The Lexington Dispatch, G. M. Harman, Editor and Publisher. Circulation, 1,907. Wednesday, Decemeber 28,1904. i i All changes of advertisements ; should be in tb*> < fBee not later than Saturday moriiig to ensure insertion in the content i^ae. Uoder the new management of the Whaley Mills, ia Columbia, a dividend of $57,000 will be paid to the bondholders of these mills on January 1st, uext, while the stockholders get nothing. * ? - - - ^ a It is eaid that JBishop Uaper?, 01 tbe Episcopal church, will in a few days return to its owner a gun that he captured from a Federal soldier near Charleston, during the Civil war. kpT?"**" '' William Sylvester, who killed Edward Burton, chief mechanic of the Seaboard Air Line, three years ago, for which he was sentenced to bang, but whose sentence was commuted to lifetime io tbe penitentiary, was * pardoned by tbe Governor of Florida last week?as a "Christmas present" Ou acc mat of a fnotion between himself aod members of the Conference publishing board, Dr W. R Richardson has resigned as Editor of tbe Southern Christian Advocate. Dr Richardson is one of the strong est members of the South Carolina ! Methodist Conference. Marriages. ! December 21, 1904. at the home of Mr John Kamtoer, Bakersville, S. C, Mr H- C Bucker, Jr., and . JMies Lizzie Taylor. Be v. B E. Lfsingston officiating. ' 5 . At tbe residence of Mr. John Stone, December 25, 1904, by fcbe Bev J E Steele, Mr. Grover Colium to Miss Annie Sbealy, all of Lexington county. At tbe residence of the bride's father, Mr. J. L. M Oxner, December 15,1904, Mr. Willie C. Beynolds and Mi?s N-zzie Oxaer. Bev E L. Lybrand officiating December 21,1904, by Bev. E. L. Lybrand at his residence, W. Clyde Keisler and Miss Bessie Elmore. At Mount Tabor Lutberan church, New BrookUnd, S. C, December 22, 1904, at 8:30 o'clock p m , Mr. Charley B Oostcer and Mrs. Leaeie Brown. The pastor, BaV. E. L Lybrand. officiating. Mrs. D L George, an estimable lady of this vicinity, called in Saturday and renewed ber sub?crip* - - 1 it TT tion to the jjtspatcn ana tne name p||. . and Farts A Double Burial at Cierryville. Mrs. N. B. George and little grand child, of Bessemer, were buried at Cherryvilie yesterday afternoon in the same casket. Sunday morning while MrB Buriey George was getting breakfast she left her little infant, just large enough to sit alone tied in a chair for a few minutes While she was out by soma means the chair fell over and the little one fell into the fire face foremost. The child raised no alarm and when discovered it was burned beyond hope of recovery. The infant died yesterday morning. Mrs. N B. George, grandmother of the infant, has been in very feeble heaiih for some months and died Sunday night of heart fail!; '/ ore, piobabiy partly caused by the shocking accident to her little grand child. The two bodies wer9 placed in the same casket yesterday afternoon and buried at Cherryville, the old home. Mrs. George was about 65 years old and leaves an aged busbind aDd several children. The living childien are: John J. Georgf, H. D Ge irge, Buriey George, Mre. ? H. W Counts, Mrs. John Coley, cf B9seemer, and Mrs. Thomas Summer, of Cherrjv.lle. The George ~ !n /vl Kcaf- ' own in latlilij IO UUO Ul UUD urov u..v>u >u Gastoo couotv, and this sad affliction will bring sadness to a large circle of frieDds.?Exchange. [Mrs George was a native of this county and the wife of Mr. Noah George and they have a large circle of relatives and friends who will be deeply g'ieved to learn of the great sorrow which shrouded the home of the immediate family in mourning. ?Editor Dispatch. J % Obituaries. Mrs. Georgians Wilson