mlEXHISTOH DISPATCH. Wednesday, February 15,1905, Legislature. j Io tbe senate the unfavorable re- j port of the commit: ee on the bill to require trustees of schools to make j reports to patrons was adopted acd tbe bill njeoted. Similar action was taken on tbe bouse bill relative v to rock fighting. Tbe unfavorable report on tbe bill ; extending tbe powers of tbe railroad < : , commission as to telephone cgcd panies was also adopted and tbe bill | was rejected. m, -iv u vo X06 Dili lO ebtauneu u icformatory,|whicb parsed ibe house, was referred to the committee on finance. Senator Macldin's bill to submit to j voters of various couoties where die- I pessaries are established the question of "dispensary" or ''prohibition" Wb8 on motion of the author of the bill continued until nest session.. The ten-circuit bill came up again - for Discussion on. motion of Senator McGowan, bftera great deal of dis cBsaxon for and against, the bill as amended finally passed. . A resolution was adonted referring to a special committee consisting of two senators and three representatives to report at the next session what is necessary to carry out the proposed biennial sessions. HOUSE. Mr. Patterson's bill to establish an i industrial school for boys was reached when a snag was Btruck in the shape of a motion to recommit from Mr. Laney, who thought the bouse had "gone off half cocked" the day before. He tbooght such an institution should ba run by the penitentiary authorities. The bill wa&creatasg an entirely new state institution which woold cost more snd more money. Mr. Kershaw declared that Mr. ! Laney was mietaker; tBat the friends v - of the bill knew what they wtre doing,. Their purpose was to divorce the institution from the penitentiary; wasted to. get the boys away from hardened criminals. Mr.Etheredge, of Lexingt&r, spoke ^ .wgaisst the bill. He thought it a slur on the penitentiary directors, to whom he had been talking. Mr. Ashley opposed the bill, y Mr. Patterson defended the bill and said that Snperintendent of the Oar>;?anfiara C.V? TX7Q Q irj t.hnmiloh A. OVIWUVroiJ ff WW ?M VMV* accord with its provisions. By a yea and nay vote of 30 to 67 the motion*to recommit was lost and the bill was given its third reading. The Toole ten-hoor bill was tben | taken np. , Mr. Doar opposed it because it applied only to cotton mili operatives. It should be made to apply to lumber mills and other manufacturing plants and to the farms. Mr. Qibson of Marlboro, opposed the bill because he was satisfied both the mill managements and the operatives looked upon it as likely to disrupt the present amicable feeling be- j tween the managements and the: C operatives. . Mr. Yeldeil pointed.out that limit* ing the hoars to ten does not prevent .working overtime for extra pay, bat only prevents the mill managements demanding more than ten hours from the women and children. By a vote of 57 to 39 the bouse re~ fused to order the previous question. Mr. Taylor of Newberry, said that the operatives were demanding fbis humane legislation. If the con> ditions in - the mills without labor , unions were to continue such a law would have to pass. If ibis is cot done every mill community in tbe state will be organized and there will be a battle royal between capital and labor. The passage of the law would satisfy the operatives, who would work peacefully on them for 25 * or 50 years^ After a total of five hours' debating, tbe house by a yea and nay vote of 05 to 40 indefinitely postponed tbe bill. Mr. D 0. Herbert's bill to codify j the military laws of tbe state passed without objection. The bill increases the adjutant general's salary from ' $1,400 tc$l,0005 the amount paid other state officers. The resolution calling for a special committee of three representatives and two senators to examine the books and vouchers of state officers passed amended so as to allow the committee a stenographer. The committee is larger this year by two members. Senator McGowan a recons:dera tion or the ten judicial circuit bin in order to correct clerical errors. Senator Blease, of Saluda, objected to reconsideration, but the senate agreed and the bill finally received its third reading. Senator Marshall introduced a bill to authorize the state house commission to erect a new dome, and to sell the old boilers of the heating plaDt. Senator Brown's bill to require railroads to transport sheriffs and deputies free was killed by a large viva voce vote. Senator Johnson, of