g THE LARGEST g ? 1 Department Store 1 "! o & ? ? SOUTH OF BALTIMORE J 1 Oct Bitter is constants in tl MA?ra M(i\ ft V* * I YTrt TTfTT'ni uumjsi iu sjiii us wuxij The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, January 18. 1S05. PENCIL AND SCXSSOES. ?? Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. How is that vaccinated arm ? > v The days are getting longer. Wfl crfi havincr hoc* killing weather. 1r% 0 0 ? ^Gruano and acid will Boon be in g&U demand. Bead tbe change in Tapp's ad. tb? week. For a nice wedding present call at . khto Bazaar. The small grain in this vicinity is looking fine. / The beat shoes, at rock bottom : prices, at Bailentine & Co. * i Knights of old feared nothing? j bat a woman's tongue. The K. of P's, of this place, meet every Wednesday night. Dispensary Inspector W. J. McCartha was on our streets today. Miss Ruth Adams, of near Bateiborg, is vieitiDg Miss Edith Wingard. "TTfilln!" Through the 'obone. is ? - o I ^uifee popular in our town these days, ~Bev. Evans Hall, of Samaria, is visiting his brother, Mr. H. C. Hall, of oar town. Beautify your home with some 1 landscapes, window shades, at Ballentine & Co. Mrs. J. D. Roof, of Arthur's, wss 4be guest of Mrs. M. S. Win gar d ' Tuesday. -Water works is much needed in Lexington. Let some one start the -scheme. Who will ring the next weddirg fell in1 this community? ThicS awhile. Boy your garden seed at the Bazaar if you want good results. All fresh seed. Who will be the next to start the erection of another brick building in town? Miss Marie LoDg has returned from a two week's visit to relatives hi Columbia. * Farm implements of all kinds and fancy hardware will be found at, Lexington Dept. Store. Mr. Wesley Nichols, a prominent wtizen of the Leesville community, was in town last Friday. Mr. J. H. Hill?r, of the Fork, called to see us last Monday and left his cart wheel. The price of cotton is still on tb* down grade. It is quoted at 6 15-16 for good middling. A fresh lot of buggy and wagon harness just received at Lexington Department Store. Prices the lowest IF IN NEED OF ' A PRESENT COME TO SYLVAN BROS., 1524 2?&in Street. We have them ready for you. By following up our business closely and ordering goods in time, we now have our stock complete in all our lines again, and now, as always, only the best of everything; only solid everlasting qualities: the newest, pret*? 1 i - Ml tiest and most up-to-aate patterns that can be had. Good quality, up-to-date styles and pretty patterns is what is appreciated, and what to look for when making a present of any kind. In buying from us, von can make no mis' V take, as we have no other kind, Come in and take a look anyway. You can't help being pleased with both the goods and prices. SYLVAN BROS., JEWELERS, 1584 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. Ool-u.23n.lola I ie market with cash, supported KT IN THE CITY. Mi aMMBM??BaMBg??HI??ceng Many a single man looks through the bottom of a whiskey glass and sees things double. Mr. S. E. Smith, now of Lennon, Fla., was at Swansea last week visiting friends. Mr. John Taylor is Mayor pro tem of the town and has become to be a "terror to evil doers." * Our subscribers will find the sup plement that we are sending out this week very interesting. The Editor is out in the sunshine and the cold this week hunting for the "Almighty dollar." To make room for their spring goods you will find great bargains at Ballentine & Co. Mr. John W. Scoffill, a prominent citizen of the Pelion section, was in town Saturday. We have been having some very cold weather, but the wave has passed away and it is pleasant now. Mr. A- W. Lever, of Peak, was in town last Wednesday and gave the Dispatch office a pleasant call. Dixie Lodge of Odd Fellows will meet in their hall tomorrow night. Pelican Lodge meets Friday night. The new hall of Pelican Lsdge, L 0. 0 F, is about compleled and soon they wiil occupy the buildiDg. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Stork, Jr., of Columbia, visited relatives acd friends in this community last week We are sending out bills to subscribers who are in arrears. We trust they will favor us with a re mitiance. Miss Mary Richardson and brother, of Spring Hill, have just returned home from a pleasant visit at this place. A few Enterprise Lard Presses and Black Hawk Corn Shellers tc close out at low prices at Lexington Department Store. Remember the place to have your stationery printed is at the Dispatch Job Printing Office, if you want a neat job. Mr. Sbelton Harman has oonclud ed that he could not be without the Dispatch and now receives the same on Lexington R. F. D. No. 1. Lexington Department Store wil give you good values in winter cloth ing and underwear, in order to mak< room for spring stock. WANTED?Renters for two farmi or three cropers for two farms 01 my place near Gilbert. Apply t< Ioor Hayes, Gilbert, S. C. lwpd Mr. John A. Dreher, a progressive farmer of the Seiwood section in th< Fork, did not forget to give us t pleasant call while in town yesterday Remember that Lexington Depart ment Store sells the best shoes a the lowest prices and has one of th largest stocks to select from. We learn that Mr. Randolph Mc Cartha, of sear Leesville, bad fcb misfortune of breaking his arm whil at work