?SE LEX1HST0H DISPATCH, Wednesday, February 8,1905. Blasts, from Klondike. To the Editor of the Dispatch: And now with all her other troubles R ussia has a blooming revolution on her hands. Hope tliat does not mean that we are to be served to still longer and .harder names. - Don'-c see how Uncle J. and many more cf us are to get through if it does. Its no longer "Lo, the Poor Indian!" tmt k>, the poor dog. Our broad sliculdbig hearted Auditor lias thrown I . "-.'.-around, his neck a noose and later on j Prank Shealy will come along and rope hi in, and then there'll by a mad nig ?erOur farmers have lately shipped their tobacco and are now waiting with bated "breath the awful consequences. You -eon almost hear them say under their breath, what if we should 20 cents per pound. Of oourse then we would not plant any more Cotton. Our school, under Professor Lindler, is growing fiiuch beyond our expectations. .' r . f AH the pafctphsof B. F. D. No. 1, are hereby kindly requested to help cut out ^ foqtazkd bicycle path around the route. A good path will be a great; public convamcnoe for bothTfotumii and -ciclyist. The writer will give & full year's subscription to the "good old Lexington Dispatch" to the person who cuts out the longest aad best piece of path. What says the R. F. D. boys of the county to having a rousing meeting at ; Lexington, tlie 32nd of February? Of apurse there will be no danger to the ?8 so long as they don't ask for anything. We can have a meeting and with ^?zr tongues out and tears in our eyes we ma. stand and look at Uncle Sam like a bird dog puppy does at a piece of fat neat. Maybe lie will see that we need it and tell us to hi on or get out. The ; boys all .remind me of what I heard a battle boy say while, his bigger brother %a& eating candy. 1 He said: "I like cfcsidy, but I don't want any." " Klonkike. &t4te or Ohio. Citt of Toledo, ) Lucas County f "Prank J Cheney oonkes oath thtit he is eaior partner of tbe firm of F J Cheney & Co...doing businet-s in tbe city of Toledo, Count* and State aforesaid, and that said fins ? iU p*y tbe sum of ONE HUND&I1> DOLLaKS for (ach and every case < of Catanh that cannot be cared by the use of Bail's O&tanb.Car* FKANK T. CHFNEY. Sworn to before tne and subscribed in .my presence, this 6'tfc day of December, a. D., ItSi. , A W. GLEASON. (toeai } Notary Public. Hail's Catarrh Care is tab so internally, and .acts d rectly on the blood and mucoas aarfaces of the system. Send for t sti monials free. P J. CHENEY &C0. Toledo, O Sold by all druggists, 75c Take Hail's Family Pills for constipation Sots from Moaetta. To the Editor of the Dispatch: I shall deem it an honor should yon see fit to publish dots as I may be able ! to -write you. There is very little being done on the farm in this vicinity;. I prognosticate that the farmers are waiting to see what the staple will do and what they can grow it for. Should all farmers reduce acrage and fertilize 25 percent, less than that used last year the staple would be marketed considerable \ higher for this yearns crop. Unless thev do thisifehe I farmer must expect six cents this fall, I ^ 3"L" ? J'/l fViAeo /wW dove nf f mr. ?AUUM, 1?VJYY uiu vuw>^ VV4V* Vlast week strike yon? Did it strike you as it did some of the rest of us, unprepared. I predict that the worst is to come yet. Loot oufc'for the fifteenth, of February. Those in need of; wood had better replenish their wood pile in due time. ' * Mr. Editor, I saw in your last issue where you were asked to dine with a good old friend and possum and tatter were served. That sounds euphonious to my ears. Should I have participated with you in such a dine as that then I could have dissected the ripe possum with a better relish. Mrs. M. N. Holstein. of Monetta, has returned home from Edgefield where she spent sometime with her children. Mrs. Holstien reports having had a jolly good time during her visit. Her many friends are glad to see her back in our midst, but are sorry to notice that she is still on crutches. . Proguosticator. January 31. 