died Dec. 14, 1904. She was about 68 years old. Sue leayes behind a husband, 5 children, 13 graod children living, 9 having died before her death. Her remains were buried in Red Bank cemetery. Services were conducted from Pbilippians first chapter, 21st verse. ART. IThe infant child of Simon Hook and wife died on the 18th day of December 1904, and was buried in the Corley graveyard. Oh! Children, you are the blest of God. A. R. T. A happy ai d prosperous year to all our subscribers. j Christmas and New Year Men's Suits $6.50 to $15.00. Men's Overcoats $5.00 to $12.50. Boy's Overcoats $2.50 to $5.00. Boy's Hats 50c. to $1.00. Men's Hats $1.00 to $2.50. Umbrellas $1.00 to$2.00. ,Air^ Neckties 25c. to 50c. 1\ \ Underwear 50c. to $1.50. Shirts 50c. to $i.oo. A/| Pants $1.50 to $5.00. ,4i # JJ}{/ If Overalls $1.00. ////? J Trunks $3.50 to $10.00. ' jillr11'- Telescopes 50c. to $10.00. I'lTffirtf Hand Bags $1.00 to $8.50. Tk-jj Hair Brushes 15c. to 50c. jB#| Combs 10c. to 25c. ?HSR' Pocket Books 25c. to 50c. In1'C Collar Buttons 10c. to 25c. n!! H Cuff Buttons 25c. to $1.50. 11 ^ fW| \ v*>_ Glad to have you come in. jj J Will return money for any W article not satisfactory, II if returned in good ^gf condition W M. Ii. KINARD, THE CEOTHIEB, 1523 MATN STRESS?, - - COLUMBIA, S. C. | HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL j I School and Colleoe lext Books j: AND SUPPLIES. j! !; WE HAVE THE LARGEST AND MOST MODERN ]; j Printing Plant in the South. | j| Masonic Temple. j;j | COLUMBIA, - - S. C, | C and read our advertisement next week. J \ Our Buyer is now in Northern Markets send- J K ing Goods by express daily. Come and see J K them. By seeing them you will not be satis- J K fied until you possess a full supply. J {Everything That is New I k. in Jackets, Skirts, Waisting, Skirtings, Trim- % $ mings, Belts, N .ckware of every kind, Men's ? ^ Goods to suit your taste and purse. Our Miilin- \ ? ery will be touched up with the latest designs, ? | The Holiday Goods ^ of all kinds are now on hand. Come to See ? | Whitten Dry Goods CO., f 5 BATESBURG, S. C. For Sale. FINAL DISCHARGE. Seven head of good work farm YTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ?? ;_r A 1\ all Dersons interested that I will ap mmea. xf or iur'ut-r miuriuai >uu ?uu i , ^ * __ ? ^ ^ T j terms, apply to Dr. D. M. Croseon, Lieesviile, o. C. Lexington, State of South Carolina, on ? the 25th day of January, 1905, for a final _ . discharge as Administrator of the Trespass Notice. Estate of John W. Connor, deceased. CHARLIE W. CONNOR, \ LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY 4w8 Administrator. Ix forbidden to hunt, fish, removing , wood Jet'iDg stock run at large or tres- xiTTiT A T nTOnTTAT>fT yass in any manner whatever. The law FINAL DISLxlAHljE. will be rigedlv ^ 1YOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO W B RA.ST ' -1 * all persons interested that I will T. W. HUTTO apply to the Hon. (feorge S. Drafts, MRS. H. M. L. CLECKLY. Judge of Probate in and for the County December 21. 4wl0. of Lexington, State of South Carolina, on the 18th day of January. 