in a grist mill last Saturday Mr. T. W. Kennedy, of Ne; Brookland, was in town Saturda and called in the Dispatch office. "W are always glad to see such goo men. Just Received?A car load of co ton seed hulls and meal. Partie wishing to purchase should call f once on G. H. Rsof & Bro, Barr, S C. Mr. George Lee, of our town. b? been appointed carrier of the new I F. D route out from ftris plsce. M Lee has long been a valued employe of the Lexington Mill. Seventeen new names were adde to our subscription list duting tb past week. Still there's room fc more. The Dispatch now has a ci culation of 1,937. The Editor expects you to brio] that dollar you are due him wbe you go to meet the County Audito fr\ ooqoqq vnnr r>rnrM?rtv_ So remen IV OVVVWW JVM* ^/? V|#v. . ^r?' ber this when you leave borne. Mr. W. H. Witt, who is origioall 1 from Orangeburg county, has locate at Swansea and is engaged iu th sale and livery stable businsss. H is pleasant and liberal in his dealing i tr the sale of horses, mules and v< b Jes. He has had a commodiou j stabel erected in town for the bus I ness and is doiDg well. 1 0 fjj Bargain I u. lilie|Getters. , S. O. by long experience, consequently b lie orders given prompt jjjj j aSifiHi ; iflgaaaalf WITH 1 LOOK. Empress, are well worth seeing, for they are the best looking, best fitting and best feeling shoe a lady ever put her foot into. They are made of the softest, smoothest and finest patent and glazed kid that ever went into a ?3.50 ladies' shoe. Welba, our ?3.00 beauty, is as far ahead of other ?3.00 shoes as an automobile is and ox cart. There is a heap of satisfaction in feeling well shod, and \vheii\ we lit you that is just the way vou feel. %/ EHRLICHS, 1643 Main Street) Ml||UB|A C p 1627 Main Street) LULLJlDlrlj 0. It Sept 20?ly Don't You Need Some new silverware for your table? You 1 I might as well have nice service on your table now and etjoy it while you are young especially when jou can buy it sc reasonably. When in Columbia come in and i talk silverware with us, or, if you can't come will send you our catalogue. We are opening up a nice fresh stock of watches and jewelry just received. Next week (before October 15), we will have an entire new liDe of handsome clocks at very j attractive prices. Keep ns in mind and ccme to see us 3 whenever you want goods in this line. We save you money. 3 ; P. H. LACHICOTTE & CO., , .JEWELERS, I | 1424 MAIM STHJt.LT, CCLiA, a. u. t! JUST A WORD 0 TO FARMERS: : THE UNION WAREHOUSE CO., II of d i Columbia, S. C., ! t- i 1S * | prepared to | Store Cotton in Standard Warehouse o-nrl a rra n D*P ^ UilXVA UV U/llUiu^v re proper cash advances if you desire to ^ hold your cotton. >r Details will he gladly rsupplied if you d address ' I 111 WAREHOUSE CO., y "^lumbia. S, C. d e e For fattening and keeping your ;s etcck, cattle, bogs and pc ury in 8 ?- bealtby and thriving condition use >8 the International Stock Food. It is i- for sale by the CroBaon Drug Cc-, oi Leesviile. See advertisement. Col"uina"bis,, S. C, t he gets the Cream of bargains, the benefit of w uying AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. SEND i.nuLi mi S THE LARGEST and most com- \ i s % plete line of Mules ever shown in the % \ City of Columbia can be seen at our ? \ stables from now on. Our numbers of \ # * '? head on hand will be swelled to over t , g g 100 head. As to quality we must say ? 5 ^ S they are h'ne and will show for them- | j selves. j* 11 Load Kentucky Mules | \ that will make you want to trade. \ % Xow. we nronose to cut loose and do t \ \ ^A g 8 it quick. Now is the time to buy and | g we are the people to buy from. Be- \ \ cause, first we have what you want; % % . J w S second, we will sell you a bargain ? \ every time; third, we have a reputa- \ | tion that we are proud of and will | \ treat you rjo-ht if vou will o-ive us the ? 8 jo.- -> j \ chance. % i\Wuu%muuuumuuu%im%uhmn%ummuuv BUG< For a few days and a few davs only we Now is yoar time. When you come we w i 3 ehicles and plenty of them as you will fi JOHN W. CONDE GET OUR o: i We Handle a TinrinifuCjunlinft Qum.r I II ^ Blliwr w V9H IIHW WHflWBHHB 1 I. P. ROOF, 1 deal: ; GENERAL MI 1 Lexingi 0 Bargain . g EVERY DAY ? 8i Givers. j a bargain day | 7 & AT *.? A hich we give to our Lexington Friends when 1 ( 1 ? TO US FOE ANYTHING YOU WANT. r 5 i % NOW is the rime to buy Wag- \ j i S z s j oiis. This is the best wasron season $ , f . f S we have ever had having sold several ? 1 car loads and trade growing larger, a 3 | ' ^ w 2 The people continue to buy % 1 "flirt HB If " j ^ l %I1U 11IUI1UB |B \ \ "First in the iiearts of our country- S ? men1' and without a doubt the best S % ? % and most durable wagon made today ? ? in the United States. Ask your neiffh- % w o 2 ? bor what wagon he is using, he will \ % / / S ? sav "Old Hickory 1 nine times out of J 5 ten. If you buy the best you will ? % buy the "Old Hickory" and they don't \ cost any more than the cheap kind. | 9T JIL m** B9? 1 will sell a few Buggies at cut prices, ill show you as handsome a collection of ; nd in any Southern City. R, Sec. and Treas., _ s. c. : PRICES 0 ' LT muwuu Full Line of !o., and Armour Fertilizers ! EALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, LEXINGTON, S. C. < ER IN 2RCHANDISE, on, S. C. i !