a?a?aana?n??aaiHiiiiii jp?'? ? " wbwbbewimbiiiiiwhwiwiiumiiiwiihiiiii ? i ~We are pleased to announce to our mi- ^ . merous friends of Lexington county that T we are constantly receiving new additions \ to our carefully selected stock of 5 fir Spring Dry Goods aod Millinery | and respectfully invite you to call and in- $ spect these goods. We are confident that x ^ we can please as to the high quality of ^ % the goods and will be s .re to make prices J J right. Come to see us when in the city. ^ ^ Main St Near Post Office, K ? COLUMBIA, - - - S. C. ^ * * Whiskey j Morphine Cigarettes ! Ail drug and Tohabit. I habit. habit. | bacco habits. ' Cured by KEELEYINSTITUE OF S. C. 1329 Lady St., {or P. O. Box 75) Columbia, S. C. Confidential correspondence solicited. ALYIN HOOK9 Dealer m all Grades of "PTTKETITTTIKIE! and. STOVES foil line of stove repairs always kept on hand. 933 GERVAIS STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. V%-EE?nsefuirnIs]ai:n.gr <3-ocd.sjV^ All for cash at lowest prices "Will appieciate a liberal share of the trade of my Lexington Friends. I guarantee to give satisfaction, - , , ? ?|i DOORS : i BL'NDS> j - I Main St., Columbia, S C., f Cu Is where you can find one of the best $33 fcgj . stocks of ?3 -P ^PAI3STT?^ ? Q-2 of all kinds. O *s B *3 g^Mr. Lee N. Fallaw, formerly of Gas- ^ -5 ton, is now with us and will d to see p you and show you our stock. C-h C. 0. BROWN & BRO. 11 11 I? II SASH. | i GLASS, j W. T. MARTIN SONS, WHOLESALE - DEALERS - IN - GROCERIES. t Omr ^Eotto: High Grade Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices. Dan Valley Flour a Specialty !! Ask for our quotations before you purchase your Grain. Meal, Flour. Molasses, .Can Goods, Tobacco. &c. . Everything We Sell "We Guarantee. W. T. MARTIN SONS, 14061108 ASSEMBLY ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. ' You Can Prevent Sick-Headache j when you feel it first coming on, by tnking a j ** Ramon's Pill at once. It removes the poison that i __ causes the trouble. A guaranteed cure, anc j v AH? money refunded if not satisfied. Scents. RS B1 g* SS For Sale at Harmans Bazaar. j ?& i ***** 8UCU, attad rift &&< Sfc??t-Iro? Violent storms ragfd on the Pa- j Eatujir?.*t* BwE**' cific coast last week, doing znoch i >rCa? *??r7 *y; work *? **&&. , i , c , D ? MtfKASD IRON WORKH A 8VPPLI OO damage in Los Aogeles, Santa Bar aUOUsta nofioi bara and other cities. | ; _ % I ~ - * i ! If Nervous and JKun uown i . simply improve your circulation. Remove the | waste matter that clogs the blood by taking If it is a bilious attack take ChainRamon's Pills?then tone theSS? borlain\s Stomach and Liver Tablets a ltd with the Tonic Pellets. All m one box tor _octs . rr.. i ad money back if not satisfied** 1 <{llick OUIV is (HTtMlTi. ror sine 1>\ Tht1 For Sale at Harm ^1.5 j ? Kaufmami Druir (.'<>. I - To Cure a Cold in On I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ^ I Seven Million boxes sold in post 12 months. Tfai$ dgSatQT6f The Lexington Dispatch, j Wednesday, March 22. 1905. Beorganizing the Ax ay. r By delay in pressing his pursuit of j Russia's defeated and demoralized j army to Tie pass. Field Marshal i Oyama has afforded Gen. Kuropat- j km time to sort out the disorganized units of his command aDd restore his ! forces to at least a semblance of I order. So far as known there is no i considerable force of Japanese nearer j Tie pass than six or eight mile*: but } in Russian quarters there is a feeling i of apprebetifioo that some turning I i movement of which there is no defi- j I nite information is in orogress. j ! From Japanese sources it is ieported j i that many straggling parties of Rus- i | sians cat cff from their commands in j j the retreat from Mukden are eur- j j rendering upon the appe^raoce of i the Japanese troops Toe council of ! war summoned by Emperor Nicholas ; i is reported to have decided that i he I | war must be carried forward. The j probability as regared in St. Peters- j burg seems to be that when Ge?. j Kuropatkin has completed the taek j of reorganizing what is left of his army he will be permitted to return j j to Russia and that the command in i ! Manphuria will be entrusted to Gen. j Sukhomlimc fi", whose war apprentice - j ship was served under Gen. Dragomiroff, who has' been regarded as the foremost..of Russia's scientific soldiers. It is possible, however, j I I th.at th* commacd will go to Grand j Duke X.cboUs Nicbolaievitch. i ? To Cure a Cut, Sore or Wound apply Ramon's Nerve & Bone Oil promply. It is I antiseptic?stops the pain and causes healing by J firstinteution.