The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, February 15, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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COSNEE, g_ I The Baiiey*Copeianti Co., BillR 5 SOUTH CAROLINA. ^ VMiAAaMaMAAiMAMMaMM BUY YOUR CL-J i HES A1 THE The demand for our High Grade CI It Jit iHH &&T business is meeting with marked fa W*. vSi> Dv II VI ^Ivfv. ?0^ to and brightened up by goods that ?0T and yet not too high in price. We jj^? . ^ THWE JBJSLJLJU1 OP V Ife: St.: pip'-y - fjmtf ??jh B?y Your ?SwJs??, wrvTPR SHOES t&wpffg*11 xxi x juu wiivjuw R;-' ' COLUMBIA, S. C. I i Nothing but Solid Leather Shoes Sold and tt.ttattt Pni-p O-naranteed. - They are he*? and o( coarse are beauties bee *use they are Keith Konquerors in High v A and Low Cats Bltcks and Taos. AU Leathers, Uaiou Made. You are respectfully ' invited to call when* in the city and inspect the m goods. Qaality guaranteed. Cohen's Shoe Store, fe 1636 MAIN ST.. COl UMBIA. S. C. FURNITURE AND STOVES. ! >-5 . i? l-? try i ! JOKES & BRACK, | | ^ WHEN IN Z ICOLUMRIA MR IWIMI STOH, ETC 1 ? High Grade, Cheap and Medium Furniture. At this time c vg we have ? i II SOME REAL BARGAINS ( fill ? ^ O in second hand Beds, Bureaus. Chairs and Bed Springs, q od ' Don'r miss the place. v P JONES & BRACK >1' < o 1208 M'.in St, opposite City Hail, ? P's, COLUMBIA, - - - - - - - S. < I ftllolr ii ADVERTISE A COST SALE WHY? BECAUSE OUR r" "" -** A - /-riAno \-ox.* v l'u: a vn VAA7JJO --1Ali AUTI jLr STYLISH. HOWEVER WE WILL SELL YOU A SUIT OF CLOTHES x >R AN OVER Mf: 00 VT FOH | gggf Less Money tf|? THAN OUR COMPETITORS WHO TELL YOU THEY ARE OFFERING YOU GOODS FOR LESS THAN COST. !'.-- &F COME TO SEE US. I P f. C. MCE 4 CO., I# ^jip. 10:11 Q* * strwtCOLUMBIA. S, C. jg>V. -" WARNING. 3Iaay Children arc Sickly. .-. TT-nm?t>v mti'W Td Mother Oniy s Swoot Powders loi T\l OrJflCJE IS ^ XL* Pl J2j D ? V1 A ? p] .-l n . - r i\ Xhe public that they must keep rlieir ; ^setby *A(*iur (?ra.y- a aurs; stock and cattle from running at large !" o % oriC*. ,br('al on my land, known jus the "Swyg?-rr ly , , m -* nou-s ? u.e 11 \msliness Place"" after the 1st day of March. V.m. Tront.U*. Teotbinj Burning coal or trespassing in any man- - ,Aj Jj! Tier whatever upon said lands is posi- ^ V ,!l? j^p v tively forbidden. The law will be en- Addr-s>. >. OhnsMui. URw. N forced against anyone violating this no - * tice. (1. ((JAN rr. -- ? ? ? January 1st. 1904. 4wl.>. Advertise in the Dispatch. othing, our steadily increasing business, A wor. The Clothing season is now at its he are new and stylish. We liave in our line have on our tables for you?a suit?at half EY-COP1! CORNER MAIN AND TAYLOR j The Lexington Dispatch. I = _ Wednesday. February 15,1905. Tribute of Respect. Whereas it tea ^leased our kind heavenly father in bis infinite goodness and wisdom ro remove from our midst by dea'h one of our friends and scholars. L zzie Miller; and whereas. in her de*tn we f^el that our Sunday school has sustained a senou* loss, and though we deeply deplore her loss, yet in submission we humbly bow to him who doeth all things well, therefore, be it Resolved, l*t, Taat we tender our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family and point them to him who bears our griefs and hesleth our iufhmiuve*. " ? ?