???? III. I ?. jg THE LARGEST | | 1 Department Store I ? g is t SOUTH OF BALTIMORE J #*r Bu^er is constantly in tl lirv fiondf? 1 ILF1 J UUUUU) il COME TO SEE US WHE! ?CT??1?MB PENCIL AND SCISSOBS. Wsyside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Kan. Prepare your garden spot. These are pretty moonlight nights. Have you kept those good resolutions? Some do say that this is going to be a good fruit year. There is not a vacant store house in the town of Lexington. Bargains in left over Christmas goods aow on hand at the Bazarr. The farmers are beginning to haul cotton seed meal and hulls. Commercial men still continue to visit this place in large numbers. A fresh lot of Ferry's garden seed Just received at the Bazaar. It is the opinion of some that there are dull times ahead of us. The chain gang is now located in Scuffle town, just beyond the depot. Many a shrewd man lias purchased a gold brick in the form of experience. The next festival is that of St. Valentine, when it is said the birds mate. The Home and Farm and the Dispatch ene year for $1.35. Subscribe now. Mr. B. E. Wingard, of the Providence . * Section, dropped in to see us Thursday. n / Now is the time to buy your guanos X^und W. P. Roof's is the place to get it. V-There are no new cases of smallpox developed and the scare is about over. Sometimes a girl is in earnest when she lets a man kiss her against her will. Read the Auditor's notice and meet him promptly when he is in your neighborhood. It has been said that ''time is money," but with us both time and space is money. Railroad Commissioner Banks L. Caughman; of Columbia, visited in town Sunday. We were pleased to receive a visit from Mr. J. L. Lowman, of Selwood, last week. Orange blossoms are blooming and wedding cakes are baking hereabouts. Wafccli and see. The Lexington Department Store is the place to go for the right goods at the right prices. It tried mighty hard to snow Saturday, but it was a dismal failure as only a few flakes fell. The local weather prophets seem to have crawled into a hole and pulled the hole in after them.. Some of the members of the local Bar are in attendance upon the Supreme court in Columbia. Mr. Seastrunk, of Aiken, lias moved to Lexington and placed his tliree children in the Institute. Mr. T. P. Meetze is building a large barn and stables in the rear of liis residence on Main street. . Farmers will be better off if they will stop cursing their "luck" and speculators and plant less cotton. Mr. W. P. Roof, returned from Tampa, Fla., where he lias been on a several days' visit to his wife. Mr. Sam Seastrunk, the butcher, is supplying our market with fine fresh meats every day in the week. The farmers hereabouts, who are able to do so, seem determined to hold their cotton for better prices. While coffee and other provisions are going up in prices, those for country produce are coining down. Night work was resumed at the cotton factory last Monday night. The mill is now operated both day and night requiring the employment of two sets of operatives. IF IN NEED OF A PRESENT COME TO SYLVAN BROS,, 1524 Main Street. We have them ready for you. By followiug up our business closely and ordering goods in time, we now have our stock complete in all our lines again, and now, as always, only the best of everything; only solid everlasting qualities: the newest, prettiest and most up-to-date patterns that can be had. (rood quality, up-to-date styles and pretty patterns is what is appreciated, and what to look for when making a present of any kind. In buying from us, you can make no mistake, as we have no other kind. Come in and take a look anyway. You can't help being pleased with both the goods and prices. SYLVAN BROS., JEWELERS, 1524 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. 