11)05. Legislature. ' Tbe famous Brine dispensary bill was killed in tbe Sprate>by a vote of 16 to 11. Mr. Efird would have voted 8ye and W. E-. Johnston no, hut were paired. Quite a lot. of discusion was provoked Friday by Senator Hood's bill to limit the number of jurors drawn to not less than double tbe number needed for the term of court. Now i. one in every three of tbe names of qualified electors is drawn. Senator Hood contended that his bill furnished a better class of jurors. Senator von Kolnitz spoke against the bill, j saying that there were too fow jurors j now. Senator MeGowan thought it j a dangerous law and Senator Msr- j shall said there were now only 3,000 j registered voters in Richland and to j reduce tbe number would be very j bad policy Senator Brown said ! that the growing disbelief in jury I trials made it necessity that some- j tiling should be done, senator nay spoke against, the bill and Senator Brice on tbe earn? side. It was kill- j ed by a rote o^23 to six. Amon# the new bill's introduced was Senator Efird's relating to magistrates holding inquests. Among the bills t>ent to the house ' Friday was Senator Efirds fixing time for courts in fifth circuit. Tbe bill to create two additional circuits b** been passed by the boose Tbe majority in its favor wsb 26, q^it* surprising- The principal objection came from the fourth circuit, which will have its name changed without receiving any bene Women as Well as ffen Are Made Miserable fey Kidney jmi Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages ana lessensambition: beauty, t vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or disKidhey trouble has become so prevalent lhat it is not uncommon fpr a child to be born' - afflicted with - weak kidneys. If the r-Vn'Trl urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these im]>ortant organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys, and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miserable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the "immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. ; It is sold cent and. one-dollarjflfSSgjaCS size bottles. 'Yon may (gjffipBSHa &jj^?s?j have a sample by mail free, also a Homo * Swamp-Boot pamphlet telling ail about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N-Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any-mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's swamp-nwi, -auu c**c oudrese, Binghainton, 3*. Y.,on. every bottle. file. The bill provides for the following groupings: First Circuit?Charleston, Colleton sod Beaufort. Second Circuit?BerkeleyGeorgetown, Dorchester aDd Orahjgeburg. Third Circuit?Hampton, Aiken, B*mberg, B?rnwell and Eigefie'd. Fourth Circuit?Clireudon, Florence, Lee, Sumter end Williamsburg. Fifth Circuit?Cne^terfield, Darlington, Horry, Marion and Marlboro. Sixth Circuit?K-rshaw, Lexington, Richland and Saluda Seventh Circuit ? Chester, Fairfield, Lancaster and Y >rk E?ghth Circuit?Caerokee, Spirtar burg and Uoion Ninth Circuit?Abbeville, Greenwood, Laurens and Newberry. Tenth C.rcuif?Anderson, Greenville, Pickens and Ojon*-e. Messrs. EptiDg aod E J. Efcberedge voted to strike out the enacting words. Mr Hntto is not recorded as having 'voted. Mr Raysor's compulsory education bill was recommitted which practically means its death. ? M 1 ? Tfce House Koitea in toe necs me proposition to have a commission appointed to cordifv tfce ?chool laws. ftR also the bill of Mr. Eirbardt, of Newberry, lo provide for indexing farm labor contracts and prescribe the result of a failure to index the same.; The-Senate has devoted considers, ble time to the discussion of several bills regulating the dispensary. Among the most important bills which have been ratified were the following: Regulating traffic in seed cotton. Repsaling law forbidding county auditors to make public returns of income tax Minor change relating to foremen cf juries. For Coughs?at your druggists or direct from Murray Drug Co., Columbia, S. C.,? "Murray's Horehound, Mullein and Tar. 25c. for large size bottle. On Sousing Cotton. Cotton men, with long experience as dealers in the etsple, give it as their judgment that hundreds of bales will be seriously damaged for lack of housing and proper care. People are now holding cotton who never held any before, aDd, not knowiog from experience bow easy the staple ia fffected iijurioosiy by weather conditions, they are allowI incr thftir enttnn fcn lie uncovered on -"-? ? ? _ tbe ground, about giu houses and in their yard?, instead of storing it in warehouses or other buildings. Tbe loss on this account will be simply enormous. Take Murray's Horehound, Mullein and Tar and stop coughing. 25c. for large bottle. Your druggist or Murray Drug Co., Columbia, S. C. Many Eioters Silled. St. Petersburg. Feb. 2 ?Latest reports from S.meneau consuls in Russia indicate * cessation of trouble in most industrial centers. Tbe consul at Riga reports riotiDg there, J precipitated by students aod rowdies j who fired on tbe police. Tbe police j and troops returned tbe fire. Fiftythree persons were killed and 150 j wounded. , At Reval soldiers were obiiged to [ defend factories against a mob. | Tbree rioters were bsl!eam -, giv- i iog tfce d*ravls of the fierce fighting i from the 25tb to the 29 h of January, when the Russians were driven to the right ,o* the Hon river. The. marshal save that the enemy consisted of at least seven