The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, March 8,1905. Index to ffettr Advertisements. ' Wash Goods?The James L. Tapp Co. General Merchandise?M D. Harmau. Spring Goods?W. P. Roof. Presents?Svlvan Bros. Saw Mills?Gibbes Machinery Co. Trespass Notice?Harman & Swvgert. Eye Specialists?Dr. C. J. Oliveros. Wanted?W. B. Lindler. Bridge To Let?Supervisor Langford. Clothing?Bailey-Copeland Co. New Arrivals?Wm. Piatt. "Harness?Davis & Co. Cotton and Turpentine. The latest quotations are: Cotton, good middling, Turpentine, Savannah, firm 51 j. Married, W. E. Banghman to Miss Maggie Spires, daughter of Mr. Ao?tin Spires, on February 28*b, 1905, R: in., I will let to rh?' lowest resjxmsible bidder the building of a new bridge across Congaree cre-ek, 011 rhe. State road, six miles below New Brook land. Plans and specifications will be practieallv rh?- same as the old bridge. L. J. LANGFORD, .Supervisor /.*?xingroii (\miuy. goods before baling. 3*18 * A Eun-a-way Accident. We. are informed that Mr. T. Hayne Williams, of Irene, met with a painful accident yesterday afternoon. It appears that as he was leaving town, and in going down the hill on depot street, the mule he was driving became unmanageable and in trying to control the animal, Mr. Williams received some painful braises about the head, none of which, fortunately, are not serious There were two ladies and a child with him bat they were not injured in anyway. Attended the Inauguration. Tkn #nlImotimo rAiinnr T.ovinntnniona XUC lUUViTViUg JUUU^ JJV AIMg VVUAWWO left last Thursday afternoon to witr ness the inaugural ceremonies of President Roosevelt: Messrs. F. E. Dreher, S. P. Roof, E G. Dreher, J. S. Caugbman, J. R. 6. aud Ed Barre. They went from Washington to Baltimore and returned home yesterday afternoon much entha8ed over their jollification. Mr. Caugbman left the party at Washington and returned home Sunday. For Sale. Wanted to sell 106 acres df land 2h miles South Weet of Gaston, Lexington county. Good land for farmh ing, plenty of timber, clay soil and good water. There is plenty of timber to pay for it. It will pay you to see this before buying elsewhere. Make me an offei; will sell cheap for cash, or one half cash balance in one year. A. B Bacbmao, 2wl8 New Brookiand, S. C. Its jmakes biliousness and\m\ jlw/ixid complexions. Keep\WA I &? j the system in good conai-\ ?1 tJgjf jtion by taking IgH I pgte I ?S J AND TONtC PELLETS j &$ IE \ which act gently and JSS j eliminate the poison JJaBy j vSk\ *rom y?ur system. fmBi \m\ Try One To-night. /Ssj VB\ MONEY BACK /Mj If not sattsfled.^^^f For Sale afc HarmaiTs Bazaar. P. C. I. Notas. Messrs. E9tus ard Robert Shull have pined Mrs- Root's instrumental music class. Mr. Felix Hallman, of Steadman, after his home school closed came to the Palmetto Collegiate Institute. He boards with Hon. S P. Wingard. Miss Eula Clark, of Georgia, and Miss Nettie Lowman, of Selwood, have begun taking elocution under Mrs. J- G. GraicheD, the teacher of elocution in the Palmetto Collegiate Institute. Lovely Spring Goods. The heart of many a Lexington dame and maiden will throb with delight in learning that Wm. Piatt, " ? * ? ' : i_: L. UolumDia, IB aauy receiving uis ouip meet of lovely spriDg goods, novelties Bnd millinery. These goods are fresh from the looms and sbops and embrace all the most fashionable weaves and fabrics wove and the notions and millinery are up-to-date in every particular. An inspection of this stock will repay you. Call on him before you make your spring purchase. Death of 2?rs. Daisy XXeron. Mrs. Daisy Earhardfc HeroD, daughter of Mr. J. Wolfe and Joanna Earhardt, formerly of this place, died io Columbia, at 1:45 o'clock Monday morning, of pneumonia. Only a few years ago we saw her leave this