The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 30, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, November 30,1904. Index to Saw Advertisements. Be Sure to CaT?Whitten. Summons for Relief?T. C. Sturkie. Summons for Relief?Thurmond & Tim-merman. + Administrator's Sale?Mrs. Lizzie Kaminer. Final Discharge?Mary M. Harnian. Trespass Notice?Paul Stribble. Trespass Notice?R. Stoudemire and others. Trespass Notice?J. Collins Price. Bridge Toll T/v avflrv -nnrehaser of Five Dollars ' C in dry goods at Bull's Btzaar, 1628 Main street, Columbia, S C. Scared People. Jim Waring, a colored painter, came near shooting Mr Jeff Amick Monday. He was handling a rifle in Mr. J. W. Long's store, when it was discharged, the ballnarrowlyjniesing Mr. Amick and lodged in the door facing. There was two soared people in that store at that time. * Ckristmas and Wedding Cakes. Please remember you will find the very best fruit cake ingredients, icing sugar, candies for dressing cakee, chocolate, and flavoring extracts for your Christmas and wedding cakes, ' at Harman's Bazaar. 4 - ^ Memorial Services- The memorial services of Mrs. Marv Jessie Frey, wife of Mr. Cbas. D. Frey, will be held in St. Stephens Lutheran church, Lexington, S. C, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock on December 4fb. The sermon will be preached by Rev. J G GraicheD. > Lodged in Jail. Constable P. H. Corley, who is the Sheriff elect of the county, has been after violators of the law and during the psst few days has succeeded in running down *wo of them, the/first being James Ferrill, alias Fino, colored, charged with housebreaking and larceny, and thesecoDd Jim Stepney, also colored, %ho was tried before Magistrate ^Bradford,, charged with breaking labor contract and sentenced to pay a fine of $25 00 or serve thirty days on the chaingang. They are both in jail. For Sale. 109 anres of land and one,yoke of oxen. For further information apply to , P. R Wessinger, 4*8pd Wessinger, S. C. w> t rn I Quite as Improvement. The residents of Factory Hill 8eem>tobe trying to outrival each other in paiuting their houses with cold water paint. The Hill now presents nearly all the colors of the rainbow. These people deserve *"*>?-?y?V? fnr trtinir to imnpnvfi iUUVW W1.VI1V *w* j WW ?r.^ . the appearance of tbeir homes the best they can. Surround an em? ployee with some comforts for himself and family and the more contented be is with bis work and the sequence will be better and more reliable service for his employers. Died from Hydrophobia. Toang Carrol Hook, of Batesburg, who, it is alleged, was bitten bv a mad dog some time ago, died from the effects of the bite on Saturday of last week. All that could be done for him to avert the fatal effects wps "' done, but to no avail. The R-v. Mr. Hodges conducted the funeral services and the interment was in the cemetery of the Methodist church. A large number of people, ? among whom were many of bis schoolmates, were present. Herit Wins. Kaufmann'8 Little Liver Granules have grown iofco favor, because tbev relieve biliousness, headache, indigestion, etc. They caDnot be imitated as some want to do. Get the genuine at 10 cents a bottle, at The Kaufmann Drug Co. ' A Fatal Fight. In an alleged difficulty betweer two young sons of Mr. George W Sightler and the Carl Lucas, the 10 year-old son of Mr. Alfred Lucas, ic the post office at Gastoo, young Lucas was so badly injured that he ""r died from the effects of bis wmnde several days after receiving them i v The boys are all about the same age. The Ladies Invited To inspect tbe line of useful things at The Kaufmann Drug Co. A Rising MiH Man. The friends of Capt. Charles B Harman, formerly of this place, will be glad to learn that he is taking s leading part in tbe organization oJ the Manufacturers of Yellow Pins Lumber, in Georgia. He is chair man