The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, December 14, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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??a?Baa?Baaw?a??? PROFESSIONAL CARLS. % ' - _ C. X. BFIKD. F. E. DEEHEE. j7tird & dreher, ju attorneys at law. lexington, c. h., s. c., "Will practice in-all the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the firm will always be at office, Lexington, S. C. s . Edward l. asbill, attorney at law, leesville, s. c. Practices in all the Courts. Business Solicited. ' T h. frick, v j . attorney at law, chapin, s. c. ' Office: Hotel Marion, 4th Boom, Second Floor. "Will practice in all the Courts Thurmond & timmerman, attorneys at law, will practice in all courts, v Kaufmann Bidg, lexington. S. C. On the 18th day of October we formed a coSartn /ship for the practice of Jaw, We will e pleased to meet those having l^gal business to be attended to at our office in the . Kaufmann Building at any time. Respectfully, J. Wu. THURMOND. G.BELL TIMMERMAN, Albert m. boozer, attorney at law, columbia, s. c. Office: 1316 Main Street, upstairs, opposite Van M* tre's Furniture Store. Ispeeial attention given to business entrusted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington ounty. W. A. CLARK. ' WASHINGTON CLARK. plark & clark, ~ \J attorneys and counselors, No. 1233 Washington Str^t, columbia. - - - - S. c. George r. rembert^ attorney at law. i <wi t * vrr "o a "vmr COT TTMTRT \ S fl lAii 11n T! JL-fc.-j n VIXJ, y/VfJJV ... ....... ?. v. I will be glad to serve my friends from Lexington County at any time, and am prepared to practice law- in all btate and Federal Conns. *_ rA k NDREW CRAWFORD, * A ATTORNEY AT LAW. COLUMBIA, S. C. A Practices in the State and Federal Courts, and offers his professional services to the * eitizens of Lexington County, Law Offices. ) ( Residence, corner 1200'Law Range > - Pickens andPendle \ ( ton Streets. ?BOYD EVANS, .LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Columbia, S. C. Practices in State, County and City Courts, and in United States*Circuit and District Courts in Litigation between private parties or corporations. ' 4 ? HR. H. SHEALY, " V DENTIST, LEXINGTON, S. C. Office Up Stairs in Roof's Building. TAMES"HARMAN~ tl DENTAL SURGEON, LEXINGTON, S. C. OOfficein Pear of Court House.) Informs the publicthathe will be in his office every Friday for the purpose of doing dental work in all its branches. DR. E. J. ETHEREDGE, SURGEON DENTIST, LEESVTLLE, S, C., Office over J. C. Kinard & Co's, Store. AtTV OTTO AM ViOnH V>C?Jg? ****** Br. f. c. Gilmoke, DENTIST. 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. Office Hours-* 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., .and from ~ . 3 to 6 d. EC. D3. C.J. OLIVEROS. SPECIALIST ON EAR, XOSE Throat and Longs, GUARANTEE Office and Residence, ! FIT CF CLASSES 1424 and 1426 Marion. St, March 15?ly COLUMBIA S. C. PARLOR RESTAURANT, A X B. DAVID, Proprietor, 1336 MAIN. COLUMBIA, S. C. The only up to date eating house of its kind in the City of Columbia. It is well kept ?clean linen, prompt and pclite service. You get what yon order and nay only for what you get- Withm easy reach of desirable sleeping apanmenis. OPEN ALL NIGHT To Cure a Cut, Sore or Wound apply Ramon's Nerve & Bone Oil promply. It is antiseptic?stops the pain and causes healing by ?rstintention.25eandmoneybackifnotsatisfied TAX NOTICE. I WILL ATTEND TEE FOLLOWING mentioned places for the purpose of receiving taxes for tbe fiscal year 1904: Red Bank, Saturday evening, Dec 3. The balance of tne time at Lexington Cnnrt. Honse nntil December 31st. 1904 after which time the following penalties will be added by the County Auditor and v collected by the County Treasurer: On January 1st, 1905, 1 per cent, penaliy will be added to those who have not paid. On February 1st, 1905, an additional 1 per cent, will be added to those who have not paid, making 2 per cent for February. Still an additional 5 per cent, penalty will be added on March 1st, making 7 per cent penalty to be paid bv those who have not paid by March 1st, 1905. Tax books will close March loth, 1905. The hours tor closing the tax book will positively be at 11 o'clock lor the morning and 4 o'clock for the afternoon appointments. LEVY. For State Purposes 5 Mills. For Ordinary County Purposes.. .5 Mills. pAnotifrfiAnQ t V"?n."