*" * ! j: l _ _ . zqc? mat we aiuiumi? * *u our record book to ber memory and ?hafc these icsolutioos be inscribed thereon 3rd, Tbat a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family, and the same be sect to the Lutheran Visitor and the Lexington Dispatch for publication J S. Huffman, Mrs S R Ymoginer, Miss Mamie L?iizsej, Committee Fraud Espossd. A few counterfeiters have lately been making and trying to sell imitations of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, and other medicines, thereby defrauding the public. This is to warn you to beware of such people, who seek to profit, through stealing the reputation of remedies which have been successfully curing disease for over 35 years. A sure protection to yon, i3 our name on the wrap, per. Look for it on all Dr. King's, or Bncklen's remedies, as all others are mere imitations. H. E^ BUCKLEN & Co., Chicago, 111. and Windsor, Canada. ICr. Johnson Sony. Washington, February 10?Congressman Johnsou saw the President todiy to deny that he gave to newspapers about hie visit to the President last S**urd*v concerning the judgeship. Mr. Johnson is awfully sorry and disappointed. The house last Dight refused to consider the bill for a new district. Mr. Johnson says he is still hopeful, but does Dot koow whether the speaker will give h'tn another chsnce. He blames the ?hole thiog on the story getting into SojA Carolina paper*. rush of c^didates for the j^^Beship is now tdf, although some go ahead and gee papers prepared when the bill does get through. Make your druggist give you Murray's Horehound, Mullein and Tar. Cures your cough. 25c. a bottle. I ^ Our Country. I | Charlotte News. Talk about wiping out sectional lines. When a bhzz*rd like that of i the last three days extended to the j Gulf of Mexico we feel indeed that ! the Lord intended us to be one people. Masco and Dixon's line is assuredly not the Tropic of Cancer. Next summer we shall be reminded that it is not the Arctic Circle either. Afraid of Strong Medicines. Many people suffer for years from j rheumatic pains, and prefer to do so | rather than take the strong medicines j usually given for rbeumati,m, not know ing that quick relief from pain may be ! liad simply by applying Chamberlain's ! Pain Balm and without taking any mod ! icine internally. For sale by The Kaufj maim Drug co. ! __ Psach Grot) Safe. I | Atlanta, Feb it?Commissioner of j Agriculture O. B Stevens, believes ! the. mi?r.*\ i?\ Om rinrthnm and j luit Itir * V.< 4M ^ WV VW\* : middle section >:A the State has either ; been billed or badly damaged oy the i ae'z-> o?' bad weather which has pre v?upd now for nearly a week. The fact that the ground baa been ; covered with ice for several days will j tend to help the crops that are to be r | planted, .as the thawing out process ; is equal to several hard rains. ; ! Farmers had sowed hundreds of | bushels of oats this year and many of j | them were just beginning to peep | from the gt otitic'. The rains and . :; sleet, together <**f h the freeze has j completely kcooked them out, ifc is 4 aaid. j The fruit crop not been in 11 these circumstances tend to convince ight, and our stock of SU ITS AiMD OVER' what yon have been looking for?an overct the Merchant Tailor's price, yet a model o ELAND ; STREETS. COLUYIBU, S. C. ??g? / | j'ired to aLj ? xbut in m?uy i Dstacces the trees have been badly i d-magr-d by the tons of sleet. N mb-rs of orchards have heen i -? u:? t damaged ov cop irees uui in the opinion of Mr. Stevens, the trees b?'i not budded out efficiently to be injured by the freeze. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Mother's Favorite. The soothing and healing proiierties of this remedy, its pleasant taste and .