divisions, one of which was a cavalry division. The Jananese easualitifts were about 7,000 Prisoners state that f >ur regiment* of Bnsaian infantry were nearly annihilated. Many of tbe companies of these regiments were reduced to from 20 to 30 men each. The field marshal expresses the opinion that the Rassian equalities must have totaled at least 10,000. ? Kay Hurt College. The Trustees or Clemson College end others interested in that inetiiu- | tion are expecting a sharp fight in 1 the Senate over the bill, which has passed the Hjusp, providing for a division of tbe fertilizer tax with Wintbrop Tbe bill provides that CiemsoD shall receive about $75 000 and that after this amount baa been received the rest shall go to Wmthrcp. G Duncan Bellinger, E q, who is a trustee of ClemeoD, is quoud with bavin? said, in discussing this mat ter: "If tbe bill become8 a law tbe college will have to abolish some of its deparment8. A.s it now atania now our expenses are much about up to the revenue, and we contemplated expensive sdiitions to some of our courses next session. If this bill now pasaes it will be seen that we cannot add to the strength of tbe college, but jyill necessarily have to cut down the expenses and take away some of the courses. This, also, in the face of tbe fact that our professors are the poorest paid and among the best in the country and are constantly receiving offers elsewhere." Erer since its establishment Clemaon has been an object of attack from that element opposed to it from its incipiencv. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig o-^ | nature is uu vbuu a uua. jl uuc, Hilled by Falling Tree. Walballa Courier. Last Saturday morning. 14th ult., in the Burnt TsDyard neighborhood, on the farm of Widow Deaton, Deady Hughes, about twelve years old, a son of Marcus Hughes, was out rabbit hunting early in the morning, and in cutting down a tree was caught under it as it fell and pinioned to the ground. His dog returned home and showed uneasinass, coming and going in the direction of the woods Search wsr made and thebodyfouDd at 1 o'clock in the afternoon by J. F. Frady, who, with his mother, lifted up the butt of the tree, while bis grandmother drew his body out. Young Hughes had been dead some time when found. Coroner W. L. Harbin went and looked into the case and issued a burial permit, but no inquest was held, as it was plainly an accident. .The unfortunate accident is deeply regretted by the friends of the young man. Murray's Horehound, Mullein and Tar will cure your cough. Large bottle for 25c. The South's Great Year. From the Manufacti . s' Record. There is one striking point worthy , of general attention, and that is while j raising by far the largest cotton crop ever produced, larger than the worid 1 l_ i 3 ko ; gtmerHiijr uttu euppuocu wa? kuo j South could cultivate and pick with i its present labor supply, this section j at the same time has raised its lar- j i gest grain crops and its largest fruit | crops, and, in addition to all of this, i has steadily developed its industrial j and railroad interests. The people of the South have thus been doing more work and accomplishing greater results during the last twelve | months than ever before Too Close Bangs. ! The administration is said to have I promised Postmaster General Wynne 1 ] 4'tbe beet thing in sight." I* will j j take care, however, that Mr. Wynne i j himself is ont of sight. That enter- j 1 prising young man has been seeing I ] entirely toe many tbioge here lately. ; Our Buyer is always in sea] suit the wants of the i xxLs trade, an ample cash enables iis to givt id everything kept in a First Class Store tl: >treet H( IMIIMIM ??1111 [ III II I I ! ! II?I? Cures Blood Poison. Cancers, Uicers. If you have- offensive pimples or eruptions. ulcere ap any part of ihe body, aching bones or j ?int8, falling hair, mucous patches, swollen fflands, skm itches and burns, sore lips or gums, eating, festering sorep, sharp gnagiDg pains then you suffer from serious blood poison or the beginning of deadly cancer. Yon may be permanently cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B ) made especially to cure the worst blood and skin diseases. Heals every sore or ulcer, even deadly cancer, stops all aches and pains and redoces all swellings. Botanic Blood Balm cures all malignant blood troubles, such as eczema, scaba and scales,, pimples, running sore?, carbuncles, scrofula. Druggist, $1 00 To prove it cures, samples of Blood Balm sent free and prepaid by writing Blood Bairn Co, Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free nodical advice pent in sealed letter. He who wastes minutes wonders what becomes of the hours. gMPgaagVTtWHr? -r'i h^TTrniU fi fflrTNAfc'fr-trfiWMiS j we want all interested in 3 MACHINERY TO HAVE OUR NAME BEFORE THEM I DURING 1505 ? Write us stating what kind of i Machinery you use or will jj install, and we will mail you \ Free of all cost a I A HANDSOME AND USEFUL tI POCKET DIARY AND ATLAS | j OR A LAF.SE COMMERCIAL CALENDAR I i Gibbes Machinery Company, f COLUMBIA, S. C. J A STOCK CF HORSE POWER HAT ? j PRESSES TO BE CLOSED OUT AT | SPECIAL PRICES | BP'-'", * ? ?'