The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, December 14, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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wmmammmmm?mmmmmmBBma?? Before You Purchase Any Other Write * TBE HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE QOMPANY ORANGE, MASS. >: Many Sewing- Machines are made to sell regardless of quality, but the '* Xew Home " is made to wear. Uur guaranty never ruas ?uu We make Sewing Machines to suit all conditions of the trade. The "Xew Home" stands at the head of all High-f^rade family sewing machines Sold by authorized dealers only, FOR SALE BY W. P. ROOF, Lexington, S. C. TYPEWRITERS HEADQUARTERS. If yon have a sick * typewriter consult DR. GIBBES. Cures Guaranteed. If you want to buy a new TYPEWRITER, or exchange your old one, consult Gibbes. J. Wilson Gibbes, 1 / Office Supplies, Rubber Stamps, Office Furniture. 1334 3?ai& St., Columbia, S. C. NOTICE! " "W? want ?very man and women in the United States interested in the cure of - -Opium, Whiskey or other drug habits, either for themselves or friends, to have txneof Dr. Woolley's hooks on these dis- 1 eases. Write Dr. B. it. W oolley, Atlanta, ' < Ga., Box287, and one will he sent you free. To Prevent a Cold Any Day take a Ramon's Pill at first indication?arouse the liver, quicken the circulation and go along - ' about yonr work. Any druggist will refund the price if not satisfied. 25 cents. For Sale at Harman's Bazaar. FURNITURE A y - x & -\ feJ TR r J ONES & .. B ?= ?WHEI I COLUMBIA FOR Fffl 5! TTio-h Orade, Ohean and Mediu. C_ | ? 7 JT we ha I SOME REAL V K .0 in second hand Beds, Bureaus, g* Don't miss 1 I JONES & t-U| ft . |C| 1*208 Main St > opp coLtJiiBiA> FURNl MAXWELL . COLU31BI Wp acmpHmll-u* invit rw v VMJ^/VX/xwwm j - ? us for your Furnitui Rugs, Lace Curtains, . dies, and in fact everyl Furnish - li JL tLflL M. M.M JBL K7 AJL i We have the best ever MAXWELL . NEAR POST OFFICB Blood i Feed pale girls on Scott's ! Emulsion. We do not need to give all ( o the reasons why Scott's Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and color of good health to those who suffer from sick blood. / The fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy' ?-> ?>iinprrAC,fi/,m OC I bi.iiiIUictt.lWiI lO ci i3U55v-0('J ,X1 fcv,J to whv it does what it docs. j Scott's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in strength, least in taste. Young women in their " teens " are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the blood which shows itself in paleness, weakness and nervousncss, by regular treatment with Scott*s Emulsion. It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure of the blood sickness from which so man^young women - ; suffer. We will be glad to send - a sample to any sufferer. Pe sure that this picture in 1 ionn of a label is on the | wrapper of ^ every bottle ot SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., New YorkTo Cure a Cough take Ramon's English Cough Syrup in small doses during the day, then sleep at night. A pine tar balm without morphine. 25c ut all dealers. For Sale at Harman's Bazaar. OT STOVES, Y g BRACK, I CO ? IN? g rriJRi, stoves, etc i 7 7 2; O m Furniture. At this time ^ ve p BARGAINS S W Chairs and Bed Springs. > ihe place. ^ m ? ? <j : BRACKs H?* >?* f . ?osite City Hall, -. - - - - s. r . TUBE & TAYLOR, A, S. C. e you to come to see e, Stoves, Mattings, Chairs, Rockers, Crafting to Mir - House. 50c. Chair you saw. fc TAYLOR, I, COLUMBIA, S. C. MB??H???K?w?a?? The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, December 14, 1904. Columbia a Mule Market. Some Surprising Figures. The Mule Business One of the Largest and Most Important. The Stare. Fifteen years ago the bulk of mules s )!d in this section were sold by the stock raisers themselves. Drovers, as they were called, would bunch up their stock gnd drive through or ship. South to the cotto.i country, generally making some good town their headquarters and retailing out their mules. Nowadays the business is conducted in an entirely different way. The breeder ships his stock to the wholesale markets and they are sold to the mule merchants who buy them for their regularly established places of business. The mule man of today buys his mules and places them on sale just as the merchant buys his goods and places them in his store for sale. About 13 years ago the Gregory Brothers, then doing a good mule business at Lancaster, S. 0., seeing an opportunity and believing in the future cf Columbia, oieied a retail business in this city on Plain street. Being supported by a strong concern it withstood the financial strains