?l T.jf \iillo A. \J? VV/JUOUUUbiViJ.(M JL. Ok)A m . . . KS AJXIXXO* I Total 13 Milis. Special Scbool Levy District No. 18-3 Mills Special School Levy District No. 37-2 Mills Special School Levy District No. 34-2 Mills Poll Tax SI. 00. Commutation Road Tax $3 00. payable from October loth to March 1st, 1905. Parties owning property in more than one township must so state to the Treas- | nrer. "..' When writing for information concerning taxes always give name in full. FRANK W SHEALY, Treasurer Lexington County. 3as Stood The Test 25 Tears. The old, original Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Yon know what you art; taking. It is iron and quinine in a 'tasteless form. No cure, no pay. 50c. f t i mas*'ivmmmxzjEj&jarjSExzA I W-ffi. COBLEY, $ I NEW BROOKIAND, S. C. ? I ? ^jj Agent fo rthe New Improved ^ ISB6EB SEW1XG MACIHAES ? 8 J Sj Awarded over fifty premiums for ? y! their excellence and superiority y & over oth-r o>akes. Try this pop- % ular machine iu your home be- y ? fore buying. Large discount for 3 y! cash, or ninety davs. Liberal y 9 terms on instalment plan. 3 i r I Needles, Oils. Kto , y for all standard sewing makes. ^ t Bargains. k ^1 ^ ^ |j| Large lot of Old Machines of stan- k P dard makes in good repair. P 5 For Your 3 pread, Cakes Jtc.i |Barbecues, Picnics, Etc? ? GO TO THE Sold reliable baeerJ 1 J. B. RIEOLINGER. ? * COLUMBIA. / ?Your orders will be promptly filled.^ 8 June 8. 6m. 8 Ml! Mill THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN COLUMBIA. UNITED STATES. STATE. CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY. Saving's Department. Paid up Capital - - $200,000 Surplus Profits . - 70,000 Liability of Stockholders - 20\LOOO $470,000 Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cen* oer annum, payable May 1st and November 1st W. A. CLARK, President Whjb Jonbs, Vice President and Cashier. December 4?ly. Alfred J. Fox, Life and Fire Insurance and I \ . I Real Estate I j | Agent, | Lexington, S. C II Only First Class Companies Repre- j sented. i Mv companies are popular, stronc I I __a ?i;.UK "VT- ! | i ana rename, x*u uuo eem juux | business better attention; no one can j give yon better protection; no one can i | give you better rates. Prompt and careful attention given j | to buying and selling Eeal Estate, j ! j both town and country properties, j | Correspondence respectfuly solicited, j SEWING MACHINES! Wheeler & Wilson No, 9. BAH BEARING Marvelously Light Running and Noisless, (a No. 100 8pool cotton thread for a belt will run it). One-third faster; one third easier than any shuttle machine. Save about ONE DAY IN THREE. A GRE \T F1VORITE WITH DRESS MAKERS. AND BECOMING MOKE POPULAR ALL THE TIME. NEEDLES FOR ALL MACHINES, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. WORK GUARANTEED. ATTACHMENTS, SHUTTLES, ETC. In bringing Machines to be repaired it is only necessary to bring the head?Leave the table at home unless it needs reoairing too. 1900 Washers and Wringers. The most perfect Washer ever invented. I can sell them at my store for less than they will cost you ordered direct from the factory. Write fof circulars and prices. 1801 MAIN ST.. COLUMBIA, S. C , April 1, 3903. ^ 3m tj +inn Tmwir! A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up sets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember tiie troublesome causes. Ir never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all tieusual attending aches vanish under its searching and thorough effectiveness. Electric Bitters is only 50c., and that is returned if it don't give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by The Kaufmaui) Drug Co. The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, December 14, 1904. Commissions Received. i Charleston, S- C.?Tbe commissions of tbe county officials have been received and tbe Dew terms of the officers entered upon. Tbe officials wbo began their new term weie Supervisor Cantwe)), Sheriff Martin, C'erfe of Court Dankin, Coroner ODonnel aDd Superintendent of Education Waring. Tbe commissions were issued this year on a close margin, the law requiring that the papers should be signed within 30 diys of the election, whit-h this year occurred on November 8. and the official papers did not reach Charles ton much ahead of time. Hew is This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. *F. J. CHENEY & CO. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, adn believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by his firm. Walding, Kirman & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. South is Holding Cotton. New Orleans, Dec. 7?Presided Peters, of the Texas Cotton Growers' Association and other prominent Texas cotton meD, wired the local house today that mass meetings of cotton planters have been called iD every countv in Texas, Indian Territory and Oklahoma for December if ? i v ? l _ it jluo, lo aevise means to noia coucn. Reports today from all parts of fcbe South showed that farmers are not selling at prevailing prices and the buyers are idle. Some of the larger exporting bouses say Chat not a bale hs6 been purchased since the slump. Grip Quickly knocked Out. "Some weeks ago during the severe winter, weather both my wife and myself contracted severe colds' which speedily developed into the worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable symptoms," says Mr. J. S. Egleston, of Maple Landing, Iowa. "Knees and joints aching, muscles sore, head stopped up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soon completely knocked out the grip."- These Tablets promote a healthy action of the bowels, liver and kidneys which is always beneficial when the system is congested by a cold or an attack of the grip. For sale by the Kaufmann Drug Co. Lesington's Need. We understand that a project is beiDg seriously considered by the business men and town council looking toward the establishment of a system of water works for a protection in case of fire. It is proposed to erect a large steel tank at some point near the court house from which pipes will lead and thus dietribute toe water through the main ? .i /\ portion or tne town, uur present town council has teen very active in making improvements and it will doubtU ss ravor this or some other scheme. It is certainly needed. knowledge from Experience Is what we understand when Dr. I Spalding, an eminent Baptist divine, of Galveston, Texas, writes, "send me two bottles of Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. It is for a friend suffering from consumption. It is a preparation I know from experience to be good." At druggists, 25c., 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. E. B Stablman, of the Nashville Banner, obtained a judgment l?*fc wef-k against the Nashville News for $1,200 damages for slander. "When you want a pleasant laxative take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by The Kaufmann Drag Co. The best actress is the one that ac:s so well no one thinks she;s doing it. A Certain Cure for Croup. Whew a child shows symptoms of croup there is no time to experiment j wim lifw reijieuivs. uu liiiiuici jiww 1 nghly tliey may be recommended. There is one preparation that can always be dejxmded upon. It has been in use for many years and has never been known | to fail, viz: Chamberlain's Congii Remedy. Mr. M. F. Compton, of Market, Texas, says of it: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in severe cases of croup with my children and can truthfully say it always gives prompt relief. For* sab* by The Kaufmann Drug Co. It would be mighty hard on men if there were no; any women to Hitter them. An Emergency Medicine. For sprains, bruises, bums, sea Ids and similar injuries, the-'* is nothing so good i as Chamberlain's Pain Balm, it soothes | rh' wound an': not only gives instant, rei lief from pain, but causes the parts to i heal in about one-third the time required j by t!?e usual treat:n< uf. Sold by The j Kaufmann Drug Co. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and letit.stand twenty-four hours; 0 s asedimentorset- J tlingindicatesan ^ Jp\77? unhealthy' conrTTn' f dition of {lie kidulA \ i ^ nevs; if it stains ^('^T ^*nCn ^'*S " , to pass it or pain j ?in the back is j also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Do. j There is comfort in the knowledge so j often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the dav, and to get up mauv ?,.;i | I times during tne mgxu. i uc umu anvi > the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest i for its wonderful cures of the most dis- j tressing cases. If you need a medicine > you should have the best. Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may* have a sample bottle and a book that tells all _ about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When Home of Swamp-Root. ! writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y. ? ??; Latimer Gives TXp Hope. Washington, Dec. 9.?Senator Latimer has given up hope of the passage of his good roads bill at the present session of Congress. It has been announced that economy is to be the slogan of the pension, and in i v :ry quarter where effort has been made to obtain support for the measure the question of legislative ex travagance has been raised The bill will die at the end of the session. The Hey That Unlocks the Door to Long Living. The men of eighty-five and ninety years of age are not the rotund well fed, but thin, spare men who live on a slender diet. Be as careful as lie will, however, a man past middle age. will occasionally eat too much or of some article of food not suited to his constitution, and will need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to cleanse and invigorate his stomach and regulate his liver and bowels. When this is done there is 110 reason why the average man should not live to old age. For sale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. The Welie-Fargo express on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road was robbed of $200,000 recently by a lone robber, who entered the express car and shot the messenger, mortally wounding him. Fight Will be Bitter. Those who will persist in closing their ears against the continual recommendation of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, will have ajlong and bitter fight with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beal, of Beal, Miss., has to say: "Last fall my wife had every symptom of consumption. She took Dr. King's New Discover^' after everytliing else liad failed, improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her. Guaranteed by the Kaufmann Drug Co. Price n(V\ and Si.00. Trial bottles free. | Morgan countv, Col., has 11 irrigating canals, 220 miles in length altogether, and with a capacity of 3,200,000,000 cubic feet of water. A Frightened Horse, Running like mad down the street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occurrences. It behooves everybody "to have a reliable salve handy and there's none avS good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Burns, cuts, sores, eczema and piles, disappear quickly under its soothing effect. 25c. at The Kaufmann Drug Co. Its a poor mule that won't work both ways. Women think they do the postmaster a lavor when they buy aposti age stamp. When a girl's eyes sparkle like jewels it is a sign they are in a novel A Costly Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very expensive!. Occasionally life itself is the pride of a mistake, but you'll never be wrong if you take Dr. King's New Life Pills for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Headache, Liver or Bowtl troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 25c., at The Kaufmann Co. Old Tom Piatt, of New York, has introduced a bill in tbe Senate looking to a reduction of representation in Congress from the Southern States. Beautiful, Useful Presents. Toilet sets, minicure sets, mirrors, silver tripple plate goods, cruiet | stands, butter and pickle dishes, | case plates, pitcners, mugs, anver i and gilded trays and trinket boxes, ; shell bGxes, albums, a beautiful line ; of fine vases, novelties in mantle and | bureau ornaments. These goods are j all of the latest stales and designs | and are very pretty and cheap. Call j early and see these goods and make 1 your selection before the rush begins ! at The Bazaar. I To the People of Lexington! j When you need shoes for heavy work?in the I the field, on the road and for all round hard work?you certainly do want shoes that will give you service, besides feel easy on your feet. Our shoes for hard wear cannot be surpassed. | There is every element in them that is substantial for wear and comfort. We select the ; leather from top to toe that are used in these : shoes, therefore we candidly say there are no better shoes made for heavy out door service. We also have a full line of Shoes and Rubbers for cold weather?for home and outdoor wear. When you want shoes for dress-up, remember i we can supply your wants to your entire satisfaction. Whenever your need shoes for Men, Women j and Children we believe we can serve you I best?vour shoe wants will be carefullv at%/ i i tended to at this store. Thanking you very j kindly for your patronage and awaiting the pleasure of seeing you soon at our store, we remain, vours verv truiv, THOMAS A. BOYNE, (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE.) ! 1736 Main Street, Columbia, S, C. THE PRICES TELl. THE QUALITY SELLSJ. B. FRIDAY & CO., Wholesale and Retail GROCERS, FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN, SEED RUST PROOF OATS. " r "W*"7" 9 9 "F- _ IT" ? 7. -i .A ~tr%l *A y7 rw 11 ill Alio T Si "VI fVC fVClYlZ zrid JXLCI'Cflf.litt->", i~i\nuu/inv ju <a/i iit/vi ij ijj juiv-a ington County to Call and See Us Before They Make Their Purchases. We Can Fill Your Wants and Save You Money. 1823 and 1S25 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. nTXyounc, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drr Goods, Notions k Gent's Furnishings, COLUMBIA, S. C. It will pay you to examine oar large stock of merchandise before you buy your Winter supply whether lar^e or small, we appreciate jour patronage. ~BLiilTZ:ET SI=E3CI-A.ILS. 10 pairs Blankets, 10-4, Grey, at - - - ;!9c. 10 pairs Blankets, 11-4. Grey, at - 74c. 10 pairs Blankets, 11-4. Grey, extra heavy, at SI.24 10 pairs Extra Heavy White Cotton B'ankets, 11 4 $1 49 10 pairs Extra Heavy White Cotton B'ankets 114 - - $124 ? n_i? TT irn.:*? z1-..,- 1>V.?11 H _ _ _ iu pairs Jbxiru neavy nuuv v.unuu x? i - - - 50 pairs All Wool Blankets. 10-4 and 11-4. prces from $2.50 to - $5 00 LADIES' UNDERWEAR. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. 50 dozen Ladies' Fleeced Bibbed V<sts 10 different styles in Men's Fleeced and Pants, only 25c. Ribbed "W si and Drawers, only 40c . and 49c. 50 dozen Ladies' Fleeced Bibbed Extra Wright's Wool Fleeced Shirts and DrawHeavy Vests and Pants. 50c. ers. special value, SI 00 50 dozen Ladies' Ribbed and Plain Vests 50 dozen All Wool Vests and Pants from and Pants from 75c. to SI 25. SI 00 to $2.50 BOY'S. KISSES AND CHILDREN. 150 dozen Vests, Pants and Union Suits for the Little Folks, sizes from 2 years to 18 years, at only - )25c. Ask to see our 50c. line for the Rots and Girls. UMBRELLAS. J HOSIERY. 10 dozen 26-inch Umbrellas, ; _1,p d?z ??^s' Double Knee .aud Sole 10 dozen 26-inch Umbrellas, Toe. I Heavy Ribbed Hose, loe. 10 dozen 26-inch Silk Glorias, ar 9Ke. 100 doz3n govs' or Girls' Heavy Hose, 5 dozen 28-inch Silk Glories, a: 9<^c. : onu. iqc 2 dozen 28 inch Silk Glorias, .special ! ^, T ^ at 2o Abont oOO dozen Ladies Hose, prices 10 dozen 28-inch All Silk, special. SJ.50. j from 10c- to 50e* Per Pair5 dozen 32-inch Farmer Sun and Rain Men's Hose, all prices, lrom 5c. up to Umbrellas, lor 98c the best money can buy for 50c. N. A. YOUNG. t onrrm didciimq t ;orluirtl daauaihi) s I HEN AND BOV'S CLOTHING, | J PANTS, HATS AND SHOES. S A CALL OX > \ m TTI * ITTTT 1 i 1 1 in i I. HAIM tflLUAlKJ ^ IRENE, S. C. f ?vwv wvwwvwwwwvwv^ ^ Vw fiatn 1 aqr?o r?r> imnrATT^^ iarmin/> | CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAI LS m j ian Is in Lexington County. No commisw Best Coufh Syrup. Tasi-s C-- ?l. : sion. Borrower to pay actual costs of T? Use in time. Sji4 by druct; preparation of papers. S iS j Sept. 14. 6m THOMAS & GIBBES ^FEizsassaiEsi^ | i j