I \ The quality nnd quantity of the ! crops depend on a sufficiency of j Potash j in the soil.. Fertilizers which are ; low in Potash will never produce ^ satisfactory results. _ % > Every farmer should be familiar with the h proper proportions of ingredients that go to g make the best fertilizers for every kind of K crop. We have published a series of books, | M wuwinia$ u?c ccow uu ?tuo ?j?- m B important subject, which we will send free " R B if you^ask. Write now while yon think of R Jj GERMAN KALI WORKS f I New York?9S Naosa.it Street, or | jjf Atlanta, Ga.?22J* South Broad Street. . [ PB0FSS5I02TAL CARDS. C. jr. KFIBD. P. E. DItEHEK. IJ^FIRD & DREHER, li ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON, C. H., S. C., Will nractiee in all the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the firm will always be at office. Lexington, b. C. T H. FRICK, tf. i- ATTORNEY AT LAW, chapest, s. c. Office: Hotel Marion, 4th Koom. Second Floor. "Will practice in all tlie Courts Thurmond & timmerman, attorneys at law,. will practice in all courts, Kanfmann Bid*, LEXINGTON, S. C. We -will be pleased to meet those having legal business to be vtended to at our office in the Kaufmann Building at any timeRespectfully, J. Wu THURMOND. G. BELL TIMMERMAN, Albert m. boozer, attorney at law, columbia, s. c. ?pyxes: 1316 Main Street, upstairs, opposite Yan Metre's Furniture Store. Especial attention giv^n to business entrusted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington ountyW. A. CLARK. WASHINGTON CLARK. 0lark & clark, attorneys and counselors, No. 1233 Washington Street, columbia. . - - - - - S. c. george r. rembert, vx attorney at law. 1221 law range, columbia, s. c. I will be glad to serve my friends from Lexington County at any time, and a o prepared to practice law in all ttate and Federal onrt8. NDREW CRAWFORD, - ATTORNEY AT LAW. COLUMBIA, S. C. Practices in the State and Federal Courts, aad offers his professional services to the itizens of Lexington County, Law Offices, j I Residence, corner 1300 Law Range ; < Pickens andPendle t ( ton Streets. TIT BOYD EVANS, Yf .LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Columbia, S. C. Practices in State, County and City Courts, and in United States Circuit and District Courts in Litigation between private parties or corporations. DR. P. H. SHEALY, DENTIST, LEXINGTON, S. C. Office Up Stairs in Roof's Building. JAMES HARMAN, DENTAL SURGEON, LEXINGTON, S. C. (Office in Bear of Conrt House.) Informs the publicthatbe will b* in his office every Friday for the po rpose of doiDg dental work in ail its branches. TAR. E. J. ETHEREDGE, 1/ SURGEON DENTIST, T .TT7IQVTT .T .17! ft C. 1,41.4 ? W aumh, k/, w t Office over J. C. Kinard & Co's, Store. Atways on hand. Dr. f. c. gilmore, dentist. 1510 Main Street, columbia, S. c. Office Hocks.* 9 a. m. to 2 p. ni., and from a to 6 d. m. OR. C.J. OUVERQS, SPFCIALIST OX E1E, EAR, XOSE Throat and Lungs, GUARANTEE Office and Residence, j FIT OF GLASSES 1424and 1426 Marion. St, j March 15?ly COLUMBIA, S. C. j ? - ? PARLOR RESTAURANT. | 8. DAVID, Proprietor. I 1336 main. columbia. s. c. The only ur> to dare ea*in?r house of its ] kind in the City of Columbia. It is \v?*H kept ?clean linen, prompt and p-M'te service. ; Vaii rrnf sirhur vah oml ndv ah)v fro* i what you fret- "Within t-as.v resoh of dvsira- j ble sleeping apartments. OPEN ALL NIGHT ?.?.? i Drugs, Chemicals, | STATIONERY. j PAINTS - - OILS - - GLASS, j GARDEN SEED?Bulk and Package. j THE SICK MAN'S FRIEND. Licensed Druggist and Chemist. KINARD, LEESVILLE. - - - S. C. I ; I Has Stood The Test 25 Years, i ; The old, original Grove's Tasteless j Chill Tonic. You know what vo UiOJ >i 4 ijj ng vuu 4uov vt w ton. Njw, the Legislature seems disposed to kill it by a technicality and the Dispatch is aiding and abet ting them in their efforts. Assuming that the Dispatch is honestly opposed to the change, the public would like to know what there is about this matter of such a serious character that your journal is willing to block the will of the people in order to encompass its defeat Every State in the Union has- biennial sessions except six, and no State has ever gone bacK to annual sessions where the former has been tried. Suppose an txsra session