of the executive committee and ' is manager of the Augusta Lumber Company. Don't Forget Tbafc Tbe Kaufmann Drug Co, has in stock a lot of nice things for holiday presents. I*. JS^Bridge Tell to every purchaser of Five Dollars in Dry Goods, at Boll's Bazaar, 1628 Main street, Columbia, S. C. The hens are on a strike and the fruit market i? booming Merchants are offering 25 and 30 cents per dozen. Much suffering and many lives can be saved by having Acid Iron Mineral handy in the home, cffice, store, factory and shop. It Ftops blood flow instantly on man or beast. It is a powerful healer for ail cuts and wounds. Poison from snake bite and insects is rendered harmless by applying A. I. M. 8o!d by druggists. 5 We have tried to m?ke it conven* * ? :i ? lent lor our SUUi'cnueiB IU dciuc ivi their paper by attending the appointment of the Treasurer. Now those who failed to meet as are expected to either call aDd pay up or Bend their dues through the mails or by hand. Let there be bo delay abou' this matter. Prof. J R T. M- j >r, cf Batesburg, called to see us Saturday. His visit was pleasant and we found him a refined and cultured gentleman, de vot'd to his life's work of training the minds and forming the characters of the boys and girls, the youths and maidens of his community. I was tfSicfced with catarrh of the head for 15 years. I used a number of different remedies; also took special treatment of two physicians. I had a severe cough and verily thought I bad consumption. The excruciating pains I suffered in blow- j ing from my nose the tough stringy matter is beyond my ability to describe. Since using six 50j. bottles j of Acid Iron Mineral, I have gone through two winters without feeling I any symptoms of catarrh and my cough is a thing of the past. I have gained 40 lbs. in weight. C. P Hill, GiStonia, N. C July 19, 1904 5 Port Arthur has again been taken by the Japs yet the Russians still occupy the city with a determined garrison. . Trespass Notice. J HEREBY FORBID ALL PERSONS | jl irorn Hunting dv aav or mgm or m any manner whatever npon my lands, situate in Broad River township, near Peak, and known as "The Mark Summer Place." The law will be enforced. PAUL STRIBBLE. November 30, 1901. 4w7 pd. Trespass Notice. This notice is to forbid all persons from hunting, either by day or in the night time, or trespassing hi any manner whatever on our lands in Broad River townsliip,Lexington county, S. C. Any one violating tliis notice will positively be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. R. Stoudemire, J. E, Epting, J. F. Maliaffie, C. P. Bundrick, J. W. Stoudemire, J. B. M. Stuck, P. E. Eargle, C. M. Stuck, Mrs. Minnie A. Summer. November 30, 1904. 4w7 pd. Notice. all persons indebted to A tlie Estate of J. West Harman must , make payment to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of January, 1905, and those having claims against said Estate must present them dulv attested to LAURA S. HARMAN, 3wo Administratrix. Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that I will applv to 1 the Hon. George S. Dralts, Jndge of Proi bate in and for the County of Lexington, State of South Carolina, on the 22nd dav of Dec , 1904, at 10 o'clock a. m. loc a final discharge as Executor of the Estate of Sofa Surgener, deceased i JOE SURGENEft, 4w6pi Executor. JB i Just received a carload ( ever shown in Batesburg. . 1 the largest and most select ] part of the State?Four Ca 1 Milburn Wagons are the st* t O i them. No substitute half s< 1 Remember vou can buv goo % ?. o Cheap for Cash No excuse. We must mov bargains. t 35 Fine Berkshire and P i registered sire from Ohio. J J. P. Etheredge in eharg friends. I 13^ mm and ui H) I DRESS GOODS, ^ jj I READY MADE SKIRTS, ? A CLOAKS, \ ^ NOTIONS, ? tlLRXMn Dili . I? g? r|a A iHarvesting Machinery, I ? I Hardware, I P M | Buggies, i * I Wagons, h ?