Fairfield, called up hie bill to divert a part of the privilege tax from Cleroson to Winthrop, and weDfc into a statistical argument to show thatClemson got too much money for its needs and that it cost a great deal more to educate a . S'. % S . _.... Tboasands Have Kidney Tronbie and Never Saspeot it. How To Find Otit. Fill a bottle or common glass wftlryciuiy. water and let it stand twenty-four houfs$.; v 9 ijrv a sediment or settlingindicates'a6 >r\ unhealthy conerrf? dition of the kidivA i V ncTs ? ^ stains j your linen it is ?fi J evidence of kid^ write ;to> I "?1LIA^=Z'/ I' lHt*> i requeue -to pass it or pain . in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's ! Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder j and every part of the urinary passage, j It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or i beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne- j ccssity of being compelled to go often j during the day* and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If 3rou need'a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug- , gists in fjfty-ceut and one-dollar sizes. You may liave-'a sample bottle and a book that tells all fr-fT']. about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer S: Co., BingI hamton, N. Y. When Eome of Swamp-Root. | writing mention this paper a id don't ! make any mistake, but remember the 1 name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamtoii, N. Y. ; - ? ?> that ?mlluoo than if. HiH in BtllUOUb OV liutav wit^gv vuwu ? .? others. Senator Carpenter, of Pickers, reI plied, holding that the work of Ciem ; soil which in some^ resteers was not strictly educational, was required of it and that the amount received of i& was rot too large. TBe medical committee made a special report on the coco cola license bill and recommended that it be continued until the nest sessions, which was agreed to. By a vote of 67 to 36, the bouse indefinitely postpone Mr. Ashley's bill to abolish the bureauofimnaigration. Messrs. Etheredge, Epting and Huito voted against the motion to indefioely postpone. State of Ohio.. City, of Toledo, j Lucas (. ounty f '' Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F J. Cheney & Co.-. doing business in the city of To Jedo, Countv and State aforesaid, and that said firm uill pay the sum of ONE HUNDEED DOLLARS for each and every case ot Catarih that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarih Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6lh day of December, A. D., lb8S. , . A. W. GLEASON. (Reai"j Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts d rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send lor fcesti menials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0. ? - n 3 ?OJU OV an arug^BiH. itw. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation Pointed Paragraphs. Loge your temper aDd fiDd a tempest. A girl is an awful nice thing to give advice to that she won'c follow. A woman can see no use io being fashionable if there were no society columns to tell about it. It is a great surprise to a woman to fiod out how much more exnenj sive fbwer? get after she is married. * When a woman rides on a street car without paying her fare she conS viDces herself that a company that ! treats its patrons so badly must be | dishonest. j Cures 8!ood Poison, Cancers, Ulcers. | If you have offensive* pimples or eruptions, ulcers an any part of the body, aching bones or joints, falling hair,vmucQus patches, swollen glands, skm itches and burns, sore lips or gums, eating, festering sores, sharp gnaging pains then you suffer from serious blood poison or the beginning of deadly cancer. You may be permanently cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B ) made especI ially to cure the worst blood and skin diseases. Heals every sore or ulcer, even deadly cancer, stops all aches and pains and reduces all sweliiuge. Botanic Blood Balm cures all malignant blood troubles, such as eczema, i scab* and scales, pimples, running sores, carbuncles, scrofula. Druggist, | -SI 00 To prove it cures, samples of | Blood Balm seDt free and prepaid by | writing Blood Balm Co, Atlanta, Ga. ! Describe trouble and free radical ! advice sent iu sealed letter. Negro Found Dead. Special to The State. | North, Feb 8 --A negro, Ash! lev, was found dead Monday Dear | North Eiisto trestle Magistrate i Johnson was notified end held the j ir:quefrt. ibe jury bas not yet arnv| ed at a verdict, but it is public opinion j that death resulted from freezing. British Collisr Captured. j London, Feb 8 ?A dispatch reeeivI ed this morning reports the capture : e Wakefield.'' two e rotation as named. "Succession." "Au? Dutch," the 3 best flat head varieties and . gle thousand. $1.50 : 5,000 and over $1.25 p cash with order; or, piauts sent C. O. D., p Our plant bed occupy 35 acres on South Cs growing them in the open air; tough and 1 out injury. Plants crated for shipment w special low rates for prompt trauspcrtatioi other plants you can buy cheaper than mi; rate" plants shipped from my farm. J. gu name, and grown from high grade seed pu houses in the United States. I will refun tomer at end of season. Our Cotton Sei Sea Island Cotton sold this year in Charles Seed SI.25 per bushel; lots of 10 bushels a; Prompt shipment, True Varieties and satis business for thirty-five years. UTm* 0 fiCSATV "The Cabbage P It His III llCIf AI 9 Post and Telegn Youth, and Ago. BY JOHN VANCE CHENEY. The Delineator for March. With youth 'tis Summer fair and fleer, Roses and no rough wind; jpegj Bpt youth's glad Summer gone, the bitter sweet It leaves behind. With age 'tis Winter; peace is his. The white peace of the snow; And when slow Winter goes, peace still it is; He does not know. Sick Headache. This distressing ailment results from a disordered condition of the stomach. All that is needed to effect a cure is a dose or two 01 Uhamberlain s btomacli and Liver Tablets. In fact, the attack may be warded off, or greatly lessened in severity, by taking a dose of these Tablet^as soon as the first svmprom of an attack appears. Sold by The Kaufmann Drag Go. Calhoun County Doomed. The house Thursday night received from the judiciary committee an uqfavorable report on the bill to create Calhoun county. There wa9 a minority report signed by five members. I There were 14 who signed the unfavorable report, so it is quite probable that the new county will not be given birth. For Coughs?at your druggists or direct from Murray Drug Co., Columbia, S. C.,? "Murray's Horehound, Mullein and Tar. 25c. for large size bottle. Express Office Closed. North, Feb. 8 ?Tbe sudden closing up of the cffice of tbe Southern "Express company here has been the topic cf much discussion. Numerous packages for people at this point have been pigeon-boled elsewhere. It is learned on reliable authority that the railroad commission has given no authority for the closing of the office and an investigation has been started. It is understood that the company forms the plea of not being able to get an agent. J - Take Murray's Horehound, Mullein and Tar and stop coughing. 25c. for large bottle. Your druggist or Murray Drug Co., Columbia, S. C. Rogues Run to Earth. London, Feb. 8.?A decision favorable to the. Uuittd Stares was rendered by the privy council in the Greene und Gaynor case today. Greene and Gaynor, who were indicted with Capt. 0 M. Carter in j connection with the Savannah harbor frauds, escaped to Canada and United ; States (fficials have b'-eD unable to j i arrest them. Today's deci-ion means j I they can be brought back to the j United States under arrest. i ! Murray's Horehound, Mul- i j lein and Tar will cure your j ; V T 1- - XXI ~ OCn : ccugn. j^arge uume xujl i <*>?- j Diamonds Missing. Diamonds valued at sl.SS'J disap- j ! peared from a car of tee Southern j ! Express company in the fatal wreck ! | which occurred on the Sou I hern rnl- j j way at Scmcoerset. Yd., on December ; j 21 No reference was mode to the ! j loss of the diamonds until the receipt I of advices from the companv's head | quarters. ; j i i To Cure a Cut, Sore or Wound apply Ramon's Nerve S: Bone oil proinply. It is | antiseptic?stops the pain and causes heaiing: by j first intention.25candmoneybackifnotsatistieil j j For sale at the Bazaar. Our Buyer is always in sear< suit the wants of the u] of JL^x: o*ls trade. an ample rash enables ns t<> jjive el everything k? pt i:i a First Clays Store th? . _ . ' . ?ia island Cotton Seed. j1 for delivery. "Early Jersey "Wakefield."' arliest sharpkead varieties and head in jnsta Trucker'" and "Short Stem Flat head in rotation as named. Prices: siner 1.000; 10,000 and over. $1.00. Terms, ur chaser paying retnrn charges on money, irolina Sea - Coasts and we nnderstand lardy.. tliey will stand severe cold witheigh 20 pounds, per 1000 and we have i by Southern Express Co. I know of no. I sell good plants. No cheap "cut aranree those I ship to be true to type and rchased from two of the most reliable d purchase price to any dissatisfied cosed. Lint of onr Long Staple variety of ston on December 2 at 32c. per pound, ud over $1 per bushel. My specialty: ifind customers. I have been in the plant JphoffieT'' Youngs Island, S, G. SEWS.NG ?AGH8^ES! , Wheeler & Wilson No. 9. BALL BEARING Marveloasly Light B tinning and Noisless (a No. 100 spool cotton threader a belt will ran it). One-third faster: one third easier than 8ny shutile machine. Save about MAW iAI viiniep U^fc PAY IHKfct. A GRE\T FAVORITE WITH DRESS MAKERS. AND BECOMING MORE POPULAR ALL THE TIME. NEEDLES FOR ALL liACHIXES. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. WORE GUARANTEED. ATTACHMENTS, SHUTTLES, ETC. In bringing Machines to be repaired it is oniy Decessary to bring the head?Leave tbe table at home unless it needs repairing too. 1900 Washers ana Wringers. The most perfect Washer ever invented. I can sell them at rr?y store for less than they will cost you ordered direct from tbe factory. Write fof circulars and prices. J\ EE. BEEET, 1801 MAIN ST.. COLUMBIA, S. C. April 1. 3903. 3m J. B. Reidlinger, BAKER, COLUMBIA, - S. C. Fresh Bread, Plain and_ Fancy Cakes, Pies, Cream Pali's, Buns, Basks, Rolls, in fact everything that is good to eat usually found in a first class bakery. Mail Orders Given Prompt, and Careful attention. won nil ik. THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN COLUMBIA. UNITED STATES. STATE. CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITOR!. ? o? Saving's I>ei>artnaent. Paid up Capital . - - - $200,000 Surplus Profits - 70.(W Liability of Stockholders - 200 Of 0 *470< 00 Interest allowed at the rate off p . cent, rer annum, payable May 1st and cfo?. mber 1st W. A. CLA^TC. Wins Jones, Vice President and Cashi< r. j December 4 ?lv I Wood's Seeds. Wood's Selected Seed Potatoes j are specially grown for seed pur- j I poses, and are very much superior j J. to ordinary potatoes. We carry the j 8 largest stock in the South, and j p can supply large buyers to the | ? very best advantage, both as rej| gards quality and price. ; | Wood's Twenty-fifty Anni- j j| versary Seed Book, which is j U mailed tree on request, tells all | M about the best new and standard j j|| varieties of Potatoes, as well as H about all Garden and Farm II Seeds. Write for Seed Boojc and ! 9 special price list of farm seeus. fi T.W.Wood & Sons. Seedsmen, i B RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. 1 WOOD S SEEDS | |1 Awarded j GRIND PRIZE - ST. LOUIS, 1804. I ^^GO^EM^MRISJSOO^^ j ^ D y o os Mg (wntSi ^ ^ We Solicit Your Trade. jg sh of such values as will & N". A. YOTJHG. $ 3-to-date wants of the $ss?ss$s9s?sses?86s?ses?s$ Comity# T"!rf.v-v-1Tri > ?!>i;.tkn T,f?cf.? Ernhroidfiries. Notions / V7U xxx xsxy \i\;vuo? X-'x v w/?.> s * - 7 _ _ it cannot be obtained .Tivwhcrc else but at fOUNGf COLUMBIA, S. C. :^Pt?raT1BWa'Uffm i>,f,yiRu ? J SEABOARD | AIK LIJNE KAILWAY. I NORTH-^illTH-EAST- WEST. | Two Daily Pullman Vestibule Limited Trains Between I SOUTH AND NEW YORK. | First Class Dining Car Service. The best rates and route to all I Eastern cities via Kiphmond and Washington, or via Norfolk and * - ? "-* T - - ?-"M i' T -X.,. tSSshsSc! ? Placed in oor SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ft . ; 5 it will be both sate and productive. We C ^ pay interest four times a year. II' W 11 PflLMETII BflllK?1RIIS1 GO. ' ~aJ&i. A 5. y COLUMBIA. S. C. | _?T j!?X Wv. H LYLES. Vwsiaent. ft v ft JULIUS B WALkBR, V. President ftftftftftftftftftftft&ftftfteaftftftOft J. P. MATTHEWS. Secretary. 6?9?ts?9e?e996t9e9?09?9?eoe9ooe?o9. C. | Capital, - - $30,000.00 ? Interest Allowed in Savings Department. ft 0 a * 4? We Srvr.Tivrr \ Sit a we of ynn? Rfxrvvss a ? THE PRICES TELL. THE QUALITY SELLSJ. B. FRIDAY & CO., , Wholesale and Retail. 6R0GER8, FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN, SEED RUST PROOF OATS. We Want the Merchants, Planters and Farmers of Lexington County to Call and See Us Before They Make Their Purchases, We Can Fill Your Wants and Save You i Money, 1823 and 1825 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. FUMITUliL MAXWELL & TAYLOR, COLUMBIA, C. We especially invite you to come to see us for your Furniture, Stoves. Mattings, Rugs. Lace Curtains, Chairs, Rockers, Cra- . dies, and in fact everything to Furnish lour - House. We have the best 50c. Chair you ever saw. MAXWELL & TAYLOR. NEAR POST OFFICE, COLUMBIA, S. C. - *