-prompt and permanent cures have made it a favorite with people everywhere. It is especially prized by mothers of small children, for colds, croup and whooping cough, as it always affords quick relief, and as it contains no opium or other harmful drug, it may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adnlt. For sale by The Kaufmann Drug co. - Lever Working Hard. Wasbiogtor, February 8 ?Representative Lever bas succeeded in bav ?r?g Elgewood. a suburb of Columbia, made a rural station, and ifc will b? served by rural route N.? 3, there I by giving it. practically two mails a I The d^nurtmpnt was nf the I UffcJ JL U\J w ^ I opinion that this would be more aatj isf&ctorv than to have it made a P'*t office. Mr. Lever has also succeeded in having ao inspector pent to Columbia to j investigate the adsisnbiliry of extend j iog the c't.v delivery limits so as to include Olympia mill village, and j N^w Brook'and. The department is j inclined to think that the rfqunst for *uch rtquest cannot be granted, but at the SHtnetioie th<\v vield^d to the representation of Mr Lever, and sent the inspector on his n quest. ) 2To Longer Bspresentative. The railroad rate bill bus passed the bouse of congress, but no one anticipates the senate will pass the bill. Oa the contrary, it is practically j certain that it will not. The seoate { is no longer a representative body I T, a ranrafiiintitH CP nf tflf* JLli IS a IS'pXTBVUKV... .V w. trusts and of all classes of Jarge com binatioos of capital. There are a few senators who depend upon their salaries for their living but the ruling factor in that bodv in composed of millionaires directly connected with trusts or who to all intents and purposes are attorneys for them. Tee people can have littl* hope of reiie* j so long as these conditions c-sist. Agonizing Bnrns are instantly relieved, and perfectly healed, by Back] en's Arnica Salve.; C. Rivenbark, Jr., of Norfolk, Ya., writes: "I burnt my knee dreadfully: that it i blistered aU over. Bucklen's Arnica Salve stopped the pain. and healed it without a scar." Also heals all wounds and sores. 25c. at The Kaufinanu Drug co., druggist. J. S. 3?cCue XXung. Confessed to His Wife's Murder and Met Death Without a Tremor. Charlotteville, Va, F<ib. 10 ?Without a tremor J Samuel McCue met death oa the scaffold at 7:35 o'clock this morning for wife murder. Haidly had his struggles ceased when his confession was given out by his three spiritual advisers, as follows ?">T t.OlH O - waujun iukw? .. ???? I morning in our presence and requested us to make public that be did not wish to leave tDia world witb euspicion resting on any human being other than bimsell; that be alone was responsible fur the deed, impelled to it by an evil power btyord his control, and he recognizeu n?? sentence as just.'' He was 40 years old, kdi! twice had been Mayor of the city of | Charlottesville. Poisons in Food. ! Perhaps you don't realize thai many pain poisons originate in your food, hut some day you may feel a twinge of dyspepsia that will convince you. Dr. King's New Life Pills are guaranteed to cure all sickness due fo poisons of undigested food?or money back. at The Kaufmann Drug co's.. drug store. Try them. A negro in Dooly cuuniy, Ga , isn't afraid of tbe smallpox. He whs to hang on Wednesday for murder, but Gov. Terrell respited him for thirty days because smallpox broke out in the jail where he is cud lined. | j\li89 J'ert Wbat Hti inieui^en: j little thici^r vour do# in ! >! Ocolh?Y-wf; I him myself. I Mips IVrt?Tht-khu! Ir sttm? im possible. HrWTlkn COENEE, | EQ%I The Baiiey-Copeland 60* ' SOUTH CAROLINA, our nfiT, <'th0^Joi We are Not Perfect LOATb are constantly being added Mt-oncthat is elegant and stylish, 3 BUT WILL RIGHT OUR WR0I8. f the tailor s art. Q&E CO]:: | mmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmammmaBmammmmamammmmmmaMMmammBBgmmam mm t mmmmammmmmmm (Must Go. L I II V 4 !;! Having determined to pushf\5<Zj; !;;! our hand made harness and>^$N !;! make room for same, we are[? 