* S Hames, ? I Saddles, h (Si I ? I | Buggy Robes. C Ask about the Free Stove, Free Wa' WE ARE 7' FORGING AHEAD AT A RAPID RATE. whrz"z Because every man and boy who has had any dealing with us speaks PBjgLat|f well of our business methods. 1st. Because we never misrep- / resent or exagerate in making an / 2nd. Because we carry a line'of YOUNG MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Underwear, I Clftwoe Nootw/oaranri HfKi. j UIU*(/g. iibvnnvwi hu? >?? , not surpassed by any house in Columbia. We have ADDED THE SECOND STOB* 3rd. Tliousand square feet of IjjfSa floor space for the exhibition of EVPPENHEIMER make of Fine Clothing. ?**?? ?. -?. I^W A visit to our store wil} convince **^WWI'"["*Co^;jpg| Jpgi you of our supremacy in values 1^^ and equipment for rapid service. v <3. Jk*l?lCG CJO9 1001 GERVAIS ST., COLUMBIA. S. C Trespass Notice. Trespass Notice. A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY mHIS NOTICE IS TO FORBID ALL Ix. forbidden to hunt, or trespass in JL persons from trespassing uixm my any manner -whatever, on the lands of! lands in any manner whatever, espccthe undersigned. The law will be | ially, hunting, carrying off wood, makstrictlv enforced against all trespassers. ! ing bv paths, etc. The law will be en4w(>pd. WESLEY E. BERRY. j forced. (>pd E. POPWELL. ??n?? ??a?a?cnmii? ? ? IJGOISS. >f the best medium size general purpose horses and mares Adso have a lot of good work mules. We are opening up [ines of buggies, wagons and harness ever shown in this r loads received and more coming. Babcock Buggies and mdard of perfection, and you buy the best when you buy o good. We also carry a line of medium price buggies, a. r* us irom us or Time with Easy Payments. e this mammoth stock, so come early and secure the first oland China pigs, 10 weeks old, S3.50 to ?5.00 each. By e of the Horse Department and will he glad to see his RUTLAND ITESBUEQ, S. C. I BUGGIES THE BEST. - " F~y* -m OVERCOATS, n ^ CRAVERETTES, M CLOTHING, y ^ mm am y^i "3 furnishings. i ======= d 5 nrtmnnt Worn I a ~ dllllldill 0IUIC4 m g 1 N -=| GROCERIES, I ^ ? CANNED GOODS, ! ^ ^ CANDIES, I ^ ^ CRACKERS, J 0 5 I COOKING STOVES, ? 721 z ll I S ter Set, Free Clock and Free Spoons. IBEAOTIPT101 HOME! I I ENHANCE ITS VALUE. I | . OUR STORE IS HEADQUARTERS i t? k ruTinfi att n nnTTflTTTIfl Timn 1 I r Aim is, uiLs, Musnta, mu, I We sell all good materials I I and will meet competitive I I LET US GIVE YOU OUR ESTIMATE j | THE KAUFMANN DRUG CO,, I LE2I1TSTON, S. C. I FOR IT MAT INTEREST YOU AND ABOUT COTTON ?We want your Cotton and Cotton Seed?we will pay highest prices. ABOUT ORGANS ?We want to show you our line of Parlor Organs, in oatr aoa walnut, i'tiey are beauties. ABOUT BUCGIES ?Just received 3 car load of up to date, stylish j buggies ana surrt-yw. Can suit young and old. ' ? - . . ii*m a k^nr noVihv lino nf .\fenfc' Suits and trousers HALL ULU i nnvu?^ -?j have just arrived. ABOUT PHOTOS ?Bring us your picture?we will have it enlarged at a moderate price and guarantee satisfaction. WE CARRY?^ big supplv of single and double barrel breech-loading fcjtiot Guns, S'oves, SewiDg Machines, Groceries, Dry Goods, Single and Double Harness, Notions, Hardware, Shoes, Hats, Pictures and frames at all times, and will not be undersold. Bagging ana ties a specialty. OUR?Store and warehouse are full: we cordially invite you to see usWe will please you and save you money. Come. E. JONES, BATESBURC, S. C. Your WINTER SHOES j COLUMBIA, S. c. ! Nothing but Solid Leather Shoes Sold and Every Pair Guaranteed. . i | They are here arid of course are beauties, becnis* they are Keith Konquerors in High and Low Cats. }-licks and Tans, All Leathers, Union Made. Yo i arc respecttuliy invited to call when in the city and icspe:t the ;e goods. Quality guarsnteed. I Cohen's Slioe Store, I I 636 MAIN ST.. COl UM8IA. S. !C. i