1 . L Mimnaugl Col'u.m.lola,, lie market with cash, supported b N IN THE CITY. , MAI Rev. Mr. Kyzer delivered an impres sive scnnon in the Baptist church at Gilbert on Sunday, ihe Stli iiist. Mr. W. L. Hook, a young and industrious citizen residing 011 the Brookland T> T"1 -- . _ I A. n rpi. -. ! jx. r . u., guvt u* a pikiiam can ?iiuisday. The Rev. B. D. Wessinger will preach, in the Lewiedale Evangelical Lutheran church next Sunday, the 15th inst., at 3 p. m. \ Remember the Editor is with the / uditor and before you leave home to : ke returns put a dollar in your pocket for him. Mr. Mc. D. Busliardt, of Peak, has accepwd a position as agent and operator at Cades, S. C., on the Atlantic Coast Line. Mr. Simon I. Hook, one of the most substantial citizens from near Brookland, called in to see us while in town on business, Thursday. The Dispatch Job Printing office is prepared to execute all kinds of job printing at reasonable prices. Call and see samples of work. The free school at Macedon has closed, and its efficient teacher, Prof. Joe Smoak, the son of Dr. L. E. M. Smoak, has returned to his home in this place. The Caughman Bros., Columbia, have on hand a stock of fine mules, suitable for fanning purposes. Call and see them before purchasing. Next week will be examination week at the .Palmetto uoiiegiate institute after which new classes will be formed. This is a good time to enter. If you want a safe and sound place to put your money, deposit it in the Home Bank/" where it will draw 4 per cent, interest, payable quarterly. Now is the time to work up an interest in the proposed Lexington cotton seed oil mill so that it can be gotten in operation in time to handle the next crop. Mr. Melton Shull, of New Brookland, who has attended school near his home, entered the Institute Monday. He boards with his uncle, Mr. William Monts. The valuable real estate belonging to the Estate of the late David Rawl, in the town of Batesburg, is on the market. See advertisement elsewhere in this issue. Mr. W. J. McCartha came over from Columbia Saturday and spent Sunday in town. He was accompanied by his friends, Messrs. Floyd and Nichols, of that city. -V r TTT . 1 T\ I* - .1 Mr. vv. riCKens nooi, came aown from Newberry, where lie is attending college, Saturday and spent that day and Sunday under the parental roof in this place. When in the market for vehicles of any kind you should drop in and see the large stock carried by T. B. Aughtry & Co., Columbia. They carry the best makes at the lowest prices. Mr. Kennedy Sturkie, of Swansea, who has been attending Wagener High school, has entered the Palmetto Collegiate Institute. Mr. Sturkie boards with Mr. J. D. Taylor. The family of Dr. Hendrix have moved into their new residence over his drug store on Main street. Capt. J. Feaster Lvles now occupies liis old residence on Lower Main street, opposite Drafts Hotel. Our young friend. Mr. J. Walter Hite, who is now one of the brave and faithful firemen of the Columbia Fire Department, ran over Saturday to see his father, who is sick at his home just below here. This week the Auditor commenced to take tax returns at Gaston and will close the we -k's work at Mr. W. N. Martin's. Our newspaperman will be with him. Don't miss this opportunity to settle with him. Miss Minnie I. Dicks visited friends in town last week. Miss Minnie taught the primary department of the Palmetto Collegiate institute in this place under Prof. Percival Powell, and by her efficiency, gentleness of disposition and charming manners, endeared herself to our people, among whom she has many warm friends. She is now a teacher in TIi4r?A^Alcl P/n/?o tiAno 1 OAI IAOA i^uuv.-uixv;iiai vuiAv^v? vi that town. PRESENTS. Military Sets, Clothes Brushes, Toilet Sets, Combs and Brushes, j Jewelry Boxes, Mirrors, Writing Sets, Smoking Sets, View Holders, Card Receivers. Lamps, Child's C. and B. Sets, Shaving Sets, Manicure Pieces, Wrist Bags, Album Games, Books, Testaments, Bibles, Jewelry of every description. Gold Watches form ?10 to $30, China Cups and Saucers, Mugs, i o o t n Picks, China Novelties, 4 Piece Table Sets, Fruit Baskets, Fruit Bowls, Comb aad Brush Trays, Tea, Sugar and Cream Ckocolet Sets, Wa} ter Sets, Best Figured Vases, Toy Tea Sets, Dolls of every description. Scissor Sets, Manicure Cases. Knife, Thimble and Scissors Sets, Cologne of every kinds, in price from *25c. to $5.00. Crosson Drug