*25candmoneybackifaotsatisfied i For sale at the Bazaar. . _ 1 I Very Low Ezcursion Bates. I The Southern Railway has made very j liberal rates to the places named below j as follows: Kansas City, Mo.?Southern Baptist i Convention. May lOth-lTth, J905. i Rate one first class fare, plus 50 cents j for round trip; tickets on sale May 7th j to 11 tli inclusive, filial limit Mav 23d. ! 1905. I St. Louis. Mo?National Baptist anni- I versary, May Hi-24, 1905. Rate one J j first class fare plus 25 cents for round j trip. Tickets on sale May 14, 15. 10, | with final limit 27th, 1905. Asheville, N. C?Soutli Atlantic Missionary conference. May 18-21, 1905. Rate one first class fare plus 25 cents for tinround trip. Tickets on sale May 10-17: ! final limit May 23, 1905. Fort Worth, Texas?General Assembly i Southern Presbyterian church. May ! 18-20, 1905. Rate one first class fare I plus $2.00 for the round trip. Tickets j on sale Mav 10, 16, li, nnai limit jmlhv ; 21, 1905. Toronto, Ont?International Sunday J School association, June 20. 27. 1905. Rate one first class fare plus 50 cents for round trip. Tickets on sale June 19, 20, 21, 23, 1905, limited June 30, 1905. Hot Spring, Va.?Southern Hardware association, June (5-9. 1905. Rate one 1 first class fare plus 25 cents for round trip. Tickets on sale June 3, 4, 5, final limit June 13, 1905. Savannah, Ga.?National Protective association of America, May 16-23, 1905. Rate one first class fare plus 50 cents for round trip. Tickets on sale May 1315, final limit May 26, 1905. Savannah, Ga.?Fourth annual Tournoment Southern Golf association. May j 19.13, 1905. Rate one first class fare ; plus 25 cents for round trip. Tickets j on sale May 7, 8, 9, 1905, limited May j 15, 1905. The Southern Railway is the most direct line to all of the above points, operating Pullman Sleeping Cars, high back Vestibule coaches with suburb Dining Car service. For detailed information i j apply to any Ticket Agent of this com! pany. or R. W. Hunt, Division Passenger Agent, Charleston, S. C. Disappointed. The King Fisherman of the fac- i fcory pond bad an unusual experience | the other day. He went out to fish j and after putliDg a tempting bait upon his book, and spitting uoon the samp, he made a cast. Directly there wss c huge bite and playing his fish for awhile, he began reeling it in. His heart was in bis mouth in anticipation of a 28 pound trout, j when he got it to the surface he j discovered that be had booked a j email fry which had sought seclusion ; in an old barrel The fish bad grown j too large to make its y nil druggists, 'Sk\ Sample fm*. Address. A31c-ji S. Olmstcad. Le Rov. N. Y. 21 : d-A 000 persons bave died at C*I- i Indian, in the Use two weeks of bubonic plague. There am thirteen men in five counties in Kentucky under sentence of death. InncC'Dce that is advertised uf-; ualiy bides some iniquity. A D/|V Cores Crip | >V J/ttJf is Two Days. 1 /in/ ?, Oft every I box, 25c. J HEALTH INSURANCE The man who insures his life is wise for his family. The man who insures his health is wise both for his family and himself. You may insure health by guarding it. It is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and manifests itself in innumerable ways TAKE??ma. And save your health. Gen. Kuropatkin Disgraced. St. Petersburg, March 17 ?There i9 a persistent report that railroad communicaiions have been cut behiud the Russians army. No official dispatches have been given and no private or press dispatches have been received. News is awaited with intense anxiety. With the Japanese hanging on the heals and fl-inka of the remnants of the defeated Russian army, General Kuropatkio, the old idol of the private soldier, has been dismissed and disgraced and Gen. Linevitch, commander of the ?rst army, is appointed to succeed him in command of all the Russian land and sea forces operating against Japan. \ The word "disgrace" is written in large letters in the laconic imperial order gazette, which contains uot a single word of praise aod also disposes of the rumor that Kuropatkin had asked to be relieved. The Rus siau military annals contain no more bitter imperial rebuke. It transpires that Emperor Nicholas upon the advice of Gen. Dragomiroff and War Minister Sakharclf determined that the step was necessary when it became apparent yesterday morning that Kuropatkin, while concentrating for a stand at Tie pass, seemed unaware that the