2 CHARLESTON, ... S. C. 2 i nniAiim S f? CRISP, if I NEW MERCHANDISE 1 55 55 500 Men's Fine Fur Hats. ? 300 Ladies' Fine Leather in all the new shapes, sold ^ Antomobile Hand Bags, the ?M% ^4^5 lormerly at $2 00 and $2.5<) 0 75c. kind at 25c. each. ^*5 each, now at 99c. ? 300 dozen Men's 25c. SnsOne lot Men's Hats, good ^ penders, during this sale, 10c. tttt RV,ar?f!!?. at 20 cents each. 0 per pair. larWTk 50 dozen Men and Boy's ^ 5,COO yards regular 10c. per Caps. Tbe 50 and 75c. kind, ^ yard Laces, all kinds and lor tliis sale 25 cents. & qualities, dnring this sale 5c. xifc? (pldP One l?t Men's All Wool * per yard Pants at 50 cents per pair. ^ 5,000 yards 10c. Embroid500 paiis Men's Fine Pants $ eries, Edgings and Insertings j ~ at 99c per pair. ^ dnring this sale, 5c. per yard. A A 25 dozen Men's Best Covdu- All 25c. Embroideries,"dnr- A#8k roy Pants at SI 20 per pair. ^ ing this sale at 10c. per yard. QfcJ 100 xMen's ^ery Finest All 100 pieces very fast Calicoes Wool Fancy Worsted Suits. & and Percales, during this sale AMI Cil? sold everywhere ior S16 50 Jfe 5c. per yard. ItT^^ per suit, all sizes at 810.00 ^ 25 Ladies' S5 00 Jackets at fijQB AMI daring this sale. $ $3.48. >5;&& 500 Boy's Two Piece Suits ^ H)0 Ladies' Good Walking CjfrJ at almost half price 51 00, ^ Skirts, at 83c. each. Uhllk $1.48, and $3 48?during this & 300 Ladies'Fine Dress Hats *^5^' sale. a sold for $3 50 to $5 00 each, One lot Men's All Silk $r during this sale $1.09 each. String Ties at 5c. each. & One lot Ladies $7.50 to C^P One lot Men's Fine All Silk ^ $10 00 Dress Hats for $3.49 C^P J| 25c. Midget String Ties, dur- ^ daring this sale. CjTlfe ing this sale 10c 1.0CO Ladies' hnehemstitch(nB One lot Men's 50c. All Siik ed Handkerchiefs at 2.1c. each. CalJ Fine Four-in Hand Neckties, & 500 only Men's 10c. white during this sale 19c. each, or ? Handkerchiefs at oc. each, wig three for 50 cents. ^ One lot Men's $1.25 on- ^n| une lot Men's Fine Kain ^ dre-s Kid Gloves at 50c. each. Coats at $1.98 each. ^ 20o pieces full 36-inch wv 1,000 Umbrellas at half price Bleeching at oc. pf-r yard. Dollar Umbrellas at 50c. All dfr 500 Ladies'$1 <>0 and $1.50 $5.00 Umbrellas at $2.00 each Corsets at 25c. and 50c. dur?j|J f iug this sale. S3 gg - - , 23 1210 Hain Street, Opposite the Opera House, 23 gg COLOMBIA, B. c. gg