The Lexington Dispatch, <. G. M. Harm ax, Editor and Publisher. Circulation, 1,907. Wednesday, Decemeber 14,1904. Ail ehauges of advertisements should be in the ? ffiee not later than Saturday mornu^ to ensure insertion in the cnr*e?.t issue. Carriages. Sunday evening, December 11, 1904, at the Lutheran parsonage at Deimar, S. 0, Mr. J. Henry Snelgrove, of Garfield, Ga., and Miss Nannie B Moore, of Deimar S. C Rev. J. D Shealy officiating. Married, December 7, 1904, at the nareonaee. bv Rev. O B. Sbearouse, Jr ? Mr. Joseph P. Jacobs sd<3 Miss Mary I. Daily, both of Irmo, S C. . December 8 1904, at the parson?g?> by Key. 0 B. Sbearou6e, Mr. John Davis Swygert and Miss Emily H Faimer, both of Pine Ridge, S.C December 8,1904, at the residence of the bride's fatter, near Peak, S. / C, by Rev. 0. B. Shearouse, Mr. | Adam E Stack and Miss Jessie Mabel bummer, both of Peak, S C December 8,1904, at the residence of the biide's parents, Mr. Emanuel W. Keisler and Miss Annie Steele, of Barr, S. C. Rev. A. R. Taylor offi eiatiug. At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. William Snelgrove and wife, on December 8,1904, by Rev A. R. Taylor, Mr. Samuel L Price and Miss Viola Snelgrove, both of - ^ Hollow Creek section. On Sunday evening, November 27, ? 1904, at tbe residence of John Sturkie, by Rev. E L- Lybrand, Mr. John Cooper and Mrs Jennie Smith. ^ On December 4,1904, at the residence of tbe bcide's mother, Mr. Ariocr aiercoHiH, w i iwopcmj, u C., and Mrs. Nelia Bundrick. Be?. E. L. Ly brand officiating. December 8.1904, at the residence of tbe bride's mother, by Be?. E L Lybraod, Mr. Cbariey Addy and ? Miss Florence Jefcoat, both of Brookland. By Be?. E L. Lybrand at t,be parsonage, December 11, 1904. Mi. A. C Drake and Miss Beulah Smith, dangbter of J P Smith. , > The Ladies Invited To inspect tbe line of useful things at Tbe JLiufmaun Drug Co. Bates burg Items. There is do doubt that an unusually large amount of business has been I done hv our merchants here this fall. 0?er 1500 bales of cotton ba?e beeD shipped in excess of the number last season, and still there is a great deal of cotton unsold in this vicinity. Arrangements are being made to have, in the near future, a large mass meeting of tbe citizens of this town for the purpose of advertising tbe Tmnrnwtmftnr,9. nublic and Drivate. the business done here, and the many advantages Batesburg offers to the public Mr W. B. Glenn, of Augusta, Ga, has charge of the Batesburg Electric Digbt Co., and has moved bis family to our town. Mr. Curtis Sbealy, residing one mile from this town, killed a large otter on bis father's farm, las* Thursday. The animal measured 36 inches ' from head to t

Masonic Temple. |;| !;i COLUMBIA, - S. C. | f wnitten ury uooas uu? i 5 BATESBURG, S. C. 5 STATE OF SOUTH UAKOLINA, j j COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. | nPfIlflfinQ Court of Common Pleas. (jill lOlIIlUU UUlJliui G. A. Sheaiy, Plaintiff, ^ cf Military Sets, Clotlies Brushes, agains Toilet Sets, Combs and Brushes, R. E. Taylor and Mary Taylor, Defen- Jewelry Boxes, Mirrors, dants. Writing Sets, Smoking Sets, Summons. For Relief. (Complaint View Holders, Card Receivers. Served.) i Lamps, To the Defendants R. E. Tavlor and s. ^ets Shaving Sets, AlW T*vlor- * Manicure Pieces, Wrist Bags, Album _ " Tv 4 " nrDfT>r oT-rvrATz-w-c-r. Games, Books, Testaments, BiVOU ARE HEREBY SUMMON ED bles, Jewelry7 of everv deX and required to answer the complaint script-ion, 6old Watches in this action of which a copy is here- form ?iq to ^ with served upon you, and to serve a China Cups and ' copv of your answer to the said com- Saucers plaint 011 the subscribers at their office Mugs Tooth at Lexington, S. C., within twenty days Picks; China Novelafter the sendee hereef; exclusive of ties, 4 Piece Table Sets the day of such service; and if yon fail Fruit Baskets, Fruit Bowls, to answer the complaint within toe Comb and Brush Trays, Tea, Su time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this ac- ^ tion will apply to the Court for the re- , % lief demanded in the complaint. o.7. U' n } ^lir , uses, Toy Tea THURMOND & TIMMERMAN. S Jq.,7 i eveJ7 de^npnon, ScisPlaintiff V Attoruevs. 2J an^sci Kmfe', ThimTo R. E. Tavlor and Marv Tavlor.'non Sets, Cologue ot every Resident Defendants: * " Un^'111 l)n?'tro>? ** to ?5.00. You will please take notice that the rw n summons and complaint in the above 8 1)000OH ilnilrt fi n entitled action was filed in the office of f .5 9 !\\I Ii! 11 fill I N the Clerk of Court for Lexington county, UI UulJUli Ul lilj UUfll in the State of South Carolina, on the J / 26th day of November, 1(.K)4. and is now T rvcuTT t -n ? ^ on file in said office. LX..LO V lLLE, S. C. THURMOND & TIMMERMAN. Plaintiff's Attorneys. IT flfl At(Scai.i SAMUEL B. GEORGE. |\jPM/ llflPO November 30, 1 i)04. ? fort?' 1 lU If UfulUl Final Discharge. new goons and new prices. "VJUTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL J3i persons interested that I will apply to -n* ^ m TWO PER CENT, josits. ) per annum, payable quarterly on Checking deposits on mimimum amount of $200 1T0RY, PROMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION GUARANTEED.-?* * Car Loads OK NICE f Hnrsfls mi Milks 8IVI WW NIIM BIIHIW ^JE H?R?. IE AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION. '-S3 IT, COLUMBIA, 3. C. V s Tasteless Chill Tonic j s. Average Annua! Sales over One and c Half Million 9 of merit appeal to you ? No Cure, No Pay. ?ottle is a Tea Cent package of Grove*s Black Root* Liver Pills. m