The Lexington Dispatch, G. M. HaBMAS, Editor and Publisher. Circulation, 1,900. Wednesday, Novemeber 30,1904. Z' We notice tbat some of the public roads of the are in bad condition, and our information is tbat the fault lies mainly with the overseers. The chaingaog has put many of tbe roads in excellent condition and ibsy only require a little work on > V tbe part of tbose charged with having them repaired to keep them so. It is apparent that some of the road overseers are not paying proper attention to having them worked at tbe proper time. It should be a rule of the overseer to warn out persons subject to road duty as soon as tbe roads are in need of repair and see that tbey are worked. A. stitch in time saves nine, and a hole filled up will save tbe wear and tear of v many vehicles, tbe side ditches should be cleaned out and tbe dirt . , and trash thrown on tbe road bed. lot the roads be worked while they ire:- , . can be. V* 11 ? ' : President Bwsevelt is convinced 4hat tbe time for a revision of tbe > tariff has come and will probably cadi an extra session of Congress j whether the tariff is touched or not. j IC-:-- .. ============= The Spartanburg Gun Clnb has : indicted several local dealers for infringement of the game law in offer* ?.*> ' < j ing for sale partridges. President R,o*evelt has visited the f St Lonis Exposition. During bis trip to and fro and while at St. Louis be was closely guarded by detectives. White Bock Wkittliags. Rjv. P. Miller of R;o, W. Ya., formerly pastor of the Lutheran churches in tbe lower part of the / Pork, is now visiting his daughter, ~ Mrs T. W Dreber, and other friends and former parishioners aronnd Sel> ' '* wood He preached last Sunday at r St. Michael's His many friends , will be pleased to know that he enjoys good health and is well preQ: served. Mrs Dr. H M Julian of St. Louis, Mo., has j jst visited Mrs. S. C Ballentine of White Rock She is now VL 1- J I T"k _ T 1\ T"i , _ who ner lamer, nev. -o. u. jDowiee, of CorcDacs. Rev. E. J Sox of Lenoir college, Hickory, N. Cl, has accepted a call to become-pastor of St. Peter's aDd St. - John's churches of Rightwell and will begin his pastoral labors Jan. 1, 1905. Mr. Henry W. Fulmer has just re fcarned from Knoxville, Tenh., where he has held a position in the bureau of pensions. He will dow settle down to fanning at bis old home . near Spring Hill. S. C. B. \ r | ^ t Ifiatriage Bells. y.' *- ' * The attractive borne of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Derrick on Main street, Lexington, fc> C, on tne evening of November 23, 1904, was the scene of the interesting and beautiful marriage of Miss E?a Derrick and Mr. J. Simon Caugbman. The parlor v*bere the marriage was solemu'zad was beautifully decorated wub a delicate net work of vines of ivy, ferns and chrysanthemums. Miss Lula Kaminer, who presided at the piano, rendered in a sweet and impressive manner, Lohengrin's wedding march, to wnicii the bridal party entered. Two sweet little girls dressed in white Batiste, trimmed in lace and ribbon, Misses PearFiorence Caugbman and Sarah Mill dred Barley, carrying tiny baskets of rare fliwers, scattered their flowery *1* . i ' ,L it 1 ana iragranc cud tents in me pain 01 the bride Tbe ceremony was performed by Rev. J. G Graichen, of tbe Lutheran church. The fair and charming bride was gowned in white chiffon, trimmed in ribbon and carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums, her favorite flowers. The gallant groom was attired in black with white vest and gloves. the close of the marriage service the host of relatives and friends, who witnessed tbe nuptials, poured in their congratulations and good wishes upon tbe bride and groom. The popularity of the bride was testified to by tfie numerous gins whose beauty dazed the vision. An elaborate reception was given the bride and groom the morniDg succeeding the marriage day by the groom^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Caugbmao, at their splendid country home near LexiDgton. The groom takes his lovely bride to his handsome new residence on West Main street where they will make their future home. f/WWWVWW Be Sure K and read our adv< K Our Buyer is now in N K ing Goods by express \ them. By seeing them K fied until you possess a r p !? i | tveryinmg i ^ in Jackets, Skirts, Wan f mings, Belts, Neck ware ? Goods to suit your taste ^ ery will be touched up | The Holic ^ of all kinds are now o T Us. fWhitten Do 5 BATESBl STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. In Common Pleas. Eddie'Miller, Assignee, Plaintiff, against H. A. Fry, Defendant. To the Defendant: yOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED X and required to answer the complaint in this action of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office in Lexington, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and, if you fail to answer said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. T. C. STURKTE, Plaintiff's Attorney. To the Defendant, H. A. Fry: You will please take notice, that the summons and complaint in this action are tliis day duly filed in the office - of Clerk of Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions for Lexington county, South Carolina, and unless you answer the same within the time required by law the plaintiff will apply to the Court for judgment against vou bv default. T. C. STURKIE, Plaintiff's Attorney. \ttcst* ~ (Seai.) SAM'L B. GEORGE, Clerk of Court. Nov. 30,1904. Owl) STATE OF SOU TS CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. Court of Common Pieas. G. A._ Shealy, Plaintiff, against H. E. Taylor and Mary Taylor, Defendants. Summons. For Relief. (Complaint Served.) To the Defendants- R. E. Taylor and Mary Taylor: "yOU-ARE HEREBY SUMMONED JL and required' to answer the complaint in this action of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office at Lexington, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereef; exclusive of the day of such service: and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will-apply to the Court for the re- . lief demanded in the complaint. THURMOND & TIMMERMAN, Plaintiff's Attorneys. To R. E. Taylor and Man* Taylor, 11011 Resident Defendants: Y'ou will please take notice that the summons and complaint in the above entitled action was filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Lexington county, in the State of Soutli Carolina, on the 2?th day of November, li)04, and is now on file in said office. THURMOND & TIMMERMAN, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Attest: i SAXfTTEL P? GEORGE. c."c.c. p. November 80, 1004. (>wi). Administrator's Sale. ON THE loth DAY OF DECEMBER next, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m., at the late residence of James W. Kaminer, deceased, in the county of Lexington and State of South Carolina, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, all of the personal property belonging to the estate of the said James W. Kaminer, deceased, consisting of: One horse, two mules, cows, hogs, two buggies, two wagons, oats, wheat, corn, fodder, hay, about eight bales of cotton, cotton seed, reaper and mower, farming 1111 piC-LLLtUiIuuu? IIWU4 furniture. <&r.. &e. Terms of sale? CASH. MRS. LIZZIE KAMINER. Admrx. Rstate of Jas. W. Kaminer. Nov. 29, li)04. 2\v."i Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that 1 will apply to the Hon. George S Drafts. Judge ot Probate in and for the County ol Lexington. State of South Carolina, on the 29th day of Deceaabe , 1904, ft r a final discharge as Guardian of the Esrafi s oi Marv e , Albert H., and Alma P. Harman minors. MAKY M HARMAN. Guardian. November 28. 19 ;4. Aw7. muuuu? ertisement next week. J orthern Markets send- J daily. Come and see J yon will not be satis- J full supply. J fhat is New s sting, Skirtings, Trim- ^ i of every kind, Men's ^ and purse. Our Millin- T with the latest designs, ? lay Goods | n hand. Come to See C f Goods Co., j rRG, s. c. 5 Christmas Goods. Tlfilifo'm' Qatc HiT^-meline IUJL j uriiu?, Toilet Sets. Combs and Brushes, Jewelry Boxes, Mirrors, Writing Sets, Smoking Sets, View Holders, Card Receivers. Lamps, Child's C. and B. Sets, Shaving Sets, Manicure Pieces, Wrist Bags, Album Games, Books, Testaments, Bibles, Jewelry of every description , Gold Watci les form $10 to $30, China Cups and Saucers, Mugs. T o o t li Picks, China Novelties, 4 Idece Table Sets, Fruit Baskets, Fruit Bowls, Comb aad Brush Trays. Tea, Sugar and Cream Chocolet Sets, Water Sets, Best Figured Vases, Toy Tea Sets, Dolls of every description, Scissor Sets, Manicure Cases. Knife, Thimble and Scissors Sets, Cologne of every kinds, in price from 25c. to $5.00. Crosson Drug Co., LEESVILLE, S. C. Mow Qinnn ncn uiui c. NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES. Fine Feed, Flour, Meal, Grist, Rice, Lard, Bacon, Sugar, Coffee, Butter, Sausage, Cheap Hardware. Tin, Enameled and - Glassware, all at low cut prices. ENTERPRISE SAUSAGE MILLS AND LARD PRESSES AT REDUCED PRICES. Cabb;ige, Turnips, Onions. Irish Potatoes, Cocoanuts and apples at prices that cannot be beat. Country Produce exchanged f< >r goods DEALER IX General Merchandise, LEXINGTON, S. G, Comer opposite Court House Square. Warning. AyOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO l\ all persons not to trespass in any manner