Japanese had worked around w(gtward again and pras'icallv allowed himself to be surprised Old reports brought by Gen Gripenberg regarding Kuropatkin's failing mentality also had its kfloeDce. Under the circumstances, therefore, it was con Sidered imperative iD view of the exceedingly perilous position of the array to turn over its command to Linevitch, who alone hed been able to bring cff bi& army to order after the battle of Mukden. His record during the Chinese war had also demonstrated hia capacity as a commander. Kuropatkin will return to St Petersburg forthwith. The task ocfided to Kinevitchof withdrawing TOhAt. in Ipfr, nf thfi orant- ftrmv of 350,000 men to Harbin is a desperate od6. He is hemmed in on all sides, and a consummation of the Mukden disaster is feared. Bat even in the face of the possibility of the complete loss of the army and the admitted fact that Vladivostok is already possibly lost the emperor stills shows no signs of yielding. Preparations for continuing the war on a larger Ecale than ever are proceeding. The dictum has gone forth that another army of 450,000 men is to be dispatched to the far east and in order to avoid delay it has been decided iastead of sending only reserve men to form new armies largely of regular units, leaving the reserves to replace the regulars in garrison duty at home. A division of the imperial guard will be sent to the front. Separate armies are to be organized under Gens. Grodekoff, Gripenberg and Kamarcff The war council, it is also understood, has definitely decided that Vice Admiral Rojestvensky shall A^ri n a Viva nAro/vn l.o ttln tvutiu nrr uID vuja^c auu gi?o ursttic to the Japanese in the forlorn hope of wresting; control of the sea from Admiral Togo. I 1 Champion Liniment for Rheumatism. [ Olias. Drake, a mail carrier atChapin- j ville, Conn., say: "Chamberlain's Pain | Balm is the champion of all liniments, i The past year I was troubled a great deal with rheumatism in my shoulder. After trying: several cures the storekeeper here recommended this remedy and it completely cured me." There is no use of any one suffering from that painful ailment when this liniment can be obtained for a small sum. One application gives prompt relief and its continued use for i a short rime will produce a permanent ! cure. For sale bv The Kaufmann Drug I _ | A race riot occurred at Lake AM- i lage, Ark , last week, in which two j negrooa were killed and one white | man was wounded. ' I i i Ths Colonel's Waterloo. Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honev , Grove. Tex., nearly met his "Waterloo. ; from liver and kidney trouble. In a j recent letter, he says: "1 w:i> nearly dead of these (jomplnints. and. although . I tried my family doctor. Ik- did me no j good: so I got a bottle of your great i Kleetrie Bitters, which cured me. I j consider them, the m*sr medicine on earth : and thank God who gave youthe knowl- ! ledge, to make them Sold and guar- j anteed to cure, dyspepsiu. biliousness i and kidney disease, by Tin- Kaufniann j Drug Co.. at aOc. a bottle. i Wanted! i i ! < SEED SWEET POTATOES. IP YOU ! | HAVE ANY i J > i Seed Sweet Potatoes I J to sell, either Pumpkin Yams, Vineless ! ! Yams or Georgia Bucks, write to us at > < once as we are ready to buy. Mention how ( ] many of each you have to offer. Write us. I i FRFSH Finn AMI IMMFN SFFfl ! - . ?? > J The largest and most complete stock of Farm and > < Garden Seeds in the State, in packages and bulk. Write i us for Fertilizer and Seed prices. \ i Lorick&LowranceCo i j (IVCOBPORATED.) I | COLUMBIA, S. C. I | SOUTHERN | S ^^L.ZI--W-^Tr, ?d a | The South's Greatest System. 3 ??? ? 3 Uuexceiled Dining Car Service. & * THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS f ? OX ALL THROUGH TRAINS, 3 | CONVENIENT SCHEDULES ON ALL LOCAL TRAINS, f 3 Winter Tourist Rates are now in eff-K't to all Florida. Taints. For full 3 information as to rates, routes, etc.. consult nearest Southern Railway ? Ticket Agent, or: 3 |r. w. HIJNT,| 3 Division Passenger Agent, 3 ? CSABXfSSTON, ... S. W. * 4 ?? ^ ? gg ' cmi@p9 gj| 11 iirw MrnnuAiinioc ^ m ncn mtnonHuyiot. m 5s Kid Gloves at 50c. each, 2-41^ JI0IJP . Coats at SI.98 each. ? 200 pieces loll ao-incti yw l,u00 t'mbre'lasfttlialt"price ^ Bleaching at 5c. per yard. ^ ^ Poilar Umtrelhs at 50c. All ^ 500 Ladies' $1 00 and $1.50 2 $5.00 Umbrellas at $2 00 each ^ Corsets at 25c. and 50c. dur- vW ii in r riinnni/ ii 1? ' I! CO 1210 Miin Street, Opposite the Opera House, Jw H COL-JMBIA, S. C. gg