place for her new home in Columbia, a happy joyous young girl, just blooming into sweet young womanhood. Later on, only a few short months, she stood a happy bride pledging her love and devotion to the man of her choice before God's holy altar. Scarcely had the scent of the roses faded and ere the bridal i t __ I.:J ?:J j 4. ! trousseau Deen iaiu umue, aim jet while the son of happiness shone brightly into the lives and hearts of the happy pair, death invaded the peaceful home and took away the lovely woman and shrouded the home in darkness and gloom leaving the sfllicted sadly to mourn their loved one. Mrs. Heron was a woman of lovely disposition, gentle to the suffering, kind to the poor and needy, and her lovely, bright Christian character 8domed her life like a halo of glory from the throne of God. The interment was at Eimwood on Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock, where loved one sleeps in that beautiful city of the dead, there to await that j glorious day. May God console the tfflicted ones. Trespass Notice. < \ LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY 13L ioxbiAto. to trespass on OUT ta&s by hunting, fishing or in any manner whatever. The law will be strictly enforced against those who do not heed this notice. MARY F. SWYGERT. H. E. HARMAN, 4w21pd FRANK SWYGERT. wwimi; I We now ha i Caskets ever s ![ everything' fro FINES I in the State f< I reasonable ral | YOl'K I 'AT I li I ill III 111 ^ n ' =a=?g I I | JbS.4 I I i Buggies, Cai ments, Sh Qroc< PERUV Const. The Court of Common Pleas adjourned sine die, by operation of law, on Saturday afternoon last and Judge Izlar returned to bis home. When we went to press last Wednesday the trial was in progress in the case of Mrs. Tillie Martin vs. Southern Rtilway Companv. The case was concluded on that day and a verdict for $400. given. There was one other trial by jury brought up. Daniel E Shumpert, through his attorneys, Messrs. Graham and Crawford, sued the Southern Railway Company for damages j by fire burning over his lands and timber in March of last year. The fire was easily seen from here and lasted several days, burning over a big territory and causiDg great destruction. Mr. E. M. Thomson appeared for the corporation and set up the defense that the fire did not j originate from the railroad, but from a new ground of Sam Roland, and the jury evidently took this view of j it, &8 they found a verdict in favor of the defendant. A few cases were heard on the equity side of the court, in moat of woich the Judge withneld his decision. Masonic Notices. A EEGCLAR COMMUNICATION of Lexington Lodge, No 152. a. F. will beheld Saturday, March \i8, 1S05, at 7 p m. Brethren are earnestly requested to attend promptly. * ?_ - - fit. W If x>y oraer ui iue ??. *u. Godfrey M, Harioan. Secretary A A REGULAR COMMUNICATION of Pomaria Lodge No. 151. A. f. M , /vrxvtili convene in Masonic Hall, Peak, S. C., Saturday, March 18, 19Jo at 7 pm. Fraternity invited. John C. Swygert. W. M A REGULAR COMMUNICATION OF Boylston Lodge, No. 12<5. A. F. M , will be held in their lodge room on Saturday, March 18, at 2 p. m sharp. Brethren, be prompt in attendance. By order of W. M. D. T. Barr, Secretary. - - ? - Dr. Ed. P. Derrick, a former Lexhoy who h*& ^ ool from amocg us, is now located at Rosemary, Georgetown, S C., and is doing weli in his profession. He is one of tbe physicians of the Atlantic ; Coast Lumber Corporation. ,ve the most complete line oi .U/x^r,, 4-1-kir. ruivf aI flu, /.Al 511UVY1I 111 |7r the aeeonimodafion of t fcs. Will Serve you auv lion EITHER PHONE, No. 14 OR 901. {OXAGE RESI'EOFTLI.Y lTESBUBO", ? Bmemfee CARRIED A Ft 1 SoIU by i.fuilinj; J)ru;j{ji>ts -VII Ovrr .Vnn-rirn. *'*' V/lO? ; For Sale by Dr. M. Q,. HENDRIX, ILexington. S. C.