8 now offering a lot of goodjj [FACTORY MADE HARNESS] I at greatly reduced prices. >1 < Best Web Back Bands, 2 I ' for 25c. If you want any \ bargains, call early as these goods at marked down fig- j ures will soon go. f * ^ Davis&COj 1517 Main St., Columbia, S. C. j I 1 J WM. PLATT, DEALER IN Dry Soods, Millinery and Notions, NEABLY OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. COILTTj^EI-A.. - - . S. C MACT STREET. We have received and have placed on our shelves one of the most beautiful as well S3 the moat complete iine of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ever shown in the city. These are all standard goods troni the most reliable manufeoturers and are recommended for their sfvlish atuinoboy appearance and the beauty of pattern. A. lull line of IfianoeletH and winter rfre-s good? o? all descriptions, as well as lovely creations in lashionable wiat'-r millinery. Coruo and see these goods before purchasing I will innji* u to your interest u> do so October. 9.?3m. Whiskey I Morphine Cigarettes _V11 drug and To habit. I habit. habit. oacce habits. Cured by KEELEYINSTITUE OF S. C. 1320 Lady St.. (or P. O. Box 7">) Columbia. S. C. CoUiidentiaJ correspondence solicited. " J i ^ ^ BUY ^ \vi 11 prisciit rhe ro*t Jiv iincltT>d^i''<i I - P'li{wiiilt: Uri-:RN ESThUU SHE AL Y." j MnilOV f" A T/Afitl = Before You Purchase Any Other Write 1 illUIICJ l-V UVttll. I THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 1 ttTE ARE PREPARED TO NEGO- ! orange, mass. YY tiate ]ouis on improved farming! Many Sewing Machines are mad? to sell resardlaDds i" Lexiucton Coootv No coomiis- J 'ess?f Quouty, but t?ie **?w Il.nit' iy mad. sion. lionwer to pav ' costs of 10 WMr- ?f *B?K^ n,var raM ?* prcpnlKlto n of papm. ' i ,*? I"1? fc^arMeWr,^te suit at! ?r.d!tions , . .. .> TdtiMic t- c f PTivvi ! *' t ie Pie A o w Hoiue sanJsatth? bCjit. 14. i>m 1HOMA.S A Glf.BES ^ HlsW^Wfaai!, writ* echinus ,og-iV ,. ^ 'f."'** * - '8T' SiuW by aiilharlztsl dealersooly, j221 V.ashmston St.. CMio.hia. S C j ' rOo SAL.Z OV 1 - - - \V. JJ. HOOF, If Nervous and Hun Down , simply improve your circulation. Remove the 1j XWiPon. ?">. v> waste matter that cIo?s the blood by talcing Ramon's Pills?then tone the nervous system _ _ : witH the Tonic Pellets. All in one box for Idiots . Br | 28 ? | iiid money back if not satisfied i a JH g ? |g gaa W i Fcr Salt-ar Hnrm m's Bazaar j o 3 M !kaa ? ? ? 1 We want every man and women, in the Tprivr A T TSTCPT5" A "DPT ! Suited States it) teres ted in the cure o t i; iraillj l/lO vxIiiXvu'Xi. Opium, Whiskey or other drug habits; N->/ \<viy1' tc cvurpv f' rrrv rr<? ' either tor themselves or Iricnds, to have OlIGn I> Hj^hbA GIU> | one of Dr. Wool ley's books on these ciis? till person* um-rcstm that 1 wul Up- ! eases. Write Dr. B. if. Woolh-y, Atlanta,' ply to tin- Hon. George S. Drai'fs. Judp- ; Ga..Boxi>87,andoae wiii be sent you free. of Probate in :siul for ;ho County of ; Lexington. Slate of South Carolina. on - u^jfwapliM nrprrp-c" """ the !?rn day of March, jwtj.-,. lorn rnjai ! MgggH HAIR BALSAM lise.iary .i.-> .\'iniiiii.>tniror of ill'' , &uvi beautiffe* the liit, I O. (-.,r!vv l-.-.-asv;'. j IP^Jl A CAR1 hK. JSK?^Sr-Hiir to jf.a "Vouthi'ul Color. 1 - * i...:..; i ChJrtrs I.*'f: Jatr .'nhing. d.-V^fcUt.T' rj\r. an/*. !*?>*? IlTltiTk'Lft?fl iu'!< j? -- ---^--J,