upon our lands, lying in Gilbert Hollow and Chinquapin townships, either by hunting, cutting trees, night or day. All violators of this notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. <'}xi HARTLEY BROS. Trespass Notice. \ LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY notified not- to trespass in any manner whatever, upon my lands. The law will he enforced against till ])ersoiis so doing. Hpd DAVIS GANTT. Trespass Notice. A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY J\ forbidden to hunt, fish, haul wood or trespass .in any manner whatever, upon our lands. The law will be vigorouslv enforced. f>pd D.H.WHEELER, L.G.WHEELER, J. N. AMICK, JAS. A. AMICK. ,T. H. KOON. For Sale. T WILL OFFER FOR SALE AT -L public auction oil the "JDrli day if November, IiK)4, at my place 011 Hollow ("reck. corn, fodder, farming implenients. buggy, wagon, cow and calf, mare, work mule and male colt and other articles to the highest bidder. IwKpd. WALTER SHEALY. I FARMS FOR SALE. 1 * & ^ ? ? * * ? * 500 acre farm, with three small * jj? dwellings, bam, etc , three miles * * from Gilbert, S. C., for $2,500. Ht V ? 220 acre farm, with new four^ room dwelling, small tenant house, ^ * good barn, tobacco barn, one and a * % half miles from Gilbert, for $1,250. * * 146 acre farm, rich land, with * * dwelling, tenant houses, barn, three * % and a half miles from Leesville, S. % * C., for $3,000. * * ... . * ft 146 acres of woodland, three miles ft * from Steadman, S. C.. lor $300. ^ ft Three aaarter acre lot, with nice ft ^ ft five-room dwelling at Gilbert, S. C., ft ^ for S5C0. ^ ft 10 acre lot, with nice two story ft ft dwelling, barn, etc., at Gilbert, lor # % ?.?? % ft 90 sere farm, with .cm*ll house, ft & burn, etc , one mile from Gilbert, a J for $700. * ft ft % GOOD TERMS. % | CHAS L. KELLY, I | REAL ESTATE AGENT, I ft 1408 Main Street, ft | COLUMBIA, - - S. 0. I * ft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft Warning. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN" TO 1\ all Dersons not to hnnt. haul wood. or trespass in any manner whatever, upon the lands of the undersigned. The law will be enforced against all trespassers. S. E. BERRY, Estate ELIZA BERRY. Oct. 31, 1904. 4w4pd. Danger of a Cough. Pneumonia, grippe, cold, bronchitis and nearly every other dangerous sickness of this kind is usually the development of a slight cough. Too many people are laid up and too many die from diseases where they could so easily knock that first cough in the head. Murray's Horehound, Mullein and Tar cures colds. It just drops the bottom out of a cough. Every druggist has it for 25c. a bottle. Remember "Murray's" and take no other. R( galar 50c size. Trespass Notice. \ LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY POSIJl itively forbidden to trespass in manner whatever upon our lands. "We will certainly proseute each and even- individual can edit mi our land* nft^r rhi< notice. J. T. LAIRD. N. W. KING. W. N. KING. H. F. CAMPBELL. November 16, 1904. 4wo pd. CAPITAL, FOUR PER CENT. per annum, payable quarterly on Savings Dep a-COUNTY ANO TOWN DEP0S1 WE HAVE F SIT and now have makes in thes Rock I "We invite the to call and ins their purchase 1311-1313 ASSEMBLY STEEE P. S. We arc looking for a lar<*e shipm* is expeeted ro arrive at any time between t jpHIM?II III a^'ajgjfflSftfcgBBaagfgSy^ I Grovel I has stood the test 25 years 1 bottles. _ Does this record < Enclosed with every b< ^VVVVVVVVVVVVVV%**/VVVVV | | Still Selling at Lowest ? | Prices S 5 Goods to everybody, every- ^ i where, every day. "Why can't r 5 we sell to yon ? > I We Buy by the Car Load J and give our customers the ad- \ 5 vantage of the extreme low S r prices. Whenever you trade r J with us you get your money's J 4 worth and you will come again. f ^ ? i i ii ^ 1?temem oer piease, we sen every- t thing, furniture of all kind, bug- % gies and wagons by the car load, 5 in fact come and see the many great bargains we will give you \ in all lines. # To arrive fhis week a car of \ "OLD lllior WAGONS. I Remember, too, we buy every- ? v iiimg yuu na,vt; iui salts ttuu give r \ you the highest prices. ? S |pTTHEWS-j?OUKNIGHT go., I K LEESVILLE, S. C. J CVVVVVWVWVVVVVVVVVVV^ LEXINGTON. S. C. d>o/^v r\r\r\ /-\/-\ . . . , . s. We study to please. IT, - COLUMBIA, S. C. t'iir of the finest Horses and Mules ever seen in South Carolina. This shipment he 10th of December, 11)04, and the 1st of January, 1000. CAUCtHMAN BROS. s Tasteless Chill Tonic 1 s. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million I jf merit appeal to you? No Core, No Pay. 50c. 9 5ttle is a Tea Cent* package of Grove's Blade Root* Liver Pills, %