CORNER, G I ^gB|_ _ The Bailey-Copeland Co., RllliS E SOUTH CAROLINA. B mh?(tnmtM*mft#ariifti>iinnun .nm-nnitiHffflllfV ^lftlffMtiW*ViiiTT7r"ThriBatfMtiSFw'M BUY YOUR CLOTHES AT THE ?^- The demand for our High Grade C] Hl?A??i Rat tar &tara business is meeting with marked fa IFlCSS BCltCl to and brightened up by goods that fyF" and yet not tco high in price. We 88 THE BAIL] * Longman and Martinez PURE PAINTS. The actual cost of the regular shades of Longman . , I MULLEIN ANL> TAR. Only a bottle. At all druggists. The constables recently destroyed a distillery near Greenville and captured a wagon and the driver: The South Carolina Methodist Conference, which met at Darlington, will, hold its annual meeting, in 1905 at Spartanburg. Saved From Terrible Death. The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt, of Bargetown, Tenn., saw her dying and \ were powerless to save her. The most | skillful physicians and every remedy used, failed, while consumption was slowly, but surely taking her life. In this terrible hour Dr. Kings's New Discovery for Consumption turned despair into joy. The first bottle brought immediate relief and its continued use completely cured her. Its the most certain cure in the world for all .throat and lung troubles, guaranteed bottles 50c. and $1.00. Trial }>ortlos free at the Kaufnumn Drug co. i According to a motion passed at tin- j i recent- Methodist conference at DarliiigI ton, Williamstoii ('ollo^e will now hear the name of Lander College, in honor of J the distinguished and beloved founder j of that institution. Recently two strangers went to rhe j home of a mill operative a: Spartanburg ; i and left a little three-year-old prl in the | care of the operative, stating that they i would return shortlv. Thev never came j hack. * \ [Chamberlain's Congh Xtemedy. the Best Made. . i | **In my opinion Chamberlain's t'ouph i Remedy is the best nuide for colds." | ! says Mrs. Oora Walker, of Portervilie. | J Cal. There is no doubt aV?ut ir^ beinjr 11 these circumstances tend to convince ight, and our stock of SUITS AND OVER what you have been looking for?an overc* the Merchant Tailor's price, yet a model o , STEEETS, COLUMBIA, S. C. the best. No other will cure a cold so j quickly. No other is so sure a preventive of pneumonia. No other is so pleasant and safe to take. These are good 1? _i reasons wny 11. snoiuu ut- ^icicucu any other. The fact is that few people are satisfied with any other after having once used this remedy. For sale by The Kaufmann Dreg co. The nest reunion of Confederate veterans will be held in Lonisville, Kv. The date has not yet been announced. Reports to the North Carolina State Board of Health show that smallpox is very epidemic in Greene county, with a great number of cases. Say "Murray's." When you've got a bail cough just say "MUKKAY'S." It a druggist gives you anything but Murray's Horehouud, 3Iul!ein and Tar you're not g ttirig the bc-t and surest cough remedy. Make him give you Murray's. Acts quicker and you get a 50c. e: ~e bottle for s>c. Every druggist has it. The proposition to make 18 years .the age limit for admission to the Knights of Pytliias of the world which was submitted to and passed at the last session of the supreme convention of that order, has been approved by Charles E. Shivelv. the supreme chancellor. Under the provisions of the constitution the proposed amendment will now go to the various grand lodges for action. I Chamberlain's Cough Remedy A* I-. ADSom^eiy Aarsiisss. The fault of giving children medicine containing injurious substances, is sometimes more disastrous than the disease irom which they are suffering. Every mother should know that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is perfectly safe for cliildren to take. It contains nothing harmful and for coughs, colds and croup is unsurpassed. For sale by The Kauf! inann Drug eo. A general meeting of the hard yard j spinners of the South has been called to be held in Charlotte January when i matters of vital interest to the trade will be considered. An agreeable movement of the bowels without any unpleasant effect is produced by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Tiie Kaufmann Drug co. Many a poet hesitates at the editor's door, then goes into a decline. Stomach Troubles and Constipation. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are the best thing for stomach troubles and constipation i have ever sold," says J. R. Cullman, a druggist of Potterville, Mich. They are easy to take and always give satisfaction. I tell my customers to try tliem and if not satisfactory to come back and get their money, but have never had a complaint.'' For sale by Tiie Kaufmann Drug co. Too much beer may make a man fat and at the same time make him lean. There wopld be a sight more joy in the world if there were no ice bills in .summer and coal bills in winter. ^ 1 A Very Close Call. '*1 stuck to ray engine, although every joint ached end every nerve was racked with pain,v writes C. W- Bellamy, a locomotive firenu n. rf Burlington, Iowa.. "I w.'is weak and pale, without any appetite and all run down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Eiec' trie Bitters, and after taking it. I felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by The Knufmann Drug eo. Price 30 cents. ~ . i A woman would like to be rich so she j could give pennies to the jxior and pearl j necklaces to herself. If a woman was falling out of a balloon it would worry her to think her hat wasn't on straight. ? ? Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications. :is they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, ~^ io m- ^w^iuriturional remedies. uuu mai 10 u < Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of tl 10. mucous lining of the Eustachain Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the. result, and unless the inflammation can be taken our and this rube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed I forever: nine cases out of ten are cans- | catarrh, which is nothing 'out an J inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused bv catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. .T. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. <>. Sold by druggists, T-V. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. . **. 1 # / The woman who tells it all rieluom claims to know ir all. ' Women seem to count their children's i brains bv the number of teeth that conic j I i > ' i througn. ^ CORNER, Pm The Bailey-Gope!and Co,, SOUTH CAROLINA, onr modern method Of * We are Not Perfect. ? CO ATS arc constantly being added . J )at?one that is elegant and st yli:*h, BUT WILL RIGHT OUR WRONG. i f the tailors art. COM1PAMY. :: , ??? PRESCRIPTIONS'T Should be filled by Druggists | I JffOT green Horns. ] Life is too precious to be carelessly handled. This has been my work I for 18 years, and do guarantee you pure drugs and careful work. B I _ _ ANY DRUG YOU NEED. 1 Kinard's Horse, Cattle and Poultry Powder cures Chicken Cholera I or no pay. The ideal stock food. Paints and Oils. 1 j T. 'W. ^in-axd.. 1 The Licensed Druggist at, LEESVILLE, S. C. jj | DKS. I). I,. BOOZER & SONS DENTISTS, ^ 1615 MAIN STREET, 1 COLI1MBIA, S. C. 'PHONE SHO. WM. PLATT, DEALER IN ^ I ^ NEARLY OPPOSITE POST CFPIOE, . S. C. MAIN STREET. We have received and have placed on oar shelves one of the most beautiful as well a3 the most complete line of * FALL AND WINTER GOODS ] ever shown in the city. These are all si andard goods from the most reliable manufac- I turers and are recommended lor their stylish and nobby appearance and the beauty ol pattern. A full line of F annelets and winter dress goods ot all descriptions, as well as Jovely creations in fashionable winter millinery. Come and see these goods beiore purchasing, i will mate it to your interest to do sa October, 9.?3m. * Gaze on onr new Furniture, handsome Suites, Lounges, Sideboards, Extension Tables. Sofas. Stoves, Wardrobes,, Couehes Iron beds. Keed Bookers Trnnke, Mattre*ses (cotton and straw.) Dinniog Chairs, Extra Oak Beds, Washstands, Centre Tables. Kitchen tables. Hall Backs. Go Carts of all kinds. Household goods all new. We will furnish your house from kitchen to garret for cush. ! W. H. SOWELL, 1 114 PLAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. Opposite Gregory Rhea Mule Co. 1 "Whiskey I Morphine ! Cigarettes j All drug and Toliahit. I habit. | habit. | bacco habits. Cured by KEELEYINSTITUE OF S. C. 1321) Lady St., (or P. O. Box 7~>) Columbia, S. C. Confidential correspondence solicited. pTZMAURICE! pITZMAURiCE! * t Ramon's Pills?then tone the nervous system KE?MKgg~?IP' Bfflrfomo;<:V * , in^ur:il':t I with the Tonic Pellets. All in one box forgets *fj? *?"? ^omhfuY Colo^7] and money back it not satisfied- Qiirc* reaip rti?ps?es & hair tailing. I For S;il?- ;if I fnrmnn's i **."** 1704-170(5 MAIX ST., COLUMBIA, Dry Goods, Notions Clothing and Furnishings. A timely warning for the Lexington Friends and Patrons of these Stores: That our etock of Dry Goods and Clotbirg is awav ahead of anvtking we ever carried in our line. The st\les are exclusive and prices can't he matched in the State for same quality. We carry the largest line ot merchandise to seie -t Irom. Herein we attach a few prices, so come to see ns it jou want to help yourself: We offer 50i)0 prds of 27-inch Outing at . 3d pieces tine Wool Jeans at 20c., regn5c.. regular price 7c. ; lar price 25c. We offer 10,Old yards of 33-inch Sea j 20 pieces Good Jeans at 121c.. regiJar Island, 4ic. j 15c. goods. We offer 3000 yards 30-inch Flannetts, ; Fine Drees Goods and Silks here at a 71c , regular price l()c. j bargain. "We offer 10 df..o yards of good Calico at-tc j Fine Clothing for men and boys at 50 pieces halt Wool Dre>s Goods at -31c., I SpP(M-Hj prices, regular 15c. goods. | ? 30 pieces Fine Dress P a:ds :it 10c. worth ' l'onmls m Flannetts. Pounds in Prints 15c. Come and see us before buying. If Nervous and Run Down ' PARKER'S simply improve your circulation. Remove the HAIR BALSAM w.utt matter that does the blood by takine bcautifici^e^Jt*".