of '93, which told on so many in^all lines of business, and gradually grew until the year 1839 when it was decided to enlarge the business which resulted in the forming of a corporation known as the Gregory-Rhea Mule Company.1? This concern is now known far and wide as being one of ork-mo matmitnrlp TIIAV dn an PYfpnrfvft * O ' I business selling mnles by the hundreds and in dollars and cents counting way ' up in the thousands. They also handle in connection'quite a large number of veliicles. Mr. W. T. Gregory, president of the company, is a resident of Lancaster, S. C.. where he was born and raised. Mr. T. J. Harper, vice president, is a resident of Columbia and one of ourjinost substantial citizens. Mr. Jno. W. Conder, secretary and treasurer as well as manager, is well known in Columbia, was raised in Columbia, but got his early training in the office of j the Gregory Brothers at Lancaster. He is known as a man that represents his goods just as they are. Mr. Gregory7 is also the promoter and president of sale stables doing business at Lancaster, S. C., Bishopville, S. C., Timinonsville, S. C., and Cliarleston, S. C., and is considered one of the largest dealers in live stock in the State. Their bayer, Mr. J. M. Hood, also one of the stockholders, spends most of his time in the wholesale markets looking for bargains for their different places. He has plenty of gray hairs on his head and 'tis said can shut one eye and size up a mule as quick as anyone. A Guaranteed Cure For Files. Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case, do matter of bow long standing, in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50o. If your druggist hasn't it send 50c in stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. L~uis, Mo. 26v21. Pledged to Hold Cotton. Salley, Dec. 7 ?The farmers of this section held a meeting here yesterday for the purpose of forming plans by which they can keep what cotton they have out of the market for aDy length of time, two years if necessary. There were about 350 cf the most prominent farmers of this section present at the meeting. They are all put of debt and have money enough ahead to carry on their business without drawing od their cotton. All the farmers at this meeting signed a pledge not to market aoy cotton for less than 10 cents per pound. Business is strong here. The merchants have had the best year for 20 years. * If the Baby is Cutting Teeth, Be sure and use that old and welltried remedv, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It ? i ? i m 1 fl iL - sootnes tne cnua, souens me guma, allays all paiD, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. It is the Best of All. The Supreme court of Kentucky has just granted a new trial?for the fourth time?to Caleb Powers, who was convicted for complicity in the murder of Gov. Goebel in 1900. Powers was th6n Republican Secretary of th9 State, and it was from his office window the fatal shot was fired. To Cure Constipation take just a mite of Liver Food before retiring each night. Ramon's Tonic Regulator supplies it in a palatable form of powder, tea or tonic. ZDc, ana moncry DacK n nut &auaacu. For Sale at Harmnn's Bazaar. T. B. Bailey, of Clark's Hill, Edgefield couotv, a son-in-law of the late George D. Tillman, fell from a tree on Wednesday and was killed He bad shot a tquirrel, wbich lodged in the tree, ar d be climbed up to dielodge it. He was forty yearB old. A thoughtle39 man loses a lot of time when he hurries. 1 Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? | Then it's probably too late. You neglected dandruff. If you had only taken our advice, you would have cured |Hair Vigor I the dandruff, saved your hair, I I and added much to it. If I | not entirely bald, now is your 1 1 opportunity. Improve it. \ 3 "I liave nse<l Ayei's Hair Vigor for over <0 3 a years. I am now years old ami liavea heavy a 3 jrrowtli <>f rieli brown Jutir. <'ue. I think, en- B k tirely to Aver's Hair Vicor." w 2 Slits. M. A. Keith, Belleville, III. I 1 ?1.00 a bottle. .7. c. AVER CO.. I 2 Alldrueeists. f. M 7,<>well. Mass. g M hrWITWTTKi T iOl |Good Hairj STATEMENT OF HOME BANK At the Close of Business November .30, 1904. RESOURCES. L">ans $36,996 25 Banking House !.. 