1905, for a final discharge as Administratrix of the FINAL DISCHARGE. | Estate of Jesse Swygert, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO 4wS ** V "Administratrix. all persoms interested that I will ap- . plv to the Hon. George S. Drafts. Judge Cnniitv n+" TJVr OA nuuare in anu ... m w Lexington, State of South Carolina, on the 20th clay of January, J!K)5, for a 10(.) aeres of land and one yoke (f final disdmrge as Administratrix of the 0XcD_ pjr farther information apply Estate of William Thomas, deceased. . r> t> m ANNIE THOMAS,i to , ? , P. K WessiDgfr, 4\vS Administratrx. *-Spa VVessinger, S. C. I FARMS FOR SALE. I ? * * * * ? * ? * 500 acre farm, with three small & ^ dwellings, barn, etc , three miles ^ * from Gilbert, S. C., for $2,500. * & & * 220 acre farm, with new fonr- $. ^ room dwelling, small tenant house, * * good barn, tobacco barn, one and a & * half miles from Gilbert, for $1,250. * ^ 146 acre farm, rich land, with * * dwelling, tenant houses, barn, three & j&. and a half miles from Lee^ville, 8. ^ * C., for S3,000. | * 146 acres of woodland, three miles & ? from St??.dman. 8. C.. for $300. * , -- - -X * Three quarter acre lot, with nice * five-room dwelling, at Gilbert, 8. C.t ^ * for S5C0. ^ * 1U acre lot, with nice two story * ? dwelling, barn, etc., at Gilbert, lor ^ % $1,750. * * 90 acre farm, with unsll house, * A * 9 barn, etc , one mile from Gilbert, ? t for $700. J v * 2 GOOD TERMS. g {CHAS L. KELLY, j I REAL ESTATE AGENT, f % 1408 Main Street, ^ | COLUMBIA, - - S. C. ? * ? STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. In Common Pleas. Eddie Miller, Assignee, Plaintiff, against H. A. Fry, Defendant. To the Defendant: yOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED ! on/? vfinniTP/T tn smsnvPT t.Vio mm. plaint in this action of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office in Lexington, S. C.. within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive' of the day of such sendee, and, if you fail to answer said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. T. C. STURKIE, Plaintiff's Attorney. To the Defendant, H. A. Fry: You will please take notice, that the summons and complaint in this action are this day duly filed in the office of Clerk of Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions for Lexington county, South Carolina, and unless you answer the same within the time required by law the plaintiff will apply to the Court for judgment against you by default. T. C. STURKIE, Plaintiff's Attorney. (Seai.) SAM'L^B. GEORGE, Clerk of Court. ]STov. 30, 1904. 6w9 via v i I lit CAPITAL, FOUR PER CENT. per annum, payable quarterly on Savings Dep< *?"S0UNTY AND TOWN DEPOSI ? AS ?3=* COME AT 0NC3 1311-1313 ASSEMBLY STRESS I Grove's I has stood the test 25 years, I bottles. _ Does this record o B Enclosed with every Bol I Still Selling at Lowest 5 Prices 5 5 Goods to everybody, every- 5 - J where, every day. Why can't 5 we sell to you ? % | We Buy by the Car Load 5 J and give our customers the ad- J 5 vantage of the extreme low 5 r prices. Whenever you trade r \ with us you get your money's i 5 worth and you will come again. 5 Remember please, we sell every- ? \ thing, furniture of all kind, bug- i 5 gies and wagons by the car load, 5 r in fact come and see the many J \ great bargains we will give you 5 J 5 in all lines. 5 1 ^ To arrive fhis week a car of ? "OLD HICKORY" WAGOffi I 1 i Remember, too, we buy every- ^ # thing you have for sale and give r ! ^ you the highest prices. S I COMS ONE, COME ALL, TO I ' I $|ATTHEW$-gOUKNIGHT go., f LEESVILLE, S. C. \ ^VWWWVWVIrWV^'VW%>Wd LEXINGTON, S. C. , . $30,000.00. I TWO PER CENT, >sit8. J per annum, payable quarterly on Checking deposits on mimimnm amount of $200 TORY. PROMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION GUARANTEED.-?* N A Car Loads OF NICE / Horses and Mules ;E HERE. 5 AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION. -Sf P, COLUMBIA, S. C. I Tasteless "cwSTFonic ] * * ? ? *! Air/W f\na mtI a Half MMan 1 i /average mum&i ocuco . f merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. 1 He is a Ten Cent* package of Grove's Black Root* Liver Pills. M