Co., LEESVILLE. S. C. i 8 fn Bargain I U UU?)Oefters. s. a, y long experience, consequently bn X ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ffTUtj jjjp^^ 'WpT^|^ | WITH A LOOK. Empress, are well worth seeing, for they are the best looking, best fitting and best feeling shoe a lady ever put her foot into. They are made of the softest, smoothest and finest patent and glazed kid that ever went into a. ?3.50 ladies' shoe. Welba, our ?3.00 beauty, is as far ahead of other ?3.00 shoes as an automobile is and ox cart. There is a heap of satisfaction in feeling well shod, and when we fit you that is just the way you feel. riiDT Tfiira mmuivii yjj 1643 Main Street) Oft II'MR 11 P ft 1627 Main Street! WlilfflDlA, fli It Sept 20?ly Don't Yon Need Some new silverware for your table? You might as well have nice service on your table now and erjoy it while you are young especially when you can buy it sc reasonably. When in Columbia come in and talk silverware with us, or, if you can't come will send you our catalogue. We are opening up a nice fresh stock of watches and jewelry jast received. Next week (before October 15), we will have an entire new line of handsome clocks at very attractive prices. Keep us in mind and come to see us whenever you want goods in this line. We save you money. P. H. LACHICOTTE & CO., .JEWELERS, 1424 MAIN STBEET, COLUMBIA, S. C. JUST A WOED TO FARMERS: IDE HON WAREHOUSE CO., of Columbia, S. C., is prepared to Store Cotton in Standard Warehouse and to arrange proper cash advances if yon desire to hold your cotton. Details will be gladly supplied if you address I UNION WAREHOUSE 00., ^LUMBIA, S. C. Our old friend, James L. Rawl. who justly prides himself for promptness in the discharge of his public and private duties, did not like others to excel him in paying the printer, made us happy to the amount of two cart wheels, one for last year and one for a year in advance. Col-dm-ToIa,, S. C. he gets the Cream of bargains, the ibcnefit of w Lying font's Fnmistiinns. S1 _h w ? A i \j> m Hi (fcj'j AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. SEND HBBaBaBmflBflmsaauHnuBHBBBinnangHBaBBaBxaznnnnHHaaBSE ES. | 5 THE LARGEST and most com- S | plete line of Mules ever shown in the % t . \ S Citv of Columbia can be seen at our % 5 ? stables from now on. Our numbers of g % head on hand will be swelled to over g \ \ % 100 head. As to quality we must say g g they are fine and will show for them- g g selves. g 11 Load Kentucky Mules | g that will make vou want to trade, g g Now, we propose to cut loose and do ? g it quick. Now is the time to buy and g g we are the people to buy from. Be- g \ cause, first we have what vou want; \ $ second, wTe will sell you a bargain ? g every time; third, we have a reputa- g \ tion that we are proud of and will \ 2 treat you right if you will give us the 2 g chance. | BUGC For a few davs and a few davs onlv we %} %j Xow is your time. When you come we wi ehicles and plenty of them as you will fir JOHN W. CON DEF GET OUR on> wwvvwvw We Handle a I Al II Ml Ml Virginia-Carolina Chem.Ci w. P. F DEALE , GENERAL ME Lexingto O1 Bargain 4***? ******?-% & & EVERY DAY I si Givers, j abaegainday | ?? AT hich we give to our Lexington Friends when to us foe anything you want. ^ NOW is the time to buy Wag- \ ^ \ ons. This is the best wagon season g \ we have ever had having sold several \ \ I g car loads and trade growing larger, g 5 ? ? The people continue to buy \ \ uFirst in the hearts of our country- J ? men11 and without a doubt the best \ % { \ and most durable wagon made today ? % _ _ _ ? % in the United States. Ask vour neigh- \ *! O 2 S bor what wagon he is using, he will \ ?g sav u01d Hickory" nine times out of I ^ ? * r S ten. If you buy the best vou will % \ " \ % buy the u01d Hickory1' and they don't S i \ \ cost any more than the cheap kind. ? . i will sell a few Buggies at cut prices. .11 show you as handsome a collection of id in any Southern City. v' %J Sec. and Treas., s. c.. PRICE S T wvwwwv Full Line of I ?mJ A Mitt All fit ?A?illiarAM? j.? ibuu a; muui ^ ui s R IN rtCnAJN DISK, n, S. C. \