4,740 30 Overdrafts 437 38 Cash on hand and due from banks 8,906 60 $51,080 53 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $14,050 00 Deposits 33,298 06 Re-discount.., 3,000 00 Undivided profits 732 47 ?51,080 53 I, Alfred J. Fox, Cashier of The Home Bank, of Lexington, S. C., do solemnly swear that the above statement is true and. correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ALFRED J. FOX. Cashier. Sworn before me, this 30th dfy of November, 1904. T. C. STURKIE, [L. S.j Notary Republic for S. C. Correct Attest: JULIAN E. KAUFMANN, H. L. OSWALD. GEO. BELL TIMMERltf AN, Directors. h Jb\ Agnew, ol JOonaHs, 'ouna a package of l'R.;Ugb on Rats'' in bis well Inst wet-k put, tbeie with tbe evident intention of poisoning tbe family. | FOR CHRISTMAS j A Piano, ; A regal gift! There is nothing ) J more desirable, nothing so s \ indicative of * refinement, ) > and nothing that appeals < c more to the heart of wo- \ ^ man. Why not take ) ) 1 ler into your secret < ( and let her choose S S for herself? ) ? On Chistmas < < morning, she > ) will be just as stir- j ? prised and more s s pleased. The. piano ; ? **? l%/\ f/-.l A/"?fArl / Initio uc riici/ttii IJW?> v - and delivered \vl ien you \ say. Payments may be ) arranged confidently be- ( tvreen us. Pay by the s niontli. quarterly or otherwise. > Call or write us for catalog, < prices, &c\ S Address S Malone's Music House, Op. Y. M. C. A.Columbia, S. C < Pianos and Organs. < ( Final Discharge. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL per&o.-s interested tLat I will apply to the Hon George S. Drafts, Judge of Probate in an 1 f:>r the Cooncy of Lexington, State of South Carolina, on the i3id day of D.-c.. 19o4. for a tiua' discharge as Executor of the e-tate of A I. Lo?-ick deceased JAS. K &WYGERT, 4w3pd Extcutor. jmm/ makes bilionsness and\ ek\ IB./coniplex^ons* Keep\Mj Iflf I the system in good condi- ? ("iwais I 1 ? 1 ^A2fDTONIC PELLETS IBI \H\ which act gently and IBI \WA eliminate the poison IBj from your system. For Sale or Harmon's Bazaar. I z j : ? | | WHEN" YOU BUY A j j | | j S"CTir OIF1 CLOTHSS j j H : iruv -V-/ lT C-VT TilTT TiirCT-. : I t = V> 1JL JL V^JL^JL XJLlij JL^JLrfk.:* X . - 5 II If" 3 5 It will not cost any more. Wo carry a full line of Schloss j \ \ r Bros. Hand Tailored Clothing. Their lino is carried by all \ \ | : leading clothiers in large cities and we guarantee every gar- \ \ \ : incut of this famous brand that we sell. We also carry j \ | | A Complete Lis.? of ShoeSj | | \ l made of the best leathers and at prices that meet the approval = j j | of all. We make a specialty of Gent's Furnishings. Be sure i I : I to see us when you come to Bates burg. j j I | BETTER VALUES FOR THE SAME MONEY | } : " rn rr? ytti "ifAmrTA /\"P z ? : : IS lriHi iviu 11W ur : ; * The Batesburg Shoeand Clothing Co. ! WHY NOT ENJOY THE FRUITS OF |0Jf I TOUR LABOR! Make yonr monev make money for yoa, 5 /}./' 2 PJaced in oar SAVINGS DEPARTMENT " it will be both safe and prodnctive. We ? Z pay interest f:mr times a year. 2 ? i m S?5^e>/j-.,V.v \\ >N ^ l r w+T*rn r\ n !((/ rt Tr>iirt/r /> ft V m w^imiiiuMiKiw). ^SgM' /i'h< f ' 11 ^ # COLUMBIA, S. C. 2 movoicHT 'A ^ 2 Wu. H LYLES. President. COPYRIGHT. ? J JULIUs B WALKJSfi. V. President ??0#0??????????0#C??O##?0? J. p. MATTHEWS Secretary. j'E. C. SHULL, j. Wholesale and Retail Dealer iD | GROCERIES,1' 5 Hardware, Cutlery, Tinware, ? J Plantation Supplies,* ^ 1606 Main Street, Columbia. J $ May, # . * Grain, t | Flour, I t * Bacon, * Lard, | | Sugar, t g Tobacco. | J Just Received a Very Choice Selection cf Red Rust ? ? Proof Seed Oats. J ?vvvv%vvvvvvvvwwvvvvvvv5 h < 1 500 Pound Bale of (Iota 1 GINNED, PACKED, Sl.OO PER BALE. THE SOUTH CAROLINA COTTON OIL CO., has now in operation upon their mill lot at Columbia. S C.. a larj?e Munger System Ginnery with three new Pratt Gins, capacity abont four bales per hour. The cotton is taken from. I tha mdoAn lw mnpliinprr ar.ri lahnr handlinc. lint, an.l is AYO'dar? Tho i price for ginning say a 500 ponnd bale lint cotton is SI CO per bale. This includes bagging and ties. We have already ginned considerable cotton for Lexington County farmers. Bring youis. soinomi com oil eg.,, M. C. ROBERTSON, Manager. Col"iarnL"bia,? . - - - - S. C. I SEABOARD I 1 AIR LINE RAILWAY. w INORTH-SOOTH-EAST- WEST. , | Two Daily Pullman Vestibule Limited Trains Between | SOUTH . VZVJ > 3VJEAV YORK. I First Class Dining Car Service. The best rates and route to all p Eastern cities via Kiclimond and Washington, or via Norfolk and 1 steamers to Atlanta, Nashville, Memphis, Louisville, St. Louis, Chicago, I New Orleans and all ix>ints South and Southwest to Savannah and 1 and Jacksonville and all points in Florida and Cuba. Positively the & shortest line North and South. I detailed information, rates, schedules, Pullman reservations. I &c., apply to any agent of the Seaboard Air Line Railway or to Jos. 1 | W. Stewart, Traveling Passenger Agent, Columbia, S. C. ?? jj CHARLES F. STEWART, Assistant General Passenger Agent ! 1 SAVANNAH. GA. I ^ J g