should be called in an emergency, it can only discuss measures for which it was convened and could not possibly last forty days. It is Dot, however, the expense 60 much, of the Legislature in the abstract as the enormous appropriations which, in many cases could be avoided, and which are increasing evpry year. The State is now $100,000 behind and the end is not yet for the groaning taxpayers. We will suppose, for the sake of argument, that not a cent would be saved by the change, still it would be useful as a relief, in part, from the numerous petty little laws which are passed one session and repealed the next. Take the Legislature now in session which is a good average in iLtelligeDce and energy. Without any spirit of cavil and criticism its time b&+ been taken up mainly, as for several years, with the dispensary and compulsory education and no change. The only measure of any importance passed is the ten circuit court bill, which means many thousands more to the taxpayer3. Speaking to this bill Judge Hudson said in answer to a suggestion of technical objection, that: "No technicality should stand in the way of progress." A postponement of this bill was promptly voted down. The lawyers and politicians wanted it and techoinalifiao nronmtlrr Krnahoi-t aei/ta \j aitblVO n Wiv ViUDU^U (*CiU9> Bat, mark yoa, when the bieaaial 86881008 resolution was called up the lawyers and politicians?who do Dot want it ?were greatly alarmed over technicalities, not even a yea and nay vote was demanded and the matter promptly passed over to the next session while the Dispatch laughed and was made glad. We have always been taught that we are living under a system of government where the will of the people is supreme and not under a Rassian burlaucracy. The people of Lexington county voted on the question cf free bridge across Saluda river giving the Fork easy access to the county seat and for which the Dispatch valiantly contended. Since that vote was recorded not a note of resistance to the people's will has ever been beard. The people also voted in no uncertain way iu favor of biennial sessions, the only difference being that one is a State issue and the other a county measure. Then why submit to the will of the people in a small bailiwick and spurn it in a State mutter. No man or journal believing id the old Democratic doctrine of majority j rule, it seems to us, cau consistently | fioht the biennial sessions bill now. i since the matter has been given to the people for a decision and since their verdict was so positive at the ballot box last summer. The rule of the people," aDd a j majority thereof, is the bulwark of ! our American institutions and when j that principle is ignored by our lawmakers with the sanction of the press, it is high time for the people to speak out with no uncertain sound. Citizen. St. Matthews, S. C, Feb. S, 1905. If the Saby is Cutting Teeth, I Ba sure aDd use that old and well- I tried remedy, Mrs. Winslovv's Sooth- j ing Syrup, for^Ghildreu teething. It \ soothes the child, softens the gums, j allays all pain, cures wind colic and j is the best rernedv fcr diarrhoea, j T X ncutj JLi T t Uk? Ck U JltlC. It is the Best of All. Thos L. Cottin, colored, professor ! in the Georgia industrial scbool for j negroes, near Savannah, was hit with I a rock on Saturday by a pupil whom j he had reproved in the class-room ! and was killed. To Curs A Cold In One Day. j Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the moo< y if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's s;g- j nature is on each a box. Price, 25c. niMffliiiiaggBgBMyBimimgiBgi^giimhr WHIUBJ ? ? iinaaaMawiBBMMwaniiwiiiii THE DISCOVERER Of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, the' Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills. No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified enddrsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or such hosts of grateful friends as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Complaints, all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration. Falling" and Displacement of the Womb, and consequent Spinal Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to the Change of Life'. It has cured more cases of Backache and Leucorrhoea than any other remedy the world lias ever known. It is almost infallible in such cases. It dissolves and expels tumors from the Uterus in an early stage of development. Irregular, Suppressed or Painful Menstruation. Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debility quickly yield to it. Womb troubles, causing pain, weight and backache, instantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circumstances it invigorates the female system, and is as harmless as water. It quickly removes that Bearing-down Feeling, extreme lassitude, "don't care5' and " want-to-be-left-alone " feeling, excitability, irritability, nervous-* ness. Dizziness, Faintness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy or the " blues" and headache. These are sure indications of Female Weakness, or some derangement of the Uterus, which this medicine always cures. Kidney Complaints and Backache, of either sex, the Vegetable Compound always cures Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want?a cure. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Refuse all substitutes. South is Coaservatm. 1 ""tax notice. Washiogtor. F*b. 8?The Sou e . again met an boor eaGier than usual, ! Gu February 1st. 19tf5. an additional 1 the regulation of freiadt t.te. still1 wiU. be ^Uh! t0 *h?J^ ,~ r 7 i not paid. icaKinfi 2 per cfci. icr reuruary. being und^r CODMup* at ton. Still an additional 5 per cent penalty Mr. Bartlett, of Georgia, support- j ^jll be added on March 1st. making 7 per ing the-minority bill, explained tbe i cent penalty to be paid bv those who have attitude of the South an not being | uo* P41.^ March 1st. 190<>. r . T . . , , Tax books will clos? March 15th, 190o. radical. It. wnf, be mbi*,* d, coueerv- LEVY ative and be said that wben tbe ?iroe j For State Purposes 5 Mills came to preeeive tbe country from j For Ordinary Corinty Purposes.. .5 Mills. radicalism, socialism, or anarchy, tbe ! For Constitutional School lax? .3 Mills. South would rally to its support, aid \ -potai save it from destruction. | Special School Levy District No. 18-3 Mills ? ^ ... ' Special School Levy District No. 37-2 Mills ! Special School Lew District No. 34-2 Mills A Guaranteed Cure For Files, j Foil Tax. si 00 t u- 0.- j r> ,. j Commutation Load Tax S3 (X). payable itcbiDg. Blind. t> eediDg or i cO- : fr0m October 15th to March 1st, 1905. truding Piles Druggists reined j Parties owning property in more than money if Pazo Ointment faiis Jo cure j one township must so state to tbe Treas... ... ..... ..i.. ) nrer. When writing for information conanv caso, wo w*?*ter or row JoDg < _ , ? . . ? 3 , ... 1 'vramg taxes alwavs give name iu folk?standing, id 0 to 1* days First ap- : FRANK W SHEALY,' plication give* enM? and ?e?t. "?0c. J Treasurer Lexington County. If your druggist hasn't it send 50* ! in stamps and it will he forwarded ; TAX RETURNS. post-paid by Paris Medicine Co, St. j JN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW Louifi, Mo. 20*21. | JL in reference to tbe assessment aud tax| atjon of property, the Auditor, or hisassis~ taut. will be and attend '.he following narnNo matier how e)id * girt'* rinse I Pli places Jor the purpose of receiving tax U 00 a'fcWdh r?K it w curl. u? how jwMnwlortte Jml !? 1905. and in . i f : ord*-r to meet the wxt appointment the warm De?r bp* p. i will close at 11 iu the morning and A mi*er i* * m*u who cam** bis l nt 4 o'clock in the afternoon: tax payers monoy in a puree that clows eas.er i wi" '? J??*? !0 n?f f?R ">f r ' t appointments so as not to cause delay. tbau it op*i?s i pajers wilt please come prepared to j KjVt) nftlX)e 0f their township and num JHL, | > Der ?* school district wherein they reside. fe&yflWS*M?lvi^r?S*i wt ! CroniVs Store, Monday mourner, Feb. 33. 3 Lexington C H . 7. x '.? hi:.alty of JH Use In ?me. bs.-> crctsatt. H | 5j WI ce,nt will 1>t! ,ldd(:d ;6r ')ni,ln^ t0 u'mi j j i gu ^i^I., dfcfgr | make returns. t/iSaSte ? !m All male persons ar~> sabj-ct to poll tax ^ i from 21 to 60 ytar? vi a^c, except those 1 j exempt by iaw. Soiafdori Solbib^tr. procurator yen- : Under the u?-w luw *d dcgs ire snbject eral of Finland, w?? a??h*NMU'*>ed by a j ,0 a tlix ?* 50 cents and must be returned ?ouug mao in bt* . fri*. Bt IM-iug- j *1** ??