? J. B. Reidlinger, { 5 li, COLUMBIA, - - S. C. J -L /I *%<% % A Punr?r PQTjow I r IVKU X>lC(lUy I uuu X auv < Pies. Cream Puffs.' Buns, Rusks, Rolls, in fact everything that is good to eat usually found in a first class bakery. Mail Orders Given Prompt and Careful I attention. To Cure a Cut, Sore or Wound apply Ramon's Nerve & Bone Oil prcmiply. It is antiseptic?stops the pain and causes healing-by first mtention.25eaudmoneybackifnotsatisBCci For sale at the Bazaar. in in it i THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN COLUMBIA. UNITED STATES. STATE. CITY AND COUNTY j DEPOSITED. Savings l>eparJuseiit. Paid up Capita!! - - - $200,000' 8nrplus Profits . - ?0.00f Liability of Stockholders - 200,000 $470.000 Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent nor annum, payable May 1st and November 1st W. A. CLARK. President. WnjiJoKits, VjcePr^sidtmt aDd Cashier. December 4 - lv. j (Wood's Seeds. Wood's Selected Oflorl Dnfotnoc IOGGU I UIUIUUO | are specially grown for seed pur- j poses, and are very much superior to ordinary potatoes. We carry the ] largest stock in the South, and j can supply large buyers to the j very best 'advantage, both as re- I gards quality and price. Wood's Twenty-fifty Anni- j versary Seed Book, which is j mailed free on request, tells all j about the best new and standard j varieties of Potatoes, as well as j about all Garden and Farm Seeds. Write for Seed Boojc and ! special price list of farm seeds. T.W.Wood & Sons. Seedsmen, mCHMOHO, VI88IHU. "WOOD'S SEEM Awar4cd 1 GRAND PRIZE - ST. LOUIS, 1904. emn urnu . Pirns \2w~i. | To Cure a Cough j Uk? Ramos's Eu^lifl: Cough Syrup la tfni&ll ! dot^wduricjc tkr da?, ihtu PleepatBigbC Apio* ,' tar balm without morpfcloe. *V< ut all dealers. j For Pale w ItarnK-.r.V Bazaar. j | We Solicit Your Trade, fi rch of such values as will 5 N. A. YOUNG. 5 ip-to-date wants of the SesssssesssssesesesesesesS .ington County? . i yon ba cams in Dry Goods. Dress Goods. Trimmings, Dices, Embroideries, Notions iat cannot be obtained anywhere else but at YOUNG, COLUMBIA, S. C. i .... .... ? ' "* ? S JFi: J3 I AIK LIINE KAILWAY. I NOMl^SO OTH-EAST- WEST~ | Two Daily Pullman Vestibule Limited Trains Between \ I SOUTH AND NEW YORK. First Class Dining Car Service. The best rates and route to all Eastern cities via Richmond and Washington, or via Norfolk and * steamers to Atlanta, Nashvill , Memphis, Louisville, St. Louis, Chicago, ' New Orleans and all points South and Southwest to Savannah and I and Jacksonville and all points in Florida and Cuba. Positively the | shortest line North and South. ffi^For detailed information, rates, schedules, Pullman reservations. &c.. apply to any agent of the Seaboard Air Line Railway or to W. L. 8 BURROUGHS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Columbia, S. C. CHARLES F. STEWART, Assistant General Passenger Agent I SAVUT\TAH. GA, 1 WHy not inm iflr^Rf 1 ^mrlabor! * 2 C^y H -\ ( ) * ? Ma^% your' rnoDev make money for yoa. ? Placed in oar SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 'r?-* be both wafe AQd productive. We e I V;pay inter* stfimr times a ye*r. ir^iMiiiiBiyisico. ; >1 & ' 1 /' 'J ,*' ' . ? I | COLUMBIA. S. C. j -npvo-rjKf ? IYLES. j'rewdent. ? B WALKER. V. Fresident ??????????GO????????????? JP MATTHEWS Secretary. 1 ' | 9 H. F. Hkndrix, J. L. Matthews. H. A. Meetze, j J President. Vice Pres. Cashier. ? i i The Bank of Leesville, I i ' s l LEESTILLE, ^.C. | Capital, - - $30,000.00 % Interest Allowed in Savings Department. e We Solicit a Share of Your Business, e 9 THE PRICES TELL. THE QUALITY SELLSJ. B. FRIDAY & CO.,. "Wholesale and Retail GROCERS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN, SEED RUST PROOF OATS. i ttt -?* - . -"? . i . m _ T\t _ ? . ** _/ v we want me mercnanis, jrianzers ana farmers oj jjvjc- ^ in y ton County to Call and See Us Before They Make Their Purchases. We Can Fill Your Wants and Save You Money. I 1823 and 1825 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. FURNITURE. I MAXWELL & TAYLOR, COLUMBIA, S. C. ^ "We especially invite you to come to see us for your Furniture, Stoves. Mattings, * Rugs, Lace Curtains, Chairs, Rockers, Cradles, and in fact everything to Furnish - Your - House. ? ' We have the best 50c. Chair you _ P\ ever saw. MAXWELL & TAYLOR. NEAK POST OPFiCHv COLl'HBU, S. C. * '