** -*? * for8 reeeotlv. fbe \?-uojr maw. en- j Auditor Lexington County. tered Ibe office and sboi the <11 j 1 * four times Tru- voting ton of the! yArArArArA7'A7rArrAJrArArAyA officer ru?bed in and sbut t bert*f?88iu ; rj /lAWTtiw J so badly tbat be could c.r, e&cRpi; j X |I/ jfj ip$||iT jf y ^ and be rnav die of bis wound*. Po- ! ^ If * JLt&? vvlll11 Jl j ^ htical revenge was the motive. j ^ ^ - j ? KEW BRflOKUWD, S. C. ? To Cure Constipation ^ . 1 bv la lake just a mite of I.;^er j-?hh; t.-.iorc r'CjT-ing1 j >? Agent ? proved - !? .-it s L:iZ:i:.v. . k ~ I im. wv ? ; j I ? A\v:ir?l*''I "Vi>r :n:r i?r'-:.-;:iiN;s i<>r HuD??er is ()D?< oi the tb'-ngs that ? their ev.-lee - .m-ur.-ri' riry ? come to the individual who waits. | J iliar 'nSe-hi^^i7'.n?.?*X~ jj _ l l'oi-e liuyii'ir. Le.riT'-tVir ? ensJi. ?,- I iilav-. I.^ ffiave Trouble PoreS?CB. ; 3 ? Irumlsl.nt little I',,iv.it;:,> lell, | J >,.<.<11.*. Oil*. Kw? ? that when your stomach aim liver tire ' ^ ^ badly affeeted. jrvave trouble is ahead. ! k f??r all staie! ?rd mules. k unless yon take the ]?r?>ji?v med'cine for j 31 i> - v" your disease, as Mrs. .john A. You n jr. of j 11 * sun?*. k Clay, N. Y., did. She >ays: "I had j k Lara'-- l<.r _"M Ma-hi;?? a* .-am- k neuralgia of the liver and stomach. my j 31 daru ni;tk-.-< is ? 1 r-t'ii!'. ^ heart was weakened, and I could not | Yj^FjBTjBTj^'JT'JTJErAVJF'ATjarA eat. 1 was v?tv bad for a loi:;? time. J but in Electric Bitters. I found just 1 ' , __ e . t . . ,v..t xv I Vnr p.murlr;?Miirrpv s irl nre \vnai j Mil ui?'> uun"i\j\ ir:n-?ni i v* j ^ aiui cuiwi m< /" ]>?st mrriK-nie t.?r . hound, Mullein and Tar. 25c. wojik women. Sun uiiarr uy Tin* Ivjiut'iiii.iin Omjr ;?i 101* lflrg'6 QOttlc. THE GREAT AT 1427 MAIN ISTREET, next to Masonic Hail, COLUMBIA, - - - ' - - - S. 0., Our follow!no* list- will onlv UiQf- for tlirpMRl wppta - ? r> i *""" v"v ? v-v. y ^ ; .. ^ For the next 21 days we will sell our entire fall and winter stock at the following prices: Men's ?7.00 Black and Bkie Beaver Overcoats for S 0.9U Men's ?6.00 Grey Oxford Overcoats ? 2.90 Men's ?9.00 Grey Long Raglin Overcoats S 4.50 Men's ?15.00 Kersey and Melton Overcoats S 8.50 Men's ?6.50 Heavy Grey Business Suits ? 0.75 Men's ?8.50 All Wool Suits in assorted colors ? 4.9k QWe have over twenty-five different styles and colors in Men's x ine Suits. Our regular nrices from $15.00 to $18.00. but vou can buy them for the next three weeks for $10.00; so be sure and come at once, while they last and buy your bargains, at FRANK'S - JOBBING - HOUSE, 1427 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C , I To the People of Lexington! i ! 1I7K ? 1 ? i" I *k? 1736 Main. Street, Columbia, S. C. |j HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL j j School and College Text Books jij AND SO PPLIES. jij j , WE HAVE THE LARGEST AXD MOST MODERN Printing Plant in the South. | : Masonic Temple. !; ;l COLUMBIA. ... S. C if i |Tour Esmogrown Cabbage | I Cabbage Plants. all varieties. Prices: 10)0 ur >*l.."j0. .1,000 ^3 (?k B< ds. Withstands. C? litre Tables. Kitchen tables. Hall Hack*. Go C ot nil hinds. Hensehold goods all new. We will furnish jour house fioin kitiheu to garret lor cash. W. H. SO WELL, 1114 PL A I Is STREET, COLUMJilA, S . C. Opposite Gregory Ehea Mule Co. j VV IJCIi VUU LiOOU suut'-b JUI nun \ V UUXK ill UJC the field, on the road and for all round hard i work?you certainly do want shoes that will give you service, besides feel easy on your feet. \ Our shoes for hard wear cannot he surpassed.. There is every element in them that is substantial for wear and comfort. We select the * lClttlnjl UU1U tup tu tuu mat an: unc?i ut iiitc shoes, therefore we candidly say there are no better shoes made for heavy out door service. We also have a full line of Shoes and Rubbers tor cold weather?for home and outdoor wear. When you want shoes for d'ess-up, remember j we can supply your wants to vour entire satisfaction. ! Whenever vour need shoes for Men, Women and Children we believe we can serve you best?your shoe wants will be carefully attended to at this store. Thanking you very kindly for your patronage and awaiting the \ pleasure of seeing you soon at our store, .we j i remain, vours very trulv. THOMAS A. BOYNE